If you’re conservative or libertarian, do you feel like you’re at war? You might be targeted by the IRS terrorists, and have to meet in secret with anonymity. Conservative groups in Hollywood have to meet in secret because of fear of losing their jobs at the hands of the liberals. All over this country, people that support liberty, freedom, and the constitution are under attack by the media, the government, and lawyers. People that support the second amendment are being labeled “terrorists” and the national guard is conducting training exercises on how to combat second amendment proponents.

If it looks like a war, smells like a war, and acts like a war, it’s probably a war. Which side are you going to be on?

article reprinted in it’s entirety with permission of website on which it was posted

The War We’re In: Orientation

by RedStaterNYC | 2-19-14

He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.

– Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Orientation is the schwerpunkt (focal point). It shapes the way we interact with the environment. In this sense, orientation shapes the character of present observations-orientation-decision-action loops—while these present loops shape the character of future orientation.

– John Boyd, Science, Strategy and War

Why are we here?

We’re all here because we sense—or know—that something’s wrong with our nation. There is a problem, and it must be addressed. And we seek to address it.

What is the problem?

We are under attack.

Who are “we”?

“We” are, in the broadest sense, American citizens. However, some of our fellow American citizens are in on the attack, so it must be narrowed down.

“We”, then, are American citizens who believe in the raison d’être of the United States, which is individual liberty.

“We” may therefore be anyone from [self-identified] patriots to average Joes simply trying to live their lives.

That said, some may see this “we” as encompassing an even broader group of people (and not necessarily proponents of American-style individual liberty). To some, “we” encompasses all lovers of Western Civilization in general, and their specific culture in particular (e.g., Italians loving Italy, Germans Germany, etc.).

This global definition of “we” bears much merit, especially when one considers that Communism was a global movement primarily directed against the capitalist nations of the West. And it certainly seems that our struggle is the same struggle facing all Western nations.

However, if the global struggle is the preservation of cultures and peoples, then the diversity of cultures and peoples across Western Civilization will make defining—let alone establishing—a united “we” a nearly impossible challenge.

Rather, it’ suggested “we” refer specifically to Americans, as described above. Our fellow strugglers across “the West” are to be considered allies, with whom we should be building alliances.

Ultimately, the determination of who “we” are is contingent upon the determination of who’s under attack, and also who’s doing the attacking. I.e., to fully understand who “we” are, we must fully understand who’s attacking whom, how, and why.

How are we being attacked?

We are being attacked in multiple ways.

1. Physically

In battle, there are not more than two methods of attack – the direct and the indirect; yet these two in combination give rise to an endless series of maneuvers.

– Sun Tzu, The Art of War

We are not being directly physically attacked. We are being physically attacked, but indirectly. How so? Via the importation, nurturing, and enabling of criminals who perpetrate violence upon law-abiding citizens. This violent criminal behavior is a proxy for direct action by our enemies.

As in any war, the purpose of violence—direct or indirect—is to diminish the opponent’s power by diminishing his numbers. In a democratic system such as ours, there are two ways to do this:

The first way is via diminution. We are literally being eliminated via violent crime, abortion, childless marriages, destruction of the family unit, etc.

The other way is via dilution. While our absolute numbers may not be diminishing too rapidly, our percentage of the population is dwindling very quickly.

Once freedom-loving Americans are in the minority, tyranny is only the next election away.

2. Spiritually/Morally/Psychologically

To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.

– Sun Tzu, The Art of War

The faith of our fathers is under relentless attack, both culturally (by being mocked, ignored, etc.) and legally (e.g., crosses on public memorials being torn down).

Concomitant with this is the effort to demoralize us. We are constantly being told we are losers, our cause is a lost one, we’re on the wrong side of history, they will bury us, etc.

3. Mentally/Intellectually

We are being perpetually misinformed and propagandized. Our children are being indoctrinated, not educated. Higher education is completely controlled by the enemy.

Every media organ of the enemy is deployed to confuse us, distract us, demoralize us, misinform us, misdirect us, destroy trust amongst us, etc.

4. Financially

Power and wealth are accreting in the upper echelons, and with that, they are securing more and more resources. Meanwhile, the middle class is being squeezed down into the lower class, prohibiting us from acquiring our own assets. Our national debt is colossal, our governmental spending continues unabated, the Fed prints money by the trillions, driving inflation, while keeping interest rates at effectively zero, driving [another] bubble in the markets.

