We dug out of the 9 inches of wet heavy snow from yesterday. The plow didn’t come until 10:00 pm last night. It’s 15 degrees this morning.

Lucky me. The next storm arrives at 8:00 pm tonight and goes through noon tomorrow. I happen to be in the 4 to 6 inch band, just like yesterday’s forecast. But I got 9 inches yesterday.

But that is only part one of the fun. The snow will change to ice at some point during the storm. I’m lucky enough to be in the half an inch of ice band. A half an inch of ice on top of 15 inches of wet snow should do wonders for trees, power lines and roads. Maybe I’ll get a chance to use my gasoline generator.



And this is only the beginning. The meteorologist weenies are closely monitoring their models and getting excited about a potentially epic snowstorm on Sunday. They are gleefully hoping for in excess of 20 inches if everything goes right. Snowmaggedon here we come.

This is what I’d like to do to every global warming spouting scientist on the planet.

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February 4, 2014 8:57 am

I’m bummed as well. I just get a new ragtop and it’s done nothing but rain. wtf?

February 4, 2014 9:01 am

Just think how good you’re getting at shoveling!

February 4, 2014 9:09 am

Spring floods on the East Coast? Drought on the West Coast! Hang in there Jim.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 4, 2014 9:10 am

The pile by my driveway is about six feet high, but some of that is from last year.

February 4, 2014 9:20 am

I’m closing watching the radar, we are in the “supposed to” get 3-5″ band starting tonight.

I’m really hoping they are wrong as my dad was admitted to the hospital yesterday, I’m driving the 100 miles at some point today and with a sick wee one laying in bed upstairs, I hope to be able to make it back tonight.

All I know is why hasn’t Ob ama used his dictorial powers to ban snow and then ban heat?

It is obvious all we need to do is wipe out another strata of the ‘murkin middle and then the earth will be able to magically heal itself and stop changing the climate. Finally after billions of years (or less than 6000 if that is what you believe), we have a brave and all-powerful leader whom has the means to “fix” it all with a stroke of his mighty pen. Never before in history has such an all-seeing, all-knowing, benevolent (unless you live in the sandbox), son of the gods ruled and been in the position to tax and regulate the very climate that surrounds us.

Yet he does NOTHING! Oh the humanity.

Sorry about the ice Admin. I’d take 9″ of wet snow over 1/2″ of ice any day of the year. Good luck!

February 4, 2014 10:59 am

Global cooling has struck the east valley. It will only be in the mid-sixties today. Won’t get back in the 70’s until next Monday. Oh the humanity!

February 4, 2014 11:05 am

@Admin, that chart is yet more reality that doesn’t fit the storyline being told (and believed).

Must have been a Republican that made the chart.

Your chart is bringing me as much amusement as the skin cancer incidence charts.

If the earth was abnormally warming then the chart should look much different.

Just like if the sun is the actual cause of skin cancer, it would be logical that the skin cancer rates would be highest in the states that receive the most sunshine.

According to the charts at the CDC, it is the exact opposite in that the population that receives the most sun has the lowest incidence of skin cancer.

Things that make you go ‘mmmmm?

February 4, 2014 12:35 pm

Here in Mira Loma ,C A it’s 9:30 in the morning and already 64.Going to be another beautiful day in southern California.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 4, 2014 1:16 pm


The skin cancer by state data may say more about the people who live in those states than explaining the direct sun-to-cancer connection. White Mississippians probably have different rates than black Mississippians, for example. Scandinavians and Celts are more prone to skin cancer.

February 4, 2014 1:38 pm

Iska, you miss my point.

If the actual, root, cause of skin cancer is the sun, there is NO WAY that the averages would be less than half in the sunnier states.

The sheer percentage of tanned people, of all nationalities, that I’ve seen in the southern states belies your assertion. Unless, magically, there are more minorities and natives than whites in those states and every single tanned Anglo has a preponderance of warmer clime dna.

The sun has been a vital part of our lives, our earth and our HEALTH since the beginning of time.

We, humans, would NEVER have advanced to our level without the important to every cell in our bodies Vitamin D, which is mainly received through exposure to the sun.

Our bodies produce nearly 50,000 ius of Vitamin D with just 20 minutes of noon sun, or enough to start to turn the pale, pink.

