Down Dixie Way

For some reason I don’t think Fred and Kunstler would hit it off.

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Notes of a Fed-Up Southerner

March 3, 2014

Coming up as I did a Southern boy, usually barefoot, lots of times with a cane pole and a string of bream I caught in Machodoc Creek, and other signs of higher civilization, I believe I could get tired of Northerners huffing and puffing about how moral they are. Ain’t nothing like a damn Yankee for smarmy hypocrisy. They can spit it out in chunks like saw logs. A Yankee can’t open his mouth without preaching about how everybody else ought to do something he won’t do himself.

It’s always the same thing, about how the South keeps blacks in poverty and has lynch mobs. (Actually, it’s been at least three weeks since I was in a lynch mob.) To listen to these pious frauds, you’d think Northerners just loved black people and spent most of their time with them at the country club, talking the stock market. Why, how else could it be?

I couldn’t lie so much if you gave me a bird dog and a buzz saw. It ain’t in me. The worst schools in the country are in Mississippi, which doesn’t have any money, and the second worst in Washington, DC, which has all our money. Yes, Washington, so virtuous it makes your teeth curl. How many white kids are in those schools? Uh-huh. It’s you and him integrate, not us.

You’ve heard about white flight. In nearly about every city in the North white people streak for the suburbs so’s not to be near black people, and then they talk about how bad Southerners are for doing the same thing. I guess talking moral is more fun than being it.

Fact is, you can see more social, comfortable integration in a catfish house in Louisiana than you can in probably all of Washington.

Now, sometimes I have to yield to the truth. I don’t like to, but it’s forced on me. Blacks do live miserable in Southern cities.It can’t be denied. There’s a shameful list of awful cities and it hurts me to write it: Newark, Trenton, Camden, Detroit, Flint, Chicago, and Gary. Pretty much the entire South.

Facts is, the South itself was always poor, dirt poor, pea-turkey poor, especially after 1861, and a lot of what it was and how it felt came out of that. Songs like Ode to Billy Joe to Yankees are funny, the kind of thing you’d expect from those hicks down there. But they tell how it was for a lot of folk. Red dirt hills where nothing much wanted to grow, and there was nothing much to do and sometimes nothing much to eat. It was ugly, Tobacco Road, and the North laughs it. Even in the mid-Fifties you saw—I saw—kids from the countryside of Alabama with their teeth black from decay, and in some regions school vacations came at cotton-picking and cotton-chopping time. You could easy find people living in fall-down shacks, white people too. Thank you, Mr. Lincoln.

Piety quiz: Everybody take out a sheet of paper. Who said the following: “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people….” (1) Mahatma Ghandi (2) Mother Theresa (3) Tinker Belle or (4) Abraham Lincoln. Hint: It wasn’t any of the first three.

Let me remind us that the South has generally had to bring to the North the benefits of culture. It figures. Industrial society is so full of stench and soot and misery and crowding that people can’t even do a good job of being unhappy. That’s why the great blues men like Mississippi John Hurt and Lightnin’ Hopkins came out of Dixie. So did jazz, and country music, and Dixieland jazz, which is different, and bluegrass, and rock’n’roll thanks to Big Boy Crudup and Elvis. Yankees can play long-hair music pretty good, but they stole it from Europe.

The South, though. It was a different place, mostly kind of sad I guess if you looked close, but it could grow on you. Those hot, quiet cotton fields in the Delta, where time passed sweet and slow like sorghum syrup dripping on busted china, and it was so peaceful and the air so soft you figured maybe there was a God after all. There wasn’t, though. At the time you could stand there and think that it would go on forever, that there was something comfortable and familiar that wouldn’t turn into something else you didn’t want. But it did. Nothing lovely can last when next door you have an infernal industrial smoke pit.

There was a wildness to the South, a sense that anything could happen. It didn’t feel controlled. Maybe it wasn’t obvious. People talked soft and slow like the Good Lord intended, instead of honking through their noses the way they do in Brooklyn, and they were polite and friendly. You didn’t want to lean on them, though. That wasn’t a good idea.

