A portrait of James Holmes is beginning to reveal itself. Personally, I feel what has been revealed about his life should make people more worried. At least with the Tucson murders we could comfort ourselves with the fact that Jared Loughner was clearly a crazed lunatic and his background revealed multiple signs that he would eventually do something crazy. We could blame the system, his parents, drugs, or mental illness. It made us feel safer to rationalize the behavior of a lunatic. But this time something is different.

This kid was brought up in a normal household in San Diego with what appear to be normal parents. He was an athlete who played on the football and soccer teams in high school. He was on the quiet side, but had friends. He worked as a counselor for underpriveleged kids. He liked video games. He was very smart. He graduated from college at the top of his class with a degree in neuroscience, not some worthless liberal arts degree that we like to scorn. But he couldn’t find a job after college. He was forced to work at a McDonalds. Then he tried to hide out in Grad School in Denver, far away from his family and friends.

Now this is why you should be worried. How many young people fit this description? My guess is hundreds of thousands. They did everything right. They listened to their parents. They didn’t get into trouble. They did well in school. They had pretty high self esteem. Then they graduated from college and the real world beckoned. But the country has been gutted by the warfare, welfare, Wall Street policies over the last three decades. There are few if any decent jobs for even the brightest young people. Over the last two years this kid has been holed up in his tiny apartment, accumulating more student loan debt, and getting progressively more depressed and bitter at the world. He’s done everything he thought he needed to do to become successful, but he’s a failure. He keeps asking himself why, but there is no logical answer. The anger against society builds until his mind is overwhelmed with thoughts of revenge against somebody and everybody. Something snapped after months of depression, anger and disillusionment with our unfair system.

There are reports that he was dressed like the Joker. The Dark Knight series of movies are particularly bleak, dark, violent, and not particularly optimistic about our future. People are desperately seeking some sort of logical motive for this mass murder. They will not find one. There is a scene in the first Dark Knight movie that captures the essence of what James Holmes did. This quote from Alfred says it all:     

“Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

No comfort can be gained by categorizing James Holmes as a lunatic. He wasn’t a lunatic for the first 22 years of his life. Did our warped society create the lunatic? Did our economic system that rewards financial criminals, corrupt politicians, and mega-corporations create the lunatic? Did our suburban sprawl, faceless, nameless, materialistic, greedy society create the lunatic? Admit it. The biography of this kid matches many 24 year olds that you know. It might even match the biography of your own son. That is why you should worry. It seems the discussion is already centered around gun control and whether someone with a gun could have prevented this tragedy. I’m not surprised. These are things that we have control over. No one wants to talk about why a seemingly normal young person could snap. We better get a handle on that question, because there are hundreds of thousands of men like James Holmes out there facing the exact same circumstances.


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July 22, 2012 11:42 pm

From wiki:

“Anything that touches the electric current receives a high-voltage low-current shock, not strong enough to kill a human or a large animal such as a cow or sheep from short-term exposure, but strong enough to cause significant pain. The electric cattle prod is designed to apply a painful shock to cattle, and thus “prod” them along; the pain stimulates movement.” The “pain stimulates movement” – no fucking shit – it got me moving, that is for damn sure, and I near shit myself.

Hieth Thomson
Hieth Thomson
July 22, 2012 11:53 pm

I never fired my pellet gun at my neighbor I just pointed it at them but the light scared me.

July 23, 2012 12:00 am

You guys have reminded me that I haven’t played with mine all summer. Not once. Hot summers are lazy summers.

I’m taking it out tomorrow, I have a whole sleeve of small ball bearings. Wonder if my little one is big enough to shoot it yet.

And I need to pull out my pellet rifle and see how she’s doing.

But my main thing on my list tomorrow is re loading supplies. Holder stated he wanted to come after the ammo through background checks, individual markings on ammo (driving prices up), taxes (driving prices up), and now we’ll be limited to the amount we can buy.

They’ve been waiting for a long time to come after our ability to protect ourselves (from them), and they have to disarm us before they sell Fannie/Freddie to China to pay off our debt and keep the war machine supply chain filled.

Writing on the wall has been around for a long time. Yep, reloading supplies, lots and lots of them.

July 23, 2012 12:01 am


I found it interesting. You don’t have to ~believe~ in astrology to see it as a metaphor.


I think your focus is too narrow. flash doesn’t specialize in millennials — he hates everybody. Watch his comments — glass half-empty, every silver lining contained a dark cloud. He’s like the superhero of negativity.


