Frostbite Falls Daily Rant Returns!

Off the keyboard of RE

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….this time, it’s AUDIO!


Published on the Doomstead Diner on February 23, 2014


Discuss this article at the Frostbite Falls Daily Rant table inside the Diner

Going back a few years when I was blogging with Jim Quinn on The Burning Platform, I eventually started an Every Other Day Blog called The Frostbite Falls Daily Rant.  I was writing a lot during this period, since it was really all I was doing each night as I cruised the Wide World of Collapse.

Times change of course, and after bidding Sayonara to TBP for a while and holing up on the Yahoo Groups on my Reverse Engineering board, like Puff the Magic Dragon, the FFDR sadly slipped into its grave in the closet, with no Little Jackie Collapse dropping in to play with him each day.


With the opening of the Doomstead Diner just about exactly 2 years ago, I revived the FFDR as a Thread inside the Diner on our Forum Software.  It’s about 65 pages deep now, with a potpourri of Collapse Errata in it, but it has never had the kind of Front Page Blog play that the old FFDR did when Jim published it on TBP.

In the last year, the Diner has expanded into Multimedia, offering up Podcasts and Vidcasts with a variety of Collapse Pundits, which ended up with me becoming more conversant with Audio Editing, Uploads and Publication.  So last week I had a Brainstorm, I could resurrect the FFDR as a regular RADIO TALK SHOW!  Not a full blown El Rushbo type thing, just a quick synopsis of some Doom Topic or Topics currently HOT in Doom-o-sphere chat by the Pundits and Commentariat of the various Blogs.

This had still more appeal to me due to Nostalgia for my roots in Pirate Radio back in the 70s & early 80s.  So now, the NEW Frostbite Falls Daily Rant is BORN, and will appear regularly on the Blog, where you will find a Widget for it right at the Top of the Right Hand Menu Bar on the Blog Homepage.  The most recent on the Chinese Shadow Banking Collapse appears at the top of the page here,  and I have produced 2 more already as well, one on Near Term Human Extinction and another one to introduce the show.  If you don’t catch them in the Blog Widget, they are also published inside the Diner in the Frostbite Falls Daily Rant thread.

The nice thing far as I am concerned is that unlike writing a decent length Blog, you can record one of these things in a few minutes, add a few minutes more for cleaning up the audio and uploading it, and POOF, it is done.  30 minutes max.  A decent blog with all the multimedia I like to include on the other hand takes 3-4 hours usually, sometimes more if it is a real big one. I don’t have time to write 3-4 of these per week anymore, frankly just getting one out for Sunday Brunch each week is a challenge with all the rest of the shit going on at the Diner and on our new SUN project. Of course, you won’t get all the detail you would in a Blog, but then lots of folks always complained I wrote TOO MUCH detail and too long, so this works for the Short Attention Span people pretty well.

Also good for the Time Constrained people who have such Bizzy Lives they can’t devote themselves like I do to hours upon hours every night researching the Latest in Doom. :)   Now, instead of reading about it, you can DOWNLOAD THE DOOM OF THE DAY to your MP3 player and catch up while you do your Gardening or Drive to Work or flipping Burgers on the BBQ. :D

Now, at around 5-10 minutes a pop here, I won’t be covering every last Doom Story of the Day, just picking out some highlights.  I always stop by all the main Doom Outlets and good alternative Media sites to the MSM, so there should be plenty of juicy Doom stories to follow up on later if you so desire.

The Internet won’t last forever here, but while it does last it provides a fabulous medium for communication anyone can access with some ingenuity.  What I am doing does NOT cost a lot of money.  Really, I spend more in a week on beer than I spend in a month on ALL the accounts I have for web space for the various Diner products (granted, my Beer Bill is not insignificant. LOL).  In fact you can do it all for free if you wanna deal with some minor limitations and 3rd party Ads.

Anybody who wants to get up a website and/or forum that concerns itself with dealing with the Collapse and eliminating Industrialization, the Bilderbergers and Capitalism from the face of the earth, me and the Database Cavalry from California will assist you in getting said website up.  I have GOBS of server space, so you can hitch a ride on my space for free too with no Ads, no Google enslavement.

The more in this, the merrier.  Power of NUMBERS.




“Rome lived upon its principal till ruin stared it in the face. Industry is the only true source of wealth, and there was no industry in Rome. By day the Ostia road was crowded with carts and muleteers, carrying to the great city the silks and spices of the East, the marble of Asia Minor, the timber of the Atlas, the grain of Africa and Egypt; and the carts brought out nothing but loads of dung. That was their return cargo.”

