As I was reading this comment from Hardscrabble Farmer on the Lazy Teenager thread it struck me. His comments remind me of reading Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath. They are so visual and plain spoken and wise. I’m looking forward to meeting our resident John Steinbeck later this week for a beer when he is in Philly on business. I can tell him how exhausted I am from working on that excel spreadsheet all day. 🙂


The past couple of days we have been making hay while the Sun shines, literally. There are several acres of hillsides too steep to mow with the sickle bar cutter, so my 17 year old son and I cut them with scythes and then rake the cut grass into windrows where it dries. These have to be flipped at least three times before we pick them up and make haycocks for the cattle. Scything is about 70% cutting and 30% honing and peening the blade so it involves extreme physicality and focused precision work with hammer, anvil and whetstone. Add to it the delicate rake work of tossing the cut grass into windrows on slopes that pitch like a 7:12 roofline and you start to get the picture.

Of all the things that we do it is the most physically draining, the most demanding in terms of straight through work- from just after the dew dries in the morning until we finally break for supper at 8:30 or so. We talk to one another off and on about books, about history, about family about his future. He is leaving in a week to backpack his way through Europe, from Barcelona to Geneva and we will miss him, but until then he works beside me harder than 90% of most adult males in our culture.

The group he is going with are predominantly the sons and daughters of the well to do. Jokingly I told him that when they sit around the alpine huts in the evening watching the last light fade from the snow covered slopes of Mont Blanc and they are gossiping about their early admission to Yale or Harvard he tell them about how he paid his way on the trip by felling oaks and then splitting them into fence rails, or digging a well by hand, or scything the steep hillsides of his family farm to make hay for his flocks and herds for the Winter ahead.

“You know they won’t believe it.” he says.

“But you’ll know it’s true.” I reply.

And this is followed by the soft snicking sound of blade against stem, in cadence, for quite some time.

The fact that so many have surrendered their lives to indolence and sloth says a great deal about the culture we inhabit. That their children follow in their footsteps is to be expected because that is the example that they set and it is all that they will likely ever know. It is not an excuse, however for those who understand their responsibility as parents, who believe in a better future for their own children, who plan further ahead than their next EBT transfer from Uncle Sugar.

After we had finished last night we took a walk into the south pasture where the cattle were grazing and studied the grasses, talked about the nitrogen benefits of the various clovers and vetches, and about his plans for building a couple of hobbity cottages along the bouldered hillsides where the stately maples grew in profusion. He sees the farm as a destination for moneyed urban types with an itch to visit the countryside for a long weekend, where they can wake up in the morning to the sound of ewes bleating to their lambs, and eat fresh eggs with yolks the color of tangerines. I listen to him talk about his love for this piece of property, about the light falling in the forest never penetrates deep enough to shake off the blue darkness inside, and even after his day how much he enjoys working beside me.

Next week when he boards his flight, by himself with nothing but his backpack and the clothes he is wearing, I will be watching him go with a small degree of sadness, but with such a deep well of pride in him that it will temper anything else. He is confident well beyond his years, bright and funny and completely fearless of the future unlike so many of his contemporaries, and he has earned his trip from the sweat of his brow, something that means more to him than he understands right now. But one day he will and it will be a foundation upon which he will build his own future.

I feel bad for the teenagers that miss this, but my son is not one of them, and he makes his parents very proud.

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June 22, 2014 10:36 pm

IS – damn, sorry ’bout that. I do not know where/how I came to think that too. Here is my mental image of you before the new info:

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And here is my current image:

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June 22, 2014 10:38 pm

Fucking wordpress! Try again:

Previous mental image of IS:

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June 22, 2014 10:44 pm

IS – billy has some seriously ugly family.

Here is a photo of his mom/sister/daughter/niece/grandma.

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June 22, 2014 11:00 pm

Whatever you say, Chief Blanket Ass..

Hey, as long as you want to fuck with me and my family, let’s have some fun…. Lookie what I found…

Portrait of Llpoh’s grandpa..

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Llpoh’s uncle Buffalo Queef’s favorite hobby..

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Llpoh’s dad, hard at work and setting a good example..

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Aaaand, the last time Llpoh’s family tried for a sober family reunion, back in 1890… oops… bad choice of timing.


June 22, 2014 11:03 pm

Miss another payment, we’re taking the blanket…

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June 22, 2014 11:03 pm

Billy says:
“Go on then, dogpile with the rest of them.”

When in Rome…….

“Nice character assassination”

No character assasination attempted. That was exactly how I interpreted it at the time. Since I already knew llpoh was an Indian I was very tempted to bait you into a racist attack on Indians during our dust up before you found out but I passed on the opportunity.

June 22, 2014 11:11 pm

Rome 2000 years ago.

