“Believe me, the next step is a currency crisis because there will be a rejection of the dollar, the rejection of the dollar is a big, big event, and then your personal liberties are going to be severely threatened.” Ron Paul

As usual the MSM did its usual superficial dog and pony show for the American public on Saturday and Sunday. The overall tone on every show (not journalism) was to calm the audience. Every station had a “downgrade special” to explain why you shouldn’t panic over the downgrade of the United States. As we can see, it didn’t work. Worldwide markets went berserk. The reactions of the various players in this saga have been very enlightening to say the least.

As I watched, listened and read the views of hundreds of people over the last few days, I recalled a statement by David Walker in the documentary I.O.U.S.A. This documentary was made in late 2007 before the financial crisis hit. The documentary follows Walker, the former head of the GAO, and Bob Bixby, head of the Concord Coalition, on their Fiscal Wake Up tour.

In the film, Walker tells the audience: “We suffer from a fiscal cancer. If we don’t treat it there will be catastrophic consequences.” He argued the greatest threat to America was not a terrorist squatting in a cave in Afghanistan, but the US debt mountain. He was nervous about the increasing dependence on countries such as China, which are the biggest holders of US Treasury bonds. Bixby explained: “If you knew a levee was unsound and people were moving into that area, would you do nothing? Of course not.” These men were sounding the alarm when our National Debt was $9 trillion. Evidently, no one in Washington DC went to see the movie. They’ve added $5.5 trillion of debt to our Mount Everest of obligations.

After listening to the shills, shysters, propagandists, and paid representatives of the vested interests over the last few days, Mr. Walker’s response to someone pointing out Europe and other countries were in worse shape than the U.S. came to mind:

“What good does it do to be the best-looking horse in the glue factory?”

At the end of the documentary there was a prestigious panel of thought leaders discussing ideas to alter the country from its unsustainable fiscal path. I was shocked when Warren Buffett basically stated there was nothing to worry about:

“I’m going to be the token Pollyanna here. There is no question that our children will live better than we did. But it’s just like my investments. I try to buy shares in companies that are so wonderful, an idiot could run them, and sooner or later one will. Our country is a bit like that.”

Buffett has since turned into a Wall Street/Washington apologist, talking his book. He declared this weekend the US deserves a quadruple A rating. He has tried to protect his investments in GE, Goldman Sachs, Moodys and Wells Fargo by declaring their businesses as sound and their balance sheets clean. He is now just a standard issue sellout spewing whatever will protect his vast fortune. Truth is now optional in Buffett World.

The Oracle of Omaha has continuously bad mouthed gold and pumped up the economic prospects for the U.S. He trashed gold in his March 2011 report to shareholders:

“Gold is a way of going long on fear, and it has been a pretty good way of going long on fear from time to time. But you really have to hope people become more afraid in a year or two years than they are now. And if they become more afraid you make money, if they become less afraid you lose money, but the gold itself doesn’t produce anything.”

I guess the leadership of this country has created a bit of fear in the market, as gold has risen from $1,400 to $1,750 and Warren’s beloved financial holdings have tanked, along with the stock price of Berkshire Hathaway (down 23% since March). There seems to be an inverse relationship between the barbarous relic and lying old men shilling for the vested interests.

Vested Interests

When you watch the corporate mainstream media, or read a corporate run newspaper, or go to a corporate owned internet site you are going to get a view that is skewed to the perspective of the corporate owners. What all Americans must understand is everyone they see on TV or read in the mainstream press are part of the status quo. These people have all gotten rich under the current social and economic structure. Buffett, Kudlow, Cramer, Bartiromo, Senators, investment managers, Bill Gross, Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon, Jeff Immelt, and every person paraded on TV have a vested interest in propping up the existing structure. They are talking their book and their own best interests. Even though history has proven time and again the existing social order gets swept away like debris in a tsunami wave, the vested interests try to cling to their power, influence and wealth. Those benefitting from the existing economic structure will lie, obfuscate, misdirect, and use propaganda and misinformation to retain their positions.

The establishment will seek to blame others, fear monger and avoid responsibility for their actions. Ron Paul plainly explains why the US was downgraded:

“We were downgraded because of years of reckless spending, not because concerned Americans demanded we get our finances in order. The Washington establishment has spent us into near default and now a downgrade, and here they are again trying to escape responsibility for their negligence in handling the economy.”

