“Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” – Winston Churchill – The Second World War

A butterfly flapped its wings in Tunisia creating a hurricane that is swirling across the globe, wreaking havoc with the existing social order and sweeping away old crumbling institutions and dictatorships. The linear thinking politicians, pundits and thought leaders have been knocked for a loop. They didn’t see it coming and they don’t know where it’s leading. An examination and understanding of history would have revealed that we have been here before. We were here in 1773. We were here in 1860. We were here in 1929. We are here again. The Fourth Turning has returned in its predictable cycle, just as Winter always follows Fall.


Winston Churchill wrote the definitive history of World War II in 1948. His six volume history detailed the years from the end of World War I through the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers in 1945. Volume I in the series was The Gathering Storm. It covered the second half of the Unraveling and the first ten years of the last Fourth Turning Crisis period. The title fits perfectly with the mood and inevitability of what was destined to occur. All Fourth Turnings resemble Winter, with bitter cold options, biting winds of change, dark days, and destructive storms. The seasons cannot be averted. The Seasons of a year are predictable, as are the seasons of a human life. We’ve entered the Crisis (Winter) season of the latest Saeculum that began in 1946 and will climax sometime around 2025.

“Reflect on what happens when a terrible winter blizzard strikes. You hear the weather warning but probably fail to act on it. The sky darkens. Then the storm hits with full fury, and the air is a howling whiteness. One by one, your links to the machine age break down. Electricity flickers out, cutting off the TV. Batteries fade, cutting off the radio. Phones go dead. Roads become impossible, and cars get stuck. Food supplies dwindle. Day to day vestiges of modern civilization – bank machines, mutual funds, mass retailers, computers, satellites, airplanes, governments – all recede into irrelevance. Picture yourself and your loved ones in the midst of a howling blizzard that lasts several years. Think about what you would need, who could help you, and why your fate might matter to anybody other than yourself. That is how to plan for a saecular winter. Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The generations are aligned in such a way that an event, incident, or individual action that may have been disregarded or ignored ten years ago will now trigger a worldwide conflagration. The Boston Massacre occurred in1770 during Revolutionary Saeculum. Five colonists were slaughtered by British troops. The mood of the generations was not ready for a Crisis. It wasn’t until three years later that the Boston Tea Party ignited a spark that started a revolution. John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry in 1859 was intended to start a revolution. The populace was not ready. One year later, the election of Abraham Lincoln lit the fuse on the most horrific war in modern history. America experienced a sharp depression in 1920-1921. The country did not spiral into a decade long downturn, culminating in a World War that killed 65 million people. The generational dynamic was not aligned in a way that would lead to that outcome. Instead, the roaring twenties commenced. On December 17, 2010 a man committed a seemingly inconsequential act that has ignited a worldwide firestorm.

The spark that has enflamed the planet was struck by a 26-year-old Tunisian with a computer science degree named Mohamed Bouazizi, who unable to feed his family, was not allowed by his government to even get a permit to sell vegetables. Bouazizi publicly doused himself with gasoline, lit a match, and burnt not only his own body, but enflamed the consciousness of a world, and its inhabitants, being obliterated by the corrupt wealthy elites who rule the planet. In less than a month the brush fire started by this 26-year-old Tunisian had incinerated the despotic government of his country and forced its “president-for-life”, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, to flee the country. The people’s coup in Tunisia, called the Jasmine Revolution, has sent shockwaves across the globe, spreading wildfires of freedom throughout the Arab world.  The firestorm started by Bouazizi has brought down Mubarak in Egypt and is lapping at the heals of Gaddafi in Libya. Tyrants throughout the world are quivering with fear. The mood of the people across the globe has turned dark and angry. The political class and media are persistently surprised by the reaction of citizens to events during the Fourth Turning.

Historians William Strauss and Neil Howe documented their generational theory in the 1997 book The Fourth Turning. People who prefer blind ideology and believe human existence is a straight line of progress scorn their work as fantasy and pure prophecy. So called progressives misrepresent the theory as predicting the future because they refuse to accept the fact that large groups of human beings of a similar age and having common experiences react in similar predictable ways. It irritates those with an unwavering belief in human individuality. They prefer to ignore the numerous example of mass hysteria throughout history. In just the last 10 years we have experienced an internet boom and a housing boom that convinced millions of Americans to act  simultaneously in a foolish manner . The theory is so logical and measurable that even the most vacuous blond bubble head on Fox News should understand it.

Strauss & Howe have been able to break Anglo-American history into 80 to 100 year (a long human life) Saeculums going back to 1435. Each Saeculum has four generations at different stages of their lives.  A turning is an era with a characteristic social mood, a new twist on how people feel about themselves and their nation.  It results from the aging of the generational constellation.  A society enters a turning once every twenty years or so, when all living generations begin to enter their next phases of life.  Like archetypes and constellations, turnings come four to a saeculum, and always in the same order. In 1997, Strauss & Howe knew when the next Fourth Turning would begin:

The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.”Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

They did not predict events that would ignite the next Fourth Turning. It was how the generations reacted to the events that mattered. The generational constellation is now in the once every 80 year alignment that will lead to chaos, violent change, the sweeping away of the existing social order, and likely war. Strauss & Howe answered why this would happen fourteen years ago:

“What will propel these events? As the saeculum turns, each of today’s generations will enter a new phase of life, producing a Crisis constellation of Boomer elders, midlife 13ers, young adult Millennials, and children from the new Silent Generation. As each archetype asserts its new social role, American society will reach its peak of potency. The natural order givers will be elder Prophets, the natural order takers young Heroes. The no-nonsense bosses will be midlife Nomads, the sensitive souls the child Artists. No archetypal constellation can match the gravitational power of this one – nor its power to congeal the natural dynamic of human history into new civic purposes. And none can match its potential power to condense countless arguments, anxieties, cynicisms, and pessimisms into one apocalyptic storm.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

I believe my generation is about to experience a rendezvous with destiny. Each generation’s life experiences have prepared them for this hour and the trials that await them. The mood of the country has shifted darkly into a crisis mode. The mainstream media pundits and progressive politicians try to put a positive spin on today’s events, when anyone with the ability to think can see that things will get severely worse in the next ten years. Trust in our institutions, politicians, corporate leaders, media and social order is disintegrating.

