April is 6 months before September

Russia Today is considered on this blog to be one of the more reliable news sources.  Are they 100% reliable?  Hell no.  No one is.  They do seem to be able to talk about stuff that the mainstream networks won’t touch, and for that reason we see posts from RT on this blog a good bit.  So consider for a minute what this CIA asset turned whistle blower is saying…Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld knew about the 9/11 attacks at least as far out as April of 2001.  

I hold degrees in Engineering and Physics, and when the official report on 9/11 came out I quickly realized that the official explanation was horseshit.  It violates the law of conservation of energy, so it simply can’t be true.  What is the real story?  I have no idea.  My position is and has been that the official explanation is patently false (and easily provable), so there needs to be a peer-reviewed and independent investigation that is 100% transparent.  I don’t think that is a crackpot position to take; however, it is consistently mocked here.  One of the big reasons for the ridicule (aside from the fact that Admin loves to stir shit up) is that “truthers” don’t have a coherent explanation of how it could have been pulled off as an inside job, so they (we) call foul on the official explanation without offering one that is much better.  

Susan Lindauer’s testimony may offer additional light on the subject.   If our government knew at the highest levels that this attack was in the works six months in advance then there was plenty of time for them to plan and execute an inside job.  Then pair that information with the fact that the primary tenant of Building 7 was the CIA.  Is her testimony true?  I don’t know.  It does give you something else to think about.  10 years ago I may have believed the government’s statement that she was a turn coat spy; however, lately I’ve stopped believing anything that they say about any topic.  What do you think?


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August 18, 2013 11:42 am

I think Sonic is trying to stir shit.

I think Bush is too fucking stoopid to plan his next trip to the toilet.

I think SSS will show up and say he knows Susan Lindauer and that she is a turncoat traitor who was worthless from the get go.

I think the government lies about everything, so their 9-11 findings are flawed.

Nevertheless, I think 19 mooslims flew airplanes into buildings (isn’t that on video?), and then the building collpased as a result (isn’t that on video?).

I think Truthers will thumbs down this post, and normal people will vote thumbs up.

August 18, 2013 12:17 pm


I do believe most of the Patriot Act was already written. I believe that neo-con and liberal think tanks (oxymoron) write legislation that they would want passed if the opportunity arose. The neo-cons have always wanted a police state. They used 9/11 as their opportunity to reshape the world.

It is the same as the anti-gun crowd. They have legislation written and ready to go. Within a week of Newtown, they were ready to pounce.

It is the same with the SOPA legislation. They have tried to get it enacted a couple times and failed. They are waiting for the right internet incident to enact it.

It’s all about fear and propaganda. Various parts of the US government had info about the 9/11 attacks before they happened. I believe they were too incompetent to put it all together. The cover-up was about their incompetence. Cheney and his gang used 9/11 to lock down the country and attack in the Middle East.

The Federal government is too incompetent to pull off the 9/11 attacks.

August 18, 2013 12:28 pm

Preserving economic and political power at all costs — at the expense of the Common People — has probably been the ultimate goal of the 1% elite PWTB for decades now.

What the fuck do they care about things like the Constitution? They will have power, control, and money regardless. In fact, free people with liberty likely only hinders their relentless pursuit for more, more, more. The sooner such quaint beliefs are eliminated, the better.

So, I wouldn’t be surprised if a Patriot Act type framework has been in existence for decades. The 9-11 incident was a way to introduce their long-awaited Evil Plan for us. All they had to do was wait for the right moment. And once that moment came …. Presto!

Of course, that’s also speculation on my part.

August 18, 2013 12:30 pm


I did not copy your ideas. I was writing my post at the same time as you.

Great Minds think alike. Now I know why I find you so appealing.

August 18, 2013 12:36 pm


We should run this country as benevolent dictators.

We just need to think up a tragedy so horrific that the masses will beg us to take over.

Put your thinking cap on.

August 18, 2013 12:53 pm

Admin, I know exactly the tragedy you are looking for. Have the whole cast of Duck Dynasty thrown in jail. Promise the people you will have them released but they must give their loyalty to you and your cause.

