3 x 4=11 …. is the CORRECT answer

I know we beat the sad state of American Edukashun to death. Sorry for another post. But this is getting crazier than I ever imagined.

Many here have good solutions. They will NEVER be implemented. Oreo’s “ new educational initiatives” aimed at “closing America’s school readiness gap” …. that’s where we are headed … straight to the toilet.

See video below —- “But even under the new Common Core… even if they said 3 X 4 was 11, if they were able to explain their reasoning and explain how they came up with their answer, really in words and in oral explanations, and they showed it in a picture but they just got the final number wrong, we’re really more focusing on the how and why.”

Can you fucking believe this shit? Would you like to be flying in an airplane designed by some cockfuk engineer who believes 3 x 4 = 11 … because he FEELS GOOD about that answer??

Not all American students are dumbfuks. Over half of the world’s top universities in the entire world are still in America. The 1% cream still lives here. It’s the other 99% that are total dumbfuks.

— 25% of high schoolers think Columbus discovered the New World after 1750

— 40% could not identify the name of the ocean on the eastern side of the United States.

— 60% could not identify the two major political parties.

— 75% failed to identify the First President of the United States

I am told the future of Amurika resides in the hands of Millennials.  I guess we’re talking about the 1%.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Hollow man
Hollow man
August 20, 2013 11:39 am

Lol, it will take 10 minutes to solve 4 x 3. Well my answer is twelve but I got there this way.

August 20, 2013 11:49 am

Arithmetic is a basic tool for operating in the world. If a person cannot even use such a basic tool, then they really have no place in a world hinged on numbers.

I had students who couldn’t do long division by hand, and struggled to even do division using a calculator.

Students who couldn’t even calculate density if I handed them the problem in its complete form (no algebra needed).

Density of water at room temperature: (1 gram) / (1 mL) = ?

They would miss THAT problem, and yes we have had to strip it down to 1 sig. fig. because putting in decimals at the same time these days actually slows the learning process down.

Fuck our stupid system. Fuck it hardcore. Its so useless that it can’t even waste money on decent food or air conditioning, let alone actually teaching content.

harry p.
harry p.
August 20, 2013 11:53 am

i saw this yesterday and was dumbfounded

the thought process is extremely important, working on a math problem while in school it is normal to get partial credit if the process was sound but a mistake was made along the way.

but those would be engineering/differential eqs/physics problems that involved pages of calculations and an exam that would take 3 hours to solve the 3 problems. the profs designed the questions so it was nearly impossible to get a 100%. And after making some stupid mistake (because your brain was fried) you get 7/10 on the problem and the prof reminds you that 15 people died because the calculation wasn’t 100% correct. it’s part of learning

but explaining why 3X4 can equal 11 is utter nonsense. it is more about the govt finding a way to get the scores up even when the students are as dumb as rocks (sorry for insulting rocks).
3 X 4 = 11 is almost as stupid as this equation Government + School = Critical Thinking People.

August 20, 2013 12:22 pm

I had to teach the FAILURES of the education system how to read a micrometer. Finally just got a digital and said fuckit……….

August 20, 2013 12:28 pm

As a student of this marvelous public school system, I have that answer Stuck!

The human brain stores memory. The human body is 50-75% water.

Therefore, 50-70% of the water you drink is actually full of memories.

The other portion is hopes, dreams and unicorn farts.

“And after making some stupid mistake (because your brain was fried) you get 7/10 on the problem and the prof reminds you that 15 people died because the calculation wasn’t 100% correct. it’s part of learning”

I had a professor who would spend an inordinate amount of time on my problems searching for the most minute of mistakes to ding me for points. I never got a 100% in his class, and it was infuriating.

A 5pt assignment that I would spend 5 hours on and would have every answer correct. But in my calculations somewhere I would always transcribe incorrectly an elemental mass, or leave a decimal off of a constant.

Sigh…..I guess it was good for me, but god fucking damn I hated getting those assignments back.

August 20, 2013 12:31 pm

Stucky-as a matter of fact: http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/water-crystal.html

The result was that we always observed beautiful crystals after giving good words, playing good music, and showing, playing, or offering pure prayer to water. On the other hand, we observed disfigured crystals in the opposite situation.

