The War Drums Are Beating

The War Drums Are Beating

war in syria

Last year, lots of powerful groups tried to get a war going in Syria. It seemed to me that the necessary ground work hadn’t been done and that they might not be able to pull it off. Thankfully, that’s how it happened.

And by “necessary ground work,” I’m not referring to the military operators the US government had in Syria for a year or two prior; I’m talking about making the American populace eager for a new war. That’s a crucial and often ignored factor.

What has been catching my eye the past week or so is a new series of efforts to stir up war fever in the US, and I’d like to give them some coverage. Since the mainstream ‘news’ in the US has become almost completely trivialized and neutered, I think it’s important for the rest of us to fill the gap as best we can.

First Points

Before I get to what I see as the new war propaganda, I want to point out what all the ‘respectable’ voices are ignoring:

This leaked recording (embedded in video) is from February 6 – before the deposing of the Ukrainian boss that started the current mess. In it, you’ll hear US State Department officials deciding who should be the new boss of the country, once they’ve had their way. This is clear, uncontested proof that it was the State Department who got things going in the Ukraine. Whatever we think of Putin, it must be acknowledged that these guys stirred it up.

This leaked recording (embedded in video) features an Estonian foreign minister talking to an EU official. In it, he says that the snipers who were said to be killing on Putin’s orders were actually working for the people the US was putting into power.

This video contains conversations of high Turkish officials planning a fake attack to start a war with Syria.

Leaked documents have shown that the Saudis are pushing very hard for a war in Syria (intended, presumably, to weaken Iran). They go so far as to tell Putin that they control terrorist groups, including those who could attack in both Russia and in Syria. (Think about that!) Here’s a direct quote from what they said to Putin:

The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the [Olympic] games are controlled by us, and they will not move in the Syrian territory’s direction without coordinating with us.

Any coverage of Ukraine or Syria that ignores these facts disgraces itself.

The New Message

The new message I’ve been seeing lately is this:

Obama is screwing up and making us look like wimps! We need to be powerful, not wimps!

What that actually means is, “We should confront Putin and show him who’s tough! We’re still the biggest badass!” That kind of emotion, of course, leads toward war.

Along with this emotionalism travels a peculiar fear found in empires: If we don’t rule the world, everything will break down into death and darkness. The Brits believed this not too long ago, as did many others, going back to the Romans and beyond.

Here are a few passages from mainstream media that have caught my eye:

“The collapse of the Pax Americana under Obama has freed up Russia and China to begin their campaigns of territorial expansionism.”

“Instead of a post-American world ushering in a stable multilateral order, it will revert back to a chaotic Lord of the Flies situation.”

“Russia has taken over Crimea and threatens further aggression. Now is the time to act…”

“Putin has given speeches almost identical to Hitler’s 1938 Berlin address.”

“Fear That Obama Will Let Russia Seize Control Of Internet.”

To this I’ll add one more thing: Millions of people currently believe that Russian troops have invaded the Crimea, which is completely false.

Honestly, I’m not sure that this will work. However hungry the military-industrial complex may be, Joe and Jane Average are just not eager for another war. And I think Putin’s smart enough to withhold any Pearl Harbor-like attacks.

Even a big terrorist attack might only prove that the intel state has failed again. I’m not sure that people can maintain an endless blind faith in Jack Bauer; at some point, they will say, “That was only a TV show.”

That said…

That said, “Washington Worship TV” continues and they’re still working toward war.

Obama just paid a call on the Saudis, who remain desperate for their war in Syria. They’re so desperate, in fact, that they’re working with the Israelis on it. (War makes for strange bedfellows.)

And on his way to Arabia, Obama called on the Pope. What these meetings were really about, who knows.

Backroom deals between intel agencies take place all the time. No one’s going to admit what the conversations are about, but one can certainly imagine that a deal was underway to give Putin the Crimea in return for the war in Syria that NATO and its friends wanted.

The leaks mentioned above (especially the Turkish leak) may have delayed matters, but since it has never appeared on “the news,” most people have never heard about it. Perhaps the push for war in Syria will continue.

But, it may be that NATO and their allies have given up on their war in Syria and are trying to punish Putin for standing in their way. (It’s likely that Russia was the source of those leaks.) That would involve bloodshed in the Ukraine… as if the Ukrainians haven’t suffered enough in the past eighty years.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that several groups are very eager for a new war. Toward that end, they’re working to stir up emotions. Rationally convincing people to kill and be killed, of course, isn’t terribly effective.

What we have to do now is to keep our heads and be a voice of reason for our friends and neighbors, even if they don’t like it.