It’s a Matter of Trust

“An initial spark will trigger a chain reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies. The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way. If foreign societies are also entering a Fourth Turning, this could accelerate the chain reaction.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The initial spark that ignited this Fourth Turning was the collapse of the housing market, which began in 2005 and continues today. Home prices collapsed, the fraudulent mortgage loans blew up in the faces of the Wall Street banks that birthed them, and millions of delusional Americans lost their houses in foreclosure. The cascading impact of this implosion brought the American empire of debt to its knees. On September 18, 2008 the U.S. financial system came within hours of complete collapse, as described by Congressman Paul Kanjorski on CPAN:

“On Thursday (Sept 18), at 11am the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the U.S., to the tune of $550 billion was being drawn out in the matter of an hour or two. The Treasury opened up its window to help and pumped a $105 billion in the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks. They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn’t be further panic out there.

If they had not done that, their estimation is that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed. It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it.”

The implosion of the financial system was created by the actions of the Wall Street financers that have been looting the country for decades. They created mortgage products (no doc, liar loans, Alt-A, negative amortization) designed to encourage people to commit fraud. They purposely promoted this massive fraud because they had perfected the art of derivatives. The issuers of these fraudulent mortgages bore none of the risk from their guaranteed default. They packaged them into MBOs and MBSs, bought AAA ratings from Moodys, and shilled them to pension managers, insurance companies, municipalities, states, and little old ladies. Then they bet against their own products with credit default swaps. Their greed and avarice was so extreme, they leveraged their own balance sheets 40 to 1 and then bought their own toxic waste. When their MBA created models proved to be defective, the entire house of cards collapsed. Strauss and Howe anticipated a financial catalyst related to immense levels of debt would trigger the next Fourth Turning:

It is unlikely that the catalyst will worsen into a full-fledged catastrophe, since the nation will probably find a way to avert the initial danger and stabilize the situation for a while.

After the near collapse of the financial system in September 2008, the authorities took unprecedented actions to avert a Second Great Depression. Henry Paulson, the Goldman Sachs U.S. Treasury Secretary, who had warned his own staff that a Wall Street derivative disaster would happen, immediately reacted like a former Wall Street CEO. He convinced his Harvard MBA boss, George W. Bush, that the only way to save the country was to fork over $700 billion to the Wall Street banks that created the manmade disaster. When Congress initially voted down this banker bribe, Wall Street showed who was boss by crashing the market by 777 points in one day. The bought off politicians in Washington DC then towed the line and passed TARP.

The two and one half years since September 2008 have set the stage for a far worse catastrophe. The Obama administration jammed an $800 billion pork filled stimulus bill down the throats of America, along with home buyer tax credits, loan modification programs, and a healthcare plan that will crush small businesses. The politicians, government bureaucrats, and mainstream media corporate mouthpieces proclaim that their wise and prompt actions averted a Second Great Depression. The government solutions used to “stabilize” the situation have wrought unintended consequences and planted the seeds of further pain and suffering to come. A summary of what has happened in the last few years is in order:

  • On September 18, 2008 the National Debt stood at $9.66 trillion. Today it stands at $14.16 trillion, a 47% increase in 2 1/2 years.
  • The country is running $1.5 trillion annual deficits and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
  • The States are running cumulative budget deficits of $130 billion in FY11 and expect deficits of $112 billion in FY12. This is leading to conflicts with unions, higher taxes and mass layoffs of government workers.
  • The working age population has risen by 5 million, while the number of employed Americans has declined by 6.5 million. The true unemployment rate has risen from 12% to 22%.
  • In September 2008 there were 30.8 million Americans on food stamps. Today there are 44 million Americans on food stamps (14% of the U.S. population), a 43% increase in 2 1/2 years. The annual cost has risen by $37 billion, a 100% increase in 2 1/2 years.
  • Real inflation bottomed at 5% in early 2009, but has accelerated to 9% today, with further increases baked in the cake.
  • Gasoline prices bottomed out at $1.61 per gallon in January 2009 and have risen to $3.54 per gallon today, a 120% increase in just over two years.
  • Households have lost $6.3 trillion of real estate related wealth since the peak of the housing market. Home prices have fallen for six straight months.
  • Almost 3 million homes have been lost to foreclosure since 2007.
  • There are 11.1 million households, or 23.1% of all mortgaged homes, underwater on their mortgages today, with rates above 50% in Nevada, Arizona, California, and Michigan.
  • Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taken over by the US government and have lost $170 billion of taxpayer funds so far. Losses are expected to reach $400 billion. Along with the FHA, they continue to prop up a dead housing market with more bad loans.
  • The Federal Reserve balance sheet in September 2008 consisted of $895 billion of US Treasury bonds. Today it totals $2.55 trillion of toxic mortgages bought from Wall Street banks and Treasury bonds being bought under QE2.
  • The Federal Reserve and the Treasury Dept. intimidated the FASB into allowing Wall Street banks to account for worthless mortgage and real estate loans as fully collectible. Magically, insolvent banks became solvent – on paper.
  • The Dow Jones was 11,700 in late August 2008 and today stands at 12,000. The Dow has risen 84% from its March 2009 low. The top 1% wealthiest Americans own 40% of all the stocks in America, so they are feeling much better.
  • In late 2007, a risk averse senior citizen could get a 5% return on a 6 month CD. Today, after two years of no increases in their Social Security payments, a senior citizen can “earn” .38% on a 6 month CD.
  • The Federal Reserve lowered interest rates to 0% in order to allow the Wall Street banks to borrow for free and earn billions without risk.
  • Over 300 smaller banks have been closed by the FDIC, with losses exceeding $50 billion. There are another 900 banks on the verge of insolvency, with estimated future losses of $100 billion.
  • The Federal Reserve initiated QE2 in November 2010, purchasing $70 billion per month of  Treasury bonds and attempting to create a stock market rally. They have succeeded in creating a tsunami of energy, food, and commodity price inflation across the globe, sparking revolutions among the desperately poor in the Middle East.
  • Wall Street banks “earned” record profits of $19 billion in 2010 after nearly destroying the worldwide financial system in 2008 and raping the American taxpayer in 2009.
  • No Wall Street executive has been prosecuted for the fraudulent actions committed by their banks.
  • Wall Street banks handed out $43.3 billion in bonuses in 2009/2010 for a job well done. The average Wall Street employee received a $128,000 bonus in 2010. In 2008, the year they crashed the financial system, they still doled out $17.6 billion in bonuses.
  • The median household income in 2007 was $52,163. Today the median household income is $46,326, an 11% decline in three years. Real average weekly earnings are lower today than they were in 1971.