August 18, 2013 12:56 pm

Admin – we need to piss off the entire country …

1. For neegrows — close all liquor stores in the hood.

2. For crackas — cancel Honey Boo-Boo and NASCAR.

3. For dot-heads – no new 7-11 franchises

4. For slant-eyes — stop letting them into Harvard, MIT, Stanford, etc.

5. For tomato pickers — make them US citizens, so they can be legally fucked like the rest of us

6. For everyone else — shut down all McShits

…. we’ll be running this country within a week.

August 18, 2013 1:06 pm


A more horrific scenario could not be imagined.

No Honey Boo Boo.

The horror.

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 18, 2013 1:48 pm

Does Stucky and Admin want to address Sonic’s point about Conservation of Energy? A point clearly illustrated by the collapsing upper floors pulverizing themselves and washing over the outside of the building like a tidal wave. Then the lower floors suddenly collapse repeating the self-pulverization on the much stronger floors below.

Not to mention even a retard should find Tower 7 to be the icing on the “conspiracy cake”.

August 18, 2013 2:08 pm


It was clearly thermite installed by thousands of demolition experts over months with no one noticing.

Yikes. You people have no fucking common sense.

Please regale us with HOW IT WAS DONE!!!

Sound of crickets from the dumbass conspiracy theorists.

August 18, 2013 2:21 pm

Stucky says:
“…. we’ll be running this country within a week.”

And I’d be the one lonely bastard cheering you on!

Glad to know I’m not the only one to dream of such things.

What the hell is a dot-head?


August 18, 2013 2:27 pm

August 18, 2013 2:36 pm

August 18, 2013 2:33 pm

Well there ya go……….shows you how often I frequent convenience stores! Round here, dot-heads are known as towelies. Racist bastards!

August 18, 2013 4:56 pm


I’m willing to be convinced of the conspiracy explanation as soon as ANYONE can provide a coherent scenario that could possibly have happened.

I’m waiting. Accountants LOVE facts and logic.

August 18, 2013 5:29 pm

Still waiting.

August 18, 2013 5:11 pm

Don’t ever say our role model and spiritual leader, as Americans, will be removed from her exalted position of influence and power. To do so would be a travesty, and result in the immediate collapse of all buildings, and civilization as a whole.

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 18, 2013 6:02 pm

I believe the towers were infested with Israelis for weeks prior to 911. I wonder if the Zionists had any motivation to see the U.S. go ballistic in the Middle East?

August 18, 2013 6:19 pm

daddysteve believes the towers were infested with Israelis.

What the fuck does that mean?

Thanks for proving my point about the idiocy of the conspiracy nutjobs.

August 18, 2013 6:03 pm

And about that pesky Tower 7………

August 18, 2013 6:16 pm


Do you have an ounce of inquisitiveness? We’ve destroyed the Building 7 bullshit multiple times.

WTC 7 Collapse

Claim: Seven hours after the two towers fell, the 47-story WTC 7 collapsed. According to 911review.org: “The video clearly shows that it was not a collapse subsequent to a fire, but rather a controlled demolition: amongst the Internet investigators, the jury is in on this one.”

FACT: Many conspiracy theorists point to FEMA’s preliminary report, which said there was relatively light damage to WTC 7 prior to its collapse. With the benefit of more time and resources, NIST researchers now support the working hypothesis that WTC 7 was far more compromised by falling debris than the FEMA report indicated. “The most important thing we found was that there was, in fact, physical damage to the south face of building 7,” NIST’s Sunder tells PM. “On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom—approximately 10 stories—about 25 percent of the depth of the building was scooped out.” NIST also discovered previously undocumented damage to WTC 7’s upper stories and its southwest corner.

NIST investigators believe a combination of intense fire and severe structural damage contributed to the collapse, though assigning the exact proportion requires more research. But NIST’s analysis suggests the fall of WTC 7 was an example of “progressive collapse,” a process in which the failure of parts of a structure ultimately creates strains that cause the entire building to come down. Videos of the fall of WTC 7 show cracks, or “kinks,” in the building’s facade just before the two penthouses disappeared into the structure, one after the other. The entire building fell in on itself, with the slumping east side of the structure pulling down the west side in a diagonal collapse.