The standard talking points you have heard or will hear from the vested interests include:

  • Stocks are undervalued based on forward PE ratios.
  • Ignore the volatility in the market because stocks always go up in the long run.
  • Buy the f$%ing dip.
  • America is not going into recession.
  • The market is dropping because the Tea Party held the country hostage.
  • The S&P downgrade is meaningless because they rated toxic subprime mortgages AAA in 2005 – 2007.
  • The market is dropping because the debt ceiling deal will crush the economy with the horrific austerity measures.
  • The S&P downgrade is meaningless because Treasury rates declined after the downgrade.
  • Foreigners will continue to buy our debt because they have no other options.
  • Foreigners will continue to invest in the U.S. because Europe, Japan and China are in worse shape than the U.S.
  • America is still the greatest economy on the planet and the safest place to invest.

Each of these storylines is being used on a daily basis by the vested interests as they try to pull the wool over the eyes of average Americans. A smattering of truth is interspersed with lies to convince the non-thinking public their existing delusional beliefs are still valid. The storylines are false.

Here are some basic truths the vested interests don’t want you to understand:

  • As of two weeks ago the stock market was 40% overvalued based upon normalized S&P earnings and was priced to deliver 3% annual returns over the next decade. The S&P 500 has lost 17%, meaning it is only 23% overvalued. Truthful analysts John Hussman, Jeremy Grantham and Robert Shiller were all in agreement about the market being 40% overvalued. This decline is not a buying opportunity.
  • The S&P 500 was trading at 1,119 on April 2, 1998. The S&P 500 closed at 1,119 yesterday. In March 2000 the S&P 500 traded at 1,527. By my calculation, the stock market is 27% below its peak eleven years ago. As you can see, stocks always go up in the long run. It is just depends on your definition of long.
  • The talking heads on CNBC told you to buy the dip from October 2007 through until March 2009. The result was a 50% loss of your wealth.
  • The government will report the onset of recession six months after it has already begun. People who live in the real world (not NYC or Washington DC) know the country has been in recession for the last seven months. The CNBC pundits don’t want to admit we are in a recession because they know the stock market drops 40% during recessions on average and don’t want you to sell before they do.
  • The stock market held up remarkably well during the debt ceiling fight. It did not begin to plunge until Obama signed the toothless joke of a bill that doesn’t “cut” one dime of spending. The markets realized  the politicians in Washington DC will never cut spending. The National Debt will rise from $14.5 trillion to $20 trillion by 2015 and to $25 trillion by 2021, even with the supposed austere spending “cuts”.


  • The left wing media and the frothing at the mouth leaders of the Democratic Party have conducted focus groups and concluded that blaming the extreme, terrorist Tea Party for the stock market crash and the S&P downgrade plays well to their hate mongering ignorant base. They have rolled out their rabid dogs, Joe “gaffe machine” Biden, Howard “AYAHHHHHH!!!” Dean and John “ketchup” Kerry, to eviscerate the Tea Party terrorists.

  • The mainstream liberal media would like you to believe the Tea Party is an actual cohesive group that wants to throw grandmothers and the poverty stricken under the bus. The neo-cons in the Republican Party and their mouthpieces on Fox News have tried to co-opt the Tea Party movement for their purposes. There is no one Tea Party. It is a movement born of frustration with an out of control government. Ron Paul represented the Tea Party before it even existed and is the intellectual leader of the movement. His is the only honest truthful voice in this debate:

“As many frustrated Americans who have joined the Tea Party realize, we cannot stand against big government at home while supporting it abroad. We cannot talk about fiscal responsibility while spending trillions on occupying and bullying the rest of the world. We cannot talk about the budget deficit and spiraling domestic spending without looking at the costs of maintaining an American empire of more than 700 military bases in more than 120 foreign countries. We cannot pat ourselves on the back for cutting a few thousand dollars from a nature preserve or an inner-city swimming pool at home while turning a blind eye to a Pentagon budget that nearly equals those of the rest of the world combined.”

  • S&P’s opinion about any debt should be taken with a grain of salt. They, along with Warren Buffet’s friends at Moodys, were bought and sold by the Wall Street criminal element. Anyone with a smattering of math skill and an ounce of critical thinking would have concluded the U.S. was a bad credit three years ago. A Goldman Sachs trader had this opinion of the brain dead analysts at Moodys: “Guys who can’t get a job on Wall Street get a job at Moody’s.” Michael Lewis, in his book The Big Short, summarized the view of the rating agencies:

“Wall Street bond trading desks, staffed by people making seven figures a year, set out to coax from the brain-dead guys making high five figures the highest possible ratings for the worst possible loans. They performed the task with Ivy League thoroughness and efficiency.”

