I watched every minute of the debate last night. Millions of people watched the debate. Millions more watched Honey Boo Boo. It will be interesting to see which show was watched by more people – a true reflection on our society. It was clear to me after 30 minutes that Romney was winning the debate. I consider myself a neutral observer that despises both men. As the debate progressed the beatdown became more apparent. Romney essentially obliterated Obama. But, why wouldn’t he? Obama’s record is nothing but failure, debt, unemployment and war. I watched it on PBS, but immediately switched to MSNBC after the conclusion to hear the ultra-liberal spin. I expected them to declare Obama the winner, but Madow and Shultz were practically speechless. They looked like someone in West Philly who was just told their EBT card would no longer work at KFC. Al Sharpton went into a full out rant, practically foaming at the mouth. I switched to CNN and this pathetic excuse for a news organization had the Obama communist supporter Van Jones trying to explain why Obama came across like a dimwitted moron. It was revolting listening to that jackass.

But, at the end of the day it was nothing but a beauty contest between two vacuous stooges put up by our owners. They both blathered on about cutting the defict. They DID NOT talk about reducing our National Debt. They are confident in the fact that the ignorant masses don’t understand the difference between deficit and debt. Under either of these morons, the national Debt will surpass $20 trillion by the end of their term. That is not cutting!!!! The lies about balanced budgets are beyond the pale. The only way to balance our budgets is to dramatically cut the military, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, DHS, and scrap the existing tax system and all its free shit handouts. Neither candidate has any intention of reducing the size of our government. They have the balls to declare that they will create jobs. Bullshit. The Federal Government creates nothing. They take our money and redistribute it to their cronies.

The bullshit that infuriated me the most was the utter crap about energy independence. We consume 18 million barrels of oil per day and we import 10 million of those barrels. We convert some of that oil to gasoline and export 2 million barrels of that per day. The shale oil and shale natural gas storyline has been exaggerated by the hypesters and shysters. It is impossible for us to become energy independent. Should we use everything at our disposal (oil, gas, coal, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, solar and wind)? YES. But nothing will replace oil. And the energy required to produce the energy we need will become increasingly expensive no matter what. To mislead the American public with bullshit slogans about energy independence is criminal.

The American people need the truth. They need someone to hit them over the head with a 2 by 4. Slogans and kabuki theater aren’t going to cut it. At the end of the day, the American people got more truth from the episode of Honey Boo Boo than they did from this farce.


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October 4, 2012 9:35 am

Glad I managed to avoid the whole thing. The Romney win comes as a surprise, but otherwise it sounds like business as usual.

I’m not sure which is worse…the terrible candidates, or the ignorant ass voters who will put one of them in office. I’m tempted to say that the American people are pretty much getting what they deserve, but what I’d really like to see is for people to wake up and start a real grassroots movement for change. I’m not holding my breath.

I for one will not cast a vote for the status quo.

Appalachian Trail Deblazer
Appalachian Trail Deblazer
October 4, 2012 9:37 am

It is fixed just like wrestling.!

Obama = Express elevator to Hell
Romney = Staircase to Hell

We are so __________________. You fill in the blank

October 4, 2012 10:08 am

I caught the last 10 minutes and was struck by how much ol’ Barky reminded me of a guy I know who has smoked sooooo much weed over the last 20 years that his mental capacity has been permanently and noticeably diminished. Just sayin’….

October 4, 2012 10:33 am

“They are confident in the fact that the ignorant masses don’t understand the difference between deficit and debt.” ——- Admin

It’s worse than that, Jim. Most people can’t even identify a Joe Biden picture (the Stossel ‘s experiment).

I sincerely apologize for reposting what I have the past few days regarding Pew Research … that is to say;

1) 16% of Democrats do NOT believe the economy is an issue.

2) fully half of America supports Big Government … in fact, they want it even bigger.

You say, “The American people need the truth.”. True.