It is clear from the list above that the oligarchic players that wield the power in this country have chosen to prop up their tottering structure of debt-created-wealth on the backs of the working middle class. The people who have been screwed and continue to be screwed are growing angry and distrustful, as anticipated by Strauss & Howe:

“But as the Crisis mood congeals, people will come to the jarring realization that they have grown helplessly dependent on a teetering edifice of anonymous transactions and paper guarantees. Many Americans won’t know where their savings are, who their employer is, what their pension is, or how their government works. The era will have left the financial world arbitraged and tentacled: Debtors won’t know who holds their notes, homeowners who owns their mortgages, and shareholders who runs their equities – and vice versa.”

The continuing foreclosure crisis has proven that the financial industry’s sole purpose in creating subprime loans, liar loans, Alt-A loans and packaging them into tranches with fake AAA ratings  to be sold off to whatever sucker they could find was to enrich themselves with no care about the future consequences. The owners of the debt can’t prove they own the debt. Lawsuits clog up the court system. Deadbeats occupy houses for longer than two years without making a mortgage payment. Wall Street has created so many complex confusing financial products in their greedy thirst for fees that Harvard MBAs can’t even figure out the mess they have created. The $1.4 quadrillion of outstanding derivatives is truly a weapon of mass worldwide destruction waiting to be triggered. The fraudulent actions of Wall Street, the lies told to the American people by government bureaucrats about the solutions needed, the overstep and obfuscation committed by Ben Bernanke, and the propaganda fed to the masses by the corporate mainstream have destroyed the remaining trust in our institutions. Distrust grows by the day, as Strauss and Howe foresaw in 1997:

“As the Crisis catalyzes, these fears will rush to the surface, jagged and exposed. Distrustful of some things, individuals will feel that their survival requires them to distrust more things. This behavior could cascade into a sudden downward spiral, an implosion of societal trust.”

The growing distrust of financial and governmental institutions was reflected in the angry and sometimes violent town hall meetings with Congressmen during the healthcare debate. An angry on-air rant by financial reporter Rick Santelli ignited the Tea Party movement that eventually swept dozens of candidates into office in a Republican landslide in the 2010 mid-term elections. Societal trust in promises made by politicians is ripping apart. The entitlement benefit promises can’t be kept. Senior citizen and government union beneficiaries are angry. Younger generations don’t want to be left with debt so older generations can have comfortable 25 year retirements. Taxpayers don’t want to pay higher taxes to support gold plated healthcare and pension plans for government union workers. The decades of compromise, denial, apathy and lethargy are over. The mood of the country has changed dramatically. Survival of the country is at stake.

Volcanic Eruption

“America’s short-term Crisis psychology will catch up to the long-term post-Unraveling fundamentals. This might result in a Great Devaluation, a severe drop in the market price of most financial and real assets. This devaluation could be a short but horrific panic, a free-falling price in a market with no buyers. Or it could be a series of downward ratchets linked to political events that sequentially knock the supports out from under the residual popular trust in the system. As assets devalue, trust will further disintegrate, which will cause assets to devalue further, and so on. Every slide in asset prices, employment, and production will give every generation cause to grow more alarmed. With savings worth less, the new elders will become more dependent on government, just as government becomes less able to pay benefits to them.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The country has withstood the initial onslaught of this latest Fourth Turning. The Great Devaluation resulted in a 50% stock market crash and a 30% decline in home values. Rather than allowing home values to fall to their fair value, the government used tax credits and loan modification programs to prop up home prices. Rather than liquidating insolvent Wall Street banks in an orderly bankruptcy, the government and Federal Reserve chose to use accounting gimmicks and borrowed taxpayer funds to save those who had taken excessive risks and reaped hundreds of billions in profits. The government has systematically “adjusted” every economic statistic in order to paint the most optimistic view possible. Unemployment, inflation, government debt, and GDP are all manipulated in the most positive light.

Many people understand that you cannot solve a debt problem by issuing more debt. They understand that politicians have overpromised Social Security and Medicare benefits to the tune of $100 trillion. They understand that if you cover 30 million more people in your healthcare system, it will cost hundreds of billions more. They understand that mega-corporations have shipped their manufacturing jobs overseas, and they aren’t coming back. They understand spending $800 billion per year, policing the world, fighting two wars of choice, with hundreds of military bases across the globe is unsustainable. They understand that running $1.5 trillion deficits will eventually result in a collapse of the U.S. dollar. They understand that an individual or a country cannot borrow their way to prosperity. The U.S. government is essentially bankrupt and dependent upon Ben Bernanke’s printing press to keep up the appearance of solvency.

Fingers of tension and instability run through every aspect of American society. Pressure is building beneath the surface. The last year and a half have proven to be a liquidity driven lull. The appearance of stability does not mean our situation has stabilized. The actions of those in power have created a vastly more dangerous scenario for the next decade. The volcano is erupting and the lava is flowing along the channels of distress, as described by Strauss & Howe:

Imagine some national (and probably global) volcanic eruption, initially flowing along channels of distress that were created during the Unraveling era and further widened by the catalyst. Trying to foresee where the eruption will go once it bursts free of the channels is like trying to predict the exact fault line of an earthquake. All you know in advance is something about the molten ingredients of the climax, which could include the following:

  • Economic distress, with public debt in default, entitlement trust funds in bankruptcy, mounting poverty and unemployment, trade wars, collapsing financial markets, and hyperinflation (or deflation)
  • Social distress, with violence fueled by class, race, nativism, or religion and abetted by armed gangs, underground militias, and mercenaries hired by walled communities
  • Political distress, with institutional collapse, open tax revolts, one-party hegemony, major constitutional change, secessionism, authoritarianism, and altered national borders
  • Military distress, with war against terrorists or foreign regimes equipped with weapons of mass destruction 

Strauss & Howe did not predict specific events that would occur during the next Fourth Turning. As trained historians and economists, they simply analyzed the environment created by our leaders over the last few decades. If the thought leaders in the country had not been blinded by their ideological biases, they would have seen that the next Fourth Turning Crisis would be channeled by un-payable debt obligations, reckless financial schemes, religious ideology, political corruption, class warfare, foreign conflicts, and terrorism. The molten ingredients are travelling along the channels outlined above. What happens next is anybody’s guess.

The economic distress worsens for the average American every day. The recovery propaganda circulated by the power elite through the mass media is a fraud. Only those with wealth and power have recovered. The middle class sinks further into poverty and despair. Unemployment remains at Depression levels and the entire economic faux recovery rests with Ben Bernanke’s printing press. The only question that remains is whether the United States experiences a deflationary collapse or a hyper-inflationary collapse. The country is currently experiencing stagflation as the things we need (energy, food, clothing) inflate, while wages stagnate and our home values deflate. Bernanke and his minions at the Federal Reserve will choose inflation as their poison because it will allow their banker masters to pilage the remaining wealth of the middle class before the final collapse of the U.S. dollar.