When it all collapses, we will be left with nothing but debt—homes still under mortgage will be repossessed by the banks; property taxes will bankrupt those who do own their homes; our property will be taken from us; we will have no place to store our provisions; and what money we have will be completely worthless.

I.e., the system is unsustainable, and when the music stops playing, we will be completely and totally dependent upon those who have run off with all the money and, subsequently, all the resources.

And with total dependency comes limitless compliance.

Who is attacking us?

The ultimate in giving form to the military is to arrive at formlessness. When one is formless, deep spies cannot catch a glimpse and the wise cannot strategize. Rely on form to bring about victory over the multitude, and the multitude cannot understand.

– Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Individuals attacking us are easy to identify—the violent criminal coached to hate whitey, sell-out politicians, the bought-and-sold cop, the biased judge, the misleading “journalist”, the indoctrinating “teacher”…

But who is orchestrating all of these attacks?

Ask ten patriots and you will likely get ten different answers: the NWO, Free Masons, Islamofascists, Zionists, the Vatican, the Illuminati, Communists, global corporations, bankers, the Bilderberg Group, the Rothschilds, all of the above, some of the above, etc.

One explanation for the confusion is that no one is orchestrating these attacks. It may be that, because the desire for power is such a universal human trait, we are simply seeing an array of forces all trying to crush us liberty lovers, not due to a massive conspiracy, but simply because they’re all motivated by the same force. And because they were all pushed through the same indoctrination system, they’re all reading from the same playbook.

Certainly this scenario does not rule out the existence of major power players in the effort, or of focal points of power that pump much of the lifeblood through the enemy’s systems. However, this does not necessarily point to a single cabal of conspirators commanding from on high.

But even if it is a cabal of conspirators who are orchestrating the attack on us, we certainly have no access to them, so we’re left with mere speculation anyway.

This is to say that while understanding the nature of our enemy is paramount, either the enemy is dug in deep and extremely well concealed, or he’s a mirage—an illusion created by a thousand different smaller enemies operating independently but in harmony. In any case, we can spend an inordinate amount of time debating this and will not only fail to arrive at a generally satisfactory conclusion, but also find ourselves further behind the eight ball.

But this is not to say we can’t still glean some insights into who/what we’re up against. Whatever the true nature of the masterminds behind the scenes (or lack thereof), we can still discern some general areas within which our enemy operates. These areas are as follows:

Government (including judiciary)
Banking, Finance & Industry
Media (entertainment & news)
Legal (SPLC, ACLU, etc.)
Grassroots (, ACORN, etc.)
Religious (movements/denominations/sects)
Globalists (Soros, UN, NAFTA, IMF, etc.)

Identifying hostile institutions within these general areas is typically fairly easy to do (e.g., NY Times in media, SEIU in unions, SPLC in legal, etc.). However, identifying hostiles within particular institutions is much trickier, as typically the majority of employees are simply working stiffs who aren’t even aware they’re acting as soldiers in the fight against us.

However, often these institutions have a hierarchical, top-down command-and-control structure, typically pointing to the leaders of the organizations as being the hostiles. (E.g., Carlos Slim & the editorial board at NY Times; [formerly] Andy Stern at SEIU; Morris Dees and Mark Potok at SPLC; etc.)

By focusing our efforts on the enemies we can identify, we may change the dynamic such that the masterminds behind our demise—if they truly exist—are forced to expose themselves and their intentions.

Why are they attacking us?

Lust for Power and Wealth

Presumably the chief motivating factor of those who are attacking us—or at least those most effectively attacking us—is their desire to get liberty lovers out of the way so they can seize the reins of power and accumulate it, unfettered by pesky “patriots” who insist upon abidance by the Constitution.

Another aspect, specifically with respect to the dilution of our numbers agenda, is that business owners see an opportunity to score cheap labor by [further] opening our borders to foreign workers, thereby maximizing their profits (and hence take-home pay).

Much of the motivation behind the attacks on us appear to be driven by pure hatred. Hatred of whites (just as often by self-loathing whites as by non-whites); hatred of patriotic non-whites; hatred of Christians; hatred of conservatives; etc.

Much of this hatred is justified in the mind of the hater as “comeuppance” for historical “sins”, such as slavery, colonialism, ethnic cleansing of Native Americans, Jim Crow, opposition to gay marriage, etc. In this way, they are able to be extremely hate-filled individuals while simultaneously absolving themselves of guilt by pretending that their hate is “good”—so, like the lust for power, it is a fairly inexorable trait.