Unfortunately, at least 94% don’t give a flying fuck about truth. 47% will vote “D”, regardless of the asshole’s name next to it. The other 47% will vote “R”, regardless of the asshole’s name next to it. The remaining 6% are fairly powerless to change this country. We’re fucked, pal.

John Angelo
John Angelo
October 4, 2012 10:34 am

I got the sense last night during the debate that Obama is done. I also got that sense during his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. I think he already knows he lost and is just going through the motions right now. Regardless, it felt SO GOOD to watch Obama get his clock cleaned in front of a national audience last night. The first debate is the most watched and the most important. I think this election breaks for Romney and he wins by a close margin in the popular vote and a larger margin in the electoral college.

October 4, 2012 10:35 am

I’m so neutral I didn’t watch the debate OR honey boo boo.

October 4, 2012 10:44 am

I will not be voting for either of these politicians, 2 sides of the same coin. However it was awesome to see obama get his ass handed to him, repeatedly! So badly in fact, the msm couldnt even make shit up that obama won.
Oh yeah, WTF is honey boo boo?

October 4, 2012 10:48 am

I must be living under a rock, but can someone tell me what the fuck a Honey-boo-boo is?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 4, 2012 10:49 am

But, at the end of the day it was nothing but a beauty contest between two vacuous stooges put up by our owners -admin

Billions of dollars in commercials and ads and still no actual debate. I read where the debaters were given just two minutes to answer (the attention span of the average American).

They have no solutions to the problems. Its the same tired rhetoric over and over and over and over.

October 4, 2012 10:51 am

I didn’t watch a minute of it. I spent the whole time arguing with my wife about why both of them suck ass.

October 4, 2012 10:52 am


I never heard of Honey Boo Boo either until a couple days ago. The show can easily be renamed, “The Worst of American Culture”.

Let google be your friend! Here is a sickening youtube vid compilation;

October 4, 2012 11:02 am

One of my employees had too tell me who Honey Booboo was. I haven’t watched TV in years.

October 4, 2012 11:10 am

Two things really annoy me about these policy debates on energy, jobs, education the environment and immigration

The first is the impact immigration has on all the others. If the US net imports of oil are about 8mbpd and we increase our population by about 1% per year through immigration and work visas then we must produce 80,000bpd more just to stay still.

Then there is the impact on jobs. If, as industry tells us, there are not enough native workers with the skills they need then why in the hell isn’t our education system producing them? If need be use work visas to import foreign workers to train ours then tell them thanks now go home. If there are no jobs for journalism, history or psychology majors then don’t offer students grants and loans to study those fields. Offer loans and grants for those majors that are in short supply say petro geologist and engineering.

If we are going to have government run our lives can we at least ask that they do it competently. If we want clean air and water then instead of trying to force people to reduce their carbon footprint lets limit the number of feet emitting carbon. What good does it do to increase CAFE standards by 20% if during that same time window we increase the number of cars by the same 20%?

October 4, 2012 11:13 am

These debates are pure entertainment. To discuss such broad, important issues requires much more time given than an hour and a half split between two politicians. It is a joke. Last night, neither candidate even explained their policies in detail. What both were saying didn’t even make sense mathematically. A bunch of rehearsed, Hollywood bullshit. Romney happened to put on a better show last night and was a better bullshitter but both of these clowns are very alike.

Americans are lazy and clueless. They don’t want to put in any effort into understanding these candidates and their policies. Most of them that watched the debate last night can’t even give you a legitimate explanation for who they would vote for based on last night’s debate. I was listening to MSM after the debate for a little entertainment and the responses I was hearing from Americans that attended the debate were idiotic.

Host: So, based on the debate who do you think won and who would you vote for today if you had to choose?

Idiot: I think Romney won and I would vote for Romney after watching this debate. My reasoning is because I felt like he sounded more like a leader and was a better communicator.

Unbelievable. There you go folks. Americans have no clue. Didn’t even mention one thing about the policies as a reason to vote for Romney. Fix your hair just right, look like your in shape, rehearse your favorite pitches and focus on speaking skills and you too can become the next president of the United States.