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Indian reservation full of proud Indians, day before yesterday…

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June 22, 2014 11:15 pm

Billy – don’t you need to go beat your wife/sister/aunt? Or maybe peddle her ass down at the holler for two bits? Lessen of course she is too busy giving it away to the local black studs, two by two.

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June 22, 2014 11:20 pm


You give yourself way too much credit.

I’ve known that Llpoh was an Indian for a very long time. I usually leave him alone if he leaves me alone. I actually like and respect the guy. And as a rule I generally leave Indians alone. This marks the first time on TBP that I’ve used a slur like “Blanket Ass” against Indians. YOU didn’t goad me into it. Llpoh did by being a dick.

He says it’s because I brought his name up, but, I didn’t – El Kabong opened that bag of worms first and I told him as much. He slobbed all over Llpoh’s knob and I called him on it. Llpoh didn’t much like that, but I didn’t open the door.. and he decided to fuck with me and my family. I’ve always said that family is off limits, and I’m pretty sure I’ve kept my word regarding that. But now Llpoh has gone after my family. So, anything is on the table at this point… even showing the Wounded Knee massacre and saying it was Llpoh’s last sober family reunion… he fucking started in on my family. So, I’m just playing the game.

I can do this all night. I’m willing to bet there’s way more gruesome photos of dead Indians than inbred white folks on the Internet…

June 22, 2014 11:24 pm

Billy – you sorry piece of shit. You found it necessary to mention me in a none too flattering way, and seem surprise that I would respond. You are generally not worth my time, but you could not help yourself, and you just had to fuck with me. You are naturally stupid, and time and again it shows. You rant real good at times, but in the end you are just a low-life with the IQ of an earthworm.

I am just getting started with you, you inbred mongoloid.

June 22, 2014 11:29 pm



Fucking BRING IT, ya red assed Spruce Monkey.. I ain’t fucking afraid of you.

June 22, 2014 11:31 pm

Hey Llpoh,

You think this hurt when your Uncle Buffalo Cunt got shot? It looks like it hurt like hell.. that shit stings.

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June 22, 2014 11:35 pm

Billy – in your best day you are still an idiot. It was you who put me in a bad light. Blaming it on Coyote is not going to fly. You dropped my name and tough titty for you.

I will have you foaming at the mouth shortly.

Just wondering, any of your kids have curly hair?

June 22, 2014 11:42 pm

Hey Billy – how did going to war work out for you? You never won a war, but at least you get to keep collecting from Uncle Sam.

You hillbillies just love that government draw, now don’tcha? Yassir, that government money sure is sweet.

June 22, 2014 11:46 pm


All’s I see you doing is running your fucking mouth. Either put up or shut up. You posted some pics of some dumb looking whites, but that’s it…

If that’s the best you got, well, no wonder we damn near wiped you alcoholic fucks off the face of the earth…

June 22, 2014 11:49 pm

Persepolis today. It looks better than Rome, doesnt’ it.


June 22, 2014 11:50 pm

When Billy came home from tour to this, you would have thought he would have had a few questions:


June 22, 2014 11:52 pm

Hey Gas Huffer… found your dad.

Here he is giving his famous speech “How To Be A Miserable Race of Pathetic Failures and Drunks”.. followed by “How to make illegal hooch on the Res and get more free shit”.

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June 22, 2014 11:52 pm

Billy, I was talking about when you first started posting here, before you had met llpoh the first time. I think it was your first racist rant here on TBP and I gave serious thought to baiting you into it but ultimately passed.

I’d make the exact opposite bet regarding gruesome death photos.

June 22, 2014 11:53 pm

Billy got his ass kicked by a bunch of backwards ragheads, and boasts about wiping out the Injuns. Too fucking funny.

June 22, 2014 11:56 pm

llpoh, I meant to say yes, I’m in Alaska…..expecting winter any day now!

June 22, 2014 11:57 pm


Found your yearbook photo. I guess you were voted “Most likely to sit with your hand out, begging money”…

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June 23, 2014 12:01 am

Hey IS… here’s the cleanup after Llpoh’s last sober family reunion…

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A reverse angle shot… that must have been some bender!

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June 23, 2014 12:01 am

IS – glad to see Billy has now included Indians amongst those he hates. I would really not want to be left out.

It is not quite as much fun getting him frothed up as I thought it would be. He lacks subtlety in his response. He is really just a neanderthal – Billy see, Billy hate, Billy kill. It is kinda like poking a caged bear – you know what the response will be, and so it is not really very entertaining. All this time I have been thinking Billy was inbred, but I now am wondering if he is just sub-humanoid.

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a cruel accountant
a cruel accountant
June 23, 2014 12:02 am

So little time so much of it wasted on dead authors.

June 23, 2014 12:03 am

Ah shit… try again.