Winwood Reade, The Martyrdom of Man



Today it was 54 degrees with bright sunshine at Valley Forge. I had to get out. After my son’s guitar lesson we cruised over to Valley Forge Park to take a little hike and get some fresh air and exercise. The place was jammed with like minded people.

We kept getting stuck behind slow pokes taking up the entire walking path. We came up behind a mother with four “adorable” brats throwing sticks and not noticing people trying to get past them. As we were passing them, one of the cherubs asked the mother the name of the park. The mother said it was Valley Forge Park and then stunningly asked one of her 8 year old boys whether it was a Civil War battlefield.

She was absolutely serious. A grown woman in her late twenties didn’t know why Valley Forge has historical importance. How can anyone go through 12 years of government education and not know why Valley Forge is important? It is mind numbing to understand how little is taught in our public schools.

I just shook my head and turned to my 15 year old son, who can name the generals from both sides of every major Civil War battle, and asked him how she couldn’t know that historical fact. He just laughed and shook his head.

The country is filled with brain dead zombies staring at their iGadgets. They don’t know how to think. They don’t want to think. Don’t expect the majority to wake up. They are the walking dead.



The Problem of Mercy

Submitted by Gayle

A friend of mine, aged 59, lies in the hospital in what is probably the end stages of coronary artery disease. The long and winding road to this status is marked with a plethora of bad decisions.  Born into the chaotic world of two alcoholics, his young life was characterized by emotional neglect and was devoid of any role modeling of perseverance, integrity, or wisdom.  Launched into adulthood without a high school diploma and only military experience as any sort of preparation for a successful life, he opted for heroin addiction and the comprehensive pathology which it ensures.  

Unable to hold a job for any length of time, he nevertheless married and fathered three children who were soon removed from him and adopted by others.  Numerous incarcerations at the county and state level littered his prime adult years, interspersed with homelessness or minimal living conditions.  In his mid-forties he finally got clean and cobbled together the semblance of a normal life.  He still could not sustain employment, however, and physical problems began to plague him.  Between the VA and SSDI, he has had literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of surgeries (including a triple bypass), procedures, and rehabilitation efforts.  The criminal justice system provided glasses and dentures  and job training.  He has had four failed marriages and has not succeeded by any other measure of manhood.

I tell you his life story not to invite judgment, but to use him as an example of the difficulties in assessing how to extend mercy (both individually and collectively) to someone.  After his bypass, he was ordered to quite smoking.  He did not quit smoking, and so more expensive treatments are needed to save his life at the present time.  This is on top of a lifetime of abusing his body in other significant ways.  When is it appropriate to cease being merciful and who gets to decide?  Where is the line where mercy morphs into enabling?

I know a very young unmarried couple, poor as church mice, who had a baby recently.  The baby had severe malformations of the heart.  This poor child has spent the first three months of its life in Neonatal Intensive Care, undergoing surgeries and endless procedures, and at last report was classified as “stable”.  At times she has required one-on-one nursing care.  The parents come and stare at her every day – no touching to speak of – and then go home.  The medical bill for this baby must be in the stratosphere.  Where is the line where mercy twists into torture?

Another young couple -married – I know are pregnant.  Ultrasound has just revealed their daughter will be born with a heart having only one chamber instead of four.  The series of surgeries she will need to construct some sort of working organ will begin almost immediately after birth.  If all goes well, she can be expected to live until her early teens.  Where is the line where mercy becomes a usurper of the proper natural order of things?

Mercy is a beautiful word.  We all need mercy to some degree some of the time and are glad to get it.  The one who extends mercy is rewarded by expending time and resources to help another who cannot return the favor, at least not now.  Unless mercy has boundaries, however, it is easily abused and becomes something else.  At a societal level, for example, we see the cruel results of extending unending mercy to women who choose to have multiple children without benefit of a committed father on the scene.  Good mercy requires some system of accountability, but the lines for that are as elusive as a wisp of smoke.  Good mercy produces positive results, and stupid mercy produces disaster.

I have an example of good mercy.  In my extended family, a daughter was born with severe spinal bifida.  She spent her life hunched over in a wheelchair, helpless to do much of anything but use her bright mind.  Her parents and older siblings extended prodigious amounts of love and mercy to her, but I know it was tempered with accountability because of her unspoiled nature and the good humor with which she lived her life.  She had many friends, and was actually popular with her classmates.  In seventh grade she was allowed to get her hair dyed blue.  In eighth grade, she was invited to a Halloween party, and the keen sense of irony she had developed about her circumstances was evident when she chose to costume herself as Lady Gaga.  A few months later a swift case of pneumonia took her.  She is sorely missed for the joys she beamed out to those in her orbit, the results of good and appropriate mercy.

