Kentucky Man Arrested For “Terroristic Threatening” After Posting Song Lyrics To Facebook

Submitted by Michael Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

It seems as if the never-ending stream of American plebs being arrested for the most innocuous activities, things that were seen as completely normal just a few years ago, is continuing its irrational march forward toward peak nanny-statism, at which point everything will be criminalized.

This disturbing trend has been a key topic for Liberty Blitzkrieg in 2014. Here are the three most recent absurd cases from July and August alone:

South Carolina Woman Arrested for Cursing in Front of Her Kids

The “Nanny States of America” – Mother Arrested for Allowing 7-Year-Old Son Walk to Park Alone

Connecticut Man Arrested for “Passive Aggressive” Behavior to a Watermelon

The latest incident involves a Kentucky man, 31-year-old James Evans, who was arrested and spent eight nights in jail for posting song lyrics to Facebook. No, this is not a joke. Local station 14News reported that:

Family members say Evans posted the following on Facebook on August 24:


“Student bodies lying dead in the halls, a blood splattered treatise of hate. Class dismissed is my hypothesis, gun fire ends in debate.”


The family says it’s lyrics from the song “Class Dismissed” by the band Exodus.


Mike Drake, the Muhlenberg County school resource officer, says multiple agencies received calls concerned about the post.


So Evans was arrested for terroristic threatening.


The warrant says Evans was arrested because, “he threatened to kill students and or staff at school.”


“Whenever we found out that he actually got arrested for lyrics, we were all shocked,” said Ashelynn. “We couldn’t believe that you could do that or get in trouble for that. I don’t personally agree with the band or the music but I agree that you should have the choice to listen to it if you want to.”

Maybe I’m missing something here, but how is posting lyrics equal threatening to “kill students and or staff at school.” Also, notice how the word “terrorist” is thrown into the charge. As I have said for years, the entire sham “war on terror” will be used to justify putting regular citizens in jail for pretty much anything.

Think eight nights in jail is more than sufficient for this non-crime? Think again. It appears Mr. Evans will be forced to undergo a mental evaluation.

While the lyrics in question certainly don’t leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling, they pale in comparison to the lyrics I recall listening to growing up and which my classmates recited endlessly. After all, isn’t this supposed to be America. Aren’t we supposed to have a right to offend?

The band Exodus, which composed the song agrees. We learn from Consequence of Sound that:

In response to the incident, Exodus’ manager released a statement, explaining that while the “band does not promote or condone terrorists, threats or bullying,” they are “somewhat baffled by the fact that this man being charged for what seems against his first amendment rights of Freedom Of Speech.”


In a separate statement, guitarist Gary Holt explained that the song “was written as a view through the eyes of a madman and in no way endorses that kind of fucked up behavior. It was the Virginia Tech massacre perpetrated by Seung-Hui Cho that was the subject and inspiration to write the song, one in which we put the brakes on playing it live after the Sandy Hook shooting, as we did not want to seem insensitive.”


Holt added, “As some of us in Exodus are parents, of course these things hit close to home; it’s every parent’s worst fear. These moments are the stuff of nightmares, and life, as well as music, isn’t always pretty. But when we start to overreact to things like lyrics by any band, including Exodus, and start arresting people, we are caving in to paranoia and are well on our way to becoming an Orwellian society.”

Good thing the terrorists didn’t win or anything…

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September 9, 2014 7:55 am

Citizens should not be permitted to lock onto government sponsored social networks sites like Facebook until ideology has been properly vetted and they have been willingly chipped..Nonconformity should not be tolerated ….at any expense.

Is there a microchip implant in your future?
Possible uses in the future

Implants are normally useful only at short ranges – as you walk through a portal or close to a transponder. So using chip implants to track people would require an infrastructure of transponders scattered around a city that read their identity in public buildings and street corners, Lipoff said.

But consider the possibilities: People could unlock their homes or cars, gain access to a building, pass through an airport and even unlock their laptops without using a phone or watch. A pin code could be used to activate the chip – or to deactivate it to maintain privacy.

They are easy to install and remove, and, because they are implanted under the skin, they are unobtrusive. The chips, which could be the size of a thumbnail, could be injected into an arm or a hand.

If children were chipped, teachers could take attendance in the classroom. Lipoff said that GPS would not work because skin would block the signal, although new Near Field Communication chips like those in current smartphones could work because of their low-power requirement. However, no-one has yet tried to implant NFC chips.

Police could track cars and read data without needing to scan license plates. At a hospital, administrators could locate a doctor without having to rely on a pager. And if you walked into a donut shop, the owner could read your taste preferences (glazed or not glazed) without needing a loyalty card.