The RDA for this vitamin is less than 1000ius and was at 400 for years and years.

Insanity. Told to stay away from the very nutrient we need to fight cancer and aging. Told to fear the sun. FEAR it, really, just how can anyone with half a brain believe that? The sun HEALS us if used wisely and is but one of many modern health myths that we follow to our own declining health.

We are being fed absolute bull concerning our health, our food supply, our medicine, and our environment. This allows the PTB to continue their accumulation of wealth and power with our consent and support.

They can’t easily, and blatantly, kill us off.

But they are doing one helluva job of doing it silently, slowly, covertly, and with great success. These myths founded on pseudo-science are destroying our finances, our families and our very health, and yet we cling to them, and promote them, and fight to hold onto the generations-old idolization of men in white coats with letters following their name.

The only true asset any of us are ever given are our bodies, our minds, and our lives. Every other asset can be stripped away and we could still survive. But take our very health, or our ability to reason, and our survival is limited, at best.

I’m done trusting the evil and corrupt and thinking they just have to be right in this one area, even as I know and see their evil everywhere else.

If you wish to continue believing, good luck to you and your family. And I sincerely mean that.

Meanwhile I am longing for some sunshine and my light summer tan. I’ll continue taking my way-over-recommended-amounts of vitamin D, I’ll continue sunning myself and worshiping the earth and its sun.

And, just in case you are curious, I’m as northern European as they come. Pale, freckled and my tan is most people’s sick on the verge of death color. Just sayin.

February 4, 2014 4:52 pm

Speaking of snow, a buddy of mine in Colorado is my official “Monitor of the Snowpack in the Colorado Rockies.” As many of you know, the snowpack there is vital to many rivers flowing .in the Southwest, particularly the Colorado and Rio Grande.

His report to me yesterday is that the snowpack is well above normal for the Colorado River and its tributaries. Yippee. Last year was an absolute bust, and the levels of the reservoirs of Lake Mead and Lake Powell dropped significantly. Even better news is that the water content of the snow is also higher than last year. But it’s not quite as rosy for the Rio Grande. Below normal so far.

Actual picture of the lifeblood of the Southwest.


February 4, 2014 4:54 pm

Cooled off today: 83 with a wind chill of 81. I love “winter”!

February 4, 2014 8:01 pm

It is 58 degrees outside, I don’t know why you Yanks are complaining. Whoops, wrong region. At least the greatest thing about the south is one day it can be 60 degrees, the next day the town is covered with ice, two days the town is shut down and nobody goes to work, followed by a high of 70 degrees. That was my week last week. Have fun with your blizzard!

February 4, 2014 10:19 pm

Nice! How is that propane inflation treatin’ ya? I hear it is $5.00 a gallon now.

February 5, 2014 8:45 am


Just got done digging my car out of +10″ of snow. There were drifts about as deep as my thigh, so that was fun.

Now its single digits with -15 windchill. The moment you get hit by the wind, its like it sucks the life right out of ya.

But, on the plus side, work called a snow day yesterday. The day before all of our shippers and receivers had cancelled, the mill was 3 days ahead of schedule and marketing had to counsel their big meet n’greet soiree with some clients.

No reason for anyone to come in.

My wife crock potted up a damn fine chipotle chile n’lime whole chicken, and this morning was farm fresh eggs and bacon. Moving my way through a pot of folgers right now.

Damn I like my life. Wish the government would leave me the fuck alone so I could live it. Instead my wife and I fall asleep discussing the fourth turning like some sort of crack pot couple.

February 5, 2014 9:07 am

Yeah, I worked from home yesterday. I can’t do too much without some of work’s software, but it was nice to get files organized and some stuff written down that was sitting in my head taking up space.

I’ve called my boss and the CFO to let them know I’d be late in to work this morning. Nobody answered, and nobody has called back. They either are clearing their driveways (I’m young, so I did that a couple hours ago) or they are staying inside keeping their old bones warm.

Unfortunately I can’t afford to lose an entire week to snow, so come hell or high water I need to make it in for at least a few hours this afternoon.

@Bostonbob – Stay warm, the wind on the back side of this storm is a frigid bitch. I think I preferred mid 20s with snow to sub zero and wind.

