Everyone knows that New Yorkers are miserable pricks. Half the country wanted Hurricane Sandy to wash the filthy, disgusting Sodom & Gomorrah off the face of the earth. I would have settled for seeing Bloomberg sucked down a sewer pipe and eaten by rats.

I’m unhappy that my city is in the middle of the pack. It seems PA has a lot of unhappy people. Who would want to live in Erie or Scranton, for Chrissakes?

How could Louisiana be the happiest place in America? Are these rubes too stupid to realize they are poor, ignorant and live in a shithole?

Checkout the chart to see your city’s happiness quotient.

New York City is the most unhappy city in America

July 18, 2014, 12:23 PM ET


Cheer up, Big Apple residents — New York City is the most unhappy city in America.

That’s according to data coming from a working paper by Harvard professor Edward Glaeser, Vancouver School of Economics professor Joshua Gottlieb and Harvard doctoral student Oren Ziv. They used data collected in a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey called the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, and then adjusted it for age, sex, race, income and other factors. (Such adjustments are important — women, for instance, are happier than men; the married are happier than single or divorced respondents; and so on.)

In short, New Yorkers are unhappiest on an “adjusted” basis; but scoff at those adjustments as you like, they are still third-most-unhappy region (of the areas where there are at least 200 respondents) out of 177 metro areas on an unadjusted basis.

It’d be blithe to say those who work on Wall Street are scientifically miserable. But remember, money buys happiness. So, probably not.

The happiest five cities are all in Louisiana, with Lafayette taking the crown (Louisiana is also the happiest state). The unhappiest cities, after New York City, are St. Joseph, Miss.; South Bend, Ind.; Erie, Penn.; and the Evansville, Ind.-Henderson, Ky. area.

– Steve Goldstein


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July 18, 2014 1:13 pm

Except for the bugs, heat and humidity I’d absolutely love to live in Louisiana. There are so many good things to eat in the swamps and forests down there!

Overall I love where I live now except for being in a city. I’m well outside the race war front lines, water and energy are cheap and plentiful, weather is tolerable and the people are less objectionable than just about anyplace I’ve ever lived.

Being a nomadic military brat/spouse taught me that home is what you make of it.

July 18, 2014 1:16 pm

What I want to know is why are people in Lubbock so much happier than people in Abilene? They’re both West Texas shitholes.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 18, 2014 1:33 pm

Isn’t Abilene a dry town? Texas still had them blue laws where you coudn’t buy brew before noon on Sundays and you could buy it anytime in Abilene.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 18, 2014 1:39 pm

Eddie, your skirt is showing. You reminded me of an asshole (unlike you, cause your a nice person) from San Antonio who said, we ought to require passports for people to come to Texas. Another wag said West Texas ended at the Nueces.

July 18, 2014 1:41 pm

I’m not naming names but if you highly educated , ultra sophisticated urban behemoths would watch Swamp people or Duck Dynasty you would understand why people in Louisiana are so happy. It’s a Cajun thing ,you urbanites wouldn’t understand.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 18, 2014 1:42 pm

I meant “could NOT buy it anytime in Abilene”

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 18, 2014 1:49 pm

is it a Cajun thing to drive your pickem up truck into a river, bb?

July 18, 2014 2:01 pm

Crap! The ENTIRE state of New Jersey is vewy, vewy unhappy. But, I already knew that. How happy can one be when a fatfuk Obama-nut-sack-licker is your governor?

The Deep South seems to be the happiest. Is that because they’re too dumb to realize how miserable the USA!! is? Or, is Pure Bliss a result of redneck-ishness?

July 18, 2014 2:05 pm

The socialist State of Illinois is the most miserable fucking place to live. Surveys have proved it’s #1 worst state, so quit your bellyaching.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 18, 2014 3:17 pm

bb, I was born in Baton Rouge. It is called southern hospitality. Just don’t wander into some alley to take a whiz while on Bourbon street. I am a German Coon ass.

I will give you the shirt off my back, jump-off your dead battery, give you a ride, a meal, whatever.

Just don’t be an ass. That’s all it takes.

July 18, 2014 3:47 pm

(For Mr. Chen, my brother under the skin:)

This is a song by a Democrat I once voted for.

We don’t have no love in’s in el paso
We don’t go to porno picture shows
We don’t swap our wives with our neighbors
And we keep our kids away from mexico.