According to NIST, there was one primary reason for the building’s failure: In an unusual design, the columns near the visible kinks were carrying exceptionally large loads, roughly 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor. “What our preliminary analysis has shown is that if you take out just one column on one of the lower floors,” Sunder notes, “it could cause a vertical progression of collapse so that the entire section comes down.”

There are two other possible contributing factors still under investigation: First, trusses on the fifth and seventh floors were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another. With columns on the south face apparently damaged, high stresses would likely have been communicated to columns on the building’s other faces, thereby exceeding their load-bearing capacities.

Second, a fifth-floor fire burned for up to 7 hours. “There was no firefighting in WTC 7,” Sunder says. Investigators believe the fire was fed by tanks of diesel fuel that many tenants used to run emergency generators. Most tanks throughout the building were fairly small, but a generator on the fifth floor was connected to a large tank in the basement via a pressurized line. Says Sunder: “Our current working hypothesis is that this pressurized line was supplying fuel [to the fire] for a long period of time.”

WTC 7 might have withstood the physical damage it received, or the fire that burned for hours, but those combined factors—along with the building’s unusual construction—were enough to set off the chain-reaction collapse.

August 18, 2013 6:10 pm

“Does Stucky and Admin want to address Sonic’s point about Conservation of Energy?”

Conservation of Energy = Not wasting my fucking time answering your retarded se;f-pulverizing bullshit.

Here’s an idea …. go pulverize your one inch weenie.

August 18, 2013 6:11 pm

What bullshit, even from the title of the article. April is five months before Sept., or was that intentional? Do not care either way.

August 18, 2013 7:07 pm

You’re going to quote the NIST to me? Well then , I guess I surrender. Intellectual commitment is so much easier when you’re photographing and making jokes about fat-asses in Wallyworld.
Wasted my time bookmarking this place.

August 18, 2013 8:10 pm


Don’t let the door hit you in your fat ass on the way out.

Bye Bye

August 18, 2013 7:11 pm

I went to the beach once, and it was infested with Israelis (and their Russian girlfriends). Looked a little something like this:


August 18, 2013 7:19 pm


Former FBI agent and head of the NY office John O’Neill knew about 9/11 more than a year before it happened. Frontline did a documentary on it, including interviews. His superiors ignored him. He eventually gave up and got a job as head of security for a firm in the World Trade Center, where he died on 9/11.

WTF difference, at this point, does it make if Bush knew about it? He did nothing. Many people knew about it and did nothing.


August 18, 2013 8:34 pm

We//, that was fun while it lasted. Admin needs to invite in DP for a couple of days. That would keep the nutter tally up.

August 18, 2013 8:35 pm


Your story falls apart with the posting of the video of the interview with Susan Lindauer, who is a delusional mental case and has been evaluated as such. Her claims as a “CIA asset” are false and totally unverifiable. Nothing, absolutely nothing, she has said about “we knew” has led anywhere.

As an American citizen, she would have been an FBI, not CIA, asset working “as a journalist” at the United Nations and directed at Iraqi Embassy in NYC. Strike one. She was working for several congressmen (Oregon’s Peter DeFazio and Ron Wyden, California representative Zoe Lofgren, and Illinois Senator Carol Moseley Braun) during the time period in question prior to her arrest, 1994-2003. Strike two. Plus working for a doctor who fired her for her mental rants about USG involvement in 9/11. Strike three. She’s out.

Nice try, Sonic. Hard to believe that someone who claims to hold degrees in engineering and physics could fall for that shit.

August 18, 2013 8:48 pm


SSS just kicked you in the balls. Ball is in your court.

I will continue to wait for the coherent theory of how it was pulled off.

Sound of crickets.

August 18, 2013 8:50 pm

“Pull it”


Read it and weep.


August 18, 2013 8:58 pm

Sonic – you dumbass. Admin does not rip ALL govt financial publications. He is simply selective. He uses those that support the argument he wants to make, and ridicules the rest.