August 20, 2013 12:35 pm

Water doesn’t have memory anymore, not since Fukashema started releasing all that radiation. John

August 20, 2013 12:52 pm

“Sooner or later in life, we all sit down to a banquet of consequences.”

Robert Louis Stevenson

August 20, 2013 12:48 pm

Stucky says: Would you like to be flying in an airplane designed by some cockfuk engineer who believes 3 x 4 = 11 … because he FEELS GOOD about that answer??

Holy Shit Batman!!!!! There are things worse than death.

At least when the pilot flies you into the ground the pain is over quickly.

We have a Presidet running the Country into the ground one painful step at a time. Obongo’s batshit crazy ideology has consequences that will last decades and depending on your age will last the rest of your life.

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August 20, 2013 1:21 pm

August 20, 2013 1:20 pm

I think the sorry state of education is why some of these kids go postal. They begin to realize that they are barely functional idiots at some point during high school which is a difficult time to begin with and they just say fuck it. They realize they been lied to and they have no future.

I suppose everyone is different but the fear of ridicule and failure drove me to do well in school. Take away the ridicule and possibility of failure and what is there to strive for?

Infrastructure Security Infrastructure security Airport CIKR (Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources) AMTRAK Collapse Computer infrastructure Communications infrastructure Telecommunications Critical infrastructure National infrastructure Metro WMATA Terrorism, Al Qaeda, IED, Improvised Explosive Device, Suspicious substance, AQAP, Al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula, Boston, Terror, Abu Sayyaf, Attack, Hamas, AQIM, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Iraq, FARC, Armed Revolutionary Forces Colombia, TTP, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, Taliban, Pakistan, ETA, Euskadi ta Askatasuna, Yemen, IRA, Irish Republican Army, Agro, Iran, Afganistan, Basque Separatist, Chechen, Chechnya, Independent Chechnya, Bomb, Nuke, Pirates, Environmental terrorist, Hezbollah, Extremism, Conventional weapon, PLF, Nigeria, Palestine Liberation Front, Target, Radicals, Weapons grade, plutonium, isotope, neptunium, uranium, Al-Shabaab, Dirty bomb, organization, home grown, Enriched, Car Bomb, Plot, Nuclear, Jihad, Nationalist, Chemical weapon, Taliban, Recruitment, Biological weapon, Weapon cache, Fundamentalism, Ammonium nitrate, Suicide bomber, Islamist, Improvised explosive device, Suicide attack, emergency, ice, mud slide, mudslide, hurricane, stranded, struck, erosion, tornado, help, power outage, twister, hail, brown out, tsunami, wildfire, warning, earthquake, tsunami warning centre, watch, tremor, magnitude, lightening, flood, avalanche, aid, storm, typhoon, relief, crest, shelter-in-place, closure, extreme weather, snow, burst, forest fire, blizzard, emergency broadcast system, brush fire, sleet, cyber security, 2600, hacker, botnet, spammer, China, DDOS, Phishing, conflicker, dedicated denial of service, rootkit, worm, denial of service, phreaking, scammers, malware, Cain and Abel, Social Media, Virus, brute forcing, trojan, mysql injection, keylogger, cyber attack, cyber command, cyber terror, strain, tamiflu, World Health Organization, WHO, H1N1, epidemic, viral hemorrhagic fever, vaccine, E.Coli, Infrastructure security, airplane, airbus, jet, jumbo jet, supersonic jet, super sonic, air craft, airport, chemical fire, CIKR, subway, electric, Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources, BART, Failure, outage, failure or outage, AMTRAK, MARTA, Black out, collapse, port authority, brown out, computer infrastructure, NCIC, Port. communications, biosurveillance integration center, dock, infrastructure, bridge, telecommunications, transportation security, cancelled, critical infrastructure, grid, delays, national infrastructure, power, service disruption, metro, smart, power lines, WMATA, body scanner, drug cartel, fort hancock, gunfight, violence, San Diego, Trafficking, Gang, Ciudad Juarez, Kidnap, Drug, Nogales, Calderon, narcotics, sonora, reyosa, cocaine, Colombia, Bust, Marijuanna, Mara salvatrucha, Tamaulipas, heroin, MS13, MS-13, Meth Lab, Border Drug war, Drug trade, Mexico, Mexican army, Illegal immigrants, Cartel, Methamphetamine, Smuggling, smugglers, Southwest, Cartel de Golfo, Matamoros, Juarez, Gulf Cartel, Michoacana, Sinaloa, La Familia, Guzman, Tijuana, Reynosa, Arellano-Felix, Torreon, Nuveno Leon, Beltran-Leyva, Yuma, NArcos, Barrio