Social distress has manifested itself over the last year in Arizona as the illegal immigration issue has turned violent, with State government and Federal government in conflict. The social welfare net is being strained through the payment of billions in unemployment compensation, food stamps, and other welfare programs. When this net breaks, all hell will break loose in the decaying urban Mecca’s. Political distress is at historic levels as the Tea Party battles liberals and its own neo-con Republican establishment. States are refusing to implement the Federally mandated Obamacare. Governors are battling teacher’s unions, firemen unions, and police unions in an effort to regain control of their out of control budgets. The 2012 elections could prove to be a tipping point for the country.

Military distress is already extreme, even before a major conflict is thrust upon the country. The two wars of choice in the Middle East have drained trillions from the treasury of a declining empire. The all volunteer military has been stretched to the breaking point. The multi-billion dollar high tech weaponry has proven useless against “terrorists” who fade into mountains until they can strike again. As revolution erupts across the Middle East, the U.S. is helpless and has no credibility, as they have propped up the thugs and dictators who are slaughtering their people. The daily  intensification of volcanic eruptions across the globe is clearly evident to all but the most linear thinkers. We’ve entered the Fourth Turning and there is no turning back.

Prophecy or Destiny

“Soon after the catalyst, a national election will produce a sweeping political realignment, as one faction or coalition capitalizes on a new public demand for decisive action. Republicans, Democrats, or perhaps a new party will decisively win the long partisan tug of war. This new regime will enthrone itself for the duration of the Crisis. Regardless of its ideology, that new leadership will assert public authority and demand private sacrifice.  Eventually, all of America’s lesser problems will combine into one giant problem. The very survival of the society will feel at stake, as leaders lead and people follow. The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers’ visions with a robust new pride. Or it may be something unspeakably worse. The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The election of Barack Obama in 2008 did not usher in a sweeping political realignment of the country. The actions he has taken in the last two years have maintained the status quo. The financial industry complex, military industrial complex, and big pharma complex are stronger and more powerful today than they were in 2008. The 2010 midterm elections were a decisive rejection of Obama’s policies. Those who think he will be re-elected in 2012 are not seeing the big picture. Previous Fourth Turnings have ushered in strong dominating Prophet (Boomer) leaders who used any means necessary to bring the country through the Crisis. Wishy washy politically calculating compromiser leaders do not cut it during a time of intense Crisis. The number of vulnerable Democratic Senators up for re-election in 2012 virtually insures that Republicans will control both houses of Congress in 2012. A legitimate 3rd Party candidate does not appear to be on the horizon. The onset of phase two of the economic meltdown will determine the next President of the United States.

Before the 2012 elections, I expect a violent downturn in our economic fortunes spurred by a continued fall in real estate values, generating more debt losses for the financial industry, and a loss of confidence in the U.S. fiat currency, as our foreign creditors balk at lending more money to an already insolvent empire that is incapable of taking corrective budgetary actions. The resulting economic turmoil, crashing stock market, rising interest rates, and massive unemployment will lead the nation to seek a strong, decisive, authoritative leader who will boldly lead the country through the remainder of the Crisis. Will it be Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, or a Lincoln like figure who hasn’t even entered the national stage yet? This question is unanswerable today. But, the country will turn to someone with answers. Strauss and Howe clearly state how important the next 10 to 15 years will be:

“Decisive events will occur – events so vast, powerful, and unique that they lie beyond today’s wildest hypotheses. These events will inspire great documents and speeches, visions of a new political order being framed. People will discover a hitherto unimagined capacity to fight and die, and to let their children fight and die, for a communal cause. The Spirit of America will return, because there will be no other choice. Thus will Americans reenact the great ancient myth of the ekpyrosis. Thus will we achieve our next rendezvous with destiny.”

I’m convinced that decisive events will transpire over the next decade that will push our country to the brink. The country is on an unsustainable path and we will either crash and burn or take the actions needed to avert catastrophe. Vast powerful events on an incomprehensible scale await. Events as farfetched as a Weimar like hyperinflationary economic collapse, the detonation of a nuclear bomb in a major American city, the secession of one or more States from the Union, the collapse of our oil based economy due to peak oil and/or revolution and turmoil in the Middle East, or a worldwide pandemic, will become not only realistic, but probable. Are these events any more improbable than a 9.0 earthquake, leading to a 33 foot high tsunami wave, which triggers nuclear meltdowns at two separate nuclear power plants? If you had outlined that scenario a week ago, you would have been classified as a crazy prophet of doom.

At this point in time, it doesn’t seem possible that a communal cause could rejuvenate the Spirit of America in a manner that would lead me to be willing to fight and die or send my three sons to fight and die. An imminent threat, such as the Axis Powers during World War II, the North and South seeing each other as a threat during the Civil War, or the threat from a foreign empire during the American Revolution, does not appear evident today. The war on terror is a concept, rather than a real war. The absence of a known foreign adversary makes me think that the conflict could center on our own soil between Americans. Strauss and Howe point out that history does not offer much hope in avoiding armed conflict during this Fourth Turning:

“History offers even more sobering warnings: Armed confrontation usually occurs around the climax of Crisis. If there is confrontation, it is likely to lead to war. This could be any kind of war – class war, sectional war, war against global anarchists or terrorists, or superpower war. If there is war, it is likely to culminate in total war, fought until the losing side has been rendered nil – its will broken, territory taken, and leaders captured.”

When it comes to what kind of armed confrontation, how about all of the above? The wealth distribution of the country is more heavily skewed to the “Haves” versus the “Have Nots” than any time in history. The austerity measures that are being proposed on the backs of the middle class and senior citizens, while ultra-rich bankers have been bailed out and allowed to continue pillaging the countryside, will surely lead to class conflict. Generational warfare between the Boomers who want what they are “owed” and younger generations stuck with the bill will flare up in the coming years. The country has become so ideological that it can be easily split into Red States and Blue States. Could this ideological divide result in the country splitting into two or three independent countries? Would the Federal government use the armed forces to maintain one country? It happened before.

