Michael Ramirez Cartoon


Via Investors.com

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March 22, 2014 9:11 am

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March 22, 2014 9:42 am

FWIW, Jimmy Carter was the smartest president of modern times. I have it on good authority that Carter read every bill he voted on, which is more than the majority of vermin in Congress can ever say.

Also Carter appointed Paul Volcker who reigned in inflation before being fired but that favorite of favorites, the bumbling idiot, deficits don’t matter Reagan , who got the debt party started with the appointment of Alan Greenspan and the debt bomb fuse was lit.

Lest we forget ,saving FRN paid a dividend in 1978…but that wasn’t enough. The MIC was not satisfied with peace and prosperity, hence the destruction of Carter and the rise of the cowboy idiots.


Jimmy Carter delivered this televised speech on October 24, 1978.

Good evening. I want to have a frank talk with you tonight about our most serious domestic problem. That problem is inflation. Inflation can threaten all the economic gains we’ve made, and it can stand in the way of what we want to achieve in the future.

March 22, 2014 9:47 am

Jimmy Carter was a nuclear engineer….Drunken Frat Boy Bush couldn’t even pronounce the word….seems progress is weighted stupidity..

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

― H.L. Mencken

March 22, 2014 10:03 am

Off with their heads….

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March 22, 2014 10:05 am

Flash I’am starting to think you’re a Democrat, say it ain’t so flash, we can get you some help. We couldn’t help Z’s Obama loving ass and were forced to write him off as a loss, unfortunately he was beyond the reach of logic and reason. Flash I am sure you’re salvageable, play you some Rebel Son and keep repeating ” I am a Proud Southern Conservative”

March 22, 2014 10:10 am

Kasparov: Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like Winston Churchill

Garry Kasparov, a leading opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin and longtime Russian chess champion, had some tough words for President Obama and Hillary Clinton on Sunday night.

Kasparov said on his Twitter feed that Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like Winston Churchill and fretted about the possibility that Clinton would succeed Obama.

If Carter looks like Churchill, Obama must be Urkel

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March 22, 2014 10:31 am


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Jimmy, the village called, they want their idiot back. Carter, the worst American in history and currently the worst President (but getting some real competition from Hussein), wrote an op-ed yesterday in the NY Slimes confirming what the world knows: Jimmy Carter is an idiot! Carter supports banning “assault” weapons. You can always count on the unwashed left to trot out gun control as the cure all for America’s problems.
Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2009/04/jimmy-carter-the-idiot-that-wont-go-away/#2GEdIOtkdVYcp89J.99

March 22, 2014 10:37 am



March 22, 2014 11:08 am

sensetti , I’m neither Dim or Repug.All I’m getting at is the truth , sans the populist bullshit.That said, You don’t know enough about Jimmy Carter to even speak on the subject.

There was a time, and not so long ago that every white male in the South was a democrat.There was even a time when, believe it or not when the lame stream press demagogued Carter as raciss.I personally know two old Yellow dog democrats who served in congress and greatly admired Carter for his honesty,integrity and intelligence.He was the only member of the house who read bills they said.When queried , they readily admitted not reading the bills, claiming that was what staff was for….so there you have it.Staff are the most powerful members of Congress.

Banskters and the MIC conspired to ruin Carter, and for what purpose, you might ask? pure fucking avarice…

Don’t believe everything you read in the lame stream press.

But you can’t bet you snow-bird ass on this..Reagan was 10 x the statist POS Carter was ever claimed to be.I hate a fucking deceitful poser worse than any self -admitted leftwing sponge.At least they are willing admit their particular brand of socioeconomic cancer ..

The Reagan Fraud — and After
During his eight years in office, Ronald Reagan increased federal spending by 53 percent, added a quarter of a million new civilian government employees, escalated the War on Drugs, created the “drug czar’s office,” and lowered the value of your 1980 dollar to 73 cents. His Republican successor, George Herbert Walker Bush, further increased taxes, further increased federal spending, and “managed to knock thirteen cents off the value of your dollar in just four years.”
Mises Daily: Friday, February 04, 2011 by Jeff Riggenbach

March 22, 2014 11:16 am

So Putin’s building a rebuilding a wall now…sez’ who the Gay Repubipuke Lipsy Graham?