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June 23, 2014 12:05 am

Hey Billy – you are a parasite, and rely on good old Uncle Sam for your food (yeah, keep telling us how you are disabled, but still manage to work your farm. That is always good for a laugh). Seems to me begging is a step above that. But that is just me.

June 23, 2014 12:06 am

DAMMIT!!! Why is that not posting? Ah hell..

No idea why it’s not going… but here’s another shot of Llpoh’s uncle Buffalo Cunt.. a wider view. Damn, that’s a lot of dead fucking Indians!

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June 23, 2014 12:10 am

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June 23, 2014 12:11 am

Don’t drag me into it Billy. I get along with anybody who pulls their weight regardless of race.

June 23, 2014 12:13 am


That’s fucking rich! I draw a pension because of injuries suffered on active duty, and the fucking Hatchet Packers soak the government for multiples of millions of dollars – many orders of magnitude more than little old me… land and stipends, etc, etc, and somehow I’M the “parasite”.

Tell me there, Redcorn, tell me about how you didn’t get preferential treatment for the loan to start up your business because you got your Bonafied Injun Card… go on, Squanto, tell me a story about how you didn’t play the über-minority card…

Fucking hypocritical alky piece of shit..

June 23, 2014 12:15 am

Hey wagon burner… see anyone you know? Relative perhaps?

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June 23, 2014 12:29 am

Poor old Billy. runs a farm but too sick to work. Yep, that’s believable. “I am a war hero! Really! I was wounded.” If so, which is highly unlikely, it was probably in his ass while running away.

Hahahahahaha! Billy is milking that hangnail for all it is worth.

Billy the hillbilly – from a long, long, LONG line of welfare cheats. It is in his blood. He wouldn’t know how to make an honest dollar, so lets milk that government disability for the next few decades.

Billy is at the front in this pic:

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June 23, 2014 12:31 am

Wonder why they ever had to post a sign like this…

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Or this sign…

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A future Rhodes Scholar, I’m sure…

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June 23, 2014 12:43 am

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June 23, 2014 12:55 am


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Fucking Llpoh in this thread… “COME AT ME BRO!”

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June 23, 2014 12:57 am

While on vacation a few weeks ago I came across an interesting tidbit. It seems that whenever the Army fought Indians and lost it was called a “battle” and whenever the won they called in a massacre. Much of what happens in a fight comes down to mindset.

At the battle of White Bird Canyon, 70 or so Nez Perce warriors destroyed a force of 130 including 106 regular Army soldiers. White boys were probably stunned by the sheer beauty of the battlefield! It would be a stunning place to see your last.

June 23, 2014 12:57 am
June 23, 2014 1:02 am

Billy – you do not get it. I know the plight of Indians. I agree with that depiction, largely. The Indians of the US are in a bad way, and I do not apologize for them. They have made the bed in which they sleep. And your photos of the dead Indians simply serve to emphasize who you are, not who I am. The atrocities are well documented.

But you do not know who you are. You laugh off being called a racist. But it is who and what you are. You are a parasite on the people who work. You claim to be disabled, but time and again boast of your ability to do hard work. You are capable of working, but choose to suck at the government teat instead.

You are not the answer, you are the problem. You have contributed nothing of value, and you will suck more out of the world than you will ever contribute. You and your family will be eaters forever.

You must be so proud.

June 23, 2014 1:08 am

Why Tonto! I had no idea you feather heads were such alky, raping pieces of shit!

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June 23, 2014 1:09 am

IS – it is generally accepted that no treaty was ever honored. I do not know that to be 100% true, but it is significantly true. Anyone who thinks that the US has a tradition of being morally superior is sadly mistaken.

It is likely that the US is as evil as any nation on earth. The atrocities that they show being done in Iraq is brutal, but it is no different than those innocents the US kills by drone and other means.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 23, 2014 1:13 am

Inbred Jed had to go get an immigrant gal as none of his cousins were available at the time, they being all preggers. Pappy told him he’d just have to go looking back in the old country. Then old inbred fixed up her whole family to come over on the shrimp boat. Plenty of room here for white illegal immigrants, says he. He learned his new bride good, too. She be hating Niggers just like Old Inbred hisself. Am I wrong, Hognuts?

June 23, 2014 1:18 am

T4C – you are welcome, for sure! Nice pics.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 23, 2014 1:20 am

Playing with shit for brains is tiresome, it will take him a while to dig up some offensive pics as he has no words to use beyond the basic cocksucker, faggot, although mexawhatever he wrote was creative, must have blown a mental circuit coming up with that one.

Somebody ring me up at home when this fucker posts a rejoinder? I can’t wait all night I have to go to work tomorrow. And only ring me up if it’s worth reading and not the same KKK drivel he is famous for.