And I’m proud to be an asshole from el paso
A place where sweet young virgins are deflowered.
You walk down the street knee-deep in tacos
And the wetbacks still get twenty cents an hour.

We don’t wipe our asses on old glory,
God and lone star beer are things we trust.
We keep our women virgins till they’re married
So hosin’ sheep is good enough for us.

And I’m proud to be an asshole from el paso
A place where sweet young virgins are deflowered.
You walk down the street knee-deep in tacos
And the wetbacks still get twenty cents an hour.

I’m proud to be an asshole from el paso
A place where sweet young virgins are deflowered.
You walk down that street knee-deep in tacos
And the wetbacks still get twenty cents an hour

July 18, 2014 4:20 pm

And for Stucky

My candidate speaks out on racism:

Well, a redneck nerd in a bowling shirt was a-guzzlin’ lone star beer
Talking religion and-uh politics for all the world to hear.
they oughta send you back to russia, boy, or new york city one
You just want to doodle a christian girl and you killed god’s only son.

I said, has it occurred to you, you nerd, that that’s not very nice,
We jews believe it was santa claus that killed jesus christ.
you know, you don’t look jewish, he said, near as I could figger
I had you lamped for a slightly anemic, well-dressed country nigger.

No, they ain’t makin’ jews like jesus anymore,
They don’t turn the other cheek the way they done before.
He started in to shoutin’ and a-spittin’ on the floor,
lord, they ain’t makin’ jews like jesus anymore.

He says, i ain’t a racist but aristitle onassis is one greek we don’t need
And them niggers, jews and sigma nus, all they ever do is breed.
And wops n micks n slopes n spics n spooks are on my list
And there’s one little hebe from the heart of texas is there anyone I missed ?

Well, I hits him with everything I had right square between the eyes.
I says, i’m gonna gitcha, you son of a bitch ya, for spoutin’ that pack of lies.
If there’s one thing I can’t abide, it’s an ethnocentric racist;
Now you take back that thing you said bout aristitle onassis.

No, they ain’t makin’ jews like jesus anymore,
We don’t turn the other cheek the way we done before.
You could hear that honky holler as he hit that hardwood floor
lord, they sho’ ain’t makin’ jews like jesus anymore!
All right!

No, they ain’t makin’ jews like jesus anymore,
We don’t turn the other cheek the way they done before.
You hear that honky holler as he hit that hardwood floor
Lord, they ain’t makin’ jews like jesus anymore.

They ain’t makin’ jews like jesus anymore,
They ain’t makin’ carpenters who know what nails are for.
Well, the whole damn place was singin’ as I strolled right out the door
lord, they ain’t makin’ jews like jesus anymore!

No, we ain’t makin’ jews like jesus anymore,
We don’t turn the other cheek the way they done before.
Well, the whole damn place was singin’ as I strolled right out the door
lord, they ain’t makin’ jews like jesus anymore!

July 18, 2014 4:24 pm

Hey! Bits of Kentucky made the list!

Anyone caring for an interpretation of those places listed…

1. Clarksville-Hopkinsville, TN-KY MSA 0.006668

One answer: Fort Campbell. Military bases, especially major ones like Fort Campbell, earn a bad reputation. Mostly because they’re filled with young-ish assholes from all over the country who usually hate wherever they’re stationed and like to get very, very drunk very, very often…

Surrounding most major military installations (stateside anyways) is the usual shit – Lots of traffic, check cashing places, hair-did places, pawn shops, “Da Club”, cheap fast food shitholes, massage parlors, couple of places that are serious about selling gear (like Ranger Ricks, etc), low rent housing, the usual cast of characters that are always drawn to major military installations7 – small time drug dealers, hookers, scumbags, criminals, Gate Dates, asshole cops, dependents and their half-breed mutt kids…

The locals come to despise the soldiers because they’re drunk assholes, and the soldiers, thinking the locals are backwards rubes, return the favor. Unless that soldier is a genuine local. Then he gets a pass. There’s only about 30,000 folks in Hopkinsville – which means those folks must be genuinely unhappy. If you took Ft. Campbell out of the mix, they’d be just fine.

