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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 27, 2014 2:58 pm

That’s a tough one for libs – jail him for illegal discharge of an assault weapon or give him immediate citizenship + a handful of ballots and give all his kids a free college education? Hmmm…

September 27, 2014 4:45 pm

Moms Demand Action? WTF is that? You already had action. That’s how you are a mom.

September 28, 2014 7:49 am

rock that emoter vote!

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September 28, 2014 8:12 am

Whether anti-gun hysteric or not, I’ll bet Traci Johnson is especially thankful a man with a gun and the will to use it was present in the case below..
mo’ diversity , less guns ..Rock that womynz vote.

FBI investigating claims Oklahoma beheading suspect tried to convert co-workers to Islam Sgt. Jeremy Lewis says the alleged suspect, 30-year-old Alton Nolen had just been fired when he drove to the front of the business, hit a vehicle and walked inside.

He walked into the front office area where he met 54-year-old Colleen Hufford and began attacking her with a knife.

Sgt. Lewis confirms the type of knife used in the attack is the same kind used at the plant.

Lewis confirms that Hufford was stabbed several times and that Nolen “severed her head.”

At that point, Lewis claims Nolen met 43-year-old Traci Johnson and began attacking her with the same knife.

Officials say at that point, Mark Vaughan, an Oklahoma County reserve deputy and a former CEO of the business, shot him as he was actively stabbing Johnson..

September 28, 2014 8:35 am

rock the moron vote

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September 28, 2014 9:19 am

a ancient culture borne of strict morality administered by the sex defined responsibility of nurture and discipline i.e. a shared duty of parenthood , once broken will lead to irrevocable on it.

Nature, nurture and liberal values
There is a powerful reason to think that this is rooted in a deeper division of biological labour, selected in the harsh conditions that threatened our ancestors with extinction. For human beings manifest neoteny, the trait of giving birth to helpless large-brained offspring, who can look after themselves only after ten years of nurture and nowadays not even then. Neoteny is a huge evolutionary advantage; but it is purchased at an equally huge biological cost. A species whose young are as vulnerable as human children needs both organised defence and serious home building if it is to reproduce itself. And on those granite foundations has been built the romantic castle of sexual difference…..
But nurture can as easily destroy freedom as enhance it. We can bring up children on passive and addictive entertainments that stultify their engagement with the real world and rewire the neural networks on which their moral development depends. The short-term pursuit of gratification can drive out the long-term sense of responsible agency. Moreover, if children learn to store their memory in computers and their social life in portable gadgets, then gradually both memory and friendship will wither, to linger on only as futile ghosts haunting the digital archives.

I sympathise with those worries. But it does not change the position that a philosopher should adopt. Greenfield’s argument suggests that there is a kind of human development that prepares us, at the neurological level, for the exercise of responsible choice. If we bring up our children correctly, not spoiling them or rewiring their brains through roomfuls of digital gadgetry, the sense of responsibility will emerge. They will enter fully into the world of I and You, become free agents and moral beings, and learn to live as they should, not as animals, but as persons.