For instance, he whips out the “official” gold holdings figures like a gun when it suits him during his “China is toast” threads.

I got a real kick out of that, and am not about to let him forget it. He must have realized the error of his ways, given he has now put up two posts where the gold holdings are being questioned.

Guess that means I won – he has surrendered. I bet no one is surprised.

August 18, 2013 9:16 pm

llpoh must be off his meds.

The gold holdings chart was used to ridicule those who claim that China has vast gold holdings. I won as usual by showing that France and Italy have twice as much gold as China.

Why embarrass yourself by crossing Admin. It’s pathetic.

August 18, 2013 9:09 pm

“Arguing with someone incapable of reason … you guys are arguing like Sean Hannity.”
—- Sonic

Waaah!! Sounds like a concession speech to me.

Let it be known that none of you Truthers have yet to provide a plausible explanation as to how they pulled it off. As usual.

August 18, 2013 9:22 pm


I’m not arguing for or against anything.

I want facts. I want something from those who claim it was an inside job that can be assessed rationally.

All I have ever gotten from truthers is what couldn’t have happened. Always proving a negative.

Give me something plausible to assess. You’re an engineer. Please provide a logical scenario of how the buildings were rigged for demolition beforehand. Give me something. Anything.

August 18, 2013 9:21 pm

I have been tossing my “official gold holdings lure” out everywhere, but I just cannot convince the Admin to latch on. That fish is wiley. He knows there is a hook on there.

I am gonna switch to this and see how I go:

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 18, 2013 9:25 pm

Admin releis on official docs to show Italy and France gold holdings. We iz not impressed. I want pics of the Admin standing next to the gold. Nothing less will do.

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 18, 2013 9:30 pm

The Fed’s gold is actually in my basement. I have my house rigged with thermite and will blow it at the opportune time. Don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret.

August 18, 2013 10:09 pm


We have common ground. I also want an honest investigation. I don’t think we’ll ever get it.

I’m sure many facts have been covered up by the government.

I believe the cover-up is more likely about gross negligence by government agencies.

I’m sure the Israelis were overjoyed by the attack. I think they and the neo-cons used the attack as an opportunity to further their interests.

We’ll never get the whole truth.

howard in nyc
howard in nyc
August 18, 2013 10:28 pm

Yeah, all the racist shit gets me down, but not out.

But I gotta draw the line somewhere.

9/11 truthers?

Too much for me.

(Naw, just kidding. I’m still here, bitches. And Sonic, I’m just playin, it’s what I do. I don’t buy what you’re selling, but I’m glad you are able to post it here, and that you present it in a much more calm, rational manner than most.)

August 18, 2013 10:49 pm

howard – how is the business running? When you run a business, many things become much clearer!

Hope all is well. I keep on the lookout for you in hopes you will post more. Prolly too busy counting all the money your business is raking in. Least I hope so.

August 19, 2013 12:00 am

@T4C apparently, these guys would go to a whorehouse to play cards. with regards to the manhattan project, i recall the documentary explained that workers deliberately planted false information on unsuspecting civilians, bullshitting in bars about ridiculous government projects. as Dr. Pangloss once remarked, i don’t care what’s going on, i want to see what’s coming off.
that was a nice pic,

August 19, 2013 12:25 am

Sonic – lots of business owners around here. TeresaE, for instance. Mostly small business, but I suspect there are some middle sized as well. Good luck with yours, too!

Running a small business is like picking a cat up by the tail. People can tell you all about what it will be like, but until you actually do it you really will not know how it feels and the pain involved.

August 19, 2013 8:14 am


I commend you for the effort, with one caveat: peer review is often pier review — throw that paper off the pier and hope it damn well sinks. There are others here who worship peer review; in an objective way, it works. Thing is, editors have confirmation bias, think of IPCC and the consensus.

But global warming / AGW / climate change is a religion — just like 9/11. I imagine those True Believers experienced great gnashing of teeth when James Lovelock (father of Gaia) admitted not long ago he was being alarmist in his 2006 book, “I would be a little more cautious – but then that would have spoilt the book.”