We are doomed. I refuse to vote this year. I will not use my right to vote for the lesser of 2 evils. I stand by what I believe in and I refuse to sacrifice my principles for the sake of voting for the status quo.

October 4, 2012 11:26 am

” What good does it do to increase CAFE standards by 20% if during that same time window we increase the number of cars by the same 20%?”

Just another example of how we pay lip service to protecting the enviroment. It doesn’t matter if we reduce emissions per car if we have no limit on how many cars are built. Duh!

Gotta have those jobs at Government Motors. That’s the important thing.

A year or two ago the federal goverment made it illegal to import Lister diesel engines, which many preppers prefer to power generators because they will run on a variety of fuels and virtually never wear out. This was done in the name of lowering pollution. However we can still import zillions of high rpm Honda powered generators that turn into junk in few years. Go figure.

October 4, 2012 11:34 am

I came away from the debate learnng just on major thing.

Chris Matthews has finally figured out that the “tingle he felt up his leg” was Barack Obama pissing on him.

October 4, 2012 11:38 am

Yeah, tell people the truth about Medicare and lose Florida. That sounds like a winning strategy to me.

It wouldn’t be so bad if Obamma won and Congress put it’s foot down. But what bothers me most about Obamie is that he rules by decree in violation of the Constitution. He simply won’t enforce immigration law and the feckless Congress will never bring impeachment hearings against him.

October 4, 2012 11:42 am

I liked Romneys beating on Obama.It would give us someone new to complain about. Obama sure played up his Bill Clinton connection.Since Ron Paul is such a dud i think ill vote for Mitt.

October 4, 2012 11:44 am

“The American people need the truth. They need someone to hit them over the head with a 2 by 4.”

That would be called a CLUE by Four, just so you know.

October 4, 2012 12:07 pm

Just for you curs, ol’ Stucky scoured the net to find a decent analysis of the debate.

This one is the most even-handed I found. It’s from National Journal. I have no idea whatsoever about this website or their political leanings. But it’s a fair and balanced analysis.


Six Takeaways from the First Presidential Debate

The first debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney was like a heavyweight fight in which momentum distinctly ebbed and flowed. In the end, Romney won solidly on points, pulling away with a strong performance during the debate’s final third while Obama’s energy seemed to flag. Here are six takeaways from the encounter.

1. Romney did what he needed: he probably didn’t upend the race, but he did dislodge the perception that Obama’s current advantage in almost all polls was irreversibly hardening. For most of the evening, Romney was the aggressor while Obama was muted, often windy, and passive: the president passed up repeated opportunities to reprise criticisms of the Republican familiar from his stump speech and television ads. Throughout the evening, Romney – whose own stumbles have dominated the campaign’s past few weeks – succeeded in shifting the focus back to the incumbent (a dynamic that often happens in the first debate). And under that pressure, Obama’s defenses of his decisions frequently wandered. In a race between two candidates who each provide the other with tempting targets, the evening did much more to showcase the incumbent’s vulnerabilities than the challenger’s.

2. Romney was best whenever he could argue that Obama’s record offered no reason to believe the president could produce better results over a second term; the president was strong only in the middle section that allowed him to focus on Romney’s tax and spending priorities. Romney took the opening rounds, with crisp answers on his plan to accelerate job growth, while Obama’s initial responses were diffuse. The debate’s middle section on budget and entitlements was the president; he effectively made the case that Romney’s tax and budget proposals would require him to raise taxes on the middle-class, cut popular government programs or enlarge the deficit, or some combination of all three. Those exchanges highlighted one of Romney’s major vulnerabilities: his determination not to include additional revenue in any budget deal (and to further cut tax rates) requires him to promise reductions in federal spending that polls show face deep resistance. But in the final sections, Romney again seemed stronger, both in making a brisk philosophical case when asked to define the role of government and, more importantly, pressing his most powerful argument of the night: that the president’s direction was simply not succeeding. “We know that the path we are taking is not working,” Romney said in a tight summation of his argument. “It’s time for a new path.” Meanwhile, Obama offered only the broadest sense of what he would seek to achieve in a second term, continuing what has been one of the principal weaknesses in his campaign.

