One lump or two in your morning coffee?

Will Holder Be Investigating This Hate Crime?

Rahm Emmanuel is a Fascist

Praise the Lord and Pass the Snake

Paper Tiger


Big Food & Big Lies

It Must Be Snowing in China

Global Warming’s Worst Year Ever

The Truth About Political Correctness






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February 20, 2014 8:38 am

Good reads, especially Zombieland, which nails it. Don’t think I could live with 10 dogs though.

Brandon Smith use to be a Liberal was a “Stucky is Nicky” moment, maybe there is hope LOL.

February 20, 2014 8:45 am

For those interested to learn the truth in Kiev …

“Obama’s Ministry of Propaganda on MSNBC is pushing hard for a ‘humanitarian’ intervention in Ukraine and dishing up the anti-Putin propaganda with a near religious fervor. Last night even the increasingly vile Rachel Maddow, the Baghdad Bob of American cable television took a break from her nonstop bashing of the bullying New Jersey gasbag Chris Christie to fixate on the violence in the streets of Kiev. You know that it is getting bad when HBO’s Bill Maher, a serious defender of the warfare/surveillance state calls out MSNBC and particularly Ms. Maddow on their bullshit as being as bad as FOX News with their fixation on “Bridgegate” as being the Democratic party’s Benghazi”. I can’t argue with Maher and I except from the transcript of Maddown’s show last night where her ‘expert’ guest was NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, the wife of former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan “The Maestro” Greenspan. A man who is complicit in the the economic collapse and subsequent Obama sanctioned rescue of the criminal gamblers on Wall Street.”

rest of story here ———

February 20, 2014 9:04 am

Wasn’t the USA one time willing to start a Nuclear War because of missiles in Cuba?

Soooo, what about the USA surrounding Russia today? What should the Russians do? Capitulate? Have they already?

What I know (not much) in a nutshell about the Kiev situation;

1) The Ukraine is a nation split in two. The Eastern half is very pro-West … even going back to WWII a good many of Hitler’s non-German Stormtroopers were Ukrainian. The Western half is very pro-Russian.

2) Half the population in Ukraine is Russian. The “official” language is Russian. Many Ukrainians — from both sides — are afraid they are losing their culture.

3) I believe the ultimate goal of the USA is to make the Ukraine part of NATO.

4) Russia must eventually draw the line-in-the-sand somewhere. I think it’ll be a cold day in hell before Russia allows that. Image if Russia drew Mexico into their sphere of influence.

5) The Ukrainian people being slaughtered are mere pawns.

From the RUSSIAN perspective …. the title reads “How Americans control Russian territory.”

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harry p.
harry p.
February 20, 2014 9:11 am

wow, that zombieland post was pretty fucking depressing, just what the doctor ordered

February 20, 2014 9:41 am

The snake story is about a certain type of True Believer who believe a passage in the Bible which suggests poisonous snakebites will not harm them. Here are the two references;

“And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
———– Mark 16:14-18

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. ”
———- Luke 10:17-20

These preachers and their followers are the dumbest of dumfuks, and that’s saying something.

Why don’t any of these dumbfuks actually TRAMPLE on snakes? Why don’t they handle scorpions? And why don’t they drink poison?? Maybe our own blessed Nonanoymnous can provide answers.

February 20, 2014 9:57 am

BTW, that Zombieland article has an actual photo of Calamity. You’ll recognize her immediately.

February 20, 2014 10:17 am

My interesting morning read:

Ugly Scenario Epiphany & Forecast Formula — Jim Willie

The rabbit hole was detected long ago, leading to multiple examples of Jackass epiphany. Many clients and inquisitive followers have asked how and when the conspiracy and deep plots were recognized. A sequence occurred to produce the newfound awareness, in certain key events that reeked of suspicion, sabotage, and bad economics. The awareness began around 1990, confirmed in 2000 & 2001 with the stock bust and 911 crime scene, solidified with Lehman in 2008. The steady policy decisions were so destructive, ordered by intelligent men, that they had to be intentional. The hints were many. Certain friends, certain acquaintances, certain service veterans, certain business veterans all contributed to a perspective that has proved valuable. When the Vietnam War ended, when the Middle East hot spot never went away, when the American industry began to be dispatched to the Pacific Rim, when labor unions went too far, when presidential politics became absurd displays of Manchurian candidates, when the United States required a procession of fabricated enemies, when the financial sector boasted of victorious superiority, when the American diet turned into a carnival fantasy, when the American public turned into health freaks and Big Pharma subjects, when the genocide projects came to the fore, when the US Press turned into a propaganda megaphone, when technology was directed toward fascist forces, the Jackass had challenges in life and in industry blessed by certain accomplishments but also beset by frustations as well.

entire article here:

February 20, 2014 10:36 am


Article on Lew Rockwell tosy ……….. according to Norse mythology the Earth will split open and release the inhabitants of the underworld, Hell, ———ON FEBRUARY 22, 2014 !!!!!!!

I HAVE done all the research. I BELIEVE this prophecy is 100% accurate.

You’re fucked. All of you.

REPENT, says Stucky. Repent!!! You have TWO days left.
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February 20, 2014 10:40 am

Fuck you Stucky. I’ll come back when Nonanonymous lets me.

Stucky on February 23rd.
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February 20, 2014 11:36 am

“according to Norse mythology the Earth will split open and release the inhabitants of the underworld, Hell, ———ON FEBRUARY 22, 2014 !!!!!!!”

This already happened, sometime before the 2008 election, when the millennials and Mexicans voted Obama into office, then voted him back into office. The gates of hell have already been opened, and the inhabitants are the obese, tattooed slobs walking the earth waiting for judgement day.

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February 20, 2014 11:50 am

Obama said: “Our deficits are now falling at the fastest rate since the end of World War II. I want to repeat that. Our deficits are going down faster than anytime since before I was born,”

From a newsletter that posed this question:

“Today, we will get the latest auction numbers that the Treasury will seek on 2, 5 and 7-year issues. From what I read, there will be no change in the amounts needed to fund the country this go-around. the 2 year will need $32 Billion, the 5 year will need 35 Billion, and the 7 year will need $29 Billion. That’s nearly $100 Billion, folks. So I have to ask this question of the bean counters in the Gov’t offices. If the U.S. deficit spending is falling, as they say it is, then why do we have to keep selling the same amount of Treasuries at each auction? Riddle me that Batman!”

February 20, 2014 12:42 pm

Obama is a proven liar, when he came into office the national debt was 10 Trillion when he leaves it will be 20 Trillion. Math is hard but that appears to be an increase. What the dumb bastard is trying to spin is the rate of increase is slowing.

February 20, 2014 2:38 pm

For astronomy lovers

Runaway star moving at 5 MILLION mph leaves a cosmic dust trail that is a record-breaking 37 fucking LIGHT YEARS long !!!

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February 20, 2014 3:05 pm

Runaway star leaves longest skid marks in basketball history.
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