If you knew the place, it wasn’t surprising the moonshine runners came from there, and later turned into NASCAR. Hopped-up flathead mill, tank of bust-head corn in the trunk, flying through the Tennesse night with the dam federals after them. Back then, like now, Washington didn’t want people to drink what they wanted or smoke what they wanted. They was always sticking their long possum noses where they didn’t belong. And not just in the South. They’d invade anybody they’d ever heard of. Mexico in 1846 and 1916, Spain in 1898, Europe in 1917, on through Iraq and Yemen, wherever that is, and Afghanistan and I don’t know where all. Anything but mind their own business.

And now we got another Yankee president from Chicago messing with the whole country, turning America into Russia. That sort of thing never did set too well below Mason and Dixon’s Line.

Piety quiz: Which of the following in the decades surrounding the Civil War said over and over that he wanted to send all the black folks to Africa? (1) Susan Anthony (2) Pallas Athena (3) Sophia of Anhalt-Zerbst (4) Abraham Lincoln. Hint….

But enough about Washington, the world’s central deposit of oleaginous purity. Let’s talk about cars. Dixie was a car culture from when it first got the chance. It still is. I remember when, come summer, at umpty-dozen tracks the night howled and yowled and roared as muscle cars raced, taching high and sometimes blowing rods but things don’t always turn out perfect. In the stands they drank beer out of paper cups and hollered for Jimmy Jack or Joe Bob to take the lead. It was their place in the world and they were doing what they liked with people they liked and there were no dam feds telling them they had to put catalytic converters on the race cars. Yet.

That was something the South always liked. Being left the hell alone.

On the weekends of races at Road Atlanta, from all over the South, from little towns like Farmville, Virginia, trailers and motor homes towing race cars streamed in. They’d set up and bring out the tool boxes and start prepping for the races the next day. Wives and girlfriends would help and everyone hollered greetings at new arrivals.

The wives and girlfriends were real women, and seemed to think being a woman was a good thing. Men thought it was a good thing, that’s for sure. It was like there were two kinds of people, men and women, instead of just one. It’s a novel concept, I reckon. But we liked it. And they were just nice. You could easy tell a Southern gal from a menopausing crocodile. Up North, you’d need a DNA test.

Anyway, half the crowd already knew each other and the others didn’t have to because it was a coomon culture and if you had a race car, you were in.

Greasy-purity quiz: “I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” (1) George Wallace (2) David Duke (3) Nathan Bedford Forrest (4) Abraham Lincoln

Uh-huh. The Great Emancipator. Himself. How I do love goodness.

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March 3, 2014 5:00 pm

I totally agree with everything Reed says about the South (and I now live here, yall) except for one thing. Religion Southern-style sucks ass. The churches down here are WalMart huge, and they spew garbage and sow indoctrination. Maybe the black churches are ok…they don’t have TeeVee shows so have never experienced them.

March 3, 2014 5:17 pm

I grew up in the South, and to this day the most stark display of ignorance and prejudice I ever witnessed was when I went off to college with what at the time was a serious southern drawl and interacted with Northerners.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
March 3, 2014 5:24 pm

If it hadn’t been for Geo. Washington Virginia would never have voted to join the original Union and if VA. hadn’t joined New York would probably also have balked and the original confederation under the Constitution would probably have failed. There’s an alternative history for y’all. BC-LR to all

March 3, 2014 5:33 pm

“You could easy tell a Southern gal from a menopausing crocodile. Up North, you’d need a DNA test.”

I enjoy Fred. He has a good ‘ol perspective on things, with loads of irony thrown in. I hate menopausing crocodile feminazis.

Most people up North have never been down South. Oh, maybe driven through or flew over, but never spent any time there. I’ve spent a little time down South, and it’s nice. It’s really nice. People aren’t so uptight and materialistic, or so it seemed to me. Women are still women. And they still respected educated people, like doctors, and didn’t call ’em “providers”. They were free of the politically correct thought control lobotomy that people up North suffer greatly from. Fred would hog-tie Kunstler and throw his ass in a swamp.