A friend and I were working on a variant of the Norman Dean reactionless thruster patent, intending to replace the mechanicals with electromagnetic tubes. Must have missed a decimal place or something as the initial test of the tube launched the ball bearing with such force that it blasted a hole in a wall. Yahoo.

And moving on …
I saw a photo of the smiling Jimmy James, WTF really? Fucking MSM, you can’t trust anything when you know past history: after the Martin Bryant Port Arthur massacre, the media altered his eyes on more than one photograph to make sure everyone knew this was a loony. And those fakes still show up and no one’s the wiser. Fuckers.

July 23, 2012 12:03 am

KaD, send me an email at gem fem67 at yahoo, I wanted to give you some info on something else that we have in common.

Don’t let the doubters bug ya’, just like ghosts it’s easy to dismiss if you’ve never had it proven to you.

I do love this place and its diversity of thought.

July 23, 2012 12:07 am

that is some funny shit.

i once grabbed an electric fence while standing in an irrigation ditch, i didnt shit myself, but i did let out an involuntary, guttural, moan/scream. which made my cousin turn around wondering what in the hell would make a noise like that. once he saw the look on my face, and that i was frozen to a wire he knocked me off while laughing his ass off. nope, wont do that again…..

July 23, 2012 12:17 am

IOW your so weak you became a servant, right dill because a cattle fence does not kill. It trains, your whole story is BS

July 23, 2012 12:41 am

modify your wrist rocket to shoot arrows –

July 23, 2012 12:51 am

“At least with the Tucson murders we could comfort ourselves with the fact that Jared Loughner was clearly a crazed lunatic and his background revealed multiple signs that he would eventually do something crazy. We could blame the system, his parents, drugs, or mental illness. It made us feel safer to rationalize the behavior of a lunatic. But this time something is different.”
—-Admin’s lead comments

Exactly. This is the best description and analysis of the Aurora massacre yet. And in all the comments thus far, ncognito hit the nail on the head when he (or she, hell who knows, it’s ncognito) focused on Holmes’ mother, who said, “You’ve got the right person.”

Here’s the drill, folks. In both of the Tucson and Aurora massacres, there is ONE, and only one, factor which may, emphasis on may, have made a difference. The parents.

In both of these cases, it was the PARENTS who were closest to the accused. And only the parents. Not a girlfriend, not some buddies, not anyone but their parents.

Anyone got a LAW to fix that. Please, dear God, don’t let anyone answer that seriously.

July 23, 2012 12:52 am

Why modify a wrist wrocket when a charged fence will do the same to peeping toms, who did not learn the lesson of peeping on another, in search of young girls or boys, or whatever his odd desire, then rationalize themselves as neighborhood superheros, protecting their property, or their children, when they are actually a pervert ratonanlizing their freak voyeurism. No wrist rocket needed.

July 23, 2012 12:54 am

Kudos to Dilly Dick, aka dilligaf, for the ONLY solution that citizens have for this random violence.

Packing heat.

July 23, 2012 12:59 am

Legalized prostitution is the answer. The common denominator among all of these young school (or theatre) shooters is that they can’t get laid.

July 23, 2012 1:24 am

Some interesting gun related stats:

Defensive gun uses (DGUs) by civilians, per year…2,500,000 to 3,500,000

Fraction of DGUs in which no shot is fired…92%

In most DGUs, a firearm is merely displayed by the intended victim, and the criminal flees. No one is injured. Civilian gun ownership clearly gives the edge to the law-abiding defender, because in 82 percent of DGU situations, the criminal has no gun.

[Combination of sources cited by Kleck in Targeting Guns (1997), all figures]

Crimes committed with guns, per year…1,000,000

About three times as many DGUs occur per year.

About 30,000 (Holy shit!) deaths by gun occur each year in the US. Think about that number – 30,000! Every 15 years the equivalent of a city of 500,000 is wiped out. The deaths are largely split 50-50 suicide to murder. About 1000 accidental deaths per year occur.

What does it all mean? Hell if I know. I do know that 30,000 death by gun in the US is an absolute outrage and should not be tolerated at all. How to stop it is beyond my ken. But some 3 million crimes per year are prevented by civilians with guns, and 600,000 crimes involving guns are prevented each year by civilians with guns – roughly 60% of gun crime is prevented by citizens with their own guns, if I am reading the stats correctly. That means over half of all gun crime is prevented because civilians have guns.

But there can also be no doubt that a lot of deaths – and I mean HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of deaths, even millions – occur because of the prevalence of guns in the US society. The guns are out there, and no matter what an individuals position is (I for one have always owned them and am not about to give them up) they cannot and will not be withdrawn. But the shear number of deaths is an abomination. I really have no answer to any of it. It is just such a shame.