War is not salvation; it’s hell.

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]


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April 9, 2014 11:13 am

Kerry and Obama Lying US into Yet Another War

President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry did their damned level best to lie to Americans in order to pimp a war last summer based on trumped up information in Syria and now they are doing the same thing in Ukraine.

In an ongoing spectacle that has all of the fascinating qualities of one of those RNC talking point “train wrecks” the duo continue to agitate and push for an ill-conceived and ultimately disastrous fight with Russian leader Vladimir Putin who can’t be counted on this time to save the dynamic duo (or us for that matter) from themselves.

Today’s escalation in the idiotic, hypocritical and dangerous game of chicken with the nuclear armed Russians consists of the esteemed Kerry blathering the same standard cookie-cutter neocon talking points over the rapidly deteriorating situation in Ukraine that was unleashed when the Obama team of unrivaled imbeciles decided that launching a neo-Nazi backed coup in Kiev in order to stick it to Putin during the Sochi Winter Olympics.

Not that a man like Kerry would have a problem with dealing with Nazis. The erstwhile opponent of the illegal wars of empire is a member of the infamous Yale University secret society Skull and Bones with it’s longtime ties to the Wall Street elite and OSS/CIA that not only helped to arm Nazi Germany for profits he is in his element as much as a pig wallowing in a pool of shit. Not only was Wall Street money – such as that from a certain Prescott Bush from whose loins sprung two future US Presidents (with another on the way) whose Wall Street firm was actually shut down by the US government – instrumental in the rise of Hitler but they also provided cover for Nazi war criminals after the end of World War II.

With the renewed propaganda barrage against the Russians and specifically Putin erupting anew over the weekend, with a launching pad over at the Washington Post neocon transmission station by the likes of Jennifer “dog face” Rubin, Charles “Dr. Strangelove” Kraüthammer and a newcomer in some hack named Kathy Lally the ground was prepped for Mr. Kerry’s latest uncontrollable bout of chronic diarrhea of the mouth.

In ratcheting up the strident rhetoric, especially now that Ukrainians are rebelling against the illegally installed occupying government of “Yats” and his neo-Nazis fully understanding that the future is crushing and ruthlessly enforced austerity, pogroms, political repression and slavery Kerry was in in form unseen since last August. According to an article in The Guardian the grand marshal of the American fool’s parade is now ranting about Russian agent provocateurs fomenting unrest in East Ukraine:


The US secretary of state, John Kerry, described recent developments in eastern Ukraine as “more than deeply disturbing” and repeated threats of western sanctions against Russia, which he said would be expanded to the country’s energy, banking and mining sectors. Kerry blamed pro-Russian protests in eastern Ukraine on “special forces and agents” sent by Moscow in a move he said “could potentially be a contrived pretext for military intervention just as we saw in Crimea”.


What is it called when an imperialistic, meddling warfare state that has engaged in “intervention” after “intervention” ever since the original indigenous inhabitants of our god-kissed, star-spangled lemming colony were hunted down like animals and slaughtered as such?

This is so ridiculous on so many levels that it is the proverbial smoking gun that the entire western mainstream media is in the bag – a now completely essential and assimilated component of the Deep State that serves only one purpose which is to lie on behalf of a corrupt establishment that is careening more out of bounds by the minute.

It is simply unbelievable that this guy is not called on this bullshit, especially after the obvious lies that damned near led to the attack on Syria over a sarin gas attack on civilians in a Damascus suburb that always stank but never more so than in Seymour Hersh’s latest expose “The Red Line and the Rat Line” over at the London Review of Books.

The US state media would NEVER allow a piece like this to be published. Hersh apparently has even been exiled by the New Yorker after his excellent work during the Bushreich. He may not get any exposure – other than vilification at ideologically bent, Deep State Muslim-baiting shitholes like Commentary Magazine but he gave two good interviews yesterday with Amy Goodman at Democracy Now and Scott Horton at Check them out.

Hersh’s story alone calls into question the monstrous torrent of lies about the Ukraine situation emanating from the Obama regime and the corrupt US media and perhaps there is a bit of desperation in Kerry’s latest dissertation of pure, unadulterated hogwash. The drip, drip, drip effects of the NSA leaks courtesy of heroic whistle-blower Edward Snowden have certainly given all of those “Hope” and “Change” banners a certain yellowing taint and I at times wonder if a lot of Obama’s relentless crusade to nail Putin to a cross doesn’t have as it’s genesis the fact that Snowden was saved from a US or affiliated despotic partner’s torture chambers by Russia’s leader.