Azteca, Tuscon, Narco banners, Artistic Assassins, Decapitated, Mexicles, U.S. Consulate, Los Zetas, New Federation, Consular, Shootout, execution, el paso, Assassination, Emergency management, Gangs, Attack, Emergency response, National security, Domestic security, First responder, state of emergency, drill, homeland security, security, exercise, maritime domain awareness, breach, cops, MDA, treat, law enforcement, national preparedness, standoff, authorities, initiative Airplane (and derivatives) Chemical fire Subway BART MARTA Port Authority NBIC (National Biosurveillance Integration Center) Transportation security Grid Power Smart Body scanner SWAT, disaster assistnace, militia, screening, disaster management, shooting, lockdown, DNDO, Shots fired, Bomb, Bomb threat, bomb squad, Domestic Nuclear Detention Office, Evacuation, crash, National preparedness, deaths, looting, mitigation, hostage, riot, prevention, explosion, explosive, emergency landing, response, police, pipe bomb, recovery, disaster medical assistance, incident, dirty bomb, team, DMAT, facility, Domestic nuclear detection, organized crime, nuclear, biological infection, biological event, spillover, chemical spill, anthrax, suspicious package, suspicious device, Chemical, blister agent, toxic, chemical burn, chemical agent, national laboratory, biological, exposure, nuclear facility, epidemic burn, pressure cooker nuclear threat, hazardous, nerve agent, cloud, hazardous material incident, ricin, plume, industrial splill, Sarin, Sarin Gas, Radiation, Infection, North Korea, Radioactive, Powder, white powder, outbreak, salmonella, agriculture, contamination, small pox, listeria, exposure, plague, symptoms, virus, human to human, mutation, evacuation, human to animal, resistant, antiviral, recall, bacteria, center for disease control, CDC, wave, ebola, pandemic, food poisoning, Food and Drug administration, FDA, infection, foot and mouth, FMD, Public health, Water born, air born, H5N1, toxic, sick, avian, agro terror, swine, flu, tuberculosis, TB, Pork Electric Failure or outage Black out Brown out Port Dock Bridge Cancelled Delays Service disruption Power lines Southwest Border Violence Drug cartel Violence Gang Drug Narcotics Cocaine Marijuana Heroin Border Mexico Cartel Southwest Juarez Sinaloa Tijuana Torreon Yuma Tucson Decapitated U.S. Consulate Consular El Paso Fort Hancock San Diego Ciudad Juarez Nogales Sonora Colombia Mara salvatrucha MS13 or MS-13 Drug war Mexican army Methamphetamine Cartel de Golfo Gulf Cartel La Familia Reynosa Nuevo Leon Narcos Narco banners (Spanish equivalents) Los Zetas Shootout Execution Gunfight Trafficking Kidnap Calderon Reyosa Bust Tamaulipas Meth Lab Drug trade Illegal immigrants Smuggling (smugglers) Matamoros Michoacana Guzman Arellano-Felix Beltran-Leyva Barrio Azteca Artistic Assassins Mexicles New Federation Terrorism Terrorism Al Qaeda (all spellings) Terror Attack Iraq Afghanistan Iran Pakistan Agro Environmental terrorist Eco terrorism Conventional weapon Target Weapons grade Dirty bomb Enriched Nuclear Chemical weapon Biological weapon Ammonium nitrate Improvised explosive device Weather/Disaster/Emergency Emergency Hurricane Tornado Twister Tsunami Earthquake Tremor Flood Storm Crest Temblor Extreme weather Forest fire Brush fire Cyber security Botnet DDOS (dedicated denial of service) Denial of service Malware Virus Trojan Keylogger Cyber Command IED (Improvised Explosive Device) Abu Sayyaf Hamas FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces Colombia) IRA (Irish Republican Army) ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna) Basque Separatists Hezbollah Tamil Tigers PLF (Palestine Liberation Front) PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization Car bomb Jihad Taliban Weapons cache Suicide bomber Suicide attack Suspicious substance AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian Peninsula) AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb) TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan) Yemen Pirates Extremism Somalia Nigeria Radicals Al-Shabaab Home grown Plot Nationalist Recruitment Fundamentalism Islamist Ice Stranded/Stuck Help Hail Wildfire Tsunami Warning Center Magnitude Avalanche Typhoon Shelter-in-place Disaster Snow Blizzard Sleet Cyber Security 2600 Spammer Phishing Rootkit Phreaking Cain and abel Brute forcing Mysql injection Cyber attack Cyber terror 23 Mud slide or Mudslide Erosion Power outage Brown out Warning Watch Lightening Aid Relief Closure Interstate Burst Emergency Broadcast System
Hacker China Conficker Worm Scammers Social media