I am no proponent of arbitrary medical rationing.  I am all for a society that has structures to offer compassion to those who need it.  But mercy demands intelligent definition and distribution.  Mercy is easily apprehended by those who use it for devious ends and by those who don’t recognize some of the naturally occurring deficits in human nature, like laziness.  Bad mercy is outrageously expensive.  

I am about to go down to Mexico for the weekend to offer some mercy to some really destitute people.  Is it good mercy?  I think so, but some might argue.  


We already know Philadelphia and every other urban shithole in this country is run by dumbass liberal Democratic politicians of color. The government union drones are generally incompetent, overpaid, ignorant and have no interest in serving the taxpayers who pay their bloated salaries and pensions.

The Philadelphia Parking authority drones go above and beyond when it comes to stupidity and hate for the people they are supposed to serve. They are nothing but a revenue generating machine for the liberal utopian shithole city of Phila.

This past week they exceeded expectations on a grand scale.

It seems a 22 year old Pre-med student from Temple University, and mother of two young children, had gone missing on February 9. A statewide search was underway. Presumably the police knew the make, model, and year of her car and had entered it into some sort of database that could be accessed by the Phila Parking Authority. A search of license plate numbers would have surely revealed the car as being owned by a missing person.

It seems the boneheads at the Phila Parking Authority towed her car from downtown Phila on February 10 and for some unknown fucking reason parked it on another street near 30th Street Station. Evidently they parked it in an illegal spot because this very same group of douchenozzles then proceeded to ticket the car seven times and eventually place a a boot on the wheel for unpaid parking tickets. All of this took place over a two week period.

One little problem. The woman was dead inside the car the entire time in the driver’s seat. Not one drone at the parking authority had the wherewithal to run a check on the license plate number? These worthless schlubs felt their only duty was to generate revenue by writing 7 tickets and meeting their quota for the week.

The article in the Daily News quotes another government drone police officer desperately trying to spin this disgusting display of gross negligence and incompetence by these “public servants” by trying to convince people the tinted windows made it impossible to see the dead body in the driver’s seat. Here is a picture of the car. I can see inside the fucking windows from half a block away.

The body of  Nadia Malik was found in her black Nissan near the  30th Street train station in Philadelphia  on Thursday.

Think about this for one minute. You had at least one worthless government drone who had to tow the car. You would think he would look inside. Then you have one or more government drones placing a ticket on the windshield for seven consecutive days, with the dead woman sitting there.

And still the vast majority of ignorant Americans actually think more government in our lives will be better. Your healthcare is going to be run by these same drones.


Via Doug Ross


‘I Love My Doctor’

Papa B sends us this critical medical update.

Q: Doctor, I’ve heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true?
A: Heart only good for so many beats, and that it… Don’t waste on exercise. Everything wear out eventually. Speed up heart not make live longer; that like say you can extend life of car by driving faster. Want live longer? Take nap.

Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?
A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does cow eat? Hay and corn. What are these? Vegetables. So, steak nothing more than efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef also good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And pork chop give 100% recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.

Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?
A: No, not at all. Wine made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine. That means they take water out of fruity bit; get even more goodness that way. Beer also made out of grain. Bottoms up!

Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?
A: If you have body and you have fat, ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, ratio is two to one, etc.

Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program?
A: Cannot think of single one, sorry. My philosophy: No Pain… GOOD!

Q: Aren’t fried foods bad for you?
A: YOU NOT LISTEN!!! Foods fried in vegetable oil. How getting more vegetables bad for you?

Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?
A: Definitely not! When you exercise muscle, it get bigger. You should only do sit-ups if want bigger stomach.

Q: Is chocolate bad for me?
A: You crazy? HELLO… Cocoa bean! Vegetable!!! Cocoa bean best feel-good food around!

Q: Is swimming good for your figure?
A: If swimming good for figure, explain whale.

Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?
A: Hey! ‘Round’ is shape!

Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets.


For those of you who watch what you eat, here’s the final word on nutrition and health. It’s a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies:

1. The Japanese eat very little fat
And suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat
And suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

3. The Chinese drink very little red wine
And suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine
And suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

5. The Germans drink a lot of beers and eat lots of sausages and fats
And suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

Executive Summary

Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you.


Starving Billionaire Zimbabwe

Central Bankers: Inflation is God’s Work

Submitted by Doug French via the Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada,

Inflation is always somebody else’s fault. Ludwig von Mises called out finger pointing central bankers and politicians decades ago in his book, Economic Policy. “The most important thing to remember is that inflation is not an act of God, that inflation is not a catastrophe of the elements or a disease that comes like the plague. Inflation is a policy.”