Hell, given Mr. Obama’s penchant for narcissism and the humiliation of his American Stasi being exposed followed by Putin intervening to stop the Syrian attacks and that classic, for the ages take down of US exceptionalism on the anniversary of that oh so sanctified day of September 11th in the Op Ed section of the New York Times, Dear Leader is steaming.

It is springtime and that substance that is heavy in the air and clogging nostrils isn’t just pollen. Springtime indeed, for the US establishment led by Obama, Kerry and the neocons it might as well be Springtime for Hitler.


April 9, 2014 11:14 am

“Any coverage of Ukraine or Syria that ignores these facts disgraces itself.”

Readers here and on other fact seeking blogs know the main stream news is not about facts, it’s about a agenda.

Hope that evil Putin guy doesn’t suddenly gain control of the internet and shut you down to shut down what little truth we can find.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 9, 2014 11:38 am

As was posted on a link from Drudge yesterday, volatile times are ahead, particularly for Israel:

“…according to NASA, a highly unusual ‘Tetrad’ – four successive total ‘blood-red’ lunar eclipses each followed by six full moons – will, indeed, start next Tuesday and finish on September 28 2015.

The incredible alignment has only happened a handful of times in the last two thousand years but, remarkably, on each of the last three occasions it has coincided with a globally significant religious event.

The article goes on to state:

“According to the Biblical prophecy, world history is about to change dramatically.

To get four blood moons you need something absolutely extraordinary in astrological terms.

Every time this has happened in the last 500 years, it has coincided with tragedy for the Jewish people followed by triumph. And once again, for Israel, the timing of this Tetrad is remarkable.

“The first of the four blood moons will come on April 15 this year, during Passover. The second will be on October 8, at the time of the Feast of the Tabernacles.”

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April 9, 2014 3:51 pm

Rise Up

I bought into that “alignment” bullshit back when Hal Lindsey (Late Great Planet Earth) made this big fuckin’ deal about The Jupiter Effect …. also based on planetary alignments …. and being a young dumb-ass I fucken bought into it.

Never Again!!!!

April 9, 2014 7:16 pm

Any theory that says “It’s all about the Jews” was created by Jews…that is until other people get pissed enough at Jews for their ethnocentric arrogance that they make it all about the Jews. It has happened many times through history. What the rest of us can learn most from Jewish history is that people never fucking learn.

April 9, 2014 7:20 pm

I remember mostly four types of college students:

1) stoners who really didn’t give a fuck about college overall.
2) stoners who did.
3) frat types who were into disco (other than that they were an unknown species to me)
4) kids who were there mostly to study and kept to themselves. They were mostly foreign students; a few were jews, the rest, nerds.

April 9, 2014 7:21 pm

oops, wrong thread for the above comment. Admin, feel free to delete it.

April 9, 2014 7:32 pm


Billy posts something in the right thread, but thinks it’s in the wrong thread, and apologizes for posting in the right thread ……….. and asks Admin to delete it even though it’s in the right thread.

AWD posts something in the wrong thread, and doesn’t even realize it … so fuck the apology.

Zara posts something in the wrong thread and immediately apologizes ……… and asks Admin to delete it, like he’s got nothing better to do.

WTF is wrong wif you people today?

Jim …. get BUSY!!

April 10, 2014 10:16 am

For sure a series of events is being created to make Russia look like the evil empire. This morning on the Today Show a picture of one of the Boston bombers popped up, the “story” was that Russia refused to work with the FBI two years prior to the bombing.

Memory serves that right after the bombing we found out that Russia warned us about the brothers, but then claimed we never contacted them to find out more.

Led to war.

I know we have the biggest military with the biggest by magnitude budget behind it.

I still don’t think we’ll come out on top of this one.

The polls I’ve seen lead me to believe the rising tide is for Americans to believe the bullshit they are being fed, which means war for sure.

Bad days are so headed this way. It feels like I’ve been looking out the backdoor at an approaching, menacing, storm, for years and years and years and years. It keeps inching closer but hasn’t unleashed its full fury. Yet.

No wonder so many of us are medicated, fat, anxious and outright killing ourselves.

And it hasn’t even started down-pouring yet. cripes

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 10, 2014 11:30 am

@TeresaE – don’t believe ANY polls about ANYTHING – they can be manipulated to give the outcome that the pollster wants.

@Stucky – I didn’t say I bought into any Biblical prophecies–I just think the astronomy of the blood moons is interesting. There is some historical data that is compelling – let’s see if the trend holds up:

To repeat:

“Every time this has happened in the last 500 years, it has coincided with tragedy for the Jewish people followed by triumph. And once again, for Israel, the timing of this Tetrad is remarkable.”