August 20, 2013 1:22 pm

What I need is a list of keywords put together by flash. It would probably take a week to scroll past it!

August 20, 2013 1:23 pm

What do you expect? Common core is more of data mining to keep track of what to do with anyone who thinks out of the box. Most jobs are very simple, there are only so many scientist and doctors out there. That’s why sending all these simple minded labor jobs over seas wasn’t a good idea.

August 20, 2013 1:26 pm

JIMSKI says:
“I had to teach the FAILURES of the education system how to read a micrometer. Finally just got a digital and said fuckit……….”

That is some funny shit! Sad, but funny.

August 20, 2013 1:27 pm

I’ve been trying to research Common Core. There are some good things about it, but plenty of bad. The baddest of the bad is that it does represent the complete federalization of our education system, which will result in a huge bureaucracy and its accompanying gross inefficiency and corruption. A huge database of detailed information on each student and his household will be developed. I’m thinking this will not end well for our kids.

If you read the standards (and you easily can – just Google) they sound like typical learning goals. What I haven’t learned yet is why there is such an emphasis on different teaching methods, like collaborative math solutions that are acceptable though incorrect. (Collaborative learning is a major pillar of Common Core.). Evidently the collaborative process itself is seen as more valuable than a right answer.

Computerized testing is the center of common core. To its credit, it will deemphasize multiple choice tests and demand responses based on higher level thinking. The word is that the majority of students will find the tests extremely challenging and initially, test scores will plummet. Whether they will recover remains to be seen. How do you think this will go over in the 30 Blocks?

The history of the genesis of Common Core is very interesting but too much to include here. Just know that it was not initiated by educators (around here that is probably seen as a good thing). Other interests were in charge, also maybe not a good thing. Anyway, it’s going forward, and my fear is that once it is in place, it will be impossible to escape. Speaking of that, there is already legislation in the works that will force private schools and homeschoolers to use CC.

August 20, 2013 1:27 pm

Great quote Admin I saved it.

My new mindset the last few days is many of the issues we pontificate about will be meaningless going forward. When the bottom falls out everything changes issues that would matter in “normal” times will be meaningless.
In a war zone surviving hour to hour takes priority and everything else fades to black. I have no crystal ball but maybe these boys do, they are suiting up and getting ready for battle. The only question is who are the adversarial combatants? The answer to that question maybe found in your bathroom mirror.

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August 20, 2013 1:28 pm

I wrote the comment about Common Core.

August 20, 2013 1:33 pm

Stucky said:
” I felt like such a fuckin moron, but I did it. For science.”

Can’t say I’m familiar with the book you mention but I feel confident in saying that if you knew anything about science, you would not have been doing that stupid shit.

August 20, 2013 1:33 pm

3×4=11 sure explains the state of our economy.

August 20, 2013 1:58 pm


“Batshit crazy ideology” is nothing new; Obama is merely the latest practitioner of what has been going on the last 200 years. Hating him for being the latest in line is myopic.

Think of the POTUS as a member of a CIA torture gang, and you/”the citizenry” as a bound captive being waterboarded at a black site. Obama is carrying on the work of every president/rich dude since Shays Rebellion. You hate him more because he’s current, instead of hating the true target of your situation: the “society” of America. There is no unity here without that torturer taking bits of your life away each day, but the only reason he exists is that you believe that “society” is something worth being part of.

It ain’t.

But since you DO function the way you do, since Stockholm Syndrome is written all over the citizenry, you put Obama’s or Bush’s or Clintion’s or Hoover’s or Wilson’s face on it, and it makes the water go down easier. You hate the player instead of the game, and miss the point entirely.