March 3, 2014 5:35 pm

They talk so fucking slow…..this must’ve taken days to write. I reckon.

March 3, 2014 5:37 pm

From the South, The most racist place I have ever lived was in Michigan. White people avoided Detroit and lived in suburbs like Farmington Hills, while accusing Southerners of being racists. If you look at the media and its crusade against the South, you will notice that the ONLY mainstream media outlet in the South is CNN in Atlanta. No other southern representation.

March 3, 2014 5:42 pm

I’ve said it before here, but in the South, at least my part of it (Houston), there is full integration. There are no black neighborhoods and no white ones, other than as wealth dictates. Many blacks talk like whites, act like whites, dress like whites and are indistinguishable in every other way except for the gloriously huge boobs and asses that so many black women have, even if they aren’t overweight.

March 3, 2014 5:50 pm

Z- Same thing here in Alabama and every state I have lived in the South. I have never experienced any of the “Southern Racists” stereotypes.

March 3, 2014 8:49 pm

Well, the last time I was in Little Rock in my semi, I set the brakes to ask a fellow motorist exactly where the hell I was. See, down there they put paint factories – with ultra fine particulates (see also: respiratory issues later in life) right in the middle of neighborhoods… you can see why I was at a complete loss to find this run down dreary fucking ‘set from The Walking Dead’ facility. Anyway, my fellow motorist ‘of color’ looked at me at said ‘dude, you got da wrong cula skin to be in dis neighborhud’. See he was just out, ya know, cruising – but you could’a snipped rebar in my ass. I Ran, not walked, back to my truck and got the fuck outta there – anywhere.

So, while hardly an encounter – to a lilly white northerner just trying to get my job done, never having encountered such a statement….I was left with a certain impression. Big fucking deal, right? Right….but, what if he were in my neighborhood and I said the same to him. Hmmm, sorta smells like racism now, kinda don’t it?

But, I am open minded and willing to chalk it up to a random experience. But I know people who wouldn’t, and don’t. Which, by the way, is another reason our JIT system will buckle instantaneously when the realities of ‘counter party risk’ set in….cause drivers ain’t gonna die for freight.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 3, 2014 9:45 pm

I am as Southern as they come and agree with everything he says. That said, there are plenty of fine folks up North and when they move South they turn into first class Southerners, even if they talk too fast and with a funny accent. There is a small sub-class of people from up North, however, who drive us folks from Dixie wild. I am speaking of Yankees who display a cold, arrogant stiffness. The kind you say Good Morning to and they ignore you or you smile in greeting and they act like they look right through you. There are quite a few such people walking around today who have no idea how close they came to being sucker punched for their attitude, our own version of the Knockout Game. I assume they are the twisted descendants of the Salem Witchcraft judges. By the way, if you are ever in Charleston, SC, go to the Peninsula Grill for their seven layer coconut cake. it can’t be described adequately using the English language.

March 3, 2014 10:14 pm

I have lived, worked and studied in the south, and in the north. I. The northeast, I was outcast because I was from a poor family. In the south, I was outcast because I was not from the south. And make no mistake, old monied southern families are as stuck up as any folks on earth.

Re race, my experience was that hatred of blacks ran very deep indeed. It was quite overt. Bluegums they were called in one place I lived. Them black folk best know their place. In the north, they pretend not to be racist, but they surely do not want to live next to any black folk. When I was in the south, they did not pretend.

In the north, poor blacks live in ghettos and slums. In the south, they were in trailers and shacks. They seem to commit less crime in the south. Justice is harsh in some southern states.

In the end, the only difference I saw was that the southerners were not hypocrites. If they did not like black folk, they did not pretend otherwise.

I remember one old gent telling another he would send his nigger over to fetch the pig. The “nigger” in question was an employee of the old gent and he was within earshot. He did not bat an eye.

