It’s not really for the chilruns.

After 41 years as the nation’s top education lawyer, Chanin closes his last Representative Assembly as general counsel with a stirring address to more than 8,000 delegates

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August 30, 2014 10:15 am

Simply stunning. It is amazing that not only did he say what he said, but instead of sitting there in stunned silence these morons cheered him like he was their god. The cupidity of the public unions has no moral standing, but of course we all knew that.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
August 30, 2014 10:36 am

That’s fucked up. What’s worse is the audience’s response.

Me thinks one day God is going to give us what we have coming to us.


August 30, 2014 10:43 am

It least that cockroach was honest.

MSM, then lawyers …. double tap.

Seeking Monsters
Seeking Monsters
August 30, 2014 11:25 am

The stated goal of NEA’s work is encapsulated in its vision: “building great public schools for every student.”

Oh such equestrian plop. The goal is to enrich shyster lawyers

Seeking Monsters
Seeking Monsters
August 30, 2014 11:34 am

NEA holds a charter


Under Patriotic and National Organizations.

Chapter 1511

Of course this lispy lawyer has pretty much just announced what a crooked POS the NEA is.

harry p.
harry p.
August 30, 2014 3:55 pm

“Double tap”, always a professional way to deal with those undesirables. I prefer calling it pew-pew.

August 30, 2014 6:23 pm

Un-fucking-believable. We always knew this was the case, but I never figured they would brag about. Or cheer it on. We suck, yes we do!! Standing O, baby!

August 30, 2014 9:17 pm

Horse’s, with an apostrophe. Kindly insert. Thank yeeeeew.

August 30, 2014 9:31 pm

“Everything’s a business model” George Ure

August 30, 2014 11:35 pm

I shared this on my FB page, along with the link to Zerohedge’s repost of how the Philly Teacher’s Union Loots the School, adding my own comment about how corrupt I believe unions to be.* An old boss of mine, who retired from the Air Force and became a schoolteacher in rural Minnesota, objected to my remarks.. His final exclamation pointed remark was “It is the teacher’s union only goal: money for teachers first! Only well paid teachers can educate our children.”

I’m shocked and saddened that my former boss has been converted. It is the union way.

*While working as a tech writer for a military-industrial complex corporate giant that makes big airplanes too, I was the union steward just because the guy I replaced had been the union steward. At the time, Oklahoma was NOT a right to work state, so to work for that contract, I had to join the union. It just kind of happened that I said okay to being the steward. Being the curious type, I actually researched and read the laws. That was my first mistake. When management threatened an unpopular employee with termination for failure to finish a project on time after he’d been in the hospital recovering from a heart attack and bypass for three weeks, I filed a grievance against them and stood my ground. That was mistake number two. When management accused me of being insubordinate, I visited the nearest NLRB office and filed charges. When my union boss called me at home that night to tell me that management was going to suspend me for insubordination, I told him I expected that, which was why was filing charges with the NLRB. His outburst of “YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” told me all I needed to know. And my reply of “Well, that’s weird because I already did.” I received a letter from the IAM telling me that they would not support me in the charges I’d filed concerning my suspension. I replied that I tried to file charges against the union as well, but that would have required a majority of the stewards of the local to sign on as well. I knew that would not happen, since I knew I was the only one that had even read the laws. Anyway, the NLRB found in my favor and the company had to pay me for the two week suspension. I did return to that workplace long enough to find another position with a non-union contract and since it was months before the NLRB released its findings, it had little impact on the contract. Except that it taught every one of the 90 some-odd people who worked in that union shop to NEVER stand up for themselves or anyone else again. Unions are evil… they create mediocre workers and remove their spines for 4% raises every year. Then, when they’ve priced their wages beyond any company’s ability to make a profit, they close their shop and search for new prey.

August 31, 2014 9:07 am

The children are just the lubicant that greases the gears of NEA.