If people can’t hate for the right reasons (let alone act on what, under any reasonable circumstance would be called “righteous indignation”), then the boot WILL stomp on our face until there is nothing left for anyone or anything.

Me, I just wish polar bears will be here another 30 years. I’m pretty sure it’s a vain hope….

August 20, 2013 2:06 pm

There are 3 kinds of people in this world: those who understand math, and those who don’t.

August 20, 2013 2:08 pm

There are 10 kinds of people: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.

OK, enough nerd jokes for today. This is completely depressing. I pay 700/month to send my kids to private schools, looks like it will never end.

August 20, 2013 2:13 pm


This kind of educational (stupification) theory (insanity) takes me back to the 3rd grade and the prevailing idea (brain fart) at the time called “New Math”. It so screwed me up I did not master complex fractions until about the 6th grade.

Thanks God my parents were teachers of the OLD SCHOOL and sat me down and got me on the correct path math wise. This early experience taught me to basically ignore whatever my teachers said and do my own research and think for myself.

There is a darker purpose behind this curriculum, folks. TPTB have already destroyed critical thinking ability among the verbal arts, now they need to complete the stupification process and destroy math ability among the citizens (sheeple) as well.

Once Murrikkans can no longer understand math, the fed.gov and the Big Banks can now enact even more crazy economic schemes moving forward to strip from the people whatever remaining wealth they may possess.

Just remember: Highly sophisticated incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.

August 20, 2013 2:13 pm

On a lighter note, this is all the math you really need to know:

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August 20, 2013 2:57 pm

Sorry you’re insulted Stucky. I have no interest in interfering with your, or anyone else’s, narrow view of the world.

August 20, 2013 3:22 pm

I spend $1320/mo to send my kids to publik skools (it’s called child support). Now tell me who the idiot is again…

August 20, 2013 3:26 pm

Not quite,
To be clear and for the record.
I hate that Son of a Bitch because he would like to take my guns. I hate that Son of a Bitch because he gives free cell phones to every oxygen thief on welfare. I hate that Son of a Bitch because he puts every low life lazy Mother Fucker who is able to find the Welfare office on food stamps, not to mention he has teams in the street signing them up. And I hate his race baiting ” if he had a Son he would look like Trayvon”
He is by far the worst President in my life time it’s not even close.

That’s why Sensetti hates the Bastard.

August 20, 2013 3:28 pm

@Zara: I own property in 4 counties and thus pay school and hospital taxes in 4 counties. My 2 kids are in private school, yes, I am an IDIOT.

August 20, 2013 3:51 pm

@HZK – I was barely functioning mathematically when I got to college. I learned 99% of my algebra in chemistry classes, and self-taught trig while taking calculus classes.

The school systems are a joke. I found out my senior year of highschool that our “great” math teacher had barely passed calculus, and only taught HS math/physics because it was the only thing he could get a degree in.

Every dollar that goes towards supporting public education needs to be scrutinized. Our system does not work. Either completely overhaul it, or fucking destroy it root and stem.

August 20, 2013 5:48 pm


I completely echo your comments.

I used to think the public schools system was just haplessly incompetent but I really wonder if there was a more sinister agenda afoot to PURPOSELY turn the minds of our young people to mush.

Every single metric of educational attainment has deteriorated since the Dept of Education (Stupification) got into the progam. Now you have this Common Core Crap and gods help us.

Such sophisticated incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.

The movie Idiocracy was not supposed to be an instruction manual.


August 20, 2013 7:25 pm

Kids only need to know how to finger their phones, swipe their SNAP and EBT cards, and work the T.V. remote. Everything else is fluff. Just let the liberal progressives run things, tell kids what to do, what gender they are, and the benefits of socialism. We have enough waiters and bartenders already, no need for education any longer.

August 20, 2013 7:36 pm

Today’s so-called educational system, notably K-12 is rotten to the core.
Teachers and teacher advocates like John Gatto and Charlotte Iserbyt, truly GREAT teachers and analytical thinkers, say the commies have taken over education over the last 100 years. Our children are exposed to nutcases and freakshows who have control over the system and the results are obvious. Our kids are marginally functional idiots. 3R’s is a think of the past, now it’s all sociological bullshit and adoration of homosexuality, transgender malarkey, and same sex marriage. Our society has been purposefully destroyed by malevolent social engineers. Most of all, I blame the joos.