  • The most laughable storyline spouted by the Democrats and their lapdogs on MSNBC is the extreme austerity measures forced on the country by the Tea Party has caused the stock market to collapse. The plan “cuts” $22 billion in 2012 and $42 billion in 2013. Over this time frame, the Federal government will spend $7.4 TRILLION. The horrific spending “cuts” amount to .86% of spending over the next two years. Meanwhile, we will add at least $3 trillion to the National Debt over this same time frame. Of course, we could listen to Paulie “Spend More” Krugman and add $6 trillion to the national debt with another stimulus package. When a Keynesian solution fails miserably, just declare it would have worked if it was twice the size.
  • Barack Obama, the James Buchanan of our times, gave one of the worst Presidential speeches in the history of our country yesterday. In full hubristic fury he declared the United States of America would ALWAYS be a AAA country. The American Exceptionalism dogma is so very amusing. We are chosen by God to lead the world. Barack should have paid closer attention in history class. The Roman, Dutch, Spanish and British Empires all fell due to their hubris, fiscal mismanagement and overseas military exploits. The American Empire has fallen and can’t get up.

And now we come to the $100 trillion question. The establishment/vested interests/status quo declares the United States as the safest place in the world for investors. They frantically point out that people are pouring money into our Treasuries and interest rates are declining. They hysterically blurt out that Europe has much bigger problems than the U.S. and China’s real estate bubble will implode in the near future. These are the same people who told you the internet had created a new paradigm and NASDAQ PE ratios of 150 in 2000 were reasonable. The NASDAQ soared to 5,000 in early 2000. Today it trades at 2,358, down 53% eleven years later. These are the same people who told you they aren’t making more land and home prices in 2005 were reasonable. They told you home prices had never fallen nationally in our history, so don’t worry. Prices are down 35% and still falling today.

Medicare and Medicaid spending rose 10% in the second quarter of 2011 from a year earlier to a combined annual rate of almost $992 billion, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The two programs are likely to crack $1 trillion before the end of the year. Medicare’s unfunded liability alone amounts to $353,350 per U.S. household. The National Debt will reach 100% of GDP in the next four months as we relentlessly add $4 billion per day to our Mount Everest of debt. Federal spending in 2007 was $2.7 trillion. Today, they are spending $3.8 trillion of your money. The country does not have a revenue problem. We have a spending addiction and the addict needs treatment. Doctor Ron Paul has our prognosis:

“When the federal government spends more each year than it collects in tax revenues, it has three choices: It can raise taxes, print money, or borrow money. While these actions may benefit politicians, all three options are bad for average Americans.”

The politicians and bankers who control the developed world have made the choice to print money and create more debt as their solution to an un-payable debt problem. Europe, Japan, the U.S., and virtually every country in the world want to devalue their way out of a debt problem created over the last forty years. It has become a race to the bottom, with no winners. Every country can’t devalue their currency simultaneously without blowing up the entire worldwide monetary system. But, it appears they are going to try. The United States will never actually default on its debts. Ben Bernanke will attempt to default slowly by paying back the interest and principal to foreigners in ever more worthless fiat dollars. This will work until the foreigners decide to pull the plug. For now interest rates are low and the U.S. is the best looking horse in the glue factory. But we all know what happens to all the horses in the glue factory – even Mr. Ed.

 “It is true that liberty is not free, nor is it easy. But tyranny – even varying degrees of it – is much more difficult, and much more expensive. The time has come to rein in the federal government, put it on a crash diet, and let the people keep their money and their liberty.” – Ron Paul

Notify of
August 9, 2011 10:13 am

An epic masterpiece!

What more can be said?

Absolutely brilliant.

August 9, 2011 10:20 am

I find myself thinking, more and more, if there will ever be a day that I feel that knowing what is coming was worth the heartache, stress and marginalization.

This slow descent into hell is trying.

Sometimes I really wish I would have been blessed with beauty instead of brains. Ignorance is bliss and there are days (like these) where I wish I was much more ignorant.

Ah well.

August 9, 2011 10:44 am

Blaming ‘government’ for printing, taxing and spending too much, while technically correct, ignores how and why they have to do this. And the fault lies not in the stars but with us. The mechanics are dismally familiar. Legislators get elected and pad their salaries and perks until holding and keeping office is their central concern. The public purse is used to further their careers. Legislation is passed that sounds noble, compassionate, reasonable etc but the devil is in the details and the efficacy and sustainability of the legislation cannot be known at the time it becomes law. Bureacratic creep takes over as programs are implemented and they acquire constituents and vested interests that are closer to Congress than the public who must pay for the program. Thus we get monstrosities like Head Start. Seemed reasonable. Pre school for poor children to help them catch up with middle class kids. Started in the 1960’s it is still automatically funded with $5-6 billion annually but does it work. NO! It has become nothing but a ‘jobs’ program for underclass mothers, some otherwise unemployable social ‘scientists’ and is rife with corruption. Try and eliminate its funding or even just demand ‘results’ and you are branded as racist, anti-children or a skinflint.