Senator Lindsey Graham: Liar, Warmonger, Despicable Human Being
Laurence M. Vance

Lindsey Graham (R-Defense Contractors) has a problem with the proposed spending levels in Obama’s new budget for fiscal year 2015. They are too high except for one area: defense spending. He claims that Obama’s proposal “guts our defense.” Is that so? I have written about this subject on at least two occasions (see here and here). What I can refer you to now is this new study by Winslow Wheeler on “America’s $1 Trillion National Security Budget.” The amount to be spent on defense in FY2015 is not the stated number of $495.6 billion, but $1,009.5 billion. But no matter how much is spent on “defense,” it is never enough for warmongers like Senator Lindsey Graham. But not only is he a liar and a warmonger, he is a despicable human being for wanting to send American young people to fight, bleed, and die in his foreign wars and military interventions.
2:23 pm on March 21, 2014

Senator Lindsey Graham: Liar, Warmonger, Despicable Human Being

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March 22, 2014 11:21 am

Another reason ‘Murica hates Carter is he let Iran go their own way, didn’t back the US puppet , the Shah and didn’t kowtow to the Zionist lobbies like the groveling ass-lapping bitches over at the GOP.

RES out of a Jew bunghole.

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March 22, 2014 11:33 am

Carter gave us the Dept. of Energy, endless gas lines, 14% inflation; 22% prime rates and home mortgage rates of 16%; high unemployment and a jaw dropping 33% poverty rate, lower disposable income rates for every income category, and his Foreign Policy was an unmitigated disaster.

Yup. Great President.

March 22, 2014 11:41 am

FWIW, don’t take admonition of the Jew tail wagging the GOP mongrel wrong.I have nothing against Israel’s right to exist and I wish the Jews all the best in those regards,but I do believe the war both hot and cold betwixt the Jews and their camel humping neighbors is of no businees to the US and thus should not be funded or supported either military or financially.If as they claim , they are truly God’s chosen people, then that is all the support the sons of Abraham should ever need or want..God will most certainly take care of his own…if there are as such.

March 22, 2014 11:42 am

Flash I know when those Iranian rag heads took our embassy it was an act of war and Carter backed Down like the Liberal pussy he is. When Reagan walk in they backed down. Why? Reagan would have lit their asses up and they knew it.

March 22, 2014 11:49 am

Carter was attempting the fix an energy shortage problem that was looming , but the GOP refused to acknowledge. And yes, about those high interest …good for the save , very bad for ” irrational exuberance.”

BTW, I never said Carter was a great President, but his flaws were minuscule as compared to some..Read Republican bankster puppets.

Try to stay focused , Stuck …bullshit is bullshit whether spewed by left or right.

It will be objected that Democratic presidents like Johnson and Carter also grew the federal government, that they too increased taxes and spending and regulations, that they too made government steadily more intrusive and the individual steadily less free. It will be objected that the Republican Party is here being singled out for undeserved abuse. But in fact, the situation is far otherwise. As James Ostrowski noted in 2002, “Over the last one hundred years, of the five presidents who presided over the largest domestic spending increases, four were Republicans. Include regulations and foreign policy, as well as budgets approved by a Republican Congress, and a picture begins to emerge of the Republican Party as a reliable engine of government growth.”[8]

In fact, despite the liberal apostasy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and virtually all Democratic politicians since his time, despite their choice to try to beat the Republicans at their own game, promoting mercantilism, welfare statism, and war, and calling it “liberalism” — despite all this, the conservative party, the GOP, remains the more devoted to mercantilism, welfare statism, and war of the two major parties. Throughout the ’70s and ’80s, Republicans depicted the philosophy of their Democratic opponents as “tax and spend, tax and spend.” But in fact, it is the Republicans, the conservatives, who are the biggest taxers and the biggest spenders of all.

The years since George Herbert Walker Bush have seen nothing that might make one wish to revise or soften this statement — for George H.W. Bush’s son, former Texas governor George W. Bush, who won the presidency in a hotly contested election in the year 2000 and was reelected in 2004, had spent more federal money by the end of his third year in office than Bill Clinton, the “tax-and-spend” Democrat who preceded him, managed to spend in a full eight years.


March 22, 2014 11:56 am

Sensetti, But Reagan did not light they asses up.He traded arm for hostages , and there is no shortage of evidence that the Iranian hostage crisis was a staged event and CIA operatives set this deal up before the ’80 POTUS election to discredit Carter…there is always the backstory, behind the lies.

BTW, 200 marines killed in barracks Lebanon and and the cowboy came home.and rightly so.

Stuck, Carter FP was one of minding our own business…and whats wrong with that.It’s great when Ron Paul says it…eh?