Blind Following

Many of those who attack us are simply doing it because they were trained to, told to, encouraged to, and are rewarded for doing so. The propaganda organs create a [false?] sense that the majority of people are on board with the agenda, so, as social animals, many people unthinkingly join them.
What is their end game?

Without being certain of who or what our enemy is, it is very difficult to fathom what their grand strategic objective(s) may be.

Is it to destroy capitalism and install a Communist regime, at long last uniting the “workers of the world”?
Is it to amass as much wealth and acquire as many resources as possible as insurance against a possible (inevitable?) systemic collapse?
Is it to subjugate and essentially enslave liberty lovers?
Is it to ethnically cleanse the nation (world?) of whites?

These four are the most oft-cited schemes, and none are mutually exclusive. It may be worthwhile to consider all four to be the ultimate goals of our enemies until further experience helps shed more light on the subject.

What is their command and control structure?

Command and control implies a central command, which, as discussed, may not exist. Again, the ostensible situation is that there are a multitude of independent enemies whose operations against us merely harmonize by virtue of sharing both motivation (due to human nature) and tactics (due to indoctrination).

In any event, there must be mechanisms in place to harmonize their operations; whether these mechanisms are being orchestrated by a cabal or have simply arisen naturally is not of import at this time.

What is of import is what these mechanisms are…

Education as Indoctrination

As alluded to, the first mechanism of command-and-control is the conformity of strategy and tactics via indoctrination. The Communists/Marxists/Cultural Marxists of the 20th Century proposed a “long march through the institutions” (see, e.g., Rudi Dutschke), one such institution being the halls of education. They succeeded in this, and now public general education on up to nearly every academic institution is overrun with Cultural Marxist nonsense, all serving as indoctrination centers of our youth.
Journalism and Entertainment as Propaganda

Being that marching orders are always evolving, adapting to the changing landscape, once a child is out of the indoctrination circuit, he must still be kept up-to-date with the latest directives. This is accomplished via “journalism” and entertainment media.


Whether you watch MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, CNN; whether you read NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle; whether you listen to NPR, CBS radio, ABC radio, NBC radio, it doesn’t matter—it’s a distinction without a difference. All of these so-called “news” organizations convey the same message, the same stories, the same slant, the same interpretation, the same spin.


Similarly, nearly everything pumped out of Hollywood, whether it comes out of our TV, over the radio, or played in theaters, drives the same agenda as do the “news” outlets.

In addition to honing the message for and communicating directives to the believers, these propaganda organs also serve to corrupt, distract, and demoralize their enemy—i.e., us.
Elite Organizations

Davos, the Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones—private clubs for the world’s most rich and powerful. What goes on there? What are they conspiring about? Certainly it is prudent to be suspicious of these groups, and place them as chief suspects in the command-and-control structure of our enemy.


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February 20, 2014 3:37 pm

I’m just not buying it. I truly wish there were some “evil” outfit that was out to get us because you can confront evil; you can negotiate with evil. Hollywood is not out to get us. The Freemasons are not out to get us nor is the Vatican. The problem is worse.

When I was a young enlisted guy in basic training, I watched fellow enlistees have their belongings thrown out the windows because they didn’t properly secure (lock up) their belongings. As the military saw it, there would be no thieves if everyone locked up their belongings. Frankly, a person that had his items stolen would probably receive a harsher punishment than the person doing the stealing. As the Army saw things, soldiers were opportunistic and would naturally acquire any items that were not secured. After all, we were killers in training so what was a little theft amongst killers?

Unlike the military, our society chose to let everything become unsecured. Education, finance, law and Capitalism are nothing more than unlocked footlockers. Now we wonder why the thieves have taken everything and we have no one to turn to but other thieves and then we wonder why nothing useful is ever accomplished.

We do not have to participate in any of this.

Step One: Turn off the TV. I have not owned a television since 1989 and it was the smartest thing that I ever did.

Step Two: Get out of debt. Debt limits your choices. Avoid it at all costs. Live within your means.

Step Three: If you have children in public schools then you must remove them immediately. You have no one to blame but yourselves should you continue to send your children to Prison Lite.

Step Four: Reconnect with family, friends and neighbors. This is a battle for hearts and minds and we must win this battle one person at a time. We must convince those that we know to just unplug from this Matrix. We must refuse to support it.