August 9, 2011 10:46 am


Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
August 9, 2011 11:27 am

The statists, neocons, and progressives are running out of fingers to put into the dike. The end result is going to be awful, but I have to admit being entertained by the desperation of these people to keep things together.

It reminds me of the guy played by Kevin Bacon in the movie Animal House imploring everyone to remain calm while chaos is all around him.


August 9, 2011 11:31 am

Same old libertarian song. I’m a progressive and in truth the libertarians and progressives are not that far apart anymore. But you need a new line to be credible. If you are going to advocate only spending cuts, without tax increases, you just can’t be taken seriously by any one else until you start talking seriously about cutting the military.

Talk about an entitlement program. Since WWII the military has been entitled to have perpetual war. it has been entitled to amass 1,000 bases (give or take) over seas. It has been entitled to maintain clandestine missions in about 60 to 70 countries and to undermine governments. It has been entitled for some time now, since the fall of the Soviet Empire, to have a budget the size of the rest of the world combined. If we don’t drop military spending to about 5% of what it is now, we will stay in debt forever.

The entitlements like Social Security and Medicare have actually been paid for directly out of the checks of the American people. That money was supposed to go into a trust fund. It was supposed to be in a locked box. But the fund was raided by the criminals in Washington and NYC who had the key and opened it every time they felt the desire.

I think the criminals should be forced to refund SS and Medicare, which is why I want to heavily tax the criminals. We don’t seem to be willing to punish them any other way.

One other thing that is old and tired and just illogical. The term the liberal media. After saying how corporate (conservative) they are, you still can’t resist calling them liberal.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
August 9, 2011 11:38 am

David G.,

Have to disagree. I think $2.2 trillion ought to be enough to finance the government’s operations with plenty to spare. If we had politicians who understood constitutional restraints, there would be no deficit, because they wouldn’t be running Medicare and SS Ponzi schemes, then raiding the “lock box” to buy votes, or maintaining an absurd military empire protecting us against non-existent enemies.

Your willingness to trust government thugs to do the right thing is really touching. Stupid, but touching. Now open your eyes, admit that Uncle Sam is nothing but a gang of lying, murderous thieves, and then act accordingly.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 9, 2011 12:10 pm

In the film, Walker tells the audience: “We suffer from a fiscal cancer. If we don’t treat it there will be catastrophic consequences.”

That cancer is DC. The Kabuki dancers come and go but the consensus [think tanks, foundations and lobbyists] remains.

August 9, 2011 12:10 pm


August 9, 2011 12:12 pm

gotta try that again

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 9, 2011 12:44 pm


Your a progressive? Look how we have progressed, with people like you, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and all the other democrat/progressives. A tally of progressive progress:

1. Destroyed the family unit. Welfare has resulted in the total and complete destruction of the family: children born out of wedlock, parents never actually having to work. The family unit is the lynch pin of this country. Now it’s a joke, a progressive nihilism, a farce.

2. Destroyed the middle class. Your progressive attitude and greed allowed lobbyists to run our government; lobbyists beholden to Wall Street, corporations, unions, anyone with a buck. Lobbyist bought off politicians and allowed outright stealing from the middle class.

3. Destroyed the work ethic: When 45 million people don’t work and collect money from the government, the people that do work and pay taxes feel ripped off, cheated, and otherwise foolish just for working every day. Why work when you can collect welfare or disability?

4. Destroyed human dignity and humanity: The same 45 million people, those on disability and unemployment have had their human instincts to work, feel good about themselves, and contribute to society taken away from them. They have progressively been turned into penned-up pigs feeding at the trough, not human beings. The psycho-pathology of removing a person’s humanity will show up when, their lives having no value, they progressively destroy everything around them, believing it also has no value.

5. Destroyed personal responsibility: Look at the speech given yesterday by our progressive president. He took no responsibility for what has happened. The people that support him take no responsibility for what has happened, and they progressively blame everyone else. Taking the lead from their leaders, the population no longer feels responsible for what they are doing, and chaos ensues. Blame somebody else why you can’t work, then collect free everything. When progressives take a job, like president, it comes with certain responsibilities, to evade, deny, or ignore those responsibilities is criminal. The American people, the markets, and the world at large don’t buy the progressive bullshit and lies, that much is abundantly obvious.

6. Destroyed our Spiritual Base: This is the grand-daddy of them all, the thermo-nuclear slow detonation that progressives have perpetuated on our country. Not religion, but the destruction of spiritual values: hard work, saving, helping others (not giving them a free hand-out). After they wiped out our our spiritual core in the ’60’s, our people become empty vessels, trying to fill the void with food, gambling, drugs, booze, greed, pride, vanity, lust. The destruction of our spiritual core by progressives result in consumerism, as marketers conned people into believing they could fill the spiritual void with products, stuff, and more and more crap. Once the spiritual center (not religious) is taken out, given up, or removed by progressive ideals, a person is prey to anything that comes along promising to replace it.

