Communism and socialism always end the same way: failure. The 99% in poverty, nothing to eat, no toilet paper. But, believe it or not, we are heading down the path to communism. The corruption, the government control freaks, the cronies, pissing away a trillion dollars a year for a 100 million supporters of the current regime. Keep watching Venezuela if you want to see our liberal progressive future.

And just a reminder for all the crypto-commies out there: Capitalism and free markets always result in prosperity and a better standard of living. We’ve had neither for the last 30 years.



by AWD | 2-22-14

It’s always the same end result wherever communism infects. What begins with pandering for votes of the poor always results in poverty for all, shortages, loss of freedoms, tyranny and eventually violence in the street. Oh, and lots of deaths.

Venezuela was never a communist country. It’s downfall began once commie thug Hugo Chavez seized control and began dismantling the infrastructure of what was once one of the wealthiest nations in South America. A country made rich from oil has seen production plummet since the communists took over. Big surprise, huh.

Chavez began the downfall of Venezuela by nationalizing the oil fields and companies that had invested billions. That cut off the much needed foreign investment and expertise to extract Venezuela’s sludge-heavy oil. Chavez then nationalized the media and silenced all voices of opposition. Later came nationalization of banks. He redistributed wealth from producers and “spread it around” to the poor, taking billions for himself and his cronies. Private firearm ownership was outlawed. Later, private corporations were seized or were forced to abide by price controls. This led to massive shortages of basic daily needs like food, water and electricity. Long lines and shortages are commonplace in a country traditionally accustomed to abundance and a high standard of living. Crime and violence have skyrocketed. All of this is totally predictable with the tyranny of communism.

Venezuelan President (for the moment) Nicolas Maduro is a former bus driver. A bus driver is one step above a community organizer in ability to govern a country that loves individual freedom.

Currently, Venezuelans are rioting in the streets against the tyranny that has destroyed their country. Again, totally predictable. Also predictable is government thugs with guns shooting those demanding freedoms taken from them over the past decade. This week, a 21 year old beauty queen was murdered by a government sniper as she protested in the street.

Don’t look for much coverage of this in the American mainstream propaganda media. Because what has happened and is happening in Venezuela appears very likely in America unless our course changes soon.

The problem with liberalism/communism is two-fold. First, communism has never succeeded in bettering the lives of anyone under its control except the small minority at the top. Second, political enemies always end up on the wrong side of the gun. Always. Why do you think “gun control” is such a priority for Democrats in America?

The Second Amendment and the fact that hundreds of millions of patriotic, freedom-loving Americans are armed to the teeth are the only reason the federal government hasn’t already done here what has happened in Venezuela.

What’s happening in the streets of Venezuela and the Ukraine are more than a possibility in America. It’s damn likely if Obama and his thugs continue to shred the Constitutional rights of Americans and impose more and more tyranny upon us. Seizing the wealth and constitutional rights of hundreds of millions of patriotic, well-armed Americans is a sure recipe for an uprising in America.

Look for the body of Venezuelan thug President Nicolas Maduro to be dragged through the streets of Caracas in the coming weeks. Are you watching, Washington corruptocrats?

God bless the noble quest of freedom-loving patriots in Venezuela against the tyrannists with guns in government!



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February 23, 2014 8:17 pm

Apparently, the Ukraine is in the same cluster fuck. Caused by the greed of the thugocracy of Russia. How many years ago was it that the Kremlin was intent on bringing Ukraine to heel?

All that’s needed is a highly efficient police state to restore order.

February 23, 2014 8:32 pm

I understand the Ukraine is in a different cluster-fuck. Unpayable debt to the IMF. My impression is Venezuela has told IMF and cronies to fuck themselves. I could be wrong please correct me if someone knows. What I cannot figure out is why the massive coverage of Kiev even during the olympic lead ups each night and…..crickets when it comes to Venezuela. I mean this seems like a dream come true for our Oligarchs whom have been salivating over their oil for decades, and they yanked their gold to cement their disdain. Seems to me a much easier topple and grab for our masters, compared with Ukraine. Maybe they will go for both, or all….Ukraine, Venezuela, Syria, Egypt, Iran, N. Korea as the battle zones, USSA and EU vs. Russia and China as the players. Maybe this has all been just so much setting up the board…..