The war on terror concept has been in place for the last ten years and has resulted in draining the Treasury of trillions, exhausting our limited volunteer forces, and creating more terrorists than existed on September 10, 2001. The revolutions sweeping across Northern Africa and the Middle East are not cause for celebration in Washington DC. American foreign policy has centered on supporting thugs, despots, and dictators across this region with financial aid and weapons. The aid was absconded and sent to bank vaults in Switzerland. The weapons are being used to kill the poor revolutionaries across the region. Two American backed dictators have been deposed thus far, with Yemen likely to follow. Our allies in the region are falling with lightening speed. The loss of Saudi Arabia would portend dire consequences for the U.S. If the Middle East oil spigot is turned off, the American way of life will wither and die.

The myth of American Exceptionalism will not protect the country from the revolutionary tsunami that is sweeping the globe. America was not chosen by God as the country that would lead the world for eternity. The hubris and overreach of the American empire has bankrupted the nation. Greed, corruption and arrogance are not limited to North African dictatorships. Crony capitalism supporting a vast military empire, financed by a banker controlled Federal Reserve has failed. Its failure will become clear as the Fourth Turning intensifies and sweeps away the old order. Who or what replaces the old order is unknown. Much will depend on the generations and their response to the Crisis.

Bad Moon Rising

Robert Strauss and Neil Howe had no interest in trying to predict the future. As historians, they wanted to understand how the past could give clues to what would happen in the future. They discovered a pattern of behavior by generational archetypes across centuries of Anglo-American history. They identified the issues that would drive the next Fourth Turning. They predicted the timing. The accuracy of their prophecy thus far, has been uncanny. The rhythms of history continue. The outcome of this Crisis is unknowable, but there is most certainly a bad moon rising.

Thus might the next Fourth Turning end in apocalypse – or glory. The nation could be ruined, its democracy destroyed, and millions of people scattered or killed. Or America could enter a new golden age, triumphantly applying shared values to improve the human condition. The rhythms of history do not reveal the outcome of the coming Crisis; all they suggest is the timing and dimension. – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

I see the bad moon arising.
I see trouble on the way.
I see earthquakes and lightning.
I see bad times today.

Don’t go around tonight,
Well, it’s bound to take your life,
There’s a bad moon on the rise.

I hear hurricanes ablowing.
I know the end is coming soon.
I fear rivers over flowing.
I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we’re in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye.

Credence Clearwater Revival – Bad Moon Rising

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March 14, 2011 11:12 pm

Smokey – as much as Colma is doing well, he is still young and impressionable, and you wouldn’t really want him to overreach himself as so tender an age, would you? The doppelganger was a bit of good fun, meant as a bit of jousting, and I knew he would come out reasonably unscathed and more suspicious. But to propose he attempt an actual ass-whupping, well, that is a bit of a reach. I suggested he stand up to you, not commit suicide.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
March 15, 2011 12:18 am

LLPOH and Smokey:

While you’ve been luring me into a firefight in the den, so to speak, we’ve been distracted from the fact that Canadians pass themselves off as moderate, peacefull and generous benefactors on the world stage when we ALL know that their pitiful warmongery will play a bloody role in this fourth turning…

There. That ought to stir up some shit for sure. On topic. Contoversial. Truth.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
March 15, 2011 12:19 am

typo: contRoversial.

Still truth.

Ray Gordon
Ray Gordon
March 15, 2011 7:34 am

The real problem, of course, are the MASSES who GIVE power to the “elite.” Why? Becuase we are STATUS-ADDICTED SOCIAL-CLIMBERS. This leads to a “rich get richer, starve the hungry” mentality that sends people to extremes of wealth or poverty, with many impoverished so enamored of those who have wealth and power that they give them…MORE WEALTH AND POWER!

Case in point: I warned in 1993, after seeing the inner workings of Arthur Anderson (a partner CPA making $275.00 an hour, and three CPAs billing $125.00 an hour, all for a database project that could have been done with me at $10.00 an hour for the lawfirm I had just quit previously; Anderson paid me $11.00 an hour). Right there, I saw the problem:

1. America is corrupt.

2. Men in power go along with the corruption, becuase it yields money and power, which attracts women.

3. Women reward corrupt men sexually, because it leads to wealth and power.

4. Whistleblowers are exterminated, not just by those in power, but by WITNESSES, most of whom don’t want to jeopardize their own paychecks.

5. The media is as corrupt as the policitians and the corporations, so it has no interest in broadcasting the truth.

6. Even if the media DID broadcast the truth, and called for true change, the public would simply tune out. If the public cared about this stuff in the first place, the media would cover it. To say otherwise is like blaming the media for centerfolds being beautiful women, instead of fat, ugly women.

7. A “new media” DID come up, and while a few free-thinkers use it as a gathering square, most people still want to see “credibility” in the form of TV shows, book deals, and all the things made completely irrlevant by the internet. Big media went from ignoring the internet, to marginalizing it, to trying to scare everyone off of it, to finally acting as if its own websites are cool, but anything not connected to Big Media is “fringe.” Easier to marginalize us than harm or threaten us, I suppose.

As for the VOTERS, what do you expect them to do if they can’t even handle things like Wisconsin. America is like a big family that knows it is broke, yet no family members want to sacrifice. I may be the best qualified presidential candidate of all (if I run): I’m a BANKRUPTCY PARALEGAL. What you call a debt problem, we call a MATH PROBLEM. If this country REALLY wanted to get out of debht, it could be done very quickly. You reorganize as in chapters 7, 11, and 13, where appropriate. If not, nature will do it for us anyway. When I see government unionized workers whining about losing a few grand from their $50k+ salaries, only the force of national bankruptcy will wake them up.

I mean hey, if YOU wanted this budget balaned, you’d be endorsing ME. Are you? Hell, you’d at least take the time to interview me and publicize my plan, becuase you sure as hell don’t seem to have one.

Ray Gordon
Bettor Off Single: Why Commitment Is A Bad Gamble For Men

Ray Gordon
Ray Gordon
March 15, 2011 7:36 am

Note to typo police:

I’d like to see any of you match my accuracy rate with vision matching mine.

Ray Gordon
Ray Gordon
March 15, 2011 8:02 am

The hyperinflationary argument is almost impossible with a reserve currency in a nation which can, if pushed, survive on its own natural resources.

Oh, and if anyone thinks we’re broke: the land on which Central Park sits was assessed at $528 billion in 2005. Unless Japan is planning to attack us again, I doubt we need any of the Pacific Islands, including Hawaii. Can they not be sold, and the citizens repatriated if they so choose?