August 20, 2013 7:57 pm

PC/MC strikes again!!

It is the end result of 25 years of tap dancing around some ugly and buried truths. These problems weren’t a issue prior to the CRA and subsequent related legislation. Our public schools functioned quite well.

The education system had to be reduced to the LCD because of the influx of minority students who really don’t do well(for a number of reasons) and mainstreaming of the mentally disabled. This has have skewed test results right into the trash can. Look if you’re a teach and you have a lot AA’s in class, you are screwed. Your test results for NCLB exams are in the event horizon of a black hole. Why do you think those black teachers in Atlanta GA, cooked the test results? They had no choice. They knew they had knuckle heads that can’t be reached so they punted. The same goes for any majority mix of minority kids(except Asians) in a class. Teachers have a no win situation on their hands.

Daily class work? Kids should have had the multiplication tables memorized by 1st grade. If they are struggling by 2nd grade they should be removed and put in a slower paced class or special ed where they belong. BUT WAIT we can’t, because of mainstreaming. And tracking? Well that’s discriminatory as well and can’t be used.

So we automatically promote kids who aren’t ready or perhaps fit, put them in a class with kids who are and misery for both ensues.

And this is really the crux of the problem. One size does not fit all in terms of teaching students. Some are bright and real self-starters, others middling, some only interested in the trades, etc. And then there are simpletons and morons who should not be let anywhere near the normal kids.

Of course the PC/MC doyens of the school system can’t admit this. According to dogma, everybody is the same brainpower wise. To do thing otherwise would mean segregating large segments of urban student populations which would piss off the minorities and Democrats to no end. We would embarrass and enrage the retarded students yuppie parents by banishing their kids back to the laughing and giggle academy.

So TPTB concoct a system where the content is simplified and answers flexible and can be given in all sorts of strange formats. I suspect grunting and burping will be valid communication modalities once the new system is implemented. But for bright or average students this will be sheer hell.

For parents who have kids. Do what city and state workers do in California for their kids – either home school them or place them in a private or religious school. Do not let the public system have them. The public education system doesn’t work anymore.

August 20, 2013 8:14 pm

Stucky mentioned that many people do not know the name of the body of water to the east. I hate to disagree – almost no one knows the name of that body of water, save for my peeps the Choctaws, and other native tribes.

That body of water is the Indian Ocean. The body of water between Florida and Texas is the Gulf of Native America. And on the western side, we have The Great Western Indian Ocean.

August 20, 2013 8:59 pm

Lots to learn from wise injuns, one of my favorites., but he’s gone to that big hunting ground in the sky.
I get in a mood once in awhile and listen to interviews he did.
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August 21, 2013 9:50 am

Generally when I look at ways to fix our system, I look to the Finnish one. It obviously won’t work transcribed wholesale to America, but its a better jumping off point than what we have currently.

Unfortunately the “no requirements” thing gets pretty hard by immigrants, which we have plenty of.

Personally, I think this is another one of those things that we can’t even get a handle on until we slow the influx of immigrants to this country. Please note, I mean the welfare seeking kind, not the ones who bust their ass.

Reduce social welfare programs to almost zero. Remove the incentive to come over here with nothing but the kids on your back, and a desire to vote blue.

There goes one part of the problem. Step 2 is to make English the national language.

After that it gets a lot hairier.

I guess Step 3 would be to raise the bar for teachers. Right now teachers are commonly the bottom of the barrel college students, the ones too stupid to even finish out a business degree. These people are little better than a baby sitter, and are incapable of doing anything other than teaching to the test. Raise the bar, they need at least a masters, though preferably we would develop secondary schools much like law schools or MD programs.

Personally, I think they can leave the lower bound where its at. Its the upper bar that needs to be raised. Kids like to be challenged, and the mental sprinters will naturally race ahead of the rest of the pack. The clods can continue to graduate as they do, the world needs ditch diggers.

Also, we’ve removed social welfare programs by this point(dreamworld, remember) so ideally the parents would be kicking some ass to make sure their kid wasn’t staying home until 30 anymore.

Der Scheisskerl
Der Scheisskerl
August 21, 2013 11:53 am

My theory is that the teacher met Bill Clinton and he taught her to do arithmetic in base 11.
3 x 4 = 1 x 11^1 + 1 x 11^0