March 22, 2014 12:02 pm

It is commonly know that the CIA back Reagan and Creepy Old Bush as the former head CIA was forced on the senile old B actor with an eye on having a real company man in the white house.And campaign manager Casey went on to become the campaign manger of the CIA…imagine that?

The allegation that there were meetings between Mr. Casey, Mr. Reagan’s campaign chairman, who went on be the Director of Central Intelligence, and Hojatolislam Mehdi Karrubi, a representative of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, has been reported for the first time by Mr. Sick. Research for a Book

He says in his article that the accounts of the meetings in Madrid are part of an accumulation of information he has developed in research for a book. He says it has led him to conclude, despite earlier doubts, that some kind of discussions took place between the Reagan campaign and Iran.

“The story is tangled and murky, and it may never be fully unraveled,” Mr. Sick writes.

The fate of the hostages was a pivotal issue in the 1980 election. They were taken prisoner when followers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of Iran’s revolutionary Government, seized the United States Embassy in Teheran in November 1979. A military operation to rescue them failed in the Iranian desert in April 1980. The Carter Administration hoped that it might obtain their release either through negotiations or a second rescue mission before Election Day, and Reagan campaign officials were concerned that the return of the hostages could swing the election to Mr. Carter. Charges Are Denied

All those involved in the Reagan campaign, including President Bush, have vehemently denied any effort to delay the return, saying they would neither violate the law by operating outside established Government diplomatic channels nor contemplate anything that would have prolonged the captivity of the American hostages.

The issue of back-channel negotiations for the hostages is the subject of a documentary in the “Frontline” series on PBS, to be broadcast on Tuesday night on most public television stations. The “Frontline” documentary, “The Election Held Hostage,” deals with much of the same evidence Mr. Sick uses in his opinion piece and includes an interview with him.

Mr. Sick said he has become convinced that there were two meetings between Mr. Casey and Hojatolislam Karrubi in the Ritz Hotel in Madrid in late July 1980. Hojatolislam Karrubi is now the Speaker of the the Iranian Parliament. Mr. Casey died in 1987. The “Frontline” report said he never addressed the allegations.

Mr. Sick’s principal source for the Madrid meetings is Jamshid Hashemi, an Iranian arms dealer who said that he and his brother, Cyrus, had helped arrange them. Attending, they said, were Mr. Casey, the Hashemi brothers and an unnamed American intelligence officer. Cyrus Hashemi has since died. Other Sources Namedhttp://www.nytimes.com/1991/04/15/world/new-reports-say-1980-reagan-campaign-tried-to-delay-hostage-release.html

March 22, 2014 12:04 pm

Yeah ……. I just MADE UP those statistics. lmfao

Oh … wait ……… it wasn’t Carter’s fault. He inherited the problems!!! Gee whiz, how fucking original.

flash voted thumbs down on the stat FACTS … to be expected …. but who is the other dumbfuk asshole??

Last word here, flash. It’s really not an important issue. I’m done with this dumbass debate. If you want to lick Carter’s balls, then have at it. I don’t give a shit. Post more copy & pastes. I love those.

March 22, 2014 12:09 pm

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Except, they didn’t , but ass-raped US instead.

War on Turror…’murica!

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March 22, 2014 12:11 pm

Carter was a weak, bumbling idiot. He has/had a good heart, and wasn’t evil

Obama is pure evil.
He’s murdered 130 innocent children by droning them to death
He’s built the NSA into a fascist world-wide spying agency
He’s destroyed Libya, and Egypt
He commits treason by supporting Al Qaeda in Syria
He and Holder give arms to Mexican drug lords
Obamacare is the worst legislation in history, destroying everything in it’s path
He’s going to give amnesty to 12 million illegal immigrants (democrat voters)
He’s increased the national debt more than all other presidents combined
He’s increased welfare spending by 45%, to $1 trillion per year
He’s bought votes by giving away food stamps to everyone
He’s filled the government with incompetent hires, based on their skin color
He’s used the IRS as his personal vengeance machine against opponents
He’s bypassed the Constitution and Bill of Rights
He picks and chooses which laws he’ll follow and enforce
He’s multiplied racial tension and hatred in this country
He’s pissed off China, India, Russia, Saudi, ruining decades of good relations
He doesn’t bother to go to security or economic meetings

Obama’s a 1000x times worse than Carter.

