Real median household income is down 8% in the last seven years. Mortgage applications are down 60% in the last seven years. Wage growth is non-existent. Healthcare premiums are increasing at double digit rates. Food prices are skyrocketing. Savers get .15% on their money. But, the stock market is at all-time highs. And corporate profits and stock buybacks are at record levels.

Things are just so fucking great, it’s driving people to drink. No wonder the MSM is reporting consumer confidence is at a seven year high. Everyone they interviewed was drunk.

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November 14, 2014 1:04 pm

Thanks for your hard work admin.
If you look at many sites there are a lot of people who act like everything is great and Obama is doing a good job. I’m not sure if they are paid to do this or living in some fantasy world.
And the funny one of people thinking it will all be so different with Republicans in charge.

November 14, 2014 2:05 pm

The small biz guy is right, but he doesn’t have employees nor try to provide them benefits, so even he has no idea the truth as to how bad it is.

The reason small businesses are closing is because NO ONE can live under the constant stress and pressure of the requirements of our ridiculous laws and regulations.

Trying to stay compliant eats away at your soul, day by day, rule by rule, leaving NOTHING left to use to make money.

For now the bigger guys are getting abatements, winks and passes on the rules (that the big guys lobbied into existence), but soon they are going to be eating the full force of the regulators they created.

Good. Serves ’em right.

Bad for the country and the working man, but we all know nothing is going to be fixed until it hurts. Bad.

November 15, 2014 12:12 pm

So basically my decisions avoid venturing out among the sheep and to the make those ventures brief when they cannot be avoided, are good for my health and wallet. I remain smarter than I look!