A portrait of James Holmes is beginning to reveal itself. Personally, I feel what has been revealed about his life should make people more worried. At least with the Tucson murders we could comfort ourselves with the fact that Jared Loughner was clearly a crazed lunatic and his background revealed multiple signs that he would eventually do something crazy. We could blame the system, his parents, drugs, or mental illness. It made us feel safer to rationalize the behavior of a lunatic. But this time something is different.

This kid was brought up in a normal household in San Diego with what appear to be normal parents. He was an athlete who played on the football and soccer teams in high school. He was on the quiet side, but had friends. He worked as a counselor for underpriveleged kids. He liked video games. He was very smart. He graduated from college at the top of his class with a degree in neuroscience, not some worthless liberal arts degree that we like to scorn. But he couldn’t find a job after college. He was forced to work at a McDonalds. Then he tried to hide out in Grad School in Denver, far away from his family and friends.

Now this is why you should be worried. How many young people fit this description? My guess is hundreds of thousands. They did everything right. They listened to their parents. They didn’t get into trouble. They did well in school. They had pretty high self esteem. Then they graduated from college and the real world beckoned. But the country has been gutted by the warfare, welfare, Wall Street policies over the last three decades. There are few if any decent jobs for even the brightest young people. Over the last two years this kid has been holed up in his tiny apartment, accumulating more student loan debt, and getting progressively more depressed and bitter at the world. He’s done everything he thought he needed to do to become successful, but he’s a failure. He keeps asking himself why, but there is no logical answer. The anger against society builds until his mind is overwhelmed with thoughts of revenge against somebody and everybody. Something snapped after months of depression, anger and disillusionment with our unfair system.

There are reports that he was dressed like the Joker. The Dark Knight series of movies are particularly bleak, dark, violent, and not particularly optimistic about our future. People are desperately seeking some sort of logical motive for this mass murder. They will not find one. There is a scene in the first Dark Knight movie that captures the essence of what James Holmes did. This quote from Alfred says it all:     

“Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

No comfort can be gained by categorizing James Holmes as a lunatic. He wasn’t a lunatic for the first 22 years of his life. Did our warped society create the lunatic? Did our economic system that rewards financial criminals, corrupt politicians, and mega-corporations create the lunatic? Did our suburban sprawl, faceless, nameless, materialistic, greedy society create the lunatic? Admit it. The biography of this kid matches many 24 year olds that you know. It might even match the biography of your own son. That is why you should worry. It seems the discussion is already centered around gun control and whether someone with a gun could have prevented this tragedy. I’m not surprised. These are things that we have control over. No one wants to talk about why a seemingly normal young person could snap. We better get a handle on that question, because there are hundreds of thousands of men like James Holmes out there facing the exact same circumstances.


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July 22, 2012 11:08 am

Readers may find this of interest:

A suspect has been named in the shooting, James Eagen Holmes, and Wikipedia kindly provided a birthdate of December 13, 1987. One would not usually conflate the Sun in Sagittarius, generally an easygoing and optimistic sign, with such an egregious act but Holmes’s chart is filled with challenge.

That Sagittarius Sun is conjunct both Saturn and Uranus which bestows a conflicting set of values. Saturn conjunct the Sun demands perfection and a high level of achievement, order and structure, yet Uranus on the Sun inspires revolutionary behavior and a desire to react from the status quo. That triple conjunction (Sun/Saturn/Uranus) is opposed by Chiron, demonstrating a wounded soul (Chiron/Sun) with the life challenge of deep soul surgery to resolve these wounds (Chiron/Saturn) and a highly sensitive energetic system with the potential to create anxiety and a great deal of inner pressure (Chiron/Uranus).

In addition, the Moon is in Virgo which suggests an inner critic and a high need for security. In the chart the Moon acts as a fulcrum point between the two ends of the opposition, and forms a square to Chiron (painful emotional experiences) and to the Sun/Saturn/Uranus opposition (isolation and loneliness).

To make things even more complicated, Mars is in the intensely emotional sign of Scorpio, and it conjoins Pluto there. Mars is aggression and desire, and in a conjunction to Pluto there is nearly always some sort of violence, emotional or physical, in childhood. This is a placement that signifies great personal power, but it can be badly misused as well.