It needs to be said: I have enjoyed the years of your time and effort in the work here+. Maybe it’s over seven years of my involvement in a myriad of topics, for which I’ve had more time than most, but burn out happens. I’ve reached it here.

You (and your coterie) have one scenario for 9/11 — the ‘controlled demolition’ which the Truthers gave you and Building 7. And for the latter you offer up a government report with NO peer review? I posit the Truthers are wrong but — could there be another explanation? Not in your world. Debunk one, end of story.

Meanwhile, I found two rational explanations of 9/11 anomalies, the BBC broadcast (the towers have fallen) and the explosions at ground level. And no one says squat. Does a Truther look for such answers? No. But ask other questions here and one is tarred with that brush. So, fugit.

I post lots of links, better that than aggregate others’ work with no attribution, as happens. If no one reads them, why bother? I know an extra click is an onus, but you might as well be part of the FSA otherwise. So, for various reasons, I will withdraw. Not to storm off in high dudgeon and crawl back like some miserable cur, but to read the occasional article and not comment. I might even post an article from time to time. Just think of me as your friendly, informal NSA snoop.

I’ll be watching. Heh.

Transcendent Trannsexual
Transcendent Trannsexual
August 19, 2013 8:54 am

I find it hard to believe one tower fell, let alone two.

August 19, 2013 9:45 am


Well, my first post (the first one in this thread) got 15 thumbs down so far. My first three points and the last were clearly said in jest. The two middle points; the government report is flawed, and mooslims flew planes into buildings that then fell …. well, I guess I got 15 thumbs down for that.

Sonic then replies with a Patriot Act post and gets 16 thumbs up. I speculate that perhaps the Patriot Act framework was conceived well before the event, and it gets 6 thumbs … 3 of them down.

My point is that this 9-11 stuff is a pretty damn highly emotional topic for just about everyone. People take offense at the slightest perceived “disrespect”. A minor insult turns into a shitfest in no time at all. NO other topic evokes such passion. Each side claims to be looking for only the truth. But, let’s face it, each side’s mind is pretty much already made up. Even mine. So like you say, fuckit, I just have fun with it … taking shit, flinging shit … as appropriate. Every day is a new day and I won’t let the previous day’s shitfests affect me today. Life is too short.

The other day I posted a link to an EXTREMELY funny Woody Allen movie. Not one thumb up or down. And I kinda felt exactly the same way … “goddamn, why bother?”. Really.

But then I think back on my own link-reading methods. I do read or at least peruse most links posted. Do I comment on every one? Hardly! Do I vote on every one? Hardly! So most of the time a person would have no idea I clicked on their link. I suspect the same is true for the many many links I’ve posted with zero reaction. Try not to be discouraged, I am positive people read them. I know I do.

It’s a real damn disappointment to see ya not comment anymore!! Your comments are always chock full of Wisdom … a real service to this forum. I hope it’s not forever. I hope you reconsider.

August 19, 2013 9:53 am

And, yes, I voted thumbs down on your post …. cuz I don’t like your decision to not post.

August 19, 2013 10:05 am

I think its a long stretch between “they knew an attack was coming” and “they planted thermite charges on a random building because they could.”

They probably did stand by and let the shit hit the fan, but I don’t think they actually blew the buildings up themselves.

August 19, 2013 11:09 am

Admin, just because a plausible explanation can’t be provided to your liking doesn’t mean that the official story isn’t full of horseshit. There are far too many illogical actions that took place that day (the “coincidence” of a highjacking air drill that stood down our air defenses, the sudden u-turn of the direction of Hurricane Erin that changed from directly towards NY to east and then north, the sell-off of American and United airline stocks days before the event, the new insurance plan put in place for the Trade Center buildings that made “We had to pull it” [Building 7] Silverstein a billionaire, etc., etc.). Building 7 also had SEC and IRS offices, with lots of ENRON documents.