March 22, 2014 12:18 pm

Stuckyt, I realize you hate looking like a complete imbecile and therefor always demand the last word. so why don’t you just mosey on away from this dumbass debate and go doer something producative, like wax you boobs or floss you lard-ass…whatever.And I’ll pretend your foolishness is relevant…even at your “last word”

No one is licking Carter’s balls, not saying your statics are wrong, but high interests is not the end of the world or a death blow to the economy.Quite the contrary. Everybody worked and most everybody saved…how so now after 30 decades of low interest and hot money?Paul Volcker reined in the inflation bomb until Reagan’s Jew Bankster bud Alan Greenspan came in to light the fuse again.

Reality is what it is , regardless your bitch boy emoting..

March 22, 2014 12:20 pm

BTW, Stuck , I did not vote you or anybody else down..I rarely do.

March 22, 2014 12:22 pm

The truth and the perception of truth is always an important issue.Matter of fact it is the one important issue, because without truth shining a light on falsehood, there is no issue.

March 22, 2014 12:27 pm

Reagan/Bush was the unequivocal point at which WE the People lost any true influence in or ceased to receive any accountability from our government…believe it..Reagan was the idiot.

a good place to start…

Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America Hardcover – B
by Russ Baker (Author)

The long-hidden story of a family we thought we knew—and of a power-making apparatus that we have barely begun to comprehend.

After eight disastrous years, George W. Bush leaves office as one of the most unpopular presidents in American history. Russ Baker asks the question that lingers even as this benighted administration winds down: Who really wanted this man at the helm of the country, and why did his backers promote him despite his obvious liabilities and limitations? This book goes deep behind the scenes to deliver an arresting new look at George W. Bush, his father George H. W. Bush, their family, and the network of figures in intelligence, the military, finance, and oil who enabled the family’s rise to power.

Baker’s exhaustive investigation reveals a remarkable clan whose hermetic secrecy and code of absolute loyalty have concealed a far-reaching role in recent history that transcends the Bush presidencies. Baker offers new insights into lingering mysteries—from the death of John F. Kennedy to Richard Nixon’s downfall in Watergate. Here, too, are insider accounts of the backroom strategizing, and outright deception, that resulted in George W. Bush’s electoral success.

Throughout, Baker helps us understand why we have not known these things before. Family of Secrets combines compelling narrative with eye-opening revelations. It offers the untold history of the machinations that have shaped American politics over much of the last century.

March 22, 2014 1:05 pm

Flash give me an analysis of Red State Vs Blue State , an over all look at which ones are managed better.

A God Damn Moron can figure out Conservative Run States are better off than liberal shit holes like California and Illinois. Hello?

Logic would then follow we are better off under the management of conservatives. No?

March 22, 2014 1:14 pm

AWD, 1000x worse than Carter, and maybe only 50 times worse than Reagan.

Carter was the last POTUS to attempt to reign in the federal bureaucracy, which will let Rome burn before they give up one inch of ground to the American people.

I will be more than glad to accommodate them.

You’re a pussy, AWD. A lily white uncle bitch who learned to use a computer. Well, bully for you. Now, fuck off. You hide behind your diploma and your board certification. God will find you, and you’re not he.

March 22, 2014 1:17 pm

PS, flash I never give you thumbs down, ever, no it ain’t me. I know you don’t care, like me, but I wanted you to know its Stucky and AWD and not I

March 22, 2014 1:27 pm

@ Non Anon You have obviously never been behind the scenes in an emergency department. The emergency room physician makes life and death decision with the mere utterance of a few words. When you are laying on a gurney after a motor vehicle collision you live or die based on the decisions the emergency room physician makes. If he or she walks out of the room you die period. That’s about as close to being God, this side of heaven, as you can get. What says you?

March 22, 2014 2:19 pm

Carter had high points and low points. He was smart, very hard working, generally honest and over all a pretty good guy. He was also and outsider, which simply isn’t allowed in DC so the first thing that had to go were his Georgia buddies through petty, trumped up non-scandals (Bert Lance and Hamilton Jordan say hello).

George W. Bush on the other hand has only low points. Very low ones. So low that I can’t even see the bottom of them. Same with teh Savior. To call Carter the worst president of all time, or even the worst president of the last 40 years, is beyond laughable.

We could really use a good “malaise” speech right now. What we do NOT need is more feel good, morning in America, city on a hill bullshit.

March 22, 2014 2:30 pm

Carter was the last President to actually care about the will and advancement of the American people. He was probably one of the most intelligent Presidents we’ve had, at least in modern history. Realize the ramifications of what actually happened… we went from a Nuclear engineer as President, to an actor as President.
Reagan and his team should have been charged with treason for the back-door deal they made to release the embassy hostages on inauguration day. To me, that was the time when American government started swirling down the toilet bowl.