The progressives are progressing us into oblivion, a slow decent into hell. There will need to be a wholesale destruction of the current progressive structure to once again set things back to the way they were; back when our country was good and meant something special. Back when we were exceptional. Now, we are filled with propaganda that we are exceptional, by progressives, when we know inside we are no longer special in any way. Nobody believes it anymore, it’s all been wiped away with “progress.”

Admin: great article, again.

Dr. G
Dr. G
August 9, 2011 1:05 pm

I never liked Warren Buffet. His quotes in this article just prove he is another elitist progressive destroying America.

August 9, 2011 1:16 pm

Found this photo of DG Mills:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Online, he’s known as Glue Factory Bob. Also, Dog Food Dale — either a sidekick or an alter ego.

Note the high forehead. Progressives think this standard-progressive-issue forehead makes them smarter than other people. (See photos of John “ketchup” Kerry).

Note the bad skin. Progressives hate people with nice skin. Having good skin is akin to being a Republican, a church-goer, religious fanatic, Tea Party member or WASP; all hated entities for progressives.

Note the close-together eyes: Once thought to be a criminal attribute, progressive believe having their eyes close together helps them see past human suffering and the ability to steal, tax, and rob other people of hard earned money.

Note the smug look: Progressives are always right, never wrong, and sociopathically blame others for mistakes and things they should be responsible for.

Thanks for stopping by TBP Mills. You even got two separate responses from Admin. Good job.

August 9, 2011 1:54 pm

Jim, excellent words once again! Yes, it’s a Cancer which has gone viral and beyond.. Dumb and Dumber Episodes with constant unwanted re-runs presented by those in power without a Screen Actors Gild Card<as I call it.

Jesse had a few nice words yesterday this direction on site:

"the President may be many good things, and have many good qualities, but he is most surely not a leader, and does not possess an overweening moral principle or vision which he can communicate and achieve. What does he stand for, and who or what does he really support? The best way to be thrown under the bus is to be one of his supporters and constituents."

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts – A Vote of 'No Confidence'

August 9, 2011 3:17 pm

The only action that I feel that I can really take is to teach my 11 year old daughter about the principles of liberty. That she has an inalienable right to the PURSUIT of happiness, not a right to be happy. She must work for what she gets. That she should build wealth, not attempt to display affluence.
The government involvement in every aspect of our lives, from education, health care, business “regulation,” etc. has replaced community, charity, and familial responsibility. It has replaced it with a hopeless majority of our nation that looks to the government to solve every problem, even putting food on the table, while never questioning why it is so much harder now to put food on the table than it was 60 years ago with only one member of the household working. This constant “turning to the government” has fed the beast by expanding the beauracracies that “support” this. Elected officials no longer run this nation from the federal level all the way down to county and city level. That is the real truth. Our nation’s currency is controlled by unelected central bankers. All of our daily lives are affected more by unelected bureaucrats than elected officials. US Dept of Education, HUD, State Community Departments, Local Planning Commissions, etc. A regulatory democracy will continue to feed itself non-stop as it has the power to create its own “revenues” in the form of taxes or fees. It saddens me to say that the only thing that will stop this monster of growth is a crisis period. The best thing that I and all who read this board can do is to educate our children OURSELVES in the principles of individuality and liberty.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
August 9, 2011 3:24 pm

Enjoying CNBC while at lunch. Easily one of the most volatile days I’ve ever seen. Funny thing though, the gold chart seems to be creeping up steadily.

These idiots are hoping the Bernank will not ease monetary policy because that would repeat the mistakes of 1937 & 1938. Hilarious. Guess I’m overqualified to work there.

All is well.

August 9, 2011 3:51 pm

Noticed that you did not mention defense spending. Let’s not forget that defense just got a raise. Yep a raise. Unfortunately we can’t possibly spend trillions on peace.

August 9, 2011 4:05 pm

Titanic is the best looking PIG in the BACON factory and he likes man flesh in his bung hole.

August 9, 2011 4:47 pm

In a sense it always been simple, be it family, city, state or nation; live with in our means. that really has to be the basis of our fiscal and monetary policy. That boat has sailed out of port a long time ago. we have had politicians, dictators, advertisers, philosophers and journalist promise us if we only agree with them gave the power and money all would be an earthly paradise. But were slow learners time and time again, nothing but woe and misery has resulted.