2. Owensboro, KY MSA -0.01523

Little river town. Used to be a genuine port. Don’t know why they’re on the list. I grew up in a little river town just like it, and I loved it. Place was voted best place in KY to raise your kids a few years ago. Largely homogenous population, low crime, they’re like 100 miles from that shithole Louisville, so no fallout from them, low cost of living, etc…

Unless that stupid “best place to raise your kids” thing motivated a shitload of freeloading assholes to migrate there… kind of like what the Californians did to Seattle. Seattle rocked back in the late 80’s… then some dick wrote that Seattle was the best place to live in the US. OVERNIGHT something like a million California assholes moved there and destroyed the city… could be the same thing happened on a smaller scale to Owensboro… don’t know. Been through there once or twice. Nice little town.

3. Lexington, KY MSA -0.01672

For a city, it’s pretty puny. Run by a bunch of corrupt Democrat assholes. They tried their little nazi bullshit a couple years ago. “No smoking in all bars and/or restaurants in the City of Lexington.” Nobody bothered to find out that the guy who owned all the Applebee’s Restaurants in the area was losing business because it’s all No Smoking. Did I mention he was also the Assistant Mayor? Yeah. You can fill in the rest, and you’d be right. The city lost revenue because of all the folks who said “fuck that shit” and stayed home or went elsewhere. So, to make up the difference, City Council jacked up taxes on property owners. I wouldn’t own a house in the city limits, even if you bought it for me.

UK is also there, made up of about half Kentuckians, half out of stater’s. Not much to do in Lexington, so of course the out of stater’s will be unhappy. Also, we’ve been getting some carpetbaggers in from Up Nawth – fuckers come down here to buy up land and/or escape their Liberal Utopias- tax refugees… then they try to change Lexington into the same shit they just fled, all the while badmouthing the locals. So, of course there’s folks unhappy… whole north side of the city is nothing but low rent housing, free shitters, illegals, negroes, etc… and like any city, it attracts gangs. Up until a few years ago, we didn’t have any. Now we got Latin Kings, MS 13, etc.. shootings being reported on LEX18 news is a nightly thing…

Needless to say, I don’t much like going to Lexington. It has very nice areas, but traffic blows and I hate traffic, sooo… matter of fact, there’s one intersection on the south side of the city that is such a monumental cluster fuck, it’s a miracle nobody has been killed since they redesigned it and make it a cluster fuck on purpose… I should post pictures… y’all will be like “Whoa, hey.. what da fuck?”

4. Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN PMSA -0.04627

Needs no introduction. Crime infested rathole. Large negro and gang populations pretty much took over after a string of Demofuck mayors and Shitty Councils destroyed the downtown area. “Over the Rhine”, once inhabited by the city’s large German population – they built huge, rambling, gorgeous Victorian homes – now all but a memory, and only the bravest go into Over the Rhine to see the shabby, ruined glory of those old homes…

Of course, the fallout from Shitcinatti lands in Northern Kentucky… they’ve jacked up the taxes on booze and smokes in Shitcinatti, so all the smokers and boozers come over to Kentucky to save money and load up. Of course, they bring their crime and shit with them. Northern Kentucky, especially Newport, has really upgraded since their former gangster days – but it has come at a price. Normally small, sleepy northern Kentucky towns are being overrun with assholes buying up property, and the traffic has increased to intolerable levels…

So, no wonder they’re unhappy.

5. Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH MSA -0.0507

Only thing in Ashland is Ashland Oil. That’s pretty much it. Been through there maybe once. Middle of nowhere. Got little to no information as to why the denizens of Ashland would be unhappy.

6. Louisville, KY-IN MSA -0.05436

Anyone who has watched First 48 knows Louisville. Crime infested shithole. Everyone hates Louisville. Even the people who live in Louisville, hate Louisville. I would be completely happy if a gigantic meteorite slammed into Louisville and blasted it off the face of the Earth.

7. Evansville-Henderson, IN-KY MSA -0.09715

Interestingly enough, Henderson Kentucky is only a stone’s throw from fellow butthurt city Owensboro… they are literally neighbors – only about 15 miles apart. However, I also notice that Evansville is just across the river and connected to both cities.