July 23, 2012 1:26 am

Speaking of mass murder, Romney is tied to El Salvadorian death squads, LOL:

July 23, 2012 1:27 am

250,000+ times a year a citizen fires a gun in order to prevent the commission of a crime. Interesting little factoid to be gleaned from the stats I posted above.

July 23, 2012 1:30 am

PS – I also just read a counterpoint to the above stats that effectively say they are all bullshit, and only around 100,000 times a year are guns used by civilians in order to prevent gun crime. I have no idea which is right, and the stats are diametrically opposed. Go figure.

July 23, 2012 1:37 am

Another interesting fact – Australia, 1/15th the size of the US, has around 50 gun homicides per year – or 1/25th the rate of gun homicide by population. Its suicide rate by gun is around 1/3 of the US rate by population. Australia has moderate gun control laws per my understanding.

The takeaway from this is that perhaps 20,000 people die each year in the US because of freely available guns in comparison to nations where guns are not freely available. It is a reasonable question to ask – is the benefit of freedom to bear arms worth the cost? Millions will die over time because of this freedom. It is not an inconsequential price. I do not have the answer, and am not advocating gun control. But it is a legitimate question, that I find harder to answer within myself each passing year.

July 23, 2012 1:45 am

lloph – is the benefit of freedom to bear arms worth the cost?

the question is easily answered.

2nd amendment.

July 23, 2012 1:54 am

is the benefit of freedom to bear arms worth the cost.

without it, freedom ceases to exist.

July 23, 2012 1:58 am

Surprisingly, DaveL actually made a really good point that I’ve also been wondering about all weekend… why don’t these nut bag fucksticks go and pull this shit at the corp HQ of one of the banks? Then, at least, there would’ve been SOMETHING redeeming about the expended ammo. As it is, what a fucking chickenshit. Firing squad.

July 23, 2012 2:10 am

Excellent question, llpoh. Is it worth it? There are obviously great costs in injuries and deaths, whether intentional or accidental, each year because of the presence of such large numbers of guns. But, what would be the cost in lives and injuries of a society under complete, armed tyranny, such as the Soviets or Cambodians had? Looking purely at the numbers, I would posit that our death toll is less than it would be were civilian guns to be outlawed and confiscated, and that toll would be at the hands of our government (which is increasing anyway).

July 23, 2012 2:57 am

Dilligaf – I doubt anyone thought there would be 30,000 gun deaths a year way back then. The 2nd amendment doesn’t answer the question at all. It bestows a right. At a terrible cost.

E – I suspect you may be right. However, the 30,000 deaths a year makes me at least question the balance. It is a terrible thing.

July 23, 2012 4:57 am

When I was a scrawny 12 year old, a kid shot me with a wrist rocket from about 2-3 feet away. He used a green walnut as a projectile. I was hit just below the ribs on my left side, right inline with my kidney. It took me a couple of minutes just to figure out what the fuck had happened. My brother said I dropped to the floor and was flopping around like a fish out of water. All I remember was a searing, white hot pain that seemed to engulf me. It left a bruise that wrapped around my torso from my spine to my belly button and armpit to belt line. I even pissed a little blood but there was no permanent damage. I’m lucky he was not using a ball bearing. Fuck that hurt!

July 23, 2012 6:15 am

Loopy ,before you start calling for all out gun control based upon what some dubious Australian gun control stats ,take a gander at this.

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Mailvox: Aussie logic
Freddy suggests that America should follow Australia’s example in fighting crime by banning guns:

Australia has very strict gun laws following several mass shootings. People get shot but mainly as a result of gangs who fight their vendettas out between themselves. It is rare for people to shot in domestic violence or random attacks. Most people don’t carry or own guns. Americans would do well to consider that many non Americans think it is insane to be able to buy a firearm off the counter.

Actually, if the Australian Bureau of Criminology can be believed, Americans would be insane to concern themselves with what non-Americans think about American gun rights.

In 2002 — five years after enacting its gun ban — the Australian Bureau of Criminology acknowledged there is no correlation between gun control and the use of firearms in violent crime. In fact, the percent of murders committed with a firearm was the highest it had ever been in 2006 (16.3 percent), says the D.C. Examiner.

Even Australia’s Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research acknowledges that the gun ban had no significant impact on the amount of gun-involved crime:

In 2006, assault rose 49.2 percent and robbery 6.2 percent.
Sexual assault — Australia’s equivalent term for rape — increased 29.9 percent.
Overall, Australia’s violent crime rate rose 42.2 percent.