This is a very difficult chart to navigate with any degree of success, and it takes a great deal of self-awareness and personal inquiry. Obviously many people have this same chart and don’t go out and commit mass murder. But we CAN see in this chart the potential for violence if the deep emotional wounds are not resolved in some kind of positive way.

July 22, 2012 11:36 am

Dont worry prepare,
[imgcomment image[/img]
It only gets worse from here!

Muck About
Muck About
July 22, 2012 12:30 pm

KaD: Fruitloops and Unicorn candy crap.


July 22, 2012 12:43 pm

Two words: Timothy McVeigh.

Otherwise normal people who go right off the rails over some reason that seems perfectly rational to them at the time but results in massive loss of human life.

Then there is the inevitable overreaction of the “authorities” which inevitably results in a further erosion of our consitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms.

All aided and abetted by the libtards/progs in the craven MSM.

I am (torturing myself) watching George Stephan-I-am-a-statist-ouPOSolous and his crew blather on about the Denver shooting. It is so hilarious, I can almost predict what these nanny statists control freaks are gonna say.

On the subject of ammo: “No one should be able to buy thousands of rounds of ammo (Cokie Roberts) or the ammo should be taxed thousands of dollars (Joe Klein).” Of course, only the should be able to ammo! By this logic, any body buying large amounts of ammo is some kind of ticking time bomb waiting to go off or a proto terrorist or some body that clearly needs “watching”.

On the subject of “warning signs”: The general consensus among the panel is that our society needs “to be more caring, more watchful of “deviant” behaviour and have a way to “identify” these people to the “authorities”. What. The. Fuck. Let’s just complete the transition of the US into a SuperMax prison, the population into the Stazi and I’m just sure we will never have a violent crime in the USSA again.

You watch. This event will be spun by the libtards/progs/statists into a manifesto for federal controls on gun/ammo purchases as well as an expanded program of govt sponsored snitching.

Am expecting an EO any time now.

July 22, 2012 1:05 pm

As the wrapped too tight Holmes saga begins to unroll. we will soon hear how he once applied at the Aurora Police Department only to to turned away due to scoring too high on the IQ test.

That and how his daily routine consisted of parents, teachers , coach and friends telling him 24/7 how special he was.
And, no one ever bothered exp alining to the sniveling spoiled brat the true facts of life. Life’s a bitch and then you die, learn to deal with it, ………oh, and unlike fine wine your health does not get better with age.
,[imgcomment image[/img]
And, I see KaD has turned to Howie’s the garbage pimp’s 4th Gut Turnings for gaseous explications …sheesh,

July 22, 2012 2:03 pm

Two more words: MK Ultra.

What kind of unemployed drop out student can spend $20K on body armor, thousands of rounds of ammo, multiple gun purchases and then rig his digs in IEDs?? Over above the $$ needed for daily living expenses during months he spent preparing???

How convenient that there were hundreds of police and FBI in the local vicinity to “respond” to this crisis. Which we should never let go to waste, ahem.

And how wonderful the timing of this “event” right before the final deliberations of the UN Small Arms Treaty???

Gee, let’s just ignore the thousands of military grade assault rifles released into the claw of the Mexican drug cartels by the US fucking gov and the hundreds of dead people later, eh??

What. The. Fuck.

July 22, 2012 2:03 pm

Two pieces of “possible” information I find interesting at this point:

1. This news item happened the morning after the shootings:

Holmes mother appears to not be surprised by her son’s actions. A San Diego, Calif., woman who identified herself as Holmes’ mother told ABC News she had not yet been contacted by authorities. She said she was unaware of the shooting and expressed concern that her son may have been involved.

“You have the right person,” she said, apparently speaking on instinct and not second-guessing her son would be involved. “I need to call the police … I need to fly out to Colorado.”

2. Another news item about a car parked at his parents house:

His parents still live in the area in a white two-story house on a quiet suburban street. A white Mitsubishi SUV was parked in front of the home on Friday.

Plastered across the back window was a sticker that said, “To Write Love On Her Arms,” the name of a nonprofit group that, according to its website, is dedicated to helping people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide.

These things make me wonder if there were some warning signs that he at least was going through some kind of depression. I also wondered if this depression could have been brought on by lack of opportunity in todays world.

His parents have an attorney now so you know what that means, they wont be saying anything more in public unless it was pre-filtered by the lawyers.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 22, 2012 2:15 pm

Hope: Two words….