February 20, 2014 5:15 pm

Nickel , you are a dumb ass .Want to know why?I will show you….and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one…1john5 :19 …there is the evil that for some reason you choose not to see.This whole world system is evil .All the idolatry ,all the idealistic godless ideologies ,all the blue sky philosophies and all the fake ,false religions are evil .
You are sinful ,selfish ,wicked and evil .Next time you think your so good and decent take a good look at the 10 commandments or Moral law.Have you kept God’s moral law in word ,thought ,deed and motives.If you haven’t then you are evil in God’s eyes.Last there’s the devil who is all evil in evil.In biblical terms they are called THE WORLD ,THE FLESH AND THE DEVIL.You are surrounded by evil on outside ,you are evil on inside and the devil can control both.You are welcome.

February 20, 2014 5:22 pm

Which bible are you quoting there BB? Mine says something different.

“We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the the power of the wicked one.”

(Both versions.)

February 20, 2014 5:27 pm

Nickel ,you are in a spiritual war , this nation is in a spiritual war for it’s life.This world and most people
Walk according to the course of this world ,according to the Prince of the power of the air,the Spirit who now works in the sons (you ) of disobedience..Eph 2:2 Now you see this world system ,(governments , business ,educational systems ,news media ,Hollywood and music industry are to some degree all controlled by Satan and the people he works through and throughout the world,)Now don’t you ever again claim ignorance of evil and how evils worked their way in our lives.

February 20, 2014 5:29 pm

V ,I am using the New Kings James Version

February 20, 2014 5:37 pm

K, I may have to track one of those down. Growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness, the New World Translation has been my bible of choice. The JWs recently re-worked their bible, due to passages like “give us our daily bread” is considered somewhat offensive to many asian cultures. For them bread is only eaten on special occasions, and rice is the mainstay. That was only released last summer, with wide distribution only starting recently. I checked both of the ones I have, and both were identical on that particular verse.

Quite frankly tho, I don’t put a whole lot of stock in religion. I’d rather just live my life trying to help anyone I run into who needs it (jump starting cars, pushing people out of ditches, holding doors for others, etc), trying to set a good example. If religion is right, I’ll face god with an honest heart, if/when time comes.

February 20, 2014 6:04 pm

“The JWs recently re-worked their bible, due to passages like “give us our daily bread” is considered somewhat offensive to many asian cultures. For them bread is only eaten on special occasions, and rice is the mainstay.” ———————— varnelius

Soooo, you’re Bible says ——- “Give us this day our daily rice” ?

The Jap Bible —– Jeebus is the Rice of Life
Mexican Bible —– Jeebus is the Big Burrito Who Rose Again
Chinese Bible —– Jeebus is tempted by the devil with Rice Krispies
Neegrow Bible —- The Romans poke Jeebus with a spear in the Rib … and Jeebus eats it

February 20, 2014 6:10 pm

I have not looked personally, but from what I have heard it has changed to “give us our daily sustenance.” The whole point of the re-working was to make it globally applicable. Not making it specific to a single race. You asshole.

February 20, 2014 6:48 pm

Oh, gee, THANKS for clarifying. I had no idea. None. Global acceptability! Who woulda thunk it? I’m stunned, amazed, crestfallen.

Thus endeth today’s sarcasm. Dumbass.

February 20, 2014 6:55 pm

Stucky, what the fuck is your problem? Are you so tied up with the red vs blue, or white vs black (vs beaner) crap that you don’t view the entire planet as humanity? Get some empathy for your fellow man. Dipshit.

February 20, 2014 7:08 pm

Stucky that was some funny shit !! Thanks

V what’s wrong with you? Stucky has always demonstrated the highest regard for cultural diversity, he’s color blind, it’s all grey to him.

February 20, 2014 7:12 pm

“Get some empathy for your fellow man. Dipshit.” ——— varmint-elius


I’ll start with you. I feel very very sorry for you. You started out life with a humor gene, but it morphed into a second asshole that resides in your brain. You have my condolences … fellow human.

February 20, 2014 7:20 pm

Fuck me. This is what I get for reading and replying to the comments around here.

I’ve been reading TBP for several years now, but generally only comment once in a blue moon. I really don’t care who is a regular commentard and who is not, but you assholes sure know how to roll out the welcome mat.

Guess I’ll just add Stucky to my hate list along with Llpoh.

February 20, 2014 7:21 pm

And no, I have not voted on a single comment today. I only upvote if it makes me laugh, and until today, only downvote if it is Llpoh.

February 20, 2014 7:23 pm

Cant we all just get along.?Noooooooooo

February 20, 2014 7:32 pm

“Guess I’ll just add Stucky to my hate list along with Llpoh” ——— Varney Varmit

You don’t want the two of us Tag Teaming your sorry buttocks. Trust me.