March 22, 2014 4:48 pm

Carter gave us the misery index and the department of eduction.

Obama’s given us 400,000 DHS thugs, NDAA, FEMA camps, domestic drones, domestic spying, massive expansion of the TSA, class warfare, “you didn’t build that”, “ignore the voices of tyranny”, “spread the wealth around” socialism, dictatorial decrees, has turned religious people and people that support the 2nd amendment into terrorists, a corrupt attorney general, an incompetent secretary of state, and has turned back the hands of time on the cold war by 30 years, monitors every phone call you make, every text you send, every website and search you use. Did Carter play golf instead of go to meetings? Did Carter piss away $1.5 billion on vacations a year when the nation was $17.5 trillion in debt? Do you think Carter would have let students go $1 trillion in debt? Small businesses decimated, 56,000 manufacturing facilities shipped offshore, the lowest labor participation rate in 30 years. The middle class wiped out.

If there was an election tomorrow, Obama vs. Carter, who would you vote for?

March 22, 2014 4:54 pm


Go fuck yourself. You’re a typical holier than thou asshole who, using religion, thinks themselves better than others. You’re the most despicable piece of shit there is. Hiding behind God, hiding behind religion, trying to condemn others based on your sick and twisted mind and viewpoint. Your nothing but a fucking hypocrite. Nobody here likes you, nobody gives a fuck what you have to say. Your a hypocrite, a religious clown, a phony and an empty shell of a human being. God has a special place in hell for hypocrites and false prophets like you.

March 22, 2014 6:05 pm

AWD gives nonamouse a well deserved kick in the nuts. Well done, AWD. Please feel free to repeat whenever the spirit takes you. I am sure god approves.

March 22, 2014 9:59 pm

AWD, I’m holier than than you? You should should listen to yourself. If God offends, don’t shoot the messenger.

US doctors make the most $, or used to, and work the fewest hours of any medical professionals in the world. They are also some of the smartest people our educational system produces. They also have the highest suicide rate of any profession. They also have their share of psychopaths and God complexes.

That you would immediately bear false witness against me, should tell you something. If not, I’m sorry, but there’s no helping you, and you can fuck off and die for all I care.

March 22, 2014 10:02 pm

I, for one, am tired of listening to your holier than thou angry white bitch rants which, by the way, are purely hypocritical. I’m sure it’s the dems fault we have a $17T debt. Fuck off and get yoiur own site to whine like a little bitch. Oh, yeah, you already do, so fuck off.

March 22, 2014 10:24 pm

I bet AWD will take nonamouse’s advice to heart. Really, I do.

Nonamouse is the stupidest fuck on this site. Sorry to all the other dimwits – you need to try harder to overtake nonamouse.

March 22, 2014 10:34 pm

LL, right back at you. Enjoy your retreat. I’m sure you’ve earned. Try not acting like an entitled prick out there and I’m sure you’ll get along with all the other gentry.

March 23, 2014 6:32 pm

You all really do miss the point if you ask me, and no one did.

You do not have to choose between two shitheads only focused on their own aims. These bastards are all the same; take the blue pill or the red pill. The choice is yours; welcome to the machine.

The only way to win the game is not to play.

You are not required to give your consent to these bastards. One cannot win the war that is winnable; unless he chooses to simply NOT PARTICIPATE.

In anything, voting, commerce / business, insurance, banking. Do not participate in this game, you cannot win it otherwise.

It will come to gunfire.

March 23, 2014 6:35 pm

Carter: ‘My own communications are probably monitored’

By ERIC BRADNER | 3/23/14 11:35 AM EDT

Former President Jimmy Carter says he corresponds with foreign leaders the old-fashioned way – through snail mail – because he suspects his communications are watched by intelligence agencies.

“I have felt that my own communications are probably monitored,” Carter said in an interview with Andrea Mitchell that was aired Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“And when I want to communicate with a foreign leader privately, I type or write the letter myself, put it in the Post Office and mail it, because I believe if I send an email, it will be monitored,” Carter said.

March 23, 2014 7:49 pm

sensetti says:

Flash give me an analysis of Red State Vs Blue State , an over all look at which ones are managed better.

the fallacy is none are managed better than another. They are all controlled by a ravenous pack of gutless tools. Take a look at your own local government and tell me your freedom to manage your property ( meaning your individual liberty ) is adequately protected and served by your elected asshats currently in charge?