Credit Cards

Yet the nueroscience thing is being overlooked…. Certainly, “studying” animals could foster a withdrawn mind.

MKUII? No that wouldn’t be surprising. Certainly, I don’t believe that he wasn’t on any drugs and don’t buy he was completely normal in upbringing. Prime age for schizophrenia onset as well.

I doubt we’ll get any MRI’s on his brain before they melt it in an electric chair.

July 22, 2012 2:28 pm

Off topic
I am going to buy another handgun this week does anyone have an opinion on a Beretta PX4 Storm Compact 9mm.
I want a 9mm semi auto with a fifteen round clip to conceal carry any better ideas?

July 22, 2012 2:42 pm

@ sensetti –

just something to think about, .22 for everyday carry?

July 22, 2012 2:58 pm

What an absolute tragedy! I feel for the poor, innocent people who lost their lives, for their grieving families. My heart aches for them.

But I also feel for the kid. I do. Being a mother myself, I especially feel the pain of his mother, how she will be blamed for producing a monster. These bright kids often become narrow, too focused, too specialized, which of course they must, otherwise they’d never come up with new discoveries. Even Einstein was not all that personable. And they don’t deal with failure well, they get locked in. Some of our top discoveries have come from people who absolutely drove themselves mad.

Perhaps that oral exam did not go well; maybe he was challenged in some way. Time will tell.

I think there is a lot to learn from this, IF we are bright enough to listen and THINK.

July 22, 2012 3:10 pm

Thanks dillgaf
I know better than to ask a question in this neighborhood. What was I thinking? I have an airweight 38, was thinking about something that carries more rounds. But your video makes a lot of sense.

July 22, 2012 3:18 pm

Colma Rising – “…and don’t buy he was completely normal in upbringing.” Who is? Who really is? Show me a family that isn’t dysfunctional in some way. They all are.

We don’t know yet what happened. I’ve known parents who have done everything under the sun in order to get their kids to STOP studying (yes, to stop), to broaden their horizons a little, but the brightest often get locked in. In fact, we all get locked in to doing what we do. Try to deviate a little yourself; I’ll bet you’ll find that hard to do. We are a product of not only our environment, but our genes.

” Prime age for schizophrenia onset”. Yes, that could be. He certainly was delusional. Most of the other mass murderers have taken their own lives, but he didn’t. That says something.

The fact the mother knew tells us she had been worried, perhaps had tried to get him help. You know your kid, if you’re paying attention (a lot aren’t). I too have tried to get help for a family member, only to be told that there’s nothing to see here, move along, but in your gut you KNOW.

I believe that if we still had COMMUNITIES, close ties with extended families, that this would never have happened (barring a diagnosis of schizophrenia). This constant competition, greed, selfishness, striving, treadmill-like life is nothing to be admired.

I predict we will see more of this.

July 22, 2012 3:20 pm

Everyone here has the option to believe what they want. I don’t personally give a rats ass I just thought some would find this interesting.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 22, 2012 3:54 pm

KaD: I thought it was interesting…. The thumbs up from me. I liked the OWS one a while back too. Do your thing…. thumb counts are meaningless.

BackwardsE: That’s what I was saying. Abnormality is born from a concept of normal…. hand in hand they skip merrily along into the pit of transience…. However, results are results: Kookoo numbnuts Holmes pussed out and destroyed innocent lives and I really don’t care about his mommy’s feelings about it… only the indication that the ‘normal’ storyline is incrediby subjective.

More crap for Monday morning quarterbacks to conjecture about over a bowl of rice chex.

July 22, 2012 6:13 pm

“The anger against society builds until his mind is overwhelmed with thoughts of revenge against somebody and everybody.”

Well. then why not vent on Wall Street Bankers? Why a bunch of people who had nothing to do with this fucktards life?

July 22, 2012 6:29 pm

“And, no one ever bothered exp alining to the sniveling spoiled brat the true facts of life.”

The irony in flash’s continued anti-millenial tirades never ceases to amaze me.

I’d say Boomers are the spoiled brats here bro, not Millenials. We are just trying to make the best out of an increasingly bad situation.