In the fall of 2007, Gideon Gono blamed his country’s inflation rate of 4,500 percent on “the differences that Zimbabwe has had with its former colonial master, the UK,” and added, “we are busy laying the foundations for a serious deceleration programme.” Deceleration? A year later inflation was 231 million percent.

Money printing didn’t have anything to do with it according to the central banker. Droughts began to be more frequent in the 2000’s and Gono believed  ”there is a positive correlation between the drought and inflation.” Dry weather, he told New African magazine, has, “got a serious bearing on our inflation level.”

In Gono’s dilluded mind,inflation was about the weather, lack of support from other nations, and political sanctions. He had nothing to do with the hyperinflation in his country. “No other [central-bank] governor has had to deal with the kind of inflation levels that I deal with,” Gono told Newsweek. “[The people at] my bank [are] at the cutting edge of the country.”

These days in Argentina its not the weather and political sanctions causing prices to rise, its businesses engaging in commerce. President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is urging her people to work “elbow-to-elbow” with her government to stop companies from looting the people with high prices. Two weeks ago the government devalued the peso by 20 percent but it is private businesses that are stealing from working people with price increases.

Posters of retail executives have been plastered around Buenos Aires. For instance, Wal-Mart Argentina’s president Horacio Barbeito has his mug on a poster with the caption, “Get to know them, these are the people who steal your salary.”

Kirchner’s cabinet chief Jorge Capitanich calls economists who point to government policies as inflation’s culprit “undercover agents.”  He implies that these economists are the tools of business. “Argentines should know that independent, objective economists don’t exist,” Capitanich claims. “I want to say emphatically that when unscrupulous businessmen raise prices it has absolutely nothing to do with macroeconomic variables.”

In 2012 the president of Argentina’s central bank, Yale-educated Mercedes Marcó del Pont, said in an interview, “it is totally false to say that printing more money generates inflation, price increases are generated by other phenomena like supply and external sector’s behaviour.”

So while its central bank prints, the Kirchner government has enlisted the citizenry to work undercover in the fight against rising prices. A free smartphone application is encouraging Argentines to be citizen-cops while they shop.

The app is a bigger hit than “Candy Crush” and “Instagram.” President Kirchner wants “people to feel empowered when they shop.” And, they do. “You can go checking the prices,” marveled Analia Becherini, who learned of the app on Twitter. “You don’t even have to make any phone calls. If you want to file a complaint, you can do it online, in real time.”

“Argentina’s government blames escalating inflation on speculators and greedy businesses,” reports Paul Byrne for the Associated Press, “and has pressured leading supermarket chains to keep selling more than 80 key products at fixed prices.”

However, businesses aren’t eager to lose money selling goods. Fernando Aguirre told Chris Martenson that with price inflation running rampant, “Lots of stores don’t want to be selling stuff until they get updated prices. Suppliers holding on, waiting to see how things go, which is something that we are familiar with because that happened back in 2001 when everything went down as we know it did.”

In his Peak Prosperity podcast with Aguirre, Martenson makes the ironic point that when governments print excessive amounts of money, goods disappear from store shelves. In a hyper-inflation the demand for money drops to zero as people buy whatever they can get their hands on. Inflation destroys the calculus of profit and loss, destroying business, and undoing the division of labor.

Aguirre reinforced Martenson’s point. Describing shelves as “halfway empty,” in Argentina he said,  “The government is always trying to muscle its way through these kind of problems, just trying to force companies to stock back products and such, but they just keep holding on. For example, gas has gone up 12% these last few days. And there is really nothing they can do about it. If they don’t increase prices, companies just are not willing to sell. It is a pretty tricky situation to be in.”

Tricky indeed.  “It would be a serious blunder to neglect the fact that inflation also generates forces which tend toward capital consumption,” Mises wrote in Human Action. “One of its consequences is that it falsifies economic calculation and accounting. It produces the phenomenon of illusory or apparent profits.”

Inflation is also rampant at the other end of South America.  Venezuela inflations is clocking in at 56 percent. Comparing the two countries, Leonardo Vera, a Caracas-based economist told the FT, “Argentina still has some ammunition to fight the current situation, while Venezuela is running out of bullets.”

Fast money growth has also led to shortages such as “newsprint to car parts and ceremonial wine to celebrate mass,” reports the FT.

Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro is using the government’s heavy hand to introduce a law capping company profits at 30 percent. Heavy prison sentences await anyone found hoarding, overcharging, or “destabilising the economy.”  Hundreds of inspectors have been deployed to enforce the mandates.

The results will be predictable. “With every new control, the parallel, or black market, dollar will keep going up, and so will the price and scarcity of milk, oil, and toilet paper,” says Humberto García, an economist with the Central University of Venezuela.

Don’t expect the printing to stop any time soon. Central bankers believe they are doing God’s work. “To ensure that my people survive, I had to print money,” Gideon Gono told Newsweek. “I found myself doing extraordinary things that aren’t in the textbooks. Then the IMF asked the U.S. to please print money. The whole world is now practicing what they have been saying I should not. I decided that God had been on my side and had come to vindicate me.”

It seems disasters wrought by inflationary policies must be experienced again and again, as “Inflation is the true opium of the people,” Mises explained, “administered to them by anticapitalist governments.”

The practice of central banking is the same around the world. The only difference is in degree. Before he destroyed the Zimbabwean dollar Gono looked to America for inspiration. “Look at the bridges across the many rivers in New York and elsewhere,” Gono told New African, “and the other infrastructure in the country that were built with high budget deficits.”

The Zimbabwe, Argentina, and Venezuela inflations may seem to be something that happens to somebody else. But Mr. Aguirre makes a point when asked about 2001, when banks in Argentina, after a bank holiday, converted dollar accounts into the same number of pesos. A massive theft.

“Those banks that did that are the same banks that are found all over the world,” Aguirre says. “They are not like strange South American, Argentinean banks–they are the same banks. If they are willing to steal from people in one place, don’t be surprised if they are willing to do it in other places as well.”

A Way to Prove We’re All Born Libertaria​n

A Way to Prove We’re All Born Libertarian

natural libertarian

We’re all born knowing the truth, but by the time you’re four or five years old, they’ve beaten it out of you.

– Attributed to Bob Dylan

I think I’d be a bit more charitable than Mr. Dylan; I’d say that we’ve only had the truth partly beaten out of us by the age of five. I think truth endures in us, at least to a significant extent, up till puberty, after which it is beaten into submission over the next decade or so.

The Crazy Years

We all have experience with the tumultuous years that begin with puberty: First we are slapped with a rush of hormones. That triggers a reproductive imperative. That’s crazy-making enough, but then we find ourselves inside of a rigid, status-based system… a system that massively influences all of our potential mates.

That’s a recipe for the corruption of thought, and it does corrupt our thoughts.

Orson Welles was an unusually clear-thinking and experienced child… far more experienced than average. He spent his days (he was what we’d now call home schooled) reading the works of Shakespeare and all the existing Greek tragedies, repetitively.

As a man, Orson was once interviewed about his young days. The interviewer asked what he had thought of teenagers. Orson replied, “I thought they were absolutely insane.”

I think all of us can understand why.

Getting to the Truth

So, if we want to get a glimpse of human nature before it’s stressed and shaped during the crazy years, we should really go to pre-teens.

Granted, kids are not the pure saints they are sometimes imagined to be… and it is true that these kids are already sexualized and trained in status these days… but there remains, in most of them, some residue of honest thinking. They have not yet been dragged all the way into the conformist way of mind.

My hypothesis is that most of us are born as natural libertarians – having a built-in bias toward liberty.

And I have a clean way of testing this idea: Go to pre-teens, in a neutral setting, and ask them a very simple question:

Shouldn’t you be allowed to do anything you want, as long as you don’t hurt anyone?

My guess is that the results would show a large majority agreeing with the statement, and the younger the respondent, the higher the percentage.

A Challenge to You

I’d like to propose we actually run such an experiment. I’ll be pleased to coordinate and publish the data.

In order to ensure that the results are meaningful, I recommend the following:

  • Make sure you have a neutral setting. Don’t talk to the child about liberty, obedience, or anything along those lines before asking the question. Make sure that you are feeling neutral too. You should want to know the child’s opinion, sincerely.
  • Since children have notoriously short attention spans, ask the question only after you have calmed them and centered their attention. I suggest something like this:

Can I ask you a question? I want to know what you think about this.

  • If the child answers more than a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No,’ write down precisely what they say. Then, if necessary, write down your interpretation of what the child said and why you interpreted their meaning that way.
  • After you write down the answer, feel free to continue the discussion with the child if fitting, but not if there are other study participants in the area. Keep them neutral.

As I say, I’ll be pleased to tabulate and publish the results if one or more of our readers want to run the experiment.

I think the results might be very interesting… and quite possibly very useful.

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]