The worst we get with the dollar inflation is what we had in the 1970s. While not a picnice, the debt will be monetized (or bankrupted) away, and life will go on. This is like Wargames, where the computer says the world is blowing up, but common sense says otherwise. If the wealthy don’t act right, and do so now, they wind up broke like the rest of us. We built from CAVES to our modern society now; logn-term growth potential is strong.

Anyone who is against ENERGY rationing doesn’t get it. It’s a national security issue. Almost the same for food now. How about THIS: we ration oil, but let people SELL their rations, so that poor people without cars can trade their oil rations to rich people who want limos, in return for money for basics, all the while saving energy.

Healthcare? Try this: if you can assign everyone a ZIP code, you can assign them a hospital (how about one per ZIP!). Make the hospital responsible for ALL care, and meds, in return for a fixed amount per patient per month. Bye bye paperwork, cost-shifting, and blame-shifting, and hello efficiency, and hospitals that profit from giving you cheaper preventive care rather than chaging you for the doctor visit, telling you you can’t afford treatment, then billing you again in the ER, and THEN getting a tax break on a “bad debt.” Your $1 million ER visit offsets $1 million in earned income, so that income becomes tax free.

FDIC? SEC? Get rid of them. Make them self-governing private entities. This is to encourage investment in Treasuries. In fact, ALL tax-deferred retirement income should be forced into Ts, so we all have the same stake in what Congress does. Social Security? Replace it with “elderly sustenance,” much cheaper. Those who complain the money was promised to them should understand that they promised the money to the SSA when they bought bonus from our government.

Tax collection: eliminate state and local revenue departments, and enforcement agencies. Send ONE return to the feds, by computer, let them pay the city and state taxes for you from this form. They could even front tax revenue during lean times, without it being a bailout. If someone falls behind on their taxes, ONE office, not three, collects: the Office of Citizen Debt. This office can also handle all government debt (SBA, IRS, etc.), and become like a bankruptcy court unto itself. We have 89,000 state and local revenue departments. We could probably do the same with many other agencies that have federal, state, and local overlap that is no longer necessary due to computers.

Oh and how about we focus on the MORAL side of this? You think years of discrimination against the skilled, in favor of the good-looking, the tall, the cornies, and just about everyone but those who should have been hired on MERIT may have wrecked our country? No one person seemed to care, since either they profited from it, or were not an inspiring victim (no looks/no power/no connections?).

Workweek reduction: Cut the workweek to 35 hours for OT to kick in, then have a four-day workweek (Monday-Thursday or Tuesday-Friday), with Friday-Monday as a four-day weekend. Companies can open five days a week with half-staff on Monday and Friday). This would “double” our economic acitivity, stabilize employment in the nightlife, and spread the wealth around.

Want jobs back in the US: require any company that does business in America to pay the American minimum wage to anyone it hires, or for any of its subcontractors to do the same. If they want cheap labor, no access to our markets. The Henry Ford principle.

I do know that in a country of idiots, ideas like mine will never fly, but I have to send them up anuyway. Sigh.

Ray Gordon
Bettor Off Single: Why Commitment Is A Bad Gamble For Men

Ray Gordon
Ray Gordon
March 15, 2011 8:04 am

My other idea, the “Ultimate Obama Bill”:

Under a new WPA program, hire obese, unemployed individuals to pedal stationary cycles which are harnessed to collect the energy they expend, and send it to the power grid.

Let’s see, we’ve got:

1. Job creation
2. Improved fitness/lower healthcare costs
3. Alternative energy

All rolled into one!

March 15, 2011 8:45 am

There’s a tendency, in Fourth Turning analysis, to assume, even while discounting the assumption, that the members of a generational cohort will act uniformly and then, having located the generational trend, to read backwards, into the analysis, the characteristics that, after the fact, appear to confirm the uniformity. That’s not to suggest that Fourth Turning analysis is inaccurate but that it’s sufficiently vague to forestall contradiction.

The predictability of crises is a foregone conclusion. Every age is an age of crisis. The observation that a saeculum consists of a series of revolutionary turnings isn’t difficult to make. The advice is good: get to know and like your friends, neighbors and the members of your community. Get them to know and like you. Be modest. Be prudent. Be wise. Be prepared, materially and spiritually, as best you can. We need no Strauss and Howe to come from the “grave” to tell us this. I suspect that we Boomers, as a generational cohort, will usher in a period of fascist dictatorship that, after the Fourth Turning has completed itself, will terminate in the world of 1984. But, as they say, any fool with a crystal ball, looking backwards, can imagine he (or she) is describing the future.

March 15, 2011 9:54 am

Ray Gordon,

You’re full of shit.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
March 15, 2011 10:44 am

esquimaux: BBES

March 15, 2011 10:50 am

LLPOH: No, i’m not a public employee. Actually I have run the same small landscaping company for the last 25 years. Has not been easy lately, my total revenue comes from private homeowners. Our client base has been clobbered by the economic collapse that Mr Quinn writes about.

SSS: The Madison protests are re-focusing the debate around class, the gap between the rich and everyone else, and the rights of working people to organize. As a small businessman, my client base is well-paid middle class working folks, and certainly NOT people like the Koch brothers.
I attended the 2nd annual Oregon Tea Party celebration. It was a celebration of capitalism, and a demonization of public workers. No analysis of the Wall Street role in causing the debacle. Total denial about Peak Oil or any energy issues. Worshipping of Ayn Rand and Von Hayek, denouncing the liberals and Democrats, with a minor nod to ‘of course Bush was as bad’ hypocrisy. In the next breath, the Oregon Tea Party leadership was explaining how they would ‘take over the Republican Party’.Sure they will – and as can be seen by the latest Tea Party crop in DC, vote to DEFUND the SEC as a money saving effort, while leaving the Pentagon intact. Meanwhile,at this event, a show of hands for people involved in Americans for Prosperity – the Koch brothers group that they dropped 40 million on in 2010 – showed 1/3 of the audience were AFP. Look for LESS control of Wall Street, MORE government support of oil, coal, and nuclear, from this crowd, IMO.

Chris T.
Chris T.
March 15, 2011 12:39 pm

Very interesting!

BUT: If an article starts out by calling Winston Churchill’s 6-volume “definitive”, then that casts a large shadow over everything that follows.

There is NOTHING definitive about Churchill’s work.
It is NOT a history of the period, but an accounting of what Churchill wanted us to believe about it and his role in it. It’s sole purpose was self-serving, to show himself in the best light.
Of course dressed up in the famouns Churchillian prose and bon-mots.
This is not to say that there is nothing accurate in it, but overall, definitive should not be attached to it.