February 23, 2014 8:46 pm

Do not be fooled into believing that any of this is accidental consequence.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
February 23, 2014 9:05 pm

Great article. The is nothing on earth quite so stupid as a Latin American commie. They really are amazing, but dangerous, brutal and utterly corrupt. Venezuelans voted in Chavez because they needed a “change”. Unfortunately, as in our country, the Hopey Changy thing did not work out so well. Keep your powder dry. Before too long we will be in the streets and you don’t want to be out there holding nothing but a stale Big Mac. A helmet, armored vest and gas mask are all safe bets as well. Cheers, folks

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 23, 2014 9:27 pm

We were just talking about this during dinner. Very little coverage on any of the news sites, you have to look hard. But not here! Two posts on the ticker now. It’s very sad. A good sad, though. Their government is hopelessly corrupt, they need to do this.

Maybe put up a statue of the beauty queen instead of some ruthless despot.

February 23, 2014 9:28 pm

“What I cannot figure out is why the massive coverage of Kiev even during the olympic lead ups each night and…..crickets when it comes to Venezuela.”

Perhaps Venezuela is the prize and Ukraine is the distraction while the prize is taken over?

Drowning in Parasitism
Drowning in Parasitism
February 23, 2014 9:59 pm

The is nothing on earth quite so stupid as a Latin American commie. – Punk in Drublic

Why do you think the Bolsheviks-within our federal Leviathan are hell-bent on transplanting the whole lot of them with another colossal amnesty setting in motion too “chain-migration” for their entire families? Ready-made massive voting bloc for Communist Democrats. Think reconquisted California. And who’s run that state for decades? Barbara Levy Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.

February 23, 2014 10:04 pm

” Unfortunately, as in our country, the Hopey Changy thing did not work out so well. Keep your powder dry.” — Sage

No kidding..

That motherfucker was like “fundamentally transform America!” back in 08 and before…

I said “What the fuck was wrong with the way it was made in the first place?”

Then I said “Transform America? Into what?”

Those window licking RETARDS who voted for that sack of shit… TWICE!… will bear the brunt of the Bad Shit that’s coming… and I’m gonna laugh my ass off while it happens.


I’ll put my faith in those who I am allied with, the Almighty, and a good rifle…

February 23, 2014 10:40 pm

I must enjoy a smile and a bit of a grin when I see the students protesting.The vast majority of these cretins were the electorate that voted Chavez in to power in the first place. The bitter sweet irony is worthy of a Dickens novel. God help the stupid.

February 23, 2014 10:52 pm

I didnt mean to redirect your commentary, I couldent agree more, socialism and its utopian end game communism have only proven to be utterly disastrous for the many, everywhere it has been attempted, to my knowledge. I am certainly open to those who disagree to provide examples, in either micro or macro environments.
Alas, once a nation turns down the path and the elected start promising rewards for votes, the need for promised rewards starts motivating voters. It becomes a very difficult cycle to break. The downward spiral ends with promises and rewards that absolutely cannot be kept. Very dangerous times, it is what happens during these times and especially after that we must be mindful of. History is awash with examples of revolutionary vanguard, incapable or unwilling to set up systems that honor and address the spirit and situations that led it to power. In this respect we are uniquely fortunate, even amongst western nations.
At the time there was an entire western frontier to “share” representing unlimited opportunity and wealth for practically all Americans( except Native Americans).
A condition that no longer exists today, every piece of land is accounted for with some ownership associated with not only the 2 dimensional map representation, but also the minerals, the water, and even the sunshine and the orbital path of satellites.
Overcoming this will prove to be the lasting challenge for our Republic and its antecedent pillars of personal Liberty and Responsibility

February 23, 2014 11:44 pm

Anarcho-Capitalism is the only way forward!

1. Unregulated free market. No minimum wage, no bailouts & no state enforced monopolies to include our currency.

2. Private property trumps everything. Period.

3. The state is stripped of its weapons and shrunk to the smallest possible size.

4. No borders, no passports – if money and corporations can go where it wants then so can people. Deal with it.

5. If people want to form labor unions – great! If those business collapse under the weight of those said unions and those people lose everything then too bad. If they succeed then we’ll have all learned a lesson.

Seriously, if you have not given Anarcho-Capitalism a look then I would suggest that you do so.

Drowning in Parasitism
Drowning in Parasitism
February 24, 2014 11:53 am

The is nothing on earth quite so stupid as a Latin American commie. – Punk in Drublic

My apologies, “Southern Sage.” That should have been attributed to YOU.