I’m thinking there’s some fallout from Evansville that is affecting both cities. Maybe Evansville is a shithole and both Henderson and Owensboro hate living next to a bunch of fucktards? Since I never get over that way, I can only speculate…

Or, it could be totally unrelated – maybe both areas have been swarmed with illegal border jumping parasites because of the Ag industry? One of these days, I’m gonna have to go find out…

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
July 18, 2014 5:09 pm

Kill Bill,

You said it! Amen.

And there is very very southern hospitality in New Zealand!

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 18, 2014 5:40 pm

I don’t know If I will ever get the chance, Didius, to visit NZ, but if you ever get to Texas, you are a welcome visitor and I, your host. Except those dayum Californians. Alpha minded personages.

July 18, 2014 6:52 pm

I’m Unhappy…..was he the dwarf that didn’t get to tap Snow White ?

July 18, 2014 8:04 pm

Nice to see the county I live in is nice and blue, about that, it is total white bread, and everyone is armed to the hilt, in other words “CIVILization”

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 18, 2014 9:48 pm

Monger, did you get off the train in Willoughby?

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
July 19, 2014 4:22 am

Thanks Kill Bill,

Likewise if you come to NZ, you are welcome to stay with us. When we first came over here on a vacation a family we did not even know (only knew them via an Chris Martenson’s site) invited us to stay with them and we did when we were in the Wellington area (where we now live). Kiwi’s are a very hospitable bunch of people. 🙂

July 19, 2014 4:30 am

Hey Billy,

Your obervations line up with my experience of those places. I will say that, having lived in Louisville for 21 years, it can be a nice life. OTOH, it is full of S***holes and you are not fully safe walking around downtown (and markedly less so in many areas not far from there). It’s also full of insane people who only vote one way. Quite a contrast to New Zealand. The worst place in the Wellington area (Cannon’s Creek, Poirura) looks like heaven in comparison to the bad areas of Louisvlle and I would not feel in danger walking around there during the day and a lot less nervous at night than in most of the less desirable areas of Louisille during the day.

July 19, 2014 4:45 am

I keep hearing about MS 13. Nuthin’ compared to MS Win 8.

July 19, 2014 7:34 am

Take a look at that “happy” stripe running down the entire eastern Arizona border. It is, from north to south ……

A Navajo reservation.

Mormon country.

Rancher territory.

Lesson there, anyone?

July 19, 2014 8:53 am

and the most unhappiest is…survey says.

42 years old
Unmarried (and no children)
Household income under $100,000
In a professional position (doctor, lawyer, etc.)

In a press release, the company reported that its survey of 670 North American white-collar workers found men to be “consistently happier than women”—both in and out of the office. The results also revealed that men are nearly twice as likely to report feeling balance in their work and personal lives. Men are more likely than women to take breaks during the day for personal activities; in fact, they’re much more likely to take breaks simply to relax.


[imgcomment image[/img]

July 19, 2014 8:59 am

Anon @ 4:30

It’s probably gone downhill even further since you’ve left and moved to Middle Earth. If you’ve never seen the show First 48, I can only describe it as “Dead Nigger Theater”. I usually watch it mostly for laughs, and to see what depraved bullshit they’ve done this time. Louisville figures prominently in that show, replete with all the cliches: Mammy on the verge of hysterics. Candlelight vigils for the deceased. Tacky white t-shirts emblazoned with the deceased’s image – worn at the FUNERAL. Funerals that resemble a school of tropical fish, only with organ music.

The Shitty Council of Louisville crabbed to the makers of First 48. They were worried that the show was giving Louisville “a bad reputation”… the response? “That ship sailed a long time ago.”

High crime? Savage murdering fucktards? Bunch of dipshits that all vote Demotard, all the time? Chock full O’ Neegrows? I’m seeing a pattern…

The only reason I would ever go to Louisville is the baseball bat factory. That’s cool. And the glassmakers shop nearby. That’s also cool. Other than that, I got no use for the whole city.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
July 19, 2014 2:46 pm

Hi Billy,

You, probably figured that anon up there was me, Didius (I am spelling it out here in case it does not show up again)!

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
July 19, 2014 2:50 pm

Billy, Never saw “First 48”, I will try to see if I can find it somewhere down here to watch one or two. Yes, the bat and glass factories are nice. As far as the architecture, In like some of the old neighborhoods (I used to live in the Highlands area near Bardstown Road). Sad to say, not much else. It seems more and more stuf is coming out regarding high levels of corruption at UofL too. 🙁

Oh well…