March 15, 2011 12:58 pm


I just checked out the link. That site is replete with know-it-all pussies who don’t know shit.

You could fade 90% of the comments on that site and get rich.

If SA is going to allow a person Author privileges, I don’t think they should delete his remarks. I could see deleting an unruly reader whose comments sabotage the site, but I can’t see deleting one of their Authors.

colma rising
colma rising
March 15, 2011 1:55 pm


March 15, 2011 2:32 pm

I arrived here from another Site reference and was impressed by the analysis of the article.
As usual, I was unimpressed by the level of comments which all seem to follow a repetitive pattern all over the Net.
One of my “spies” responded to this with the idea that it could not be accidental.
There *IS* a giant disinformation system out in the Cyberbog (try reading about “Quackwatch” and its assaults on whistleblowers).
Sadly, I think that it in this case it is not systematic disinformation, but the howling of people lost in a storm of too much truthful information.
In my opinion, the disarming of the population is a necessary thing if you want to cower them. I think it was actually Samuel Colt who said that the Colt 45 was an “equaliser”.

But, vitally, you need good intelligence – not the brains type, but spies – to hold any control once the peasantry wakes up (gets hungry).

I believe the only hope for the future lies in in those rare and oddly anti-self-survival people we call “heroes”, who blow the whistle and their modern compatriots, the Hackers.
The only hope for the world – much less the USA – will rest entirely on the ability of the Hackers to break the systems of Our Owners and to focus on the individuals. Not institutions, not the pathetic zombies called politicians, but the ones who are actually doing it to us.

How hard could it be to simply zero in on anyone “worth” a billion or more and electronically do to them what they did to get it?
This could only be done by the disenfranchised – those left out of the party.
Wikileaks was the first glimmer I personally had of any hope for post 2015. Vastly brightened by the amazing support group/s that formed around it.
DISCLAIMER: I am not now, nor have ever been brave and have no intention of getting out of line and am just trying to figure out what to do to be able to eat in the future.

March 15, 2011 2:46 pm

Jim – Seeking Beta isn’t worth your time anyway. Maybe you could start a new site “Seeking Gamma” with a dual mandate of financial and fallout news.

howie didder
howie didder
March 15, 2011 2:47 pm

JIM- Consider yourself lucky to be blocked over there, now you won’t have to waste your time reading their faggot filled site

March 15, 2011 2:55 pm

You’re probably right, Himagain.

TBP has been infiltrated by the Goobermint’s vast network of spies!

colma rising
colma rising
March 15, 2011 3:13 pm

Ok refer me to a thread discussing how to change the avatar… although the alien/zombie is quite suitable

March 15, 2011 3:19 pm

Thanks, Admin.

Colma, syncs to wordpress blogs pretty well. It ought to take you a whole 2 min to set it up.

colma rising
colma rising
March 15, 2011 3:23 pm

Irrationalizer: Tnanks I’ll have a look when I get to a real computer.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
March 15, 2011 3:33 pm

A spy is nothing more than a peeping tom that uses the ‘intelligence’ gained to manipulate and coerce.

Yes, the gropermint has lots of them.

March 15, 2011 4:21 pm

I often wonder if anything would change, if enough people understood the theory. Would we (as a society) ever get to the point where we learned from past mistakes instead of repeating them?

Maybe we’ll find out.

March 15, 2011 4:32 pm

Methinks not.

As S&H point out, the idea of the cyclical nature of history is nothing new & that the old civs that recognized the saeculum were similarly bound by it.

March 15, 2011 4:43 pm


Use SA to post articles and attract members for this site. Posting COMMENTS over there is not exactly like some kind of fucking honor.

As the economic shit thickens, that site membership will level off or fall. My hunch is that membership HERE will be inversely proportional to the economy.

SA has 600k members now. I think it entirely conceivable that TBP could overtake that site in 10-12 years. Not a mortal lock at this stage, but entirely possible.

You’ve grown from 1500 to 6000 members in the past year, right? Four fold.

Grow four fold from here three and a half more times in the next 10-12 years and you’ll be crapping all over 600k members.

March 15, 2011 4:50 pm

Bah, Apornalyptic sites will grow damn tiresome in 10-12 years

March 15, 2011 5:12 pm

Before this thing plays out, you’ll have 600k sign up strictly to motherfuck me.

March 15, 2011 6:22 pm

I don’t think that the leader who will lead us through the remainder of the crisis will come from the baby boomers. They most certainly have and will continue to lead us deeper into the crisis but the way out will be lead by GenX.

They will simplify the complex and strip debates to their fundamentals. No program will be untouchable, no promise inviolable, and no budget incapable of balance. Only they can lead with a nonsense pragmatism it will take to pull us through the crisis.

It may be too early to tell but we may be seeing them on the horizon; Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Paul Ryan come to mind.

mike schuh
mike schuh
March 15, 2011 6:33 pm

Lets get thinks straight about your sales pitch—-when you concider social security a intidelment,remember that the working people of this country put into it and the politions on both sides of the street took out of it for there pet projects.All they need to do is put the money back where they stold from.One more thing,Is going to be rich against poor—I”m union and you can count me in as poor,you can bet,if it comes to a civil war—YOU are going to loose

March 15, 2011 6:48 pm

Not taking sides with any political party, just looking for the next Patton, Eisenhower or Truman.

March 15, 2011 6:51 pm

Damn Jim, when will you be wrong? Hired a new guy today, he said Obamao would save us but it takes awhile to clean up 8 years of mess. Ahhhhhhh, the sheeple. They still think there are 2 sides that are 100% different, he’ll get run over like the rest of them when TSHTF.

Embarrassed to share my name with that Moron Douchebag Mike above. Yes Mike, the Unions you support are the “little guy”, uninformed moron. Here in Phoenix the “Little Guy” public employees make 3 times the average salary of people who work for a living. 2 1/2 if I eliminate the 17% unemployed. But I guess meter reading and lawn mowing is some tough work if your Publik Skool Edumacated. Wake up and smell what your smoking.

Mike, My Tea Party recognizes who the enemy is, do you?

Great stuff James, keep ’em coming.

March 15, 2011 6:53 pm

Mike #2, damned impressive typos Mr Union drone.

March 15, 2011 7:00 pm

mike schuh – you are a fucking idiot. You know nothing about social security and fall into the “I put in so I get to take 10 times more out than I ever put in” group. Social Security is unsustainable in its current format – current employees are paying for pay for those already retired. The “bank” is ficticious, as employees do not put in as much as they take out, but rather rely on an ever expanding population.