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
Revelation 13:16-17

September 9, 2014 8:19 am

Sure, he posted lyrics from someone else ….. BUT, the “authorities” read it as if if was HIS OWN.

Listen, I HATE these fascist authoritarian copfuks, school administration-fuks, and other such assorted fuks.

But, let Common Sense prevail. Posting about shooting kids in school …. in this day and age?? …. that ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

September 9, 2014 9:18 am

flash, once again with the vacuous vapid copy and paste posting. It’s nice to know some things never change. I don’t know who posts content with less substance, flash or peter pan, aka, zara. Flash certainly posts the most copy and paste lacking in substance content, with zara a close second. Since they equally lack in substance, zero, i have to give flash the edge.

At least Stukky knows how to cuss. Flash, you’re a pussy.

September 9, 2014 9:31 am

1st amendment, 1st amendment? John

September 9, 2014 10:11 am

muhlenberg county, mr peaody’s coal train carried it away

September 9, 2014 10:38 am

The thought police are alive and well in modern ‘murika.

That we are not marching on the city and town halls, our state capitals, by now is beyond me.

I can’t even get more than downcast eyes and shrugged shoulders, if it saves one child you know.

Fucking sheep led by the corrupted and evil. Where the hell do you get off this ride?

September 9, 2014 10:40 am

And Flash, those chips are PROVEN to cause tumors. Add our “food” and mandated medicines and vaccinations, and I’m sure the future increases in some weird cancers will be totally unrelated.

Just like the unrelated occurrences of the increase in autism rates 100% corresponding to the increase in pregnant women. Which happened, if anyone cared to look.

The evil march of the corrupted with machines and technology of doom that I often doubt even God could envision.

Brings back one of my old teenage favorite sayings, “fuck me running”

Yep. Pass the lube.

September 9, 2014 11:16 am

How is this a threat? He didn’t threaten anyone. I hope he get’s a lawyer and sues the shit out of them.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
September 9, 2014 12:24 pm

Slam-dunk big-bucks lawsuit for “false arrest”. BC-LR to all

September 9, 2014 12:39 pm


Being stupid ain’t against the law… not even down here. That’s about all this dumbass is guilty of – being stupid.

Maddie's Mom
Maddie's Mom
September 9, 2014 12:44 pm


What could go wrong?!?

September 9, 2014 1:22 pm

Scenario 1: Teenager posts on social media he’s gonna kill all his classmates. Some time later, he does exactly that. Authorities find the messages. People are outraged that no one acted on the messages.

Scenario 2: Teenager posts sick-o lyrics about “Student bodies lying dead in the halls”. Authorities act on the message. People are outraged.

Pick One!!

September 9, 2014 2:01 pm


Speech is protected in These United States. Particularly, vile, ugly, hateful, unpopular speech. That’s what the IA is FOR – not just the stuff you agree with. I don’t like it any better than you do, but it is the law of the land. If it were up to me, I would have everything ever written by Alinsky, Marx, etc, burned and forbidden. But that would just lend them legitimacy that they didn’t have to begin with. You have to have unpopular, vulgar, vile speech so you can dismantle it and show everyone what a bunch of shit it is…

Arresting someone for posting song lyrics? Yeah, it was a sucky song, but it doesn’t change the fact that they’re SONG LYRICS.

Not saying dude isn’t a dumbass – he is a dumbass. But being a dumbass doesn’t rate being arrested, no matter how much we’d like it to. If said dumbass posted it as some sort of “message”, telegraphing what he intended to POSSIBLY do in the future, then I got no problem with the cops showing up and talking with him…

But we don’t arrest people in this country for posting song lyrics or posting an OPINION on something… it’s just one more step closer to a Grey State, Thought Police and the Snitch Nation…

And that “Pick one!” shit you put out? Dude, that’s just “You’re either with us, or against us”, just written differently. Didn’t accept that then. Don’t accept it now.

Here’s a view of the future, Stucky… keep on going down the road we’re on, and we’ll be there before you know it…

September 9, 2014 4:28 pm


Not all speech is protected … never has been.

When was it ever OK to yell “fire!” in a crowded theater?

Slander and libel laws have been on the books forever.

Threats of bodily harm or damage to property is not protected. Write a letter to your local FBI office and tell them you want to kill your Congressman. Just words! See what happens …

You are 100% wrong in saying my examples are ““You’re either with us, or against us”. The examples show the illogical thinking of some people, even here. When mass shootings occur what do we do? We criticize the copfuks for never being able to stop such a thing, showing up after the fact, being incompetent, etc. etc. And then when they ARE proactive regarding a murder threat, we yell “Gestapo!!”. My examples are meant to show you can’t have it both ways. Pick one, and stick with it.