March 3, 2014 10:24 pm

Llpoh, since I have lived in the south, the only place I have encountered the word nigger, in any form, is here on TBP.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 3, 2014 10:45 pm

Nice piece. Never spent much time in the south, myself. Too damn hot. I do love those accents, though.

Lincoln had the racist gene, huh? They didn’t cover that in my Yankee school, is that common core curriculum down there?

March 3, 2014 11:09 pm
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 4, 2014 12:11 am

Zara, Where do you live again? Curious. THANKS

March 4, 2014 12:11 am

In my business I travel a good bit up north and in the year 2014 northern blacks are the most hateful , racists son -of -.a -bitches in this nation.That’s why I am always armed .The looks I get sometimes are just pure hate.I usually just look right back with a kill you too look.I don’t experience that anywhere else in the country.It always up north with urban blacks.

EL ILegal
EL ILegal
March 4, 2014 12:27 am

Ringo Starr of the Beatles, for example, recalled that as a teenager in the late 1950s, he was “trying to immi- grate to Houston, Texas, because Lightnin’ Hopkins, the blues player, lived there,” and that he was still into the blues:

March 4, 2014 12:40 am

Z – you need to get out more.

Seriously, they called them bluegums. That is some funny shit right there.

March 4, 2014 1:09 am

give a nigger half a chance and he will act like one lol ! I am from the south and their hatred of whites is there all the time . They are led around by other niggers that spout off that whites owe them something .I went to the macon music hall of fame one time and it was pretty decent except the show about black music. they had drums made from animal skins and bones , had a good rythem but when I asked about when the time frame was their music came from , the same period of time whites had full orchestras beetoven , bach etc . Lets have blacks pay a service fee for being able to live in this technologically advanced society that was invented by WHITE people !blacks sold blacks into slavery . down vote me if you want to lol but whites owe nothing to the blacks assuage your so called white guilt as you will lol but it is a created construct from those who profit from misdirection cough cough need I say jew ? they who created this problem only to serve their own needs lol real whites are the most outside the box thinkers in the world and that is why the jews wish to destroy us and if you can read this don’t thank a negro lol they were the only race that didn’t even invent the wheel lol and yes Lincoln wanted to send the negroes back to Africa but his fundraising sucked good lord we should have picked our own cotton !

March 4, 2014 1:14 am

tre’emagnet says:

Well, the last time I was in Little Rock in my semi, I set the brakes to ask a fellow motorist exactly where the hell I was my fellow motorist ‘of color’ looked at me at said ‘dude, you got da wrong cula skin to be in dis neighborhud’. But, I am open minded and willing to chalk it up to a random experience.

I spend a lot of time in the Rock. There are black neighborhoods other blacks won’t go in, you are lucky that motorist was trying to help you, he was a good guy, trust me.

March 4, 2014 6:30 am

Z’s ignorance once again shows no bounds. Although I agree about the mega churches, what else in the state of Texas isn’t mega sized?

Here’s a news flash for you Z, Texas is out west, the south west to be more precise. It’s south of the mid-west, isn’t it? I’m surprised they let you in. Don’t let’em know you’re illegal.

Of course, I can look at a map, and tell where Texas is, but to say Texas is in the south shows the worse kind of ignorance, a lack of cultural context. Texas is more of an enigma, it’s own country, to be more precise. Culturally it’s more South Western, than belonging to even the Deep South, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Georgia.

For the record, the South is those states south of the Mason-Dixon line during the period of the Civil War. Since Texas wasn’t a state at the time, so it isn’t a southern state.

Z, you’ve been schooled.

March 4, 2014 6:39 am

Also, for the record, the South hasn’t forgotten reconstruction, which only benefited those connected to DC. Connecticut gun owners are about to show their legislature what they think about confiscation.

Let them try that in the South. I suggest Al Gore should make the announcement in TN. Which really only shows he’s a pussy, because he won’t. Everybody in AK knows you don’t fuck with the Clinton’s, or LBJ in TX.

LBJ was a murderous psychopath, and the prototypical POTUS since Reagan, Mr Teflon himself. And yes, I think Reagan played the part well.

