April is 6 months before September

Russia Today is considered on this blog to be one of the more reliable news sources.  Are they 100% reliable?  Hell no.  No one is.  They do seem to be able to talk about stuff that the mainstream networks won’t touch, and for that reason we see posts from RT on this blog a good bit.  So consider for a minute what this CIA asset turned whistle blower is saying…Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld knew about the 9/11 attacks at least as far out as April of 2001.  

I hold degrees in Engineering and Physics, and when the official report on 9/11 came out I quickly realized that the official explanation was horseshit.  It violates the law of conservation of energy, so it simply can’t be true.  What is the real story?  I have no idea.  My position is and has been that the official explanation is patently false (and easily provable), so there needs to be a peer-reviewed and independent investigation that is 100% transparent.  I don’t think that is a crackpot position to take; however, it is consistently mocked here.  One of the big reasons for the ridicule (aside from the fact that Admin loves to stir shit up) is that “truthers” don’t have a coherent explanation of how it could have been pulled off as an inside job, so they (we) call foul on the official explanation without offering one that is much better.  

Susan Lindauer’s testimony may offer additional light on the subject.   If our government knew at the highest levels that this attack was in the works six months in advance then there was plenty of time for them to plan and execute an inside job.  Then pair that information with the fact that the primary tenant of Building 7 was the CIA.  Is her testimony true?  I don’t know.  It does give you something else to think about.  10 years ago I may have believed the government’s statement that she was a turn coat spy; however, lately I’ve stopped believing anything that they say about any topic.  What do you think?


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August 19, 2013 1:24 pm

“I thought your cut into her (Susan Lindauer’s) story was pretty well done, but linking the story to my background is just chickenshit.”
—-Sonic @ SSS

Bullshit. YOU made the decision to post the video of Susan Lindauer’s interview with Russia Today, not me. The woman is mentally unstable and has been diagnosed as such. Yet you thought she had an “interesting” story to tell even though her claims are completely unverifiable and have gotten ZERO traction. Question, did you even research the woman’s background BEFORE you posted the link to the video?

So, it’s “chickenshit” of me to bring up your educational background in physics and engineering, which are among the hard sciences which exist on provable FACTS, and link it to a video of a woman who deals in nothing but a FANTASY world? I don’t think so, Bucko.

@ CogDissNormBias, who asked, “Admin, what are your thought s on JFK assassination? Inside job? Just kinda curious where you stand on other so-called conspiracy theories?”

Let me butt in and answer that (not on behalf of Admin, but just me). JFK was killed by a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald. There was no “inside job” involved. Period. The only remaining possibility, and it is very remote, is that Harvey MAY have acted in concert with an OUTSIDE source. Not the Soviet Union, but Cuba.

After several unsuccessful assassination attempts by the USG against Fidel Castro, Castro rather obliquely warned Kennedy in a public speech several months BEFORE JFK’s assassination that “that sort of activity can work both ways” (that’s just a gist of what Castro said, not an actual quote). Then we have the fact of Oswald visiting the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City just a couple of months prior to the shooting of JFK. Don’t know who he saw, much less what was said, but he did go into the embassy.

Just a couple of facts that make some people go, “Hmmm.”

August 19, 2013 1:34 pm

What I can’t figure out is why they continue to cover up their JFK findings…I mean its pretty much water under the bridge at this point.

I sometimes wonder if our country keeps secrets just because they can.

August 19, 2013 2:02 pm

It is a damn shame that this topic cannot be discussed and legitimate questions cannot be asked without being labled as some kind of conspiracy nut. I know it is an emotional issue but it always suprises me how quickly the name calling starts when questions are asked.

August 19, 2013 2:04 pm


You fucken’ dick!!!!!!!!

August 19, 2013 2:09 pm

August 19, 2013 2:10 pm

August 19, 2013 3:08 pm

Stucky thats fine I am definately a dick sometimes…just dont call me a conspiracy theorist.

Transcendental Trannsexual
Transcendental Trannsexual
August 19, 2013 8:52 pm

Stucky says:

“Here’s an idea …. go pulverize your one inch weenie.”

just when i think i have read all the best insults, that is funny.

August 20, 2013 4:06 pm

I have never been a “Truther”; but even with accepting the official scientific explanations of how the towers came down, it has always been logical to me that the Bush/Cheney presidency, the Executive branch of government, and the military industrial complex benefitted far more from 9/11 than Al Qaeda did. It makes perfect logical sense that the Administration could just sit on intel of this planned attack, and fail to prevent it. Anyone who says that is a “conspiracy theory” or “could never happen” is very naive. That cripple fuck FDR knew in advance about Pearl Harbor, and let the attack happen to force an unwilling American public into WWII (as he had pre-planned with the Brits to get us in the war). This is a TYPICAL play by “Prophet Generation” leaders. Abraham Lincoln also did everything he could to make the Civil War inevitable.

As Strauss and Howe would put it: “These people were principled moralists who waged idealistic wars and incited others to sacrifice. Few of them fought themselves in decisive wars, and they are remembered more for their inspiring words than for great actions. (Example among today’s living generations: Baby Boomers.)”

Don’t you know, “Sadam tried to kill W’s daddy”. 9/11 is the closest possible excuse he could get to do what he wanted to do which was invade Iraq. I still have no idea how invading Iraq had anything to do with 9/11 at all – that is a far greater mystery than the engineering behind the towers falling. The very response we had to 9/11 (use it as a flimsy excuse to do some other military action) pretty much proves that Bush/Cheney needed 9/11 to happen so they could carry out their agenda; empire build; avenge W’s Daddy; enrich themselves and their weapons manufacturer, military contractor, and oil corporation buddies; etc etc. Having intel on 9/11 and failing to act is the most logical possible scenario. Look at who benefitted? Who had the most to gain? I agree that the bush administration was too fucking incompetent to have perpetrated a “false flag” attack. (Al Qaeda certainly has more organizational competence). However, it’s been done before (Pearl Harbor) and it is plainly obvious SOMETHING is rotten about 9/11 – foreknowledge with failure to act is the most sensible, logical scenario for the “truth” behind 9/11.

August 20, 2013 4:47 pm

Remember this group? I never thought I’d miss them, but then Obama was elected.