Moreover, Australia and the United States — where no gun-ban exists — both experienced similar decreases in murder rates:

Between 1995 and 2007, Australia saw a 31.9 percent decrease; without a gun ban, America’s rate dropped 31.7 percent.
During the same time period, all other violent crime indices increased in Australia: assault rose 49.2 percent and robbery 6.2 percent.
Sexual assault — Australia’s equivalent term for rape — increased 29.9 percent.
Overall, Australia’s violent crime rate rose 42.2 percent.
At the same time, U.S. violent crime decreased 31.8 percent: rape dropped 19.2 percent; robbery decreased 33.2 percent; aggravated assault dropped 32.2 percent.
Australian women are now raped over three times as often as American women.

So, if the USA follows Australia’s lead in banning guns, it should expect a 42 percent increase in violent crime, a higher percentage of murders committed with a gun, and three times more rape. One wonders if Freddy even bothered to look up the relative crime statistics.

The International Crime Victims Survey, conducted by Leiden University in Holland, found that England and Wales ranked second overall in violent crime among industrialized nations. Twenty-six percent of English citizens — roughly one-quarter of the population — have been victimized by violent crime. Australia led the list with more than 30 percent of its population victimized. The United States didn’t even make the “top 10” list of industrialized nations whose citizens were victimized by crime.

I wonder why that might be?

Labels: mailvox, society

July 23, 2012 6:38 am

admin-,maybe some congress critter ought to float a bill that requires all recent college graduates with science degrees who are unemployed get psyches evaluations and turn in all weapons.
This would make loopy feel much safer.
I wonder where loopy stands on government imposed restrictions on C/C pocket knives

July 23, 2012 7:13 am

Flsh you are stupid as dirt sometimes. You simply cannot negate 30,000 gun deaths per year with your horseshit. Further, nowhere did I advocate gun control. Quite the contrary. But 30,000 fucking gun deaths every fucking year simply cannot be swept under the carpet in this debate. And fact is nations with strict gun control laws generally have fewer crime related deaths.

Try to cover it with smoke and mirrors but every 15 years half a million Americans die by gun. That is an abomination.

July 23, 2012 7:26 am

Admin – that is somewhat my point. I do not have the answer. Gun control puts the population at risk from despots. But 30,000 deaths a year is unacceptable. It must be addressed. I do not know how, but we cannot live with that forever. I am appalled by the massacre, but I doubt gun laws will affect that type of crime in any way – people planning those sprees will figure out how to accomplish them.,laws be damned.

July 23, 2012 7:32 am

Loopy , you can’t blame the 30,000 deaths per year on guns,and if guns were somehow erased from the violence equation , the culture of violence would still prevail, even if restricted to only the use of long knives.
Hutus killed 800,000 Tutsis using little more than machetes.

The culture that begat this pointless violence isn’t going away , so ill keep possession of my firearm,but thanks for your concern just the same.
Let ’em kill 30 thousand more of each other. Matter of fact , TBP should organize a get out the gun drive and seek arm more of the thugs…..provide free crack and malt , liquor too.Let ’em kill themselves off.
We don’t need to save a damn one of the barbarians.They’ve not added one thing to the progress of society.
Stop da’ violence sez the culture that is the source of all the violence.
Chicago police sergeant: “Tribal warfare” on the streets

(CBS News) CHICAGO – Chicago is in the grips of a deadly gang war. At least 275 people have been killed in the city so far this year and many more have been shot, many of them innocent bystanders to the gang violence. Among the latest victims were 12- and 13-year-old girls shot Tuesday night. They survived.

Sgt. Matt Little leads one of the teams in Chicago’s Gang Enforcement Unit. There are about 200 such officers in the city– versus 100,000 gang members.

“Almost all the violence we’re seeing now is from the gangs,” Little said. “When there’s a shooting we’ll respond to the shooting. We’ll figure out where we believe the most likely area for retaliation is and we’ll work that area trying to both prevent retaliation and possibly build a case on offenders.”

CBS News rode along with Little’s team as dusk fell on poor neighborhoods of vacant lots and high anxiety.

“The gangs have lost their hierarchy, so to speak, and without a chain of command, there’s really nobody keeping things in check,” Little said. The leaders are mostly in prison — or dead. Those left are young, reckless, and often terrible shots.
Dean Reynolds

July 23, 2012 7:38 am

loopy A little light shined on your BS gun control spew.