Where were we, oh yes, the US has had an Imperialist mindset since the westward expansion, not all of it bad, but I think we can all agree, native americans were grossly mistreated by our federal government. Then we had rail road monopolies, and we all know the rest of the story.

March 4, 2014 7:05 am

llpoh, regarding Bluegum blacks, it was explained to me that they were a different “race” or “breed” of black. The bluegums were, based on my observations, generally very stocky, extremely strong and gentle. They had extremely wide noses, very wide feet, short legs and quite literally had a bluish tint to their gums. Their whole body was very broad and the taller they were, the wider they were. I believe their IQ’s were lower but they were kind, polite and gentle. It was very rare to see them upset and I never saw them in a fight. The other variety of taller, thinner black would quite often tease the bluegums but they always stopped short of provoking them to anger. I hate to think how bad the bluegums would fuck someone up if they started beating on them. They were extremely tough and could do any kind of menial labor ALL DAY LONG in any weather and do a good job. If whites were looking to hire blacks to perform heavy labor type jobs they always looked for the bluegums.

This was all in central SC and racism was very overt. There was enough of a klan presence that whites rarely had to worry about black on white violence. I never recall being scared of blacks anywhere except in the junior high school I attended. Even then I did not worry about being seriously injured. Later, as an adult, even going to backwoods juke joints and other predominantly black areas was no problem. These places were gold mines for finding and buying old classic cars.

We used to build high end racing engines for a few black guys down there. This was for illegal street racing and was generally done in black areas. It was not unusual at all for my friend and I to be the only white guys in a sea of 100-200 blacks out in the middle of no where on a Fri/Sat night. By the end of the night we had all kinds of people trying to make deals for us to build engines for them.

March 4, 2014 7:10 am

Z, I tend to agree……you need to get out more. Head to the small country towns and most of all head east into other southern states…..LA, MS, AR, GA, SC etc. You will find things quite different.

March 4, 2014 7:39 am

LL, you’re confusing your experience with universal fact. You would do well to stick to what you know, instead of basing your opinion on a 1950’s road trip.

Some of the most racist places on earth prior to the civil rights movement are now the most liberal, a testament to the power of moving into a town and taking over the politics.

Oh, and BTW, LL, I’m sure your experience has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Maybe them folk ain’t never seen a real live injun before, which is more likely the case, than your retarded recollection. All thanks to the federal government, which you have gladly prospered under.

March 4, 2014 7:51 am

l liked this article. I am a very black and African girl – yes (boobs, ass, et al) and married to a very white home grown southern man for 7 years now. He is a rebel though, clean heart, honest to the bone marrow. The white/black prejudice is very, very deep. Its in him and he wrestles with it. It is even sown in the type of Christianity here. The white christian southerner, who does not read the bible for themselves, thinks of himself as the Israelite and therefore should not intermarry. Segregation is ingrained. I don’t know if we could have made it through the first 6 months if I was a black american. So much history, so much angst and a very different attitude. I think its the sin of pride that is so destructive for both people groups.

March 4, 2014 7:57 am

I meant that in a nice way.

March 4, 2014 8:05 am

Nonanon, you’re on a roll. ” basing your opinion on a 1950′s road trip.” LMAO

Are you from the south?

March 4, 2014 8:18 am
March 4, 2014 8:20 am

Darknlovely what country are you from?

Blacks born in the United States carry the mental baggage of slavery which is the reason the races will never come together. In Ghana the Ashanti tribe enslaved other tribes in the region and sold them to the white slave ships down on the Coast. Blacks in America have no concept that it was not the whites that initially enslaved their ancestors rather it was opposing tribes on the African continent. A black man from Ghana is the one that explain this to me. He absolutely cannot understand the mentality of black Americans.

March 4, 2014 8:23 am

Loopy , the past called and wants it’s stereotype back.

March 4, 2014 8:34 am

I think what Nixon was trying to say was that via integration we can breed the savage out of the African, but I don’t the social and economic infrastructure will stand the 500 years required to civilize the savage.