August 9, 2011 6:04 pm

@ administrator and a few others.

Actually, we should have no debt. Zero.

For you who think I am an idiot…. I have been a lawyer for 33 years and I would put my knowledge of the Constitution and its laws up against any of you who are not. You guys may not be as educated as you think. And Ron Paul, for all his claims about constitutional knowledge, misses a few major pieces of the puzzle as well, as most non-lawyers do.

Here’s some Constitutional pointers about debt and the issuance of money, you ought to consider.

1913 was a year in infamy. In that year we amended the Constitution twice: to allow income tax and to allow direct voting of senators by the people when before that senators had been chosen by their legislators. (Did you know about the second one? I would doubt it.) We also passed in 1913 a statute that enacted the Federal Reserve. The combination of those three laws put us on a road map to vast amounts of federal and monertary power concentrated in Washington and NYC.

I said we don’t need debt at all. Why? Because the government can print money. Except it doesn’t. After the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, the printing of money was put in the hands of banks, and most of the printing was taken out of the hands of the US government. From that day forward, with few exceptions, the government borrowed the money it needed from banks, instead of printing money and paying whatever bills it had.

Prior to 1913, things were different although it was a constant battle between bankers and the government as to which one would print the currency. Lincoln financed the civil war by printing government money he called greenbacks when the bankers wanted 30% to loan the government money. Printing greenbacks worked. It worked so well, the bankers hated it and vowed to get rid of it. So today we no longer have “greenbacks” we have Federal Reserve Notes. Federal Reserve Notes are banker’s money not government money.

Simple thought experiment. Suppose you needed a car and needed money to buy it. If you had a choice and you could go to your computer and print the cash you needed to buy the car or your other option was to go to a bank and borrow the money, what would you do? If you could print it and the dealer would take the money you printed, you would not need to borrow the money for the car. So my guess is you would print it rather than borrow it.

You and I can’t print the money we need, but the government is supposed to be able to do this very thing. Say it needs a battleship. It should be able to print the money it needs for the battleship and give it to the naval contractors to build the ship; and if it did, it would not have created debt for the government. Instead, because of the Federal Reserve, it borrows the money even when it does not have to. That is why comparing a family household budget with a government budget is nonsense. The government is supposed to be able to print money and private citizens are not supposed to be able to do it. (But of course we began to permanently let private banks print the money in 1913 though most of us are clueless that is what happens).

Even after the Federal Reserve Act, the government still has the power to “coin money ” according to the Constitution. In the vernacular of the day, coining money meant printing paper money as well as making money by coin. There were a number of Supreme Court cases in the late 1800’s that stated the government could issue paper money as well as coin money as part of the government’s war powers, even if the term to “coin money” did not mean paper money, which they said it did anyway. But if the government had to, it could coin a trillion dollar coin, as was recently suggested by a number of economists. (They know it although they don’t like to admit it often).

Speaking of Krugman, I am no Krugman fan. Why? Because I have never heard him suggest anything about giving the power of issuing currency back to the government. Only a few do. So that ought to tell you nearly all are on the side of the banks.

Maybe you libertarians think that the government would be too irresponsible if it was allowed to coin its own money again. That coining money should be done by the private sector. Well, how well has letting the private sector coin money worked? The Euro is also banking money not sovereign money. What a great deal for the few in the private sector who have a monopoly on printing money.

Back to 1913. When the government began borrowing money from banks as it s modus operandi, instead of printing it, the government needed a way to pay its debts to the banks without printing money. Well what do you know, we just happen to have an amendment to fix that problem: the income tax amendment. Presto. Problem solved. So since that time we all get taxed to pay for the government’s debt to the banks.

But 1913 was also the year we changed how we voted for senators. The senators were originally the state’s representatives in Congress. They were elected by the state legislators. Talk about a loss of state’s rights. After 1913, the states had no official representatives any more. What we have instead is governors trying to lobby Congress on behalf of their states, but no true state representation in Congress. And it is very easy for big money to buy off one man/woman who runs for senator. Much harder to buy off an entire legislature. There is a reason why the senate is the most dysfunctional branch of government in the world.

I strongly suggest all of you to see Bill Still’s video “The Money Masters” on youttube. Great history lesson on how the government lost the right to print its own money. About three hours long. Predicted the mess we are in now when it was released in 1996. It also explains why Ron Paul’s gold standard is a bad idea. (Bad idea to make money out of something that is rare — not enough to go around to have a healthy economy).

Hope you guys catch on.


August 9, 2011 6:21 pm

So what happens when the government prints money to pay its bills? Can you spell inflation? Weimar Republic ring a bell?

And your comment in the first post you made shows you for what you are – you said you cannot be taken seriously if …… Nice way to make friends on this sight.