30,000 Gun Deaths per year!

by bigblock57, blogalwarning blog.

This number touted by gun-controllers seems to be about right. However, a deeper look reveals the following:

1).Suicides account for about 48% of deaths by guns. They need to be taken off the figures, as suicide will take place with or without a gun. (Sweden has higher suicide rate than US, but guns hardly used there for that…) So now we are down to 16,300 deaths per year to deal with.

2.)Homicides account for about 16,000 gun deaths in the US annually. Half of the homicides are blacks on blacks while blacks are just 13% of the population. If we figured out the social issues among blacks in the US, homicide rate would have dropped by about 40% with no change in guns ownership.(Data for 1995-2005.) Most of these homicides are with guns, but how many of them would be avoided if guns weren’t around? (See suicides above…) So now we are down to about 9300 gun homicides. (8000 among whites, and 1300 among blacks which will bring the rate to same as whites poroportional to population.

3.)As far as accidental deaths in 2007 , 39% cars, 18% poisoning, 16% falls,….only 0.6% guns! Even deaths from medical mistakes are three times higher than from gun accidents.

4.) Gun homicides decreased during the mid 90′s and remained stable todate, in-spite of population growth, and dramatic increase in gun ownership. Accidental guns deaths have decreased over 90% during the last 100 years! (Again, in the face of population growth and increase in gun ownership).

5.)there are about 9300 gun homicides (not counting the unproportional high rate within the black community) and about 700 accidental gun deaths in the US every year. 10,000 too many deaths, but nothing like the 30,000 number that is used to call for a “gun ownership crisis” in the US. The only crisis at hand is that some people, while calling themselves “Americans” are trying to take away from me my constitutional gun rights.

(Sources; FBI, CDC, US Census Beureau,

30,000 Gun Deaths per year!

July 23, 2012 7:41 am

The government never seem to lack a crisis to fit a preconceived solution. A small arms control treaty with the UN?…what could possibly go wrong.

The ‘lone gunmen’
Exclusive: Vox Day reveals Denver theater shooting’s signs of false-flag operation

Vox Day is a Christian libertarian and author of “The Return of the Great Depression” and “The Irrational Atheist.” He is a member of the SFWA, Mensa and IGDA, and has been down with Madden since 1992. Visit his blog, Vox Popoli.

“As I was sitting down to get my seat, I noticed that a person came up to the front row, the front right, sat down, and as credits were going, it looked like he got a phone call. He went out toward the emergency exit doorway, which I thought was unusual to take a phone call. And it seemed like he probably pried it open, or probably did not let it latch all the way. As soon as the movie started, somebody came in, all black, gas mask, armor, and threw a gas can into the audience, and it went off, and then there were gunshots that took place.”

– “Witness: Someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater,” CNN, July 20, 2012

No doubt many Americans believe James Holmes acted alone in shooting up the Denver theater because they were told that was the case, despite at least one witness report that someone else appears to have been involved. While it is a remote possibility that Holmes was the individual seen opening the emergency exit prior to the entrance of the gunman, the fact that he has his hair dyed bright red tends to preclude that possibility as the witness would be expected to have remembered such an unusual attribute. And even if the man taking the phone call was Holmes, that would raise the question of who called him just prior to the attack.

Holmes is only the latest in a series of “lone gunmen” who are possessed of seemingly supernatural talents, such as the ability to defy the laws of physics or to be in two places at the same time. The magic bullet of Lee Harvey Oswald, the super-explosive power of Timothy McVeigh’s fertilizer bomb, the four living Saudis who are confirmed to have survived their reported participation in the 9/11 crashes and the remarkable incendiary talents of Martin van der Lubbe are all similar examples of the way in which the official story put forth by the government simply doesn’t withstand the test of science and reason.

There can be no doubt that in light of the complete political failure of the gun-control movement over the last 29 years, the Obama administration is desperate to find a way around the Second Amendment by signing the Arms Trade Treaty presently being aggressively pushed by the United Nations. With 58 senators already on the record as being opposed to any treaty that would infringe upon Second Amendment rights (thereby giving them cover to claim that the treaty does not affect such rights until after the treaty comes into effect and is clearly seen to do so), the administration was in dire need of a gun-related crisis to reduce the public opposition to the treaty.