“Bill Rogers has got — to his credit it’s a decent feeling — but somewhat sort of a blind spot on the black thing because he’s been in New York,” Nixon said. “He says well, ‘They are coming along, and that after all they are going to strengthen our country in the end because they are strong physically and some of them are smart.’ So forth and so on.

“My own view is I think he’s right if you’re talking in terms of 500 years,” he said. “I think it’s wrong if you’re talking in terms of 50 years. What has to happen is they have to be, frankly, inbred. And, you just, that’s the only thing that’s going to do it, Rose.”

March 4, 2014 9:15 am

Fred got some of his ideas from a VDARE article that just appeared. An article complete with pictures of white liberals homes who preach “diversity is strength” mantra. All liberals who go so much to take action and when it comes to themselves and their families prefer to live in White enclaves.

March 4, 2014 9:23 am

bb, thats a really good point – a northerners exposure, such as mine – has been almost exclusively limited to northern black metro’s…..and I am not impressed. I have traveled in the south and walked amongst the working man. I’ve never really felt much positive or negative vibes from blacks, whites, or anyone. I think its me, I truly just don’t give a fuck – I just want to do my job and be on my way. Northern places, like North St.Paul, MN…..will leave you with a bad impression and for good reason, but still nothing like the shithole violence of other, even larger and more destitute metro’s.

March 4, 2014 9:32 am

ID, you’re probably right. Most of the South is an undiscovered country for me, but Nonanon is wrong about SE Texas. Texas is a pretty big place and spans the distance from the South to the West, but Houston is close to the gulf and close to Louisiana. Where I live used to be sugar plantations, and the sugar refinery is still here, albeit closed now. There are a lot of small lakes around here, one, about 100 yards from my house, is home to an 8 foot alligator, named Freddie.

What I have said above is just my experience during my short residence. I think darknlovely described the white chuches very well. This is Israel-first territory. Help, Help I feel repressed!

March 4, 2014 9:38 am

@Zara – “Llpoh, since I have lived in the south, the only place I have encountered the word nigger, in any form, is here on TBP.”

I’ve encountered it in every state I’ve been to, not a small list.

@the article –

My fondest memories of my childhood were of shrimping and crabbing with my dad in the salt marshes between Savannah GA and Paris Island (Marine base dad was stationed at).

If we didn’t catch enough to eat, we’d stop at one of the greasy little hole-in-the-wall seafood places that are ubiquitous in that part of the country.

Crab cakes and hush puppies, fried shrimp and okra…..and fresh caught, and all for cheap.

March 4, 2014 10:37 am

I note that Kunstler bumraps the “Nascar Nation” folks from time to time. He doesn’t realize that he needs them more than they need him. Just one example: A lot of those truckdrivers who haul food to Kunstler’s grocery? You reckon that many of them just might have a favorite Nascar driver? 🙂

I’d say that Texas, east of I-45, is more southern than western. I’ve lived in or travelled through most of the US. Lived in Texas, Tennessee, Delaware, Florida and Georgia, with Texas being “the home place”.

The most overt racism? Detroit, 1962/1963. Much more than I had ever seen in the deep south. Sure, I’ve seen racism, heard racist comments down here, but it’s more casual than actively hostile. I don’t worry about whether or not I’m racist. I figure that as long as I’m courteous and polite to all those I meet when I’m out and about, it doesn’t matter. But I’d vote for Thomas Sowell or Condaleezza Rice for whatever office they chose to seek.

Minority: A six-foot blond guy in downtown Manila, Hong Kong or Tokyo. BTDT.

March 4, 2014 12:50 pm

Late to the party …

Love ALL of Fred’s stuff, without exception.

Reading personal anecdotes that several folks here have not actually experienced racism in the South ….. well, OK, who can argue with personal observations? But, does that mean there isn’t racism in the South? I hope not.

Besides, who gives a shit? If you’re racist … so fucking what! Don’t be afraid to admit it. Stop denying it. It just makes one look stupid.