I tend to ignore typos, but it is clear you are an ignorant buffon.

March 15, 2011 7:03 pm

Should have read “buffoon”. Now that is a typo, but “intidelment” and “stold” are just plain ignorant.

March 15, 2011 7:04 pm

Mike Schuh — are you in the Spelling Bee Union?

March 15, 2011 7:20 pm

mike schuh,

You may be the smartest person to ever post on this site. Please comment some more so that we can learn from you. Your insights into the workings of government are extraordinary.

You also appear to have a deep and comprehensive understanding of human behavior.

March 15, 2011 7:21 pm

I cannot resist – I gotta count the mistakes. Here goes: Lets,thinks,concider,intidelment,politions,there,stold,loose. So that makes 8 in one paragraph. That must be a new internet record.
In addition, there are several grammar mistakes, but I do not know where to start on those.

It is good to see that TBP is drawing a better educated crowd all the time. I particularly like his idea about putting the “money back where they stold from”. Just where this money is hidden he does not explain, but I am sure he knows where it is and how to get it back. Maybe he will enlighten us with his next post.

March 15, 2011 7:33 pm

I’m not picky LL, and I’ll ignore the grave spacing, punctuation, and general literacy errors, but I gotta believe or belive as Mr Schuh would say, that Schuh is also mispelled. Is that pronounced shoe or ska?

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
March 15, 2011 7:39 pm


I don’t see Gen X as having what it takes to get us through the winter…

Although I am GenX myself, I can’t help but notice that my cohort has been immasculated by being raised in a degenerate, PC culture. The “la la lalalalah live for today” culture of the boomers has been passed with little resistance to their children.

The boomers DO have numbers which will translate into political clout for quite some time until their meds run dry or a Millenial steps up and does what we Xers wouldn’t do to our folks… cut them off and tell them what time it is.

Have you heard any college professors these days complain about “how conservative the students are” or that “I worked so hard for women’s rights and they just let themselves be exploited” (to boomer professors that means actually looking PRETTY instead of a frumpy hairy manbitch). I hear it from professors all the time. Their in my family.

I wrote a better reply saying the same thing but it didn’t load so please disregard redundant posts…

March 15, 2011 7:40 pm

Mike — Schuh is a German name … it is spelled correctly …. and it means shoe … like the thing you wear on your feet … like the thing that is stuck up his ass. A true disgrance to Germanic people everywhere.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
March 15, 2011 7:43 pm

Ha. It worked. My internet sputtered… radiation?!… and I meant THEY’RE in my family (seeing that the regulars are on the syntax patrol).

March 15, 2011 7:49 pm

@Colma: Don’t fret duplicate posts. everyone on TBP mumbles a lot and says the same thing four times on five different threads, so feel free..

I agree with you on Gen X. I can remember my Dad saying the world is going to hell etc. etc. back in the 50’s when Elvis started shaking and rock and roll popped up. It was then too. It is now as well with geeks, PC’s, social media that has the value of dog shit and Fed and State leadership that equates with the Three Stooges.

Of course, I do enjoy the educational aspects of posts on TBP but that’s an exception to the rule of more is less as it is far too easy for idiots to post their most important “thoughts” on line (like Mike Shush or whoever it was above).

Now if you detect a little irony here, you are spot on.


March 15, 2011 7:52 pm

Holy shit, Admin, this thread is getting too long to scroll through, much less read. You may as well delete it all and start over!


howard in nyc
howard in nyc
March 15, 2011 8:02 pm

Administrator says:

“Only TBP members will survive the 4th Turning. We will become a new nation founded upon foul language, identity stealing, skepticism, and fart jokes. Commerce will be conducted using gold, silver and cow chips. Owning a gun will be mandatory. The country will be funded from clicks on the google ads.”

and the hierarchy will be determined based on finish in the ncaa march madness pool.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
March 15, 2011 8:17 pm

MA: The comment count is a badge of honor, for certain, for the Admin’s fine article. Allow me to expand on my Gen X thoughts:

For the other Xers who, in all likelyhood had pictures of Ferraris with the caption “The benefits of a higher education” pinned to their wall…

For the Xers that moaned over an upity woman’s abuse and proceeded to take the woman back…

For the Xers who thought that hard work was stupid and risk was for the dinosaurs…

For the Xers who did everything to please their (more than likely) single parent living off of Grandma and Grandpa…

You are like Dr. Evil’s (the Boomer) Mini-Me.

The kids will be the answer because they must. We have no choice. And don’t think for a minute they’re going to pay for any of this. Talking to them, at least the 20-somethings that I know, this is clear. The second someone turns off their Call Of Duty games, there will be blood in the streets.

March 15, 2011 8:56 pm


Nothing but fart jokes in TBP nation? “Did you hear the one about the rabbi, the priest, and the blonde who entered a farting contest?” is going to get stale after a while.

Nomad said,

“Not taking sides with any political party, just looking for the next Patton, Eisenhower or Truman.”

I’ve been pushing Ike and Harry as the model leaders for this country for nearly 2 years on this site. None better in the 20th Century. Patton, however, is that military genius you want to keep bottled up until war comes, as in “George, I’m the president, and if you say one fucking word to the press in peacetime, you’re fired. If war comes, I’ll give you the green light. You know what to do.”

March 15, 2011 9:15 pm

All TBP’ers will grow their own weed during the 4th turning as well.

March 15, 2011 10:18 pm

@ Stuck, Yes, I will deny my German going forward. The Phillies had Rick Schu, I thought that would be the correct spelling. Boy these Union geniuses never stick around long. Wonder how he found the site? Of course, if he’s a Union Publik Teashcer, he’s got all day to surf the internet while some college kid student teaches the kids into oblivion.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
March 15, 2011 10:21 pm


Beck mentioned ZeroHedge today and maybe the FSA puppetmasters directed him to snoop there… and he found his way to TBP.

March 15, 2011 10:22 pm

Pay attention wannabe asswipe . because there is notch you may do or can be done that has not been though of before.
Empires crumbling are nothing new.

-Society begins to prosper
-Society becomes lazy because life is easy
-Society delegates personal responsibility to Someone Else
-Someone Else learns that they can exploit their new powers
-Parasite eventually kills the host because they are drunk with power
-Society collapses
-Personal responsibility is needed to survive in collapsed society

-Society begins to prosper

There’s your impersonal forces.

The nature of the human beast does not change with the season , but the back of society to carry the weight of human transgression against natural law strains with every generation until the clock r