And in the absence of any crisis it could utilize – for as Rahm Emanuel has said, “You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste” – it appears the administration may have found one. Unfortunately, with an administration that has openly claimed a legal right to assassinate Americans without trial and is known to have engaged in a similar, but much larger false flag operation in “Operation Fast and Furious,” you cannot rule out the possibility that this incident is more than a lucky break for the government. Potential echoes of “Fast and Furious” can be seen in Holmes’ purchase of the weaponry utilized; where did an unemployed graduate school dropout find the money to obtain a rifle that costs around $1,250 and an estimated $1,500 in ammunition? One can’t help but ask such questions in times like these.

If the shootings were a false-flag operation, the Obama administration appears to have badly misread the American people again. Instead of seeing it as an example of the need for more gun control, most Americans have interpreted it as a powerful indictment of gun-free zones and an example of the need for further liberalization of carry laws. It was probably fortunate, for the sake of American freedom, that 71-year-old Samuel Williams happened to use his .38 to shoot two armed teenage thugs at an Internet cafe only a week earlier, thus presenting Americans with the significant distinction between an armed citizenry and an unarmed one.

No doubt many will avert their eyes, turn off their minds and dismiss the possibility of government involvement in the shootings as “conspiracy theory.” But 10 years ago, in a column titled The secret lust for power, I showed how the conspiracy theory of history is the only one that holds up in light of centuries of documentary evidence. Argument from incredulity is a logical fallacy, and as the following quote from a 1,700-year-old conspiracy on the part of the heir to the imperial throne should suffice to illustrate, only the uneducated and the ignorant will simply assume the intrinsic impossibility of false-flag operations.

But Galerius, not satisfied with the tenor of the edict, sought in another way to gain on the emperor. That he might urge him to excess of cruelty in persecution, he employed private emissaries to set the palace on fire; and some part of it having been burnt, the blame was laid on the Christians as public enemies; and the very appellation of Christian grew odious on account of that fire. It was said that the Christians, in concert with the eunuchs, had plotted to destroy the princes; and that both of the princes had well-nigh been burnt alive in their own palace…. No circumstances, however, of the fact were detected anywhere; for no one applied the torture to any domestics of Galerius. He himself was ever with Diocletian, constantly urging him, and never allowing the passions of the inconsiderate old man to cool. Then, after an interval of fifteen days, he attempted a second fire; but that was perceived quickly, and extinguished.

– De Mortibus Persecutorum, Lactanius ~310 A.D.

Were the Denver shootings a false flag operation? It will probably be years before anyone can say decisively one way or the other. But if Holmes commits suicide or otherwise dies in custody, that will be a strong indication that he is one more in a long and suspicious series of lone gunmen.

July 23, 2012 7:44 am

Loopy ,get one for your home and car.Criminals respect signs.30 thousand a year say so.

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 23, 2012 8:11 am

Flash – you ignorant slut. Keep repeating figures I already posted. Keep painting me as anti-gun, tho I have forgotten more about guns than you know. Bullshit on your inferences that people will committ as many murders with knives as they will with guns – that is too stupid even for you. Same goes re your suicide figures. Gun suicide is extremely effective, other means less so, so that point is stupid, too.

July 23, 2012 8:25 am

loopy , I’m not repeating your figures, I’m calling them overly sensationalized bullshit and you a bullshit spewer.
Where’syour Googled bullshit figures on cop killings per year?….can’t find ’em , huh? That’s because they are recorded.
I assume you support the arming of the largest group of dumbasses in America being armed and given a license by the state to kill with impunity?
Florida man killed in police mix-up
ReutersBy Barbara Liston | Reuters – Fri, Jul 20, 2012

July 23, 2012 9:11 am

Flash – I would respond if I could figure out what the fuck you are talking about. How many citizens a year are killed by cops? No idea. Less than 30,000. Lots less.

July 23, 2012 9:45 am

@llpoh –

Just a couple things of note, then I’ll let you get back to it:

1) flash has a history of setting up strawmen. In this case its you and your left-wing gun control advocacy.

2) Some of his stats actually have some merit, it just takes way too much effort to dig the shit out of the rest of the pile.

Most noticeably, the number of suicides by gun and the amount of black-on-black crime. In the case of suicides, I understand the point that people are more likely to try the “point and click” method rather than other, less effective means; however that appears to me to be a societal issue. If people want to take their lives it means they’ve lost hope that the future can be any brighter.

In the case of the black community, that is obviously a societal issue as well. Just look at where the majority of the other crime takes place. Teach a man to fish and all that, Sharpton and has ilk have done more damage to the black community than the Neo-nazis and KKK combined.