I know a few lawyers. You are in over your head on this sight when you start quoting your credentials to back up how knowledgeable and smart you are. Lots of smart folks with great creds around here. We tend to look at the substance and ignore the purported creds. So far you look like you got your degree through the mail. If at all.

Hell, maybe I am a Supreme Court Justice. As a matter of fact, I am. So anything I say trumps anything you say.

Stupid dickhead.

August 9, 2011 6:27 pm

You have to love it when a lawyer shows up, claims everyone here knows nothing — compared to him — and then goes on to repeat just about every post that’s been made here for four years.

August 9, 2011 6:37 pm

Holy batfuck, a purely fiat currency? God that won’t be abused or anything (hyperinflation). At least we have some sort of interest rate at the moment. Currently, the Congress abuses the Fed to make it monetize debt, and you want take it to take that to the extreme davidgmills? Where is the objective value in that system fucktard? Typical lawyer, always wanting to be in someone else’s pocket. Why don’t you join the rest of your ilk in DC.

And Ron Paul doesn’t advocate a gold standard. He advocates competing currencies with the Fed, i.e. decentralized, independent money like gold and silver. You were conned by Bill Still. You’re out of your league, punk bitch.

August 9, 2011 6:39 pm

Thinker – I just love being talked down to. That people come here and assume we do not know various things is hilarious. I give Mr Lawyer of 33 years about one more post before he disappears into the ether. He won’t be able to stand the heat.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
August 9, 2011 6:44 pm

Our country is run by lawyers, Mr. Mills. If I’m not mistaken, the last three presidents all shared your profession. Most of Congress have legal backgrounds.

I ask you: How are they doing? Care to defend their record?

August 9, 2011 6:45 pm

llpoh, yeah, and tell us to “catch on,” not realizing how insanely stupid he appears.

August 9, 2011 7:03 pm

What heat? This may be boring but it isn’t heat. Not much light either.

August 9, 2011 7:06 pm

@ Petey and IIPOH

Good shit! You caught that condescending tone too? I was the first to give him a thumbs down…not for his content but for his attitude. If he would take the time and review the site before bumbling shit that has been discussed ad nauseam here then he might have a friend or two in life. He definitely isn’t going to be making any friends on this site talking down to people from his ivory tower somewhere in D.C.

Let the feces throwing begin!

August 9, 2011 7:10 pm

Steve. Your hero George Bush was not a lawyer. Apparently he tried to get into UT at Austin and was REJECTED. Even Bush Sr. couldn’t get him in.

As for Clinton and Obama. Neither were trial lawyers. Obama is the great appeaser. The Neville Chamberlain of Democrats. Clinton was the best Republican President since Ike.

There really is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans anymore. They are the soft (as in jelly — the Democratic) and hard (the spine — Republican) parts of the corporate/military party.

August 9, 2011 7:12 pm

David – I do not have time to pack your shit right at the moment. These other good folks will do an admirable job, tho. You are talking tough. But you seem like a slimy shyster who will run with tail between his legs when the going gets tough. Enjoy the experience.

August 9, 2011 7:15 pm

LOL!!! “There really is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans anymore.”

DGM, due diligence is your friend… read some of the posts here before you embarrass yourself further.

August 9, 2011 7:16 pm

Petey: You really know the Constitution don’t you. You guys. Damn. This is my first time here and have no interest in going back through ages of blogs. Don’t care if this blog was started last week or ten years ago. makes no difference to me.

Hyperinflation — Got to be kidding. Tell me one time a true sovereign currency was hyperinflated by the government. I am talking about a true sovereign currency now. One devoid of the significant influence of bankers. Give me one example from history and I will check it out. If you win. Fair is fair.

August 9, 2011 7:16 pm

PS — unless you know full well what this site is about and you’re just trolling. In which case we really don’t have time for you. Social Darwinism will take care of it.

August 9, 2011 7:22 pm

@ Davidgmills

Do we currently have in circulation a true “sovereign currency?” No. Could we easly enact such legislation and get back to the Constitution…YES…Will we under the current system? NO. Can hyperinflation occur in a fiat currency? YES…Has it happened before? YES….Will it happen in the U.S.? Possibly…if the Bernanke continues his corporate masters’ biddings.

It seems you are preaching to the choir and your arrogance has blinded your ability to see this and crippled your chances of surviving this site. But I could be wrong…you might man up and bite the prideful bullet and hang in there.

August 9, 2011 7:42 pm

“I am talking about a true sovereign currency now. One devoid of the significant influence of bankers.”

