Ron Paul Questions: Obama’s Foreign Policy Rhetoric Does Not Match US Actions

Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute,

President Obama’s recent foreign policy speech, delivered at this year’s West Point graduation ceremony, was a disappointment to anyone who hoped the president might be changing course. The failure of each US intervention thus far in the 21st century might have inspired at least a bit of reflection.

However, the president made it clear that interventionism and American exceptionalism would continue to guide his administration in its final two years. The president said, “I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being,” adding the dubious claim that “because of American diplomacy and foreign assistance, as well as the sacrifices of our military — more people live under elected governments today than at any time in human history.”

It’s funny he would mention elections. Last week the Syrians held their first multi-candidate presidential election in 50 years. Almost three-quarters of Syrian voters participated, giving President Assad 88 percent of the vote. After three years fighting a foreign-backed insurgency, voting conditions were not optimal. However, despite State Department claims to the contrary, it can no longer be stated that Assad enjoys no popularity in his country. Even former CIA chief Michael Hayden not long ago envisioned Assad winning a fair election in Syria.

But the US government completely rejected the vote in Syria, with Secretary of State John Kerry calling it “a great big zero,” because, as he put it, “you can’t have an election where millions of your people don’t even have an ability to vote.”

That is just what happened last month in Ukraine, however, where the US-backed oligarch Petro Poroshenko won with just over 50 percent of the vote in an election where millions in the eastern part of the country did not have the ability to vote. That election, however, John Kerry declared a “victory for democracy.”

Similarly, John Kerry described the 2013 coup against the democratically-elected President Morsi in Egypt as a “return to democracy,” while approving the election last month – with 96 percent of the vote — of the man who led that coup.

Likewise, when a referendum was held in Crimea this spring in which the vast majority voted to re-join Russia rather than to remain in a Ukraine that had just undergone a regime change, the US administration refused to recognize the results. For Washington, it was “illegal” for Crimea to vote to secede from Ukraine, but it was not illegal for a mob in the street to overthrow an elected government in Kiev.

President Obama’s spoke at length about the US role in promoting democracy around the world, but why does it seem that the US government only recognizes elections as free and fair when the US-favored candidate wins?

At West Point the president announced a new five billion dollar “counterterrorism partnership,” with much of the money going to continue supporting the rebels in Syria. Though the administration claims it only supports moderate rebels in Syria, it has refused to explain exactly which fighting groups it considers “moderate.” In fact it is known that the weapons sent to “moderates” in Syria often end up in the hands of the radicals. This five billion dollars – stolen from US taxpayers and borrowed from China – will guarantee a prolongation of the war in Syria.

There is much to disappoint in Obama’s big foreign policy speech. It represents a continuation of the policy of “do what we say and we will subsidize you, disobey us and we will bomb you.” That approach is a failure, but the neocons who back it show no sign of falling out of favor.

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Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
June 11, 2014 3:16 pm

None of this requires decades of experience in geo-politics. A modicum of common sense will do.

Simply put, mind our own business. Steer clear of foreign interventions. End the wars, close the bases, and bring the troops home.

June 11, 2014 4:53 pm

But Steve, Ron Pauls thinking was considered crazy by everyone.

June 11, 2014 4:56 pm

Listening to Ketchup Kerry is much like listening to the queen and her kitchen cabinet in Alice in Wonderland. Things are also going wonderfully well in Iraq for our allies in Bagdad, what a cluster fuck the U.S. has created. The mindless misery the U.S. has created in the M.E. is actually crimes against humanity. We are doomed.

June 11, 2014 6:11 pm

Now that Obama, Kerry, and Hillary have changed sides and are openly supporting Al Qaeda, things are going to get very interesting. Mosul is just a first step. The blood thirsty kooks are going to light the Middle East on fire, from Libya to Afghanistan, with the full support and funding of Obama and the criminals in Washington. Too late to try Obama, Hillary, and Ketchup boy for treason, the cat’s out of the bag, Pandora’s box is open. It’s going to be a helluva show, and gas prices are going to the moon.