July 23, 2012 11:51 am

@Hope: MK ULTRA definitely comes to mind. I thought it was a little tinfoil to say out loud, but since you’ve gone first I’ll say it too. I wonder the same thing about Tim McVeigh. It’s really bizarre to think of someone going crazy and going on a killing rampage, then calmly and peacefully surrendering to police, warning them of a massively booby-trapped apartment from hell, and keeping quiet in jail. Everything after the killing rampage suggests a fairly sane and rational person (everything before and during, the opposite). It doesn’t make any sense, and given the political convenience it is suspicious.

There has been an odd bent in the recent reporting, stating that any new gun control is “unlikely.” It’s so pervasive that it sounds like a deliberate message from above the reporter level. Makes me suspicious also – either to lull the RKBA crowd into complacency, or, more likely I think, to say “we can’t do X, so instead we’ll have to do Y” with Y being another major increase in the police state apparatus – TSA goons at theaters and malls, etc., more cameras, more nosy-neighbor tiplines, basically the East German Stasi arrangement.

July 23, 2012 1:02 pm

Are the shootings by cops not death by gun and therefore merit being tossed in your mish-mash of convenient death by gun facts?
Would you happen to have the not-so convenient stats on how many people were saved by being in possession a gun during an attempt on their life?
The lamestream media isn’t interested in any stats that do not support their “get the guns off the streets” hysteria.

Were are the stats on vehicles killing over thirty thousand people and year. being bandied about on the regurgitated crap TV that pass for news these days.
And how about the use of guns with cars in the commission of a crime? Where the stats on cars transporting guns to the scene of a crime , killing people and then aiding in the get-away?

Personally I’m OK with guns, its the complicity of cars involved in the violent deaths of people that gots me so upset.

We just need to get vehicles off our streets and make it safe for kids to pal in the street again!
Get out the guns to kill the cars….yeah , that’s the ticket.

July 23, 2012 1:09 pm

Ovens have killed more people than anything.Oh yeah unarmed people went to the ovens.

July 23, 2012 1:17 pm


I just don’t know about this guy. This is the prime age for a schizophrenic break as well. Schizophrenia has a baseline incidence of 1% in all cultures across the planet and frequently “breaks” when the person is under some severe stress or when they are in a situation that is less than tightly controlled. These patients also usually are highly intelligent as well.

The CO shooter was obviously a very smart guy, those NIH grants are not given out except to the most promising students. He was also under great stress during this first year of study, which the article did not mention, but is a “weed out” year. The fact that there was some kind of mutual withdrawal by the student and the university as well as his mother saying “you’ve got the right guy” indicates that there was some kind of problem with this guy. It is very sad all the way around.

I threw out the MK Ultra cuz I’ll bet there are thousands of people out there who are dissaffected, slightly nuts, and very vulnerable that are just ripe for being ginned up and pointed at a target. That is why we will never see a true picture of his social networking, cell phone records and emails, heh.

The CO shooter has already lawyered up and picked a target that was a designated NO GUN ZONE, proving that even in the most deranged person there is a core of sanity for self preservation, heh.

BTW: While Obama fly to CO to commiserate with the mostly WHITE victims of this shooter, he has totally ignored the holocause going on in his HOMETOWN OF CHICAGO, where there are more BLACK victims of assault/murder in ONE weekend than in this CO shooting, as horrible as it was.

Yeah, we ARE cowards about race, Mr. Holder. Just not in the way that you think…..

July 23, 2012 1:30 pm

Hope , if obamey wants to confront a killer , he need to travel no farther than the nearest mirror.
Aftermath in Aurora: Child-Killer as ‘Comforter-in-Chief’

Abdulrahman was sixteen years old when he was murdered by the United States government. He had run away from home in a desperate attempt to find his father, Anwar, a “radical cleric” who was the well-publicized target of the Obama administration’s assassination program.

Despite the fact that Anwar al-Awlaki was never formally charged with a crime – let alone convicted of one – he was assassinated on Obama’s orders two weeks before the Regime slaughtered his son and eight other innocent people.

July 23, 2012 1:32 pm

Ron , you’re so damn right….

I feel to be truly safe we as Americans need to ban together and pool our collected voices and demand and immediate ban on all ovens, and yes, this does include the easy bakes…

July 23, 2012 1:32 pm

@Hope: yes to all the above. I don’t by any means “know” that this was a plant or a false flag, but it seems suspicious. I find it far less suspicious when some a-hole shoots up his workplace or ex-wife’s family – equally evil, but far easier to believe as simply a bad-human action. And some crazy who shoots up an innocent target and then tries to shoot cops and gets shot himself – well at least that seems consistently crazy and not crazy one minute, sane the next.