Up until now we have been treating you kindly with rather gentle and tame humor. I am filled with the Holy Spirit today, and llpoh is worshiping and making sacrifices at The Alter Of Forgiveness. Call it your lucky day.

But …. things can change in a hurry.

February 20, 2014 7:40 pm

Damn Stucky I read your mind (that’s some scary shit ) I was going to tell V you’re so Full of the Holy Spirit it runs out your ears bathing the entire State of NJ.

February 20, 2014 7:44 pm


Wait until llpoh gets here. I have, in times past, tried to be a Witness unto him … proclaiming the Good News of Tolerance&Forgiveness … but, often to no avail.

February 20, 2014 7:58 pm

V – damn, boy, glad you are still alive. I forget, so please remind me, just how were you going to do yourself in? Hanging? No, that’s not it. I remember now, you were going out as the human torch. Flame on! You should wait til the fourth of July, tho, and be part of the fireworks event. You will have a huge audience then.

How many teeth you got left? Last I heard you were down to your last two. No wonder you are thirty and never been laid.

Found work yet? I know being dentally challenged probably makes it hard face to face, but maybe a call center or something would hire you, where no one has to see your face. Have you tried a paper bag?

February 20, 2014 8:05 pm

V – hate is such a strong emotion. If I were you, I would work up through the lesser emotions first. You really do not want to go straight to the top, given your personal challenges. You need to pace yourself, as you have a lifetime of failure in front of you and you do not want to run out of bitterness too soon. Have you tried disdain? Perhaps disgust?

February 20, 2014 8:07 pm

V – if you are really going to flame on, you may want to do it before gas prices get too high, as a quart will soon be beyond your financial means. Just a suggestion.

February 20, 2014 8:09 pm

V, I played high school football for a few years and it was there I learn to take all kinds of name calling ,jokes ,hardship and pain.I learn to give and take and those guys became some of the best friends I have ever had.I have lost contact with most of them but I think of them often.What the guys here say to me is easy compared to being on a football team.YOU CAN LEARN THE SAME

February 20, 2014 8:22 pm

bb has someone been kicking your ass your whole life?

February 20, 2014 8:26 pm

Jeez, I should just spread my legs and take it analy apparently. Fuck off you guys, Join Lloph in hell, last time I even bother to comment around here.

February 20, 2014 8:42 pm

The mafia version: “Give us our daily bread you stinking mick or we’ll break your legs.”

Has a nice ring to it, doncha think?

February 20, 2014 9:04 pm

Varn, whatever I had to say will not add a thing to bb’s advice. I understand you are JW and probably grew up with the idea that humility and meekness is a desirable trait, it is, but not here.

Look, all animals have their own defenses, porcupines, skunks, bears…you never see them acting like they are sorry they exist. LLPOH is a warrior and the son of warriors, he does not understand weakness and loathes it in others. He is a very competitive man, the only way to beat him is to beat him badly. However, that is impossible, it would take a modern Hercules to beat LLPOH.

Listen to bb and toughen up your psyche and character. Stucky is Captain Easy, you don’t have to attack him at all. He was just kidding, he did thank you for clarifying the business of ‘our daily rice’.

Glad to see you’re still around and part of the TBP community.

February 20, 2014 9:08 pm

Stucky calls for reinforcements ….. llpoh comes charging in like a bull in a china shop …… and runs Varney the fuck outta town.

Are you proud of yourself, llpoh? Well, are you, punk?

February 20, 2014 9:14 pm

Stucky, I am disappoint. Give me some time and I woulda converted V from the cult of Jehovah’s Witness to the blessed truth of Ahura Mazda.

February 20, 2014 9:23 pm


Seriously …. don’t be a chicken shit and leave. We were just having fun with you. You say you’ve been reading for years? Well, then you know you need Thick Skin around here … that’s how you survive. The weak? Well, we eat them for breakfast.

You’ve been through a lot of shit. You’ve survived. Your input is valuable. Stick around a while longer.

This song is for you …. from my heart, and llpoh’s.

February 20, 2014 9:24 pm

Stuck – he started it. Then cries like a little pussy when he gets punched in the nose. Tough titty for him.

February 20, 2014 9:25 pm

Plus Stuck – he knows what I am. And still he prodded me. Dumb is as dumb does.

February 20, 2014 9:33 pm


Yeah. But if varney repented with a simple “Hey, I’m sorry” … you would forgive him in a heart-beat.