The dumbfuk kid getting arrested was probably a step to far. One would like to think copfuks could do even a LITTLE investigation, and determine the kid was a harmless douchebag. But police don’t think. The arrest itself is of little consequence. It’s the PROSECUTOR who will decide this kid’s fate. Blame them. If the kid is unfortunate enough to have to deal with a prosecutor-fuk who wants to make a name for himself … justice and truth be damned …. then the kid is royally fucked.

September 9, 2014 7:25 pm

@Stuck, I don’t question that the kid should be talked to.

I question the arrest.

EVERYTHING has become an arrestable offense.

How is it that “crime” has gone down when crimes have EXPLODED?

One would think that in most of the cases sending out three or four officers to cop-knock on the door, read the kid the riot act about riling up the busybody old ladies and fearmongers, strongly suggest he take it down or face inciting a riot charges.

Back after the drunk driving and drug forfeiture laws really took off under Reagan, the cops started going from talking to a kid and putting the fear of god into him, to arresting him and ruining his adult life before society believes he is responsible enough to drink a beer.

I freaking hate this. Common sense and human nature used to show up more.

Now we are at “war” 100% of the time. A shame it is with ourselves.

September 9, 2014 7:33 pm

Question-Was it clear that the words dude posted were lyrics, i.e., “Hey, here are the lyrics to my favorite Exodus song: Student bodies…”, or just the words. Not saying it is right, but I’m not surprised folks got excited. You can shut a school down these days for less inflammatory facebook posting.

September 9, 2014 9:06 pm


I never said ALL speech is protected. You did, then made like I said that. I cited examples – the unpopular, the profane, the vile, the ugly – anywhere in that list you see “slander”?

“When was it ever OK to yell “fire!” in a crowded theater?”

When the fucking theater was on fire, duh… thought you would know that.

“Threats of bodily harm or damage to property is not protected. Write a letter to your local FBI office and tell them you want to kill your Congressman. Just words! See what happens …”

Dude… they were, for the first, last and only time – SONG LYRICS! Did he preclude the song lyrics with the statement “I’m going to do this next Tuesday”? No? Then your bed-wetting example doesn’t apply.

“You are 100% wrong in saying my examples are ““You’re either with us, or against us”.”

Sorry, I disagree. You said “Either A or B! Pick one!” Yeah, well, I find BOTH of the things you listed to suck balls, so I choose neither…

I don’t criticize the copfuks for not being able to STOP a shooting… anyone who thinks that copfuks, which are REACTIVE BY NATURE can somehow stop a future event from happening is a fucking idiot. Does douchey need a good talking to because he posted that stupid song lyrics? Yep. Arresting? Nope. A good lawyer will tear the ass out of that police department for that… and damn them for making me side with them, but the ACLU will smoke them like a cheap cigar.

“The arrest itself is of little consequence.”

Bullshit. Goes to the copfuks thinking they can do what they want, when they want to whomever they want with little to no justification… song lyrics? Throw his ass down a dark hole forever! I’m surprised they didn’t somehow work “TERR-RISTS!” in there somehow… oh wait, they DID! DIDN’T THEY!

And it’s not “a murder threat”, Stucky… it’s song lyrics. Creepy, yes. Illegal? No. And what are we doing here? Arresting and convicting people for what they MIGHT do? MAYBE? At some point in the murky future? Well, hell, Stuck… let’s just establish the Department of Pre-Crime and go around arresting people because they MIGHT do some shit years down the road… maybe…

September 9, 2014 9:29 pm

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September 9, 2014 10:07 pm


I simply don’t understand why you don’t understand that in this day and age … where students do in fact shoot up schools …. that when somebody posts about DEAD BODIES … even if it is “just lyrics” … that the authorities would take that VERY seriously.

Oh wait … you do understand … you just don’t like that the kid was arrested. Well, I already said above that that was too harsh. But we both know … that’s what copfuks do. They arrest people for major breaches such as; disobeying a lawful order, loitering, having a paper cutout that LOOKS like it might maybe be a gun, operating an illegal lemonade stand, etc., so we can hardly be surprised they arrested this stupid,very stupid, kid.

September 10, 2014 7:17 pm

Saw congress wants to make it illegal to own or purchase bullet proof vests in America! All one has to do is look at the stock market to know why.