The lack of press today about one of the greatest feats in military history tells a story in itself. Dwight D. Eisenhower gave the go ahead on one of the most complex, difficult and potentially disasterous invasions in history. The men who carried out the task did the impossible. The men who planned and executed the logistics let no problem deter them from victory. Today, we can’t even balance a budget.

The GI Generation was born between 1901 and 1924. That makes the youngest member 87 years old. This generation is dying off at a rate of 800 per day. They will be a historical footnote within the next decade or so. Americans have forgotten D Day. Those who could provide details are dead or near death. Americans don’t read books. Our schools probably have a paragraph about D Day.

This is part of the Fourth Turning dynamic. There is virtually nobody left that experienced the last 4th Turning. That is why it will be such a surprise to those who will experience it over the next 10 to 15 years. It will seem new, but it has happened before. There is just no one left to tell us about it.

I wonder what our D Day will be. 


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Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
June 7, 2011 8:58 pm

“When are you going to post another rant?”-Admin

Whenever you would like me to.


Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
June 7, 2011 9:09 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]


Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
June 7, 2011 9:13 pm

So why then did you ask? You already know the answer.


Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 7, 2011 9:22 pm

RE: He already told YOU…

So he can line kitty’s almond roca bucket.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
June 7, 2011 9:23 pm

This isn’t busting my balls. Its precisely what I figured you would do. You are extremely predictable.


Muck About
Muck About
June 7, 2011 9:36 pm

@RE: that’s twice today you’ve done a post telling others what I promote or stand for. You are beginning to piss me off because you cherry pick half a sentence and try to apply it like a blanket basis for belief and action. Not true.

Quit please. Just don’t refer to what I believe in (which I outlined in another thread) and quit posting things that you take to represent what I mean. Quit it. Please.

I’ll be glad to read what you state you believe, but fucking stop putting words in my mouth that I don’t put there myself.


Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
June 7, 2011 9:39 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]


Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
June 7, 2011 9:41 pm

@ Muck About

Just beginning to piss you off? And here I thought I have been pissing you off for a while. OK,at least now you’re pissed off. That’s a start.


June 7, 2011 10:16 pm

So, the answer to my question is (on why we entered WWII);

1) It was England’s fault (Flash)

2) The USA was fighting to implement Corporate Fascism (RE)

This is contrary to EVERYTHING I ever learned. Not saying it’s impossible as I clearly don’t know everything and who the fuck knows… I may be brainwashed. But, I must say, those two reasons make no sense to me. They sound completely implausible. And, even ridiculous.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
June 7, 2011 10:49 pm


Actually no, I was commenting on the attempted ball busting.

I set out some bait, you jump at it and come back foaming at the mouth pitching out the same old tired insults. If they didn’t phase me the first time you wrote them, why would you figure it would be any different the 50th time? In the words of Albert Einstein, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Its become a Vaudeville Routine, like Abbott and Costello. I do the Straight Man Abott role and hand you a straight line, then you do the wild man Costello role.

The point here is to make it explicit why I stopped writing the Rants, and each time you respond the way you do, you demonstrate why. If you ever changed it up and threw me a curve ball and did something different, I wouldn’t quite drop dead on the spot, but I would certainly be surprised.

[imgcomment image[/img]


June 7, 2011 10:53 pm


Look, we have a good time busting each other’s balls. This web site wouldn’t be the same without you.

I am really sorry if you took things personally. That was never my intent. I like you a lot. You are a VALUED member of this community.

Please start posting Daily Rants again.

I promise I will read them.

You’re the best!!


Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
June 7, 2011 11:19 pm


Flash buys into Pat Buchanan’s theory on the causes of WWII revolving around poor decision making by the Brits. I don’t buy that theory, I think the Wars would have ocurred no matter what because of flaws in the monetary system.

