Why Obamacare Will Not Conquer American Culture

Why Obamacare Will Not Conquer American Culture


It’s become quite obvious that, politically, Obamacare has conquered America. (It now has the power of law.) However, it will eventually fail. In fact, it’s failing already because of something that transcends politics – our ingrained culture.

I had a conversation yesterday with a very astute European friend. While discussing the differences between Europeans and Americans, he said:

On the scale of a whole society, Americans change slower, Europeans change faster. But individually, Americans change faster, and Europeans slower.

And he is quite right about this. Europeans change in groups, but Americans very seldom do. And even when they do, those changes seldom last.

He went on:

This gives Americans an advantage: they can try many more solutions before choosing. But if a society-wide change is imposed on them, it may never find mass adoption; the majority will resist it, and wait it out.

Obamacare is one of these society-wide European-style solutions, shoved down the throats of American culture. Confused by politics (which is, more or less, the purpose of politics), most Americans haven’t known what to think about it, so they are waiting to see what happens.

At the moment, what they see is very bad and while they may hope it works itself out, we know it won’t for one simple reason: Americans expect to choose, and to change their choice whenever they want.

Americans expect to choose a product this year, but to change to a different one next year, when something better comes along. This is deeper than the noise and clamor of politics – it is ingrained in our culture.

Obamacare transgresses the American cultural norms, and will therefore fail – sooner or later, in one way or another.

Why Obamacare Is Much Like A Viking Invasion

In the early Middle Ages, the Vikings wrought havoc on the British Isles. They plundered wherever they wished, extorted astonishing amounts of silver from the kings of England, and never suffered a serious defeat. They conquered, clearly and definitely.

But a funny thing happened to the Vikings over time – they became Englishmen.

The Vikings started as a wild band of pagan destroyers and thieves, and ended up, in a fairly short span, as Christian British farmers.

Why did they make this change? Because the English way of life – English culture – was far more attractive than a life of frozen oceans, killing, and drunkenness.

The Vikings conquered militarily, but they were defeated culturally.

The same thing is happening to Obamacare in America: It conquered politically, but it will fail culturally.

Culture trumps conquest, whether it be the conquest of arms or the conquest of politics.

Obamacare will fail because Americans expect to choose, and to change their choice when they want.

When Americans want a different doctor or hospital, they expect to get it. If they don’t, they’ll break the rules: either they’ll bribe people to get what they want, pay for political favors to get what they want, go to the black market to get what they want, or start taking over hospital administration offices. (I fear that there may be a few shootings too.)

American culture expects choices; it is built for individual changes, not collective changes. This is in the DNA of the culture, and no matter which political gang controls the levers of rulership, the culture will not simply follow.

Whether in one way or many, sooner or later, Obamacare will fail. American culture is not dead yet.

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of FreemansPerspective.com, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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November 2, 2013 11:37 am

Christmas comes early for Comrade Sebelius



“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”

–Samuel Beckett

November 2, 2013 11:44 am

You’re hard earned tax dollars at work. The website has already cost more than $1 billion.

Freaky Psychedelic Obamacare Ad


Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 2, 2013 12:15 pm

Its amazing innit? There are many databases out there, such as Oracle and tools to build websites easily and it takes a government contractor CGI hundreds of millions. Clearly they have learned from defense contractors.

[[ The company [CGI] – the largest tech company in Canada with subsidiaries around the world – was initially awarded a $93.7m contract, but now the potential total value for CGI’s work has reportedly tripled, reaching nearly $292m.]]

November 2, 2013 12:18 pm

“It’s become quite obvious that, politically, Obamacare has conquered America. However, it will eventually fail.” ———– from the article

The author seriously misunderestimates (a Dubya word) the power of the ‘murican government to keep a fucked up program going forever.

In other words, what difference does it make (Hillary Cuntham reference) if it fails? None. Whatsoever.

TSA … failed. DEA … failed. Dozens of welfare programs ….. failed. FDA …. 95% failed. Dept of Education … total fail. DHS …. epic fail. Yet they march on undeterred. I do believe I see a trend here.

November 2, 2013 12:26 pm

Rosenberg makes a great point. The only question is, as immigration and ethnic birth rates fundamentally change the “culture” of America, how will that change the ability of the government to push through things like this, even if they are a debacle.

November 2, 2013 12:47 pm

Rosenberg makes a good argument, but he should have consulted Stucky first.

November 2, 2013 1:46 pm

If the majority of people do not sign up for it, it will most likely fail due to adequate participation. However, this is just a ruse. ObamaCare will fail, as planned, and we will be required to go to a Single Payer System, ergo the Govt. paying for what it wants to, or not pay for what it doesn’t want to.
More Hope and Change that is “trying” to “fundamentally change America”. We’ll see how that works out and then act accordingly to resist it. RESIST! RESIST! RESIST!

November 2, 2013 2:18 pm
November 2, 2013 3:18 pm

This is what CULTURE MARXISM does .IT changes the culture by removing or attacking the foundations of the culture.Its to late for the Marxist have already won.Next will be economic ruin and then civil /race war and a total breakup of the US.This nation is going to burn like no other in history. Keep your preps ready..

November 2, 2013 3:22 pm

Obamacare will be fully funded from now to 2017.Its to late

November 2, 2013 8:02 pm

Stucky, if you judge these programs from their stated govt goals and accompanying propaganda, they are indeed epic fails but I’d argue that they have a secret goal of creating a population that is utterly dependent on them. The rat bastards are trying to change the US culturally by encouraging dependence. So far that appears to be an epic win.

I’ve mentioned it here in TBP very infrequently but I think TPTB triggered the collapse a bit too soon. Imagine if the TPTB had held it together for another 20 years or so………long enough to promise AND deliver copious amounts of free shit to the millenial generation. Ninety nine percent of the minnies already have nightly wet dreams of endless video games, iGadgets and perpetual free shit like the Boomers get! If their generation had received that…….HOOK, LINE and SINKER bitchezz!! If they had waited long enough to win over the minnies they could have rained actual feces on our heads and told us it was a new, environmentally safe, global warming averting, polar bear friendly chocolate, and the sheople would have said ok……gimme more!!

I quietly and perhaps foolishly hold out hope that Americans will one day revolt in a way that amounts to something less than all out war or tyranny. Americans have an annoying habit of putting up with an enormous amount of shit before we do a 180 and say no more. I think the snails pace of deteriorating events is probably a good thing as it allows us to quietly simmer in ever larger numbers. I think the law enforcement apparatus is just bit too “coked up” and before long we will witness an overreaction by them so egregious that no one, including the media and the ruling class will be able to ignore. An entirely unintended, poorly timed black swan if you will.

In that way I think the authors European friend is largely right. TPTB are ramming shit down our throats so frequently that we will eventually choke on a bone and then it will be game on. I don’t believe that Americans are exceptional by any means but we have experienced and been instilled with a sense of freedom like very few others and I hope we decide that is worth saving.

And then I wake back up again and reality is still busy chewin’ on my ass. It’s a good dream while it lasts anyway.