3. Romney effectively bifurcated his message between ideological and pragmatic objections to Obama. On the one hand, Romney repeatedly affirmed small government Republican beliefs, particularly in his sustained attack on the president’s health care reform. (At one point, Romney insisted: “The private market and individual responsibility always work best.”) But Romney also targeted less ideological voters with his central argument, which focused less on the philosophical underpinnings of the president’s approach than on the results it has delivered.

4. For Democrats, surely the strangest pattern of the evening was Obama’s repeated decision not to raise arguments his campaign commonly makes against Romney. At no point during the debate over federal spending and taxes, for instance, did Obama argue that Romney’s public priorities reflected the values he displayed in his career at Bain Capital-the centerpiece contention of his campaign’s television advertising campaign. Nor did Obama raise Romney’s comments about the “47 percent” when asked to differentiate their views about the role of government. Obama certainly delivered an extended intellectual case against Romney’s tax plan, and its implications for popular federal programs-and delivered a strong jab when he tied Romney’s approach to the meager economic growth under George W. Bush and his own to Bill Clinton’s. But the president’s decision not to deliver the most powerful personalized arguments his campaign has deployed against Romney was a missed opportunity. On several issues, Obama seemed more determined to hug Romney – to blur their differences – than to sharpen distinctions. Those who feared the president would not arrive in fighting trim four years after his last debate mostly had their fears validated.

5. For all that Romney achieved during the evening, he probably generated future headaches with answers that questionably portrayed his own plans. He insisted, “I don’t have any plan to cut education funding” when his plan to limit domestic federal spending to 16 percent of the economy would require large reductions in all federal programs. And he doubled down on his commitment to a position that many analysts believe is mathematically impossible: that he can cut marginal tax rates by 20 percent for all earners without reducing the share of the tax burden paid by the rich, increasing the deficit, or raising taxes on the middle class. One of Obama’s best moments in a largely listless evening came when he argued that Romney was avoiding specifics on several of his key proposals because the public will not like them. That may be the one valuable theme that emerged from the debate for Obama.

6. The new format of sustained discussion on a single issue was a major improvement on earlier debates. But moderator Jim Lehrer didn’t help the candidates with broad, unfocused questions that were probably intended to provide them a blank chalkboard on which to draw but frequently failed to sharpen their disagreements. By repeatedly asking the men nothing more specific than whether they disagreed on subjects about which they have vividly expressed disagreement for nearly two years, he permitted a discussion that was often repetitive


October 4, 2012 12:08 pm

Romney won’t win another debate. A new medical breakthrough was just announced.

President Obama will be the first human to have his corneas replaced by teleprompters.”

October 4, 2012 1:24 pm

Ol’ Stucky thinks you curs should take a couple minutes to watch these two entertaining short vids.

Samuel Jackson …. “Wake the fuck up!” (extremely pro Obama)

Wake the F*ck Up! – A Rebuttal from ReasonTV

October 4, 2012 1:25 pm

In a debate on economic policy, and how to turn things around:

Mentions of PBS funding: 1
Mentions of the Federal Reserve: 0

Mentions of Big Bird: 1
Mentions of Ben Bernanke: 0

October 4, 2012 1:26 pm

Too late!! – I looked it up on GOOGLE. My immediate reaction – DESPAIR

October 4, 2012 2:02 pm

Sadly, $40,000 can only feed that brooding fatfuk hillbilly family for one week.

October 4, 2012 2:03 pm

She looks like a pufferfish with hair.

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Oscar Mannheim
Oscar Mannheim
October 4, 2012 3:06 pm

I’ve been out of the US for fifteen years and don’t have television. But I grew up in the US (50s-60s) and watched television then. Following this blog has been very instructive with respect to what my birth country has become, but there are times when I feel I’m not just watching but have actually entered the twilight zone; no, what am I saying? It’s the US that has entered the twilight zone; or is it that the US has BECOME the twilight zone?