Far as precisely what “we” were fighting for is concerned, the problem is the definition of who “we” is. The folks at the top of the food chain who set up the Wars had a wholly different agenda than the grunts who went out to fight those Wars. The folks at the top were fighting over Power and Control of Oil Resources all over the world, and the right to issue the Money that would be used for commerce. J6P went out to fight those wars because the spin down of the economic system had resulted in some dangerous political organizations, namely the Fascist States of Germany, Japan and Italy which were attempting to gain hegemony over the world. The result was the defeat of these explicitly Fasist states, but the result here was not anything resembling Freedom, rather what it served to do was to solidify the control of the Military Industrial Banking complex. Indeed we beat the Nazis but the result wasn’t Freedom, rather it just increased the power of the same group of Oligarchs that set up Da Fed in 1913.

The imposition of the Dollar as World Reserve Currency after Bretton Woods put this group of folks in the Cat Bird seat, and they have been steadily consolidating the Power over the last 70 years or so since, to the point now where they own or control nearly all of what’s left of the Earth’s resources and Wealth. Problem of course for them is that first off the monetary system which they use to control the Politics and Goobermints of nation states is falling apart, and even more significant, the resource used to run the War Machine is running in ever shorter supply.

The lesson of Germany’ inability to keep Oil flowing toward their War Machine should give you an indication of the problem the Military Industrial Complex now faces Globally. The FSofA Oligarchs MUST keep the Oil moving toward their Refineries, elsewise besides losing control of the Economic means of maitaining their power, they will also lose hold of the Enforcement division. This is true not only of the FSofA, but every other nation that would seek to have power and control over the future of Homo Sapiens on Earth. Read that the Chinese of course, and to an extent the Ruskies as well. None of them can be the succeeding Empire after the FSofA falls without controlling what is left of the global Oil supply.

What you read in the History Books and saw in the Movies was only half the story, the Glorious part of J6P going out and bravely defeating Fascism. The untold story you did not read about was how and why 6P got manipulated into fighting those wars. Courtesy of the Internet, now quite a bit of that story is being told. Its up to you in reading about it all to decide how much of the revision of history you wish to believe, and how much you will hold onto the myths you believe of what was taught in school and dramatized in the movies.


Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
June 7, 2011 11:25 pm

Before I get hammered by the Homonym Police, the word should have been “Faze”, not “Phase”.


Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
June 7, 2011 11:36 pm


See? Now that is something DIFFERENT!

Now you put me in a quandary of whether to take what you wrote at face value or interpet it as sarcasm. It’s so out of character for you to write something like that it is difficult to take it seriously.

Tell you what. I’ll go ahead and put up a fairly long Daily Rant I wrote on Monetary Thought Experiments and see if you read it and want to discuss it for the content, rather than just napalm it. After that, we can play it by ear. Is that fair?


Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
June 8, 2011 2:02 am

Whew. Just dodged a Bullet! That post was so out of character for Admin I went back to check it closer, and its a Doppelganger post. Most likely Colma Rising. So we are back at square one.


June 8, 2011 6:47 am

The folks at the top were fighting over Power and Control of Oil Resources all over the world, and the right to issue the Money that would be used for commerce. RE

In a nut shell , that’s exactly what Buchanan demonstrates in his book . The gist of both WW’s was to keep German/Japanese expansion in check whilst the London City empire splits up everything else.
The German and Japs. effective fighting force was sorely vexed due to lack of gas. And this has been confirmed by friends and relatives who fought in the battle of the Bulge and all over France.
My father-in-law who ran many bombing missions over Germany said that the German Luftwaffe with their new Jets being bombed on the tarmac would have been terror in the skys if they’d had the fly those jets.

@ stuck

Opinions are like assholes… if you haven’t read Buchanan’s meticulously researched book, you have nothing but ..

@ Jim.

Being a peas and carrots bred Yankee, I can see why you’d worship Lincoln , but why not Rahm Emanuel and Obama? They loved the Chicago bathhouses too.

What Really Happened at Ford’s Threatre