February 5, 2014 9:33 am

@Admin – My company is weird about virtual log-ins, so I don’t have that option available to me.

The main problem is that I can’t operate the fermenters from home, I have to go in and batch my next run or lose an entire week of time (normally do 3 runs per week, zero is a set back).

Just talked to my boss, he doesn’t sound too happy. Poor bastard runs the research farm and has to blade the mile long drive way. Plus, its on top of a hill that has zero cover, so his ass will be frozen to the seat before long.

Every cloud has its silver lining, at least I don’t have to blade a mile long drive way 🙂

February 5, 2014 9:35 am

I got up at 4:30 no snow, I thought I would be going in. By 6:30 3 inches now about 5 to 6 and it is snowing like hell. No cars on the road. I have remote desktop to work on the office server. There is no escape. I have about 150 bids I have to collate review and put up on spreadsheets. Well at least I have work.

February 5, 2014 9:49 am

Took me two hours to shovel the driveway. Normally it’s a half hour. It’s the wettest and heaviest “snow” … actually, snow, ice, and slush … I’ve seen in a very long while. Went to Quick Check, a half mile away to get milk and fresh rolls … the roads are truly dangerous. If at all possible, stay at home.

February 5, 2014 9:54 am

“The IT geeks set me up with VMware at home. I can duplicate my computer at work from home as if I’m sitting at my desk.”

Welcome to the modern world. I was using Microsoft’s “Remote desktop connection” starting in 2000. I could connect to my work computer from anywhere in the world.

February 5, 2014 9:57 am

All of our major highways are 100% covered. Thats not the problem. The problem is that the wind is causing drifts deep enough to bury the nose of most vehicles, so even though the snow stopped 5 hours ago we are completely froze up.

February 5, 2014 10:40 am

We lucked out so far in Chicago… only 5 inches this morning, although we’re supposed to get another 3-4 during the day today. Drifting like crazy.

Avoided that freezing rain that you East Coasters have — that is the worst.

Hope everyone is staying safe and warm.

Maddie's Mom
Maddie's Mom
February 5, 2014 10:41 am

Tulsa Public Schools used their last snow day Monday. Snow was forecast for Tuesday, but classes were not cancelled 😉

Over 13,000 students stayed home anyway. 33%!!! lol


But no worries, the low attendance won’t affect the district financially. (Really? I always thought schools received funding based on student attendance. No?)


Seems like administration just lost control on that matter.

February 5, 2014 10:44 am

Up to about 8 to 9 inches and counting.

February 5, 2014 11:47 am

I guess I am the only one who will not be partaking in this weather? It is 42 degrees in Alabama right now.

February 5, 2014 11:50 am

I bet Robum1 is out there tearing up the roads rescuing stranded women and children. Fearless I tell you, absolutely fearless.

February 5, 2014 12:30 pm

I got shit for not coming in yesterday, then got to hear all the stories about how everyone almost died on the way home, and a few got stuck.

They left at 2pm. Working from 8-2 is pointless, as that includes everyone’s hour long lunch break. I put in 4 hours the night before and 3 hours the following morning.

Luckily my boss really doesn’t care as long as I let people know whats going on ahead of time.

February 5, 2014 1:22 pm

We got another 4-5″ or so since midnight, temps are supposed to drop and it looks like the snow has stopped so I’m going to get some exercise and fresh air and try to make a dent in our paved areas.

Schools were in session, buses were 20 minutes late, instead of using auto phone service they sent emails that none of the mothers that I meet at the bus stop knew. There is a bonus, the cold is good for revving your metabolism.

Stay safe and have fun y’all, I remain so very grateful that we bought a home less than two miles from our shop. Especially on days like today.

February 5, 2014 2:16 pm

I measured 10.5 inches of snow on the back deck, it looks about 10 to 12 inches. Driveway is all clear, thank God for an 8 HP snow-blower. I did notice no one else left the house to help. Oh well back to work.

February 5, 2014 8:35 pm

Geez, how much freezing rain / ice did you get?

February 5, 2014 8:43 pm

Well, at least you can work at home. I assume they’ve told everyone to stay off the roads under penalty of arrest or fines.