July 22, 2012 6:54 pm

Here is as good of place as any:

Near Riot Breaks Out After Officer-Involved Shooting In Anaheim

ANAHEIM (CBS/AP) — A police shooting that left a man dead led to a near riot Saturday as angry witnesses threw bottles at officers who responded with tear gas and beanbag rounds.

The man was shot around 4 p.m. in front of an apartment complex on the 600 block of North Anna Drive following a foot chase, Anaheim Sgt. Bob Dunn said. He died three hours later at a hospital.

The Orange County Register cited family members and neighbors who said the man shot was Manuel Diaz. Dunn said he could not confirm the man’s name early Sunday.

His niece, 16-year-old Daisy Gonzalez, said her uncle likely ran away from officers when they approached him because of his past experience with law enforcement. “He (doesn’t) like cops. He never liked them because all they do is harass and arrest anyone,” Gonzalez said.

Residents, protesting what they say is an increased police violence against them in the community, started the near riot after the shooting on nearby La Palma.

Crystal Ventura, a 17-year-old who witnessed the shooting, told the Register the man had his back to the officer. She said the man was shot in the buttocks area. The man then went down on his knees, and she said he was struck by another bullet in the head. Another officer handcuffed the man who by then was on the ground and not moving, Ventura said.

“They searched his pockets, and there was a hole in his head, and I saw blood on his face,” she said.

Dunn said he could not comment on these allegations because the shooting is under investigation.

Jay Jackson, reporting for CBS2 and KCAL9, said Saturday night’s scene was chaotic.

The residents blocked off a street and set fire to at least one dumpster.

Earlier in the day, police in riot gear, fired rubber bullets into the crowd. Several protesters lifted their shirts to show large red welts on their torsos and backs.

Residents told Jackson that police overreacted and created the disturbance.

One man said, “They just started shooting.”

Police also set a K-9 officer on one woman and a bystander they said were agitating the situation.

Said Susan Lopez, “I had my baby with me. My baby! The dog scratched me and then grabbed me.” She added, “They shot at me while I was holding a baby!” Another woman yelled, “They just shot at us, they shot at a little kid, too.”

According to police, two patrol officers observed three male suspects in an alley.

Police said the suspects tried to flee on foot when a chase ensued.

The shooting reportedly occurred after one of the officers encountered one of the suspects in a courtyard.

No officers were injured.

The other two suspects are at-large.

Dunn said, “What exactly led to the shooting, we don’t know. We’re still investigating. But a shooting did occur. And the male was taken to a hospital.”

Authorities said the circumstances regarding the shooting were under investigation by members of the gangs unit and Orange County District Attorney’s office.

Four people told Jackson that police offered to buy their cell phone video.

(TM and © Copyright 2012 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. and its relevant subsidiaries. CBS RADIO and EYE Logo TM and Copyright 2010 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Used under license. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

July 22, 2012 7:32 pm
July 22, 2012 7:58 pm

Colma – up close, that wrist rocket is a weapon to be feared. From two or three yards, it is deadly and will drop you like a sack of shit. It will shoot a ball bearing through the side of a 50 gallon drum. It will ruin you whole day if it hits you. It isn’t great at rapid fire, but for a little bit of protection around the house it isn’t bad. Just don’t pull the trigger until they are real close. And use a great big ball bearing. Here is a video of one used on a coconut – jump to minute 2 to see results:

Here is a range of marbles/ball bearings slingshotted against ballistic gell. Anyone want to volunteer for human tests? Don’t think so. Close range and it would shoot right through a human chest. With .45 calibre and up.

Maybe if everyone in the theater had a wrist rocket it would have brought the guy down.

Marbles work pretty well, but you really want lead or steel ball bearings to really have any impact.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 22, 2012 9:30 pm

Llpoh: Those things are’t a joke! Holy shit!

July 22, 2012 9:35 pm
July 22, 2012 9:42 pm

a wrist rocket can also be easily modified to shoot arrows.

July 22, 2012 9:44 pm

Colma – I used to keep one at hand around the house with a supply of ball bearings. Fishing sinkers (round) work well too. Any idiot wanting to take a chance on getting close to me if I had one of those would be in for a very nasty surprise. It would most certainly deter or incapacitate a knife wielder so long as you hit him in the torso – just make sure you get close to them and – pop goes the weasel.

July 22, 2012 9:46 pm

dilligaf is absolutely correct – they hunt deer with those fuckers. Not quite as powerful as a compound bow but pack one hell of a punch. And did I mention silent?