June 23, 2014 1:20 am

IS – how could you not laugh when you see Coyote post something like the last post he made above. That is hilarious. “hognuts” – damn, that is funny.

Great work, Coyote. That was brilliant.

June 23, 2014 1:36 am

That’s why I see no point in racist bullshit. It’s just wasted energy. It will never go away and will be practiced by all races until the human plague comes to an end. I can’t beat it and refuse to join it.

June 23, 2014 1:48 am

After getting zero traction with pictures of stupid looking whites and slams at my military service, Big Chief Bloody Cunt Queef decides to try the “psychological” approach…

Okay, Chief, I’ll give you 5 minutes and play your little game. You want some background on me? You got it.

I think it’s fucking gut-busting funny that you “know the plight of the Indians” – implying they got handed a rasher of shit beyond their control and can do nothing to help themselves – and then turn around and say “I do not apologize for them”… well, which is it? Are they responsible for themselves or are they suffering from some “plight” as you put it? Can’t be both.

Just a little FYI, you fucking hypocritical alky freeloader (I KNOW you played the uber-minority card at some point to get an edge…) – I knew a guy who was literally gutted when a whole vest full of grenades went off in his face. Lost most of his left hand, too. Took 16 operations to paste him back together. He was “disabled”, but he worked every fucking day. Disabled does NOT mean completely paralyzed, bedridden, in a wheelchair, or that someone is just a fucking torso sitting there on the sidewalk, like YOU make it seem. You disingenuous lying sack of weasel shit.

I just underwent another operation to have the nerves in my back cut so that I can do such strenuous things as walk and bend over to pick up my shoes and shit without ending up on the fucking floor in the fetal position, writhing in agony. I’m at the point where they’re slicing me up to keep the signals from reaching my brain. They are OUT of options. And so am I.

I’m staring at the meds sitting in front of me – the same meds that keep me alive – the ONLY reason I am currently alive – that I still have to take today. Leukemia. Caused by depleted uranium. When I DO walk, I walk with a hitch in my step because my right tibia did a pretty good impression of a jigsaw puzzle…. But I’m not gonna sit here and BAWW and bitch and fucking cry about it. I get up every morning and do what I gotta do. Life sucks. Life is pain. Lots of it. But I’m not gonna lay around eating fucking Cheetos and Ho Ho’s and watch bad daytime TV and do fucking NOTHING with the rest of my life, you disingenuous puss filled anal growth..

I’m gonna at least fucking TRY to get up and do something – anything. Because it’s all I got.

Fuck you Llpoh. I’m not foaming at the mouth or anything. It is what it is. No more, no less. And I ain’t no “hero” as you say I claim, you lying bitch. I’ve said it before on TBP and I say it now because it bears repeating. I ain’t no hero. A hero is generally someone who gets a lot of other people killed.

I posted those horrifying pictures to fuck with you. I don’t “hate” Indians. I don’t even hate YOU. You did, however, breach the one rule I got – don’t fuck with family. You can come after me all you want. Been called way worse by way better than you. But family is off limits. You went beyond that. So, I went looking for every horrifying picture I could find of dead indians, for the sole purpose of fucking with you… and given your general lack of responses that “would get me foaming at the mouth”, it worked. I ain’t foaming or angry or anything… just sitting here watching History channel and debating if I should have one last smoke before bed…

Now, are we done shit-flinging?

June 23, 2014 2:15 am

Oh, I see T4C had to post some pics of attractive Indian females… all both of them.

Stay out of this if you know what’s good for you..

June 23, 2014 2:27 am

Glad I had to go to Phoenix today. Nasty thread.

@ Admin

I think we need another drug article so folks here can go after their favorite punching bag, me. I hear tell Pope Francis has SOUNDLY ENDORSED MY POSITION ON DRUGS, ie. he does NOT favor legalization efforts such as those laws passed in Colorado, Washington, and Uruguay.


And the best part. Just remember that the next time you start fucking with me, you’re also fucking with the Pope. Stick that in your pope (heh) and smoke it.

June 23, 2014 6:52 am

“Great stuff from a Lefty! Thanks.”
——— StuckInNJ (me) describing Steinbeck in the “Grapes of Wrath – 2011” thread

I guess I’m pretty lucky Admin didn’t jump all over my ass for that!! Lol

There are shit-fests that are fun. A shit-flinger tosses a colorful metaphor at their opponent, and you say to yourself “Ohhh, that was a good one!”, vote thumbs up, and smile at such creativity. This shit-fest thread isn’t like that. Too many deeply personal attacks from all sides. Nasty, nasty shit here.

What was the original article about? Oh, yeah, … lessons learned via life on Hardscrabble’s farm. He must be thrilled to death that it has gotten 114 comments. End, sarc.