As far as false flag possibilities, MK ULTRA, etc., everyone should read this piece of FICTION that seems like it could mirror some reality:

Again, that is fiction, but who’s to say it isn’t going on in some fashion?

July 23, 2012 1:37 pm

One more note on this tragedy – does anyone else see the stupendous irony that a bunch of ordinary people were brutally murdered by a guy probably living partly in a fantasy world, while they were paying to see the absolute very-first showing of a violent movie set in a quasi-fantasy world in which lots of innocent ordinary people are killed by an evil villain?

In a morbid way, it’s a bit like the people who go to a NASCAR race in the hopes of seeing a crash, and then end up getting knocked over by a tire that flew off a crashed car.

Bonus points if you think this makes Obummer the g-damned Batman.

July 23, 2012 3:22 pm

p-snickety , I’m appalled at your audacity to dare to attempt humor on such a solemn thread.
Have you no sympathy for the dead, sir?

July 23, 2012 3:46 pm

@flash: you’re right. I beg forgiveness for my sins. I hereby sentence myself to five minutes of listening to Nancy Pelousi. Truly a horrible punishment.

July 23, 2012 5:17 pm

Well, the lawyers have gotten to Holmes parents. They just read a statement that the mother now claims that her comments that “you got the right person”, were misunderstood by the media.

She claims that the media called her and asked her if she was Holmes mother. She then says “you got the right person”, referring to herself as his mother affirmatively.

Lets see if ABC news, the originator of the story, have anything to say about it.

July 23, 2012 6:02 pm

p-snickety , if you truly want to do penance you must accept a date night invitation from Barney Fwanks , and thus your forthcoming pain will be accepted as sufficient restitution for your lack of empathy for those who went before.
And Barney will cast his eternally grateful smile upon your very abused backside and you will arise healed.

I pray for your deliverance.

July 24, 2012 11:53 am

ABC News On Holmes Family Statement: ‘ABC News stands by its previous reporting’

ABC News says it stands by its original reporting, after the family of alleged Colorado gunman James Holmes says that it took remarks by his mother out of context.

ABC News producer Matthew Mosk placed the call, and recalled what transpired:

Mosk said today that he awoke Arlene Holmes and informed her that a man, he believed was her son had been arrested in Aurora and asked to confirm their relationship.

“You have to tell me what happened… You have to tell me what happened,” the woman on the phone said, according to Mosk. Mosk said he told her that ABC News had learned the 24-year-old had been identified by police as the lone suspect in the mass killing in Aurora, Colo and that the details of the events were still taking shape.

“You have the right person,” was her response, he said. “I need to call the police. I need to fly to Colorado.”

July 25, 2012 1:55 pm

I’m a PhD student drop out. I worked at it for 5 years then quit to make a life and start a family. I kinda get where he is coming from. You are smart, successful (I had a good job before I quit for grad school). Then you spend years working 70-90 hours a week, trying to get experiments to work, writing grants which will never be funded, competing with your classmates who are also trying to prove themselves. The committee members and your boss all have huge egos and act like it is their job to torment you the way they have been tormented. You become obsessed with your ‘project’ because it needs to be the most important thing in your life. If it isn’t, you fail out. If you stop and don’t have your project anymore, what is there in your lfe? It isn’t like you can see grad school as a few tough years of your life. You spend 6-8 years in thePhD program, then another 4 years working as a post doc, then in your mid to late 30’s maybe you get a junior faculty position making 45k. It is realy depressive. One day I found one of the junior students had left the laser on. I imagined what woudl have happened by the next morning if I had left it. And I realized I really and truly would have been happy if I heard the lab and all my work and all of everyone else’s work burned to the ground. I thought maybe I shouldn’t do safety checks before locking up each night. I quit the next week.

Yeah, the guy’s a psycho. I would never hurt people like that. But I can kind of see how grad school could lead to his tunnel vision if he doesn’t have a strong moral compass.

July 25, 2012 2:03 pm

I cheated the system, and got a Masters of APPLIED Science, which means I only had about two top tier chemistry courses to take (HPLC operation and carbo-chem), but the rest of my degree was comprised of things like industrial scale up, regulations, compliance and then a slew of MBA type classes as well.

I get zero respect from most PhD’s out walking around, but my degree and experience outside the program landed me a high-paying position right out of the gate, and my path of progression is extremely linear and could easily see my pay doubling in the next 2-3 years.

I avoided the dog war that is a PhD program, but so many of my friends are neck deep in their fourth year of a program, and damn near all of them are miserable.