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 22, 2012 9:47 pm

“Ze Handt Hovitzer”

July 22, 2012 9:48 pm

dilligaf – I posted that link a couple of days ago. Difference is that those shitheads were not armored like robocop, and hadn’t filled the room with smoke, and weren’t acting under cover of darkness, and hadn’t come to kill anyone. Still, they ran like little bitches when the old guy pulled out the piece and started shooting.

July 22, 2012 9:53 pm

Here is a slingshot they developed to kill Zombies – pretty fearsome gizmo in all actuality, and a hoot to boot!

July 22, 2012 9:55 pm

Sorry, above was wrong link. This is the zombie killer:

July 22, 2012 9:57 pm

Seriously – take a look at the zombie killer – I am wetting myself laughing. That guy is a riot.

July 22, 2012 10:04 pm

Check out minute 6 on this one – shoots a full beercan clean in half.

You have to log in to see him shoot circular saw blades – I dont think they want kids copying that one! Bwahahaha!

July 22, 2012 10:09 pm

And here is a roof-top mounted Zombie killer – shoots through 2 inches of fiberboard. I wet myself laughing at this guy.

July 22, 2012 10:16 pm

i must say, this has inspired me, i went and dug the old wrist rocket out of the garage. when i was a kid i could take out a bird in flight.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 22, 2012 10:17 pm

The head ejector… Zombie killer sling shot indeed.

He is a riot, llpoh.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 22, 2012 10:19 pm

There goes the neighborhood.

July 22, 2012 10:24 pm

Here he shows how to make a crossbow slingshot – a deadly little fucker that one.

Damn, that guy is awesome. He shoots spears, knives. cannonballs, circular saw blades, and has developed a shot-gun like slingshot. I think Zombies should avoid his neighborhood.

July 22, 2012 10:28 pm

holy shit, the rooftop one is brutal….

July 22, 2012 10:29 pm

In this one, at the end, he soots a spear through a buletproof vest – if all the folks at the theater had one of these, they would have nailed that bastard for sure:

July 22, 2012 10:32 pm

I love this site – where else can I go to post links to Zombie-killing slingshots, call posters cretins and shit for brains one day and swap stories with them about terrorizing the local wildlife with wrist-rockets the next?

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 22, 2012 10:35 pm

Those videos are waaaaaaay too much fun.

July 22, 2012 10:35 pm

Sorry about the typos. Here he has a pump-action pencil shooter – how I would have loved one of those back in grade school. I would have been king until I took out an eye!

July 22, 2012 10:36 pm

sorry forgot the link:

July 22, 2012 10:57 pm

ha ha llpoh, kind of like germans and brits playing soccer in no mans land on the western front.

after watching those vids, i can see now, that i need a stronger sling shot!

July 22, 2012 11:15 pm

Kenneth David Peterson, 51, allegedly told his neighbor Fred Padilla he was attacking him because he was the Antichrist. Peterson attacked his car with a tire iron in February and has now begun regularly shooting at him with a BB gun, Padilla said.

ATT apoligizes for its rogue employees tracking its clients web browsing habits, including slingshots, bb guns and cattle prods

Adjustment agency
Adjustment agency
July 22, 2012 11:22 pm

dilligaf says: i must say, this has inspired me, i went and dug the old wrist rocket out of the garage. when i was a kid i could take out a bird in flight.

And now you can call yourself Jesus and shoot at your neighbors. But you arent crazy you are doing Gods work or rationalize it as so.

Hah =)

Burning Plato
Burning Plato
July 22, 2012 11:29 pm

Now, who here has Googled for cattle prods?

Demented Space Monkey
Demented Space Monkey
July 22, 2012 11:34 pm

I did not Google for cattle prods. I Binged for them fagidaffy

July 22, 2012 11:38 pm

I was cattle-prodded once as a teenager. It was, of course, a dare and also involved remuneration from my so-called-buddies. The operative word her is “once”. Twice was not EVER going to be an option – sumbitches hurt.

15 Floors of govt "intelligence"
15 Floors of govt "intelligence"
July 22, 2012 11:42 pm

Sad, isnt it? We pay for a band of fools to track your web habits and try to mess with your heads.

And this is the result of your tax dollars, right fagidaffy?

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