Like you, I don’t know who was behind it, but airline pilots said those high-speed aerial maneuvers at both NY and DC (Pentagon) could not have been done by mooslims trained on small prop planes, or even by most highly skilled commercial jet pilots. Architectural experts said that buildings cannot free-fall from fires, and that the temperature of those fires was not high enough to melt the steel columns in that short amount of time (despite the 911 Commission Report claim that they were).
Speaking of the Commission Report, Building 7 was not even mentioned! The report was highly criticized as a whitewash, even by some of it’s members, following it’s release.

The most credible scientific explanation that I know is done by PhD Judy Woods, who has a book called “Where Did The Towers Go?”. She does not make any attempt or suggestion as to WHO did it, but examines HOW it may have been done. Her book is ripe with photos of unexplained car/truck fires next to things that were not even singed. The way the metal was twisted in some cases defies fire alone. The fact that all the debris was hauled away without a criminal foresnic testing and sold as scrap to China should raise eyebrows. Videos of the falling towers clearly shows metal antennas and other parts of the building turning to dust in mid-air. What would cause that?…possibly scalar weaponry (although I don’t think Dr. Woods directly suggests this). She does, however, say that the debris pile was not anywhere near the size it should have been given the amount of concrete and steel in those buildings. Airplanes could not have taken down those towers.

Cognitive dissonance explains why a lot of people simply can’t accept alternate scenarios.
Try to keep your mind open and not shut out other possibilities, even if they don’t agree with yours.
I hope someday we will have the truth of what really happened that fateful day.

August 19, 2013 12:18 pm

“just because a plausible explanation can’t be provided to your liking doesn’t mean that the official story isn’t full of horseshit.”

Presto +++

August 19, 2013 12:20 pm

Still waiting…….

August 19, 2013 12:26 pm

Can someone show me that plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon? Not one clear video or picture shows a plane hitting that building. The 5 second clip they did release looks like a missile to me, the debris left behind does not resemble a plane and the front nose of a commercial jet would disintegrate as opposed to piercing a perfect circular hole 3 levels deep! Also the titaniu engines didnt leave a mark lol and where are they?But I am not supposed to be asking these questions am I?

I dont know what happened, but I dont believe a word my fascist government says and I have a shitload of unanswered questions. Of course it is politically incorrect to ask them and I am just a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist so they don’t count.

August 19, 2013 12:39 pm

Flight 77 Debris

Claim: Conspiracy theorists insist there was no plane wreckage at the Pentagon. “In reality, a Boeing 757 was never found,” claims pentagonstrike.co.uk, which asks the question, “What hit the Pentagon on 9/11?”

FACT: Blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer was the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after the crash and helped coordinate the emergency response. “It was absolutely a plane, and I’ll tell you why,” says Kilsheimer, CEO of KCE Structural Engineers PC, Washington, D.C. “I saw the marks of the plane wing on the face of the building. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box.” Kilsheimer’s eyewitness account is backed up by photos of plane wreckage inside and outside the building. Kilsheimer adds: “I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?”

August 19, 2013 12:30 pm

Admin love your work man but am I not allowed to question the official story unless I can explain exactly what happened?

August 19, 2013 12:35 pm

You can post anything you want.

I’m still waiting for anyone to provide me with a plausible explanation of how the inside job was pulled off.

Sound of crickets.

August 19, 2013 12:48 pm


I’ve lost count of all the regulars who’ve left, come back, left again, and so on.

9/11 threads are the most fun. Maybe we can lose a few more.

With the new server, all the old banned IP addresses were wiped out. I sure wish David Pierre would show up. But he’s probably busy “tending” to his sheep.

August 19, 2013 12:54 pm

Admin what are your thought s on JFK assassination? Inside job? Just kinda curious where you stand on other so-called conspiracy theories?

August 19, 2013 1:57 pm

It’s all explained in the Seinfeld Magic Lugi episode. It was Roger McDowell from the grassy knoll.

August 19, 2013 12:57 pm

“I’m still waiting for anyone to provide me with a plausible explanation of how the inside job was pulled off.” – Admin

So am I. Let me know when you find one. Official gvt storylines dont count.