You’re a Big Softie, and you ain’t foolin’ nobody.

February 20, 2014 9:38 pm

is LLPOH that Iron Eyes Cody fella?

February 20, 2014 9:47 pm

Stuck – What you see is what I am. Hard, tough, and willing to fight. When you are no longer willing to fight, it is time to retire from the ring. That said, I never hold grudges, and always give many chances. No hate in me. There is no benefit in it. Only sorrow and bitterness and regret.

Yep, I am an old softie. But my bite is worse than my bark.

A new junior manager started recently, and in the end I fired him because twice he did not do something I told him to do. Later I found out the other managers talked to him the day he started, and the day the first time he did not do what I told him. They told him both times that if he has trouble, the person to see is me. They also told him that be very careful to always do what I tell him. He did not listen. I almost never issue an instruction but when I do I am not kidding.

February 20, 2014 9:48 pm

Hey Chen Chen what’s that talk going around about California being broken into six different States?

February 20, 2014 10:09 pm

Haven’t heard it but since last time we spoke, I remembered that northern California is a whole ‘nother country. so if you are going to criticize, make sure you specify northern cali.

Birds have migratory patterns and so do Mexicans, El Paso pukes generally came to LA while New Mexico beaners headed to Bakersfield via Barstow.

While it is true that Hispanics share a lot of traits and history, they are very territorial although economics is forcing a lot of those who traditionally chose LA to go east to places such as Indiana or PA..

February 20, 2014 10:10 pm
February 20, 2014 10:35 pm

That would put us in Steinbeck. He wrote of the big valley but he also wrote about the Northern coast and the Sea of Cortez.

When I was in Austin back in the late 70’s, there was a movement afoot to secede from the union. Some dreamers today still talk of splitting that state. I heard it said back then that west Texas ended at Odessa.

I live here, it is true, but I have not renounced my Texas citizenship. I don’t care what Californians do to their state. That being said, I have a spiritual connection to LA since both my grandfathers spent some time here during the depression era of the 30’s.

February 20, 2014 10:43 pm
February 20, 2014 10:43 pm

Chen, take it from a Texan. Texans are pussies. Oh yeah, the lone star is everywhere but there is no secession movement here, quite the contrary. Texas is ground zero for Israel-first. If Texas can’t tell a tiny country on the other side of the earth to fuck off, then it’s hopeless to think it could stand against the US government.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 20, 2014 11:30 pm

Whoa. That was quite a read.
This guy, RedStaterNYC, is a first rate wacko.

The many subtle references to Christianity…. Under attack from the Illuminati? Using childless marriages? To exterminate whites?….
All without the help of FOX, huh? They aren’t part of the indoctrination through journalism?

Even a section on Blind Following. Risky, bringing the reader so close to the underlying fraud in the article. Shows what his expectations are.

February 21, 2014 3:56 am

Funny, I suggest that we unplug from this Matrix and the first person to respond insists that we jump into the arms of the church. The church was the very first thing I unplugged from as it is a religion created entirely by the Roman elites in order to pacify the population.

Turn the other cheek.
Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s
Love your enemies
The first shall be last and the last shall be first

It is a religion that orders its followers to bend over and take it or some devils will be waiting to kick your ass after you are dead. What insane nonsense. Seriously, grow up.

If religious people are so wonderful then why aren’t there any Atheists in prison (or in foxholes)? Just saying, , ,

February 22, 2014 3:52 am

Chen-that is some funny shit. I always liked that irreverent little bastard Randy Newman. He pissed off folks-I like that. And to enlist Petty, Fogerty & Browne-quite a coup. But I lived in LA when the song came out (also Springsteen’s Born in the USA and Cheech Marin’s parody Born in East LA)-I recall laughing, but I wasn’t feeling it. LA sucked then, and it sucks worse now. The weather is great-that is it’s sole redeeming value. Fuck LA.

February 22, 2014 3:54 am

Punk In Drublic-Did I mention-welcome back? Good to hear from you-you pansy.

March 3, 2014 6:04 am

NickelthroweR, I believe you’re partially correct but I think it’s pretty obvious that there are people intent on our destruction. But there seems to be some confusion that I’m saying it’s some grand conspiracy. “One explanation for the confusion is that no one is orchestrating these attacks,” was my gentle way of saying I don’t agree with the conspiracy theorists.

Punk in Drublic seemed to suffer similar confusion, but I’m inferring that’s simply because he’s not terribly keen.