Say it ain’t so: there’s not really such a thing as “Honey Boo-Boo” and the forty-thou-fatso-family is a joke being played on me because I can’t prove that… But in my heart of hearts, I know better, and it disheartens me so greatly that when the grocery shop reopens at five p.m (we have a 3 1/2 hour siesta break here), I will buy two bottles (deposit bottles) of beer and cry in it.

October 4, 2012 4:12 pm

Well, I’d never heard of a Honey Boo Boo either, as I don;t watch TV at all……

But I am from Georgia and I can assure you that we are not all like that. Some yes, but not all.

I do now understand why we get made fun of so much, rightly so with actual people like those.

I’m a bit ashamed for them.

October 4, 2012 4:27 pm

OM – I hear ya. Watching it all from afar gets pretty surreal. It feels to me like a fairy tale where ‘a pall has fallen over the land’. And even more surreal to go visit (northern Rockies) and everything seems so normal, except that one knows better, and picks up on little comments that didn’t used to get made.

Sounds like you’re set up. I’m working on the same, but a bit behind you. Hopefully not too far behind! Bebe heaven indeed. Some think it’s all picante down here, but there’s plenty of dulce too :).

October 4, 2012 5:45 pm

“Frankly, a Zombie Apocalypse would be preferable to what the United States is right now.”

Exactly. You know we’re near the very end. As in Rome, when citizens that worked left and joined the barbarians so as to avoid taxation and oppression and paying for any more politics and welfare. At the end of any empire, anything is better, anything. It won’t be much longer now.

October 4, 2012 5:46 pm

I refuse to watch the redneck nitwits’ 15 minutes. I saw some of the promos before the series started and could literally feel my life and intelligence being sucked out of my ears. I’m not ashamed for those people or embarrassed by them, just sickened that somewhere at some network, some collection of high-paid ass hats actually decided that honey boo boo was necessary to the American Experience of 2012. Fucking shoot me. Seriously. I’ll even leave the door unlocked so SWAT doesn’t have to scratch their battering ram to get in.

October 4, 2012 5:49 pm

The 100 million welfare breeders have been populating this country for the last 30 years. You people probably don’t run in to very many of them, but i do. All you really have to do is go to Wal Mart. They love honey boo boo, because they are exactly the same, or worse. This is our country folks. Enjoy!

Here’s the dipshit father. He poked that chick, the one that’s uglier than a sow run over by truck
[imgcomment image[/img]

October 4, 2012 5:52 pm

We used to be “Father knows best” “Leave it to Beaver”

Then “All in the Family” or “The Jeffersons”

Now, Honey boo boo.

Can it possibly get any worse?

“I’m trying to get as fat as my mom, will you take me to McShits?”
[imgcomment image?w=500&h=280[/img]

October 4, 2012 6:04 pm


Progressives: Here is what we blame/denounce and why:

The altitude of the stage caused less of The People’s Collective Oxygen ™ to reach The One’s brain, thus hampering his awesome intellect (prior to the debate, Romney was secretly stuffing himself with The People’s Collective Oxygen ™, thus partially contributing to this debacle. Greedy bugger, stealing from the masses!)
TOTUS was conspicuously absent. I wonder why, hmm? Perhaps Romney stole it?
Romney was to blame because he is a rich, filthy, racist, bourgeoisie, intelligent, pro-kkkapitalistic, rethuglikkkan, reich-wing, racist, misogynistic, anti-gay, anti-environment, racist, logical, 1%er, old white guy who is happily married with kids! And he spoke clearly and cogently. CLEARLY this is Romney’s evil twin, because if it wasn’t, then The One would have whupped his Mormon rear end soundly!
Comrade Lehrer was an atrocious moderator! He actually allowed Romney time to speak! And, furthermore, he didn’t ask questions that would’ve put Romney on the defensive (such as abortion, womyn’s rights, the environment, Bane Bain Capital, and his dog abuse/bullying/perfect hair)- instead, he asked about reasonable topics like the economy! Lehrer, you better watch your back, because the Thought Police are coming for you!
The John Kerry impersonator that coached Obama was a filthy spy sent by Romney to sabotage the debate!