Not only would your solution have influence of bankers, but every other special interest would have direct influence on the creation of money (I am assuming you are implying that congress should decide the money supply). Ever heard of lobbyists? Or maybe you want a government agency created by congress to determine the fiat money supply? Isn’t that what we nearly have (We have still some semblance of a federal funds rate which forces some discipline. Under your system the money would be easy sleazy)? Did you not hear Greenspan recently? He said we can print money to meet any obligation? Is that not exactly what you are describing as a system?

As a side note our current “forever expanding debt and fiat for all of our problems” is also collapsing from dwindling cheap energy inputs. Infinite money doesn’t go along to well in a finite world.

August 9, 2011 7:43 pm

Not only would your solution have influence of bankers, but every other special interest would have direct influence on the creation of money (I am assuming you are implying that congress should decide the money supply). Ever heard of lobbyists? Or maybe you want a government agency created by congress to determine the fiat money supply? Isn’t that what we nearly have (We have still some semblance of a federal funds rate which forces some discipline. Under your system the money would be easy sleazy)? Did you not hear Greenspan recently? He said we can print money to meet any obligation? Is that not exactly what you are describing as a system?

As a side note our current “forever expanding debt and fiat for all of our problems” is also collapsing from dwindling cheap energy inputs. Infinite money doesn’t go along to well in a finite world.

August 9, 2011 7:46 pm

Double post, my bad. Dammit word press.

John Braintree
John Braintree
August 9, 2011 7:48 pm

So, “Ben Bernanke will attempt to default slowly by paying back the interest and principal to foreigners in ever more worthless fiat dollars” – and that policy betrays a complete lack of integrity! Cheat the ones who loaned you money in good faith! Steal from them.

The national debt stood at 5.95 trillion when Bush took office – it now stands at 14.2 trillion. Fiscal insanity! Foolish, unwise, and incompetent leaders! They had every warning as it was unfolding, but were cowards and are without excuse. The hearts sickens and mind grows faint to see what is happening to our once greatest of nations.

August 9, 2011 7:52 pm

davidgmills: Weimar, Zimbabwe, Angola, Belarus, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, China, Georgia, Mexico, Peru, Soviet Union/Russia, Yugoslavia all within the last 100 years in their own currency.

If you want to go ancient, Andalucia under the rule of Alamanzor. Currency debasement plus military over expansion ruined Andalucia. Sound familar?

August 9, 2011 8:04 pm

And don’t forget the Netherlands when they traded tulips!

August 9, 2011 8:07 pm

gmills, I’ll make your search easy for you:

My timeline on Al-Andalus might be a little off, but they did clip silver coins to pay war debts.

August 9, 2011 8:20 pm

David – Just this once I will try to be nice. If you stop talking down to folks, people here will listen, and will only occassionally roast your ass. But when you come on the sight and act like the rest of the folks here are morons, you ae going to get fucked left right and center.

The regular posters here include lots of doctors, financial analysts, small business owners, pilots, professional aircraft mechanics, ex-CIA agents, law enforcement personnel, etc. Many are extremely well credentialled – advanced degrees, Ivy league educated, etc etc., but almost never bring it up. Virtually all of the members here are aspirational and are extremely well read and up to date on events. I really cannot think of a dullard.

If you think you can make a mark simply by defending your comments by quoting your credentials you are sadly mistaken, and you will be eaten alive. This bunch is serious, and there are some serious wolves among the membership who will take you down on any front – intellectually, credentially, and with vicious no-holds-barred aggression. You will not survive and will give up if you keep going down the path you have so far chosen. You talk tough now, but a face full of crap every time you rear your head will prove unwelcome. We have seen off hundreds of folks that do not learn – nary a one has survived. Trust me on this.

So, cool your jets a bit. Select your battles. Present your positions in a measured way. You can have great fun here. But not if you are going to be a jackass.

I cannot be any nicer to you than this. Heed, or don’t heed.

howard in nyc
howard in nyc
August 9, 2011 8:47 pm

boy, this guy is a real maroon.

being a lawyer makes you a credible intellect? like all the lawyers in congress, and in state legislatures who are clearly geniuses?


although that stuff about 1913 sure was enlightening. i’d never heard of the federal reserve act or the 16th and 17th amendments before. thank goodness dgm dropped that knowledge on me. if i hadn’t slept through that part of eighth grade, i never would have had a chance to learn about it. not having attended law school and all.

August 9, 2011 9:00 pm

Damn Howar – didn’t realize you were so ignorant. Oops, sorry – I just noticed the flashing sarcasm light on my computer. My bad.

This wouldn’t be you, would it, David?

[imgcomment image[/img]

David with his latest client:

[imgcomment image[/img]

David’s law firm:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Future home of David’s next 100 clients:

[imgcomment image[/img]

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