Pissy Phlegmist
Pissy Phlegmist
October 4, 2012 6:11 pm

AWD, stay out of Honey Boo Boo’s bedroom!

October 4, 2012 6:53 pm

Another news flash. Rob Portman did not play the part of Obama during debate rehearsals. The part was played by a Barcolounger.

October 4, 2012 7:49 pm

This pretty well sums it up doesn’t it?

Marc Faber: “Both candidates are clueless and completely artificial…”

Jimmy Rogers: “It’s worse than clueless, because they think they know what they’re doing.. and so they are dangerous! If they were just clueless and looked out the window, we wouldn’t have a problem, but they think they have the solution – but their solutions are what’s making the situation worse…”

Marc Faber: “That is precisely the point. It is very dangerous to have ignorant people believing that they know something!”

October 4, 2012 7:58 pm

I saw a story about some town in Bumfuck, Iowa (maybe it was Oklahoma or Nebraska or omewher, but it was Bumfuck). The people of the town are all voting for Obama because he is subsidizing the town’s main industry – wind energy generation.

Here you go folks, the FSA votes for whoever keeps the free shit flowing, and fuck everyone else.

Dave Doe
Dave Doe
October 4, 2012 8:12 pm

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October 4, 2012 8:33 pm

A new twist on Ed Schultz tonight. His Twitter followers say…”Obama didn’t say anything and looked weak because he was just giving Romney enough roipe to hang himself with his lies.”

Yeah, and I let a fucking bus run over me because I want the driver to lose his license.

October 4, 2012 8:45 pm

Obama without teleprompters = disaster

October 4, 2012 9:06 pm

I didn’t watch any of it either, it was my birthday and my wife and kids took me out to dinner. What did I miss? BTW, I saw gas over $5.00 per gallon here in Greeceafornia, what would Robomneyboohoo do about that?

October 4, 2012 9:23 pm

Romney: The clear winner in a contest between two bald faced liars as to who was the more effective liar on this particular night. Millions of jobs, balanced budget, lower taxes, better healthcare, and energy independence, just vote for me. A fois gras in every pot and a car elevator in every garage. Exactly what every other fucking candidate has said during every other fucking presidential campaign in my life. Who the fuck could blame anybody for watching Honey Boo Boo reruns.

October 4, 2012 9:35 pm

Let’s get out the vote yall

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October 4, 2012 9:54 pm

A quiz that puts stances on a few issues and matches with candidates. Go figure – I am a libertarian.

October 4, 2012 10:54 pm

I sided 99% with Gary Johnson, and came out 89% Libertarian.

2nd was Goode at 62%

Me No Likey
Me No Likey
October 6, 2012 1:28 pm

you fucking whores. you watch the shit and then you write about it or talk about it like the rest of the sheeple. just so you can talk about it and feed your feeble egos. you know what? i’m sick of all of you. fuck. you. all. each. and. every. one. of . you. do you get off your big at ass and do something? hell no. what you do is watch the shit. the thing to do is to withdraw from the beast. DO NOT PARTICIPATE. don’t listen to the fucks. jack off. clean your toilet. floss your teeth. do something, anything ELSE.

buy not you fat ass bitches. your all a bunch of burned out gen xers anyway, or fat lard ass boomers, who love feeling pompous and self-rightous talking rather than DOING something. you know why things won’t change? because you won’t. period. you got too much skin in the game, however small. the LEAST you could do is stop acting like a victim in all this shit and own up to the fact that you LIKE it. otherwise, why would you oversized ass watch anything related to the kalvin klien style prez elections. why? so you can fool yourself.

now stick another dorito in your fat mouth and shut the fuck up…