“And were you wearing your seat belt, Sir?”

Via Knuckledraggin

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 10, 2015 9:11 am

I laughed. I shouldn’t have, but I did.

March 10, 2015 9:32 am

I would actually be ASHAMED to be a reporter these days … a job populated by mostly total morans.

Don’t you just love questions they ask people after a disaster? “So, your house was destroyed by a tornado, your dog died, and you’re now homeless. HOW DO YOU FEEL right now?” Why no person has ever shoved a 2×4 up the reporter’s ass right on the spot is beyond me.

Sports “reporters” are the absolute worst with their inane, mundane, and ridicules questions. Robert Montgomery Knight said it best; —- “All of us learn to write in the second grade. Most of us go on to greater things.”

This is precious and exactly the right way to deal with “reporters”.

March 10, 2015 9:54 am

Like the ‘reporter’ in the hospital asking the guy, “Are you disappointed you lost your leg?”.

March 10, 2015 10:02 am

I laughed too. It felt good.

Did you know that seatbelts are more dangerous than not wearing them in some accidents? Did you know that percentage is much higher than you believe? (I still would wear them, I’m little, I’d fly far)

My sister’s good friend was killed by a seat belt, it cut her jugular and she bled out in front of her husband.

Another friend nearly died when it broke his rib and impaled a lung. Had he not been able to walk and get help, he would have bled out at the scene.

Anyway, the laugh was good and yes, Stuck, I too can’t figure it.

Around here is a daily display of D’toilet residents crying about their loved one’s brutal murder, or other death. They all want their 15 minutes, even at the expense of their loved ones.

I would be the person that the reporter couldn’t quote, both habit and foreknowledge of news blips would guarantee it. The ONLY time I’d welcome the spotlight would be a missing child. I wouldn’t want people to forget for one second.

I quit being surprised by the need for cameras, now I’m just sad. Humans, by and large, suck.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 10, 2015 10:13 am

This screams for a caption contest.

The hood of that car looks like a Mexican shroud of Turin. And that shirt does NOT go with those jeans, just sayin’. Apparently there was no driver. Thta may have been a contributing factor, senor.

You know I’m joking, right? I really hope no one was harmed in the filming of that newscast. AND that it was dolphin free.

March 10, 2015 11:11 am

Also, there’s not nearly enough blood on the guy’s face.

I was driving a car when I was 17 years old, and my girlfriend’s face hit the windshield when we were hit by a drunk driver. Her face didn’t go through the windshield … and still, there was a LOT of blood.

Personally, I think that pic is a Photoshop job.

March 10, 2015 11:28 am

Thought TBP should see this: House Bill 1261 not only says police may enter homes without warrants, but they could actually kill a homeowner’s pet if the dogs are “not under proper restraint when on the premises of its owner”.

Proposed Law Would Let Police Enter Homes Without Warrants And Shoot Dogs

March 10, 2015 11:40 am

@KaD, why the hell not?

They have been doing this for over a decade without much fuss, might as well solidify their anti-human behavior with writ and decree.

Bet this magically floats around the “impasse” in WDC. Those bastards always magically agree when it comes to the ever encroaching police state.

March 10, 2015 12:39 pm

For HSF :

Senor’….I think the ejection seat is supposed to go up…not forward !

March 10, 2015 4:35 pm

I don’t know if it was school officials or the base commander but someone thought it was a good idea to park vehicles that had been wrecked in DUI accidents in front of our high school from time to time. Many of the cars had seen their occupants ejected through the windshield. Some of them only hit the windshield but did not get ejected and it was amazing to see the hair (lots of it) stuck in the glass where their heads hit. There was always lots of blood all over and even a tooth in the floorboard once.

Our astronomy club does public viewing events that the local media attends. I refuse to talk to the idiots anymore because they NEVER get it right. You could write them a cue card and they’d still fuck it up!

Had a newspaper reporter tag along one night (at his request) to view an anticipated meteor storm. A very rare event. Most of the state was socked in with clouds so we had to drive towards what we called sucker holes hoping to find a patch of clear sky. After hours of driving and calling home on ancient cell phones for weather updates we called it quits. The dumbass reporter decided to write his story anyway depicting the group of us as a bunch of morons who didn’t have enough sense to come in from the rain. I don’t talk to reporters anymore either.

March 10, 2015 6:38 pm

sometimes a reporter asks one too many questions.

March 10, 2015 6:44 pm


Fucken’ hilarious.

BTW ….. is IS fake. Fake! Fake! Fake!

Elaine, talking about her orgasms with Jerry.

March 10, 2015 7:05 pm

TE – my uncle was a highway patrolman for some decades. He told me the following:

“In all my years on the highway, I never unbuckled a dead man”.

In other words, no one was ever dead at the scene who was wearing a seat belt. Never.

Re those two examples that you give re the damage done by seat belts, hard to say what the damage would have been without the seat belts.

Seat belts save countless lives.

March 10, 2015 7:32 pm

@Llpoh, my sister’s friend was dead at the scene, she was the ONLY death out of six occupants in three vehicles.

Survival is a numbers game, and when your number is up no amount of nanny-government or faked statistics is going to change that.

The truth is that there are a certain percentage of fatalities that were wearing their seat belts. I think your uncle either didn’t have enough experience, or was lying to get you to follow orders.

Or not, doesn’t matter, as the only reality that matters is the one we are TOLD exists. Even with evidence to the contrary.

March 10, 2015 7:44 pm

TE – as I said, my uncle was decades in the CA highway patrol. I doubt there are many with more experience anywhere. Second, it was not a conversation re me wearing or not wearing seatbelts. It was a general conversation re his experiences during his decades on the road – about the things he saw, etc. I have no reason whatsoever to doubt he was telling the truth.

Another thing he mentioned was that he had found motorcyclists cooked on the roads. He was in a desert area, and the motorcyclists would fall, and end up on the pavement hurt or unconscious. And would fry like an egg to death before someone found them. I was very surprised to hear it was not an isolated occurence, but happened every so often.

March 10, 2015 9:41 pm

An instantaneous deceleration to zero will cause the bodily organs to become detached from their moorings and be annotated on The Certificate of Death as internal injuries. Wearing body armor and a helmet would save more lives if you believe the purpose is to save lives

t believe all these things Government dose “tor our own good” such as seat belts, tricycle/bicycle helmets, school crossing guards, daylight savings time and such things are a form of instituting regimentation. When the time comes we will march in lockstep into the Solyent Green chambers with SSS counting cadence.

March 10, 2015 10:25 pm

Roy – have a look at motor vehicle death rates over the years and get back to us then.

You do not decelerate instantly to zero in an accident. That is why there are crumple zones. Air bags are another benefit, belt tensioners another. Better brakes. ESC. Etc etc etc.

School crossing guards are there for good reason. How many idiots scream through school zones?

Bike helmets – I required my kids to use them.

Some things just make good sense.

Daylight savings is the only reasonable point you made.

The bullshit re SSS is despicable. What the fuck is wrong with you?

El Coyote
El Coyote
March 10, 2015 11:28 pm

I was proceeding across Avenue K with the green light when we got hit. My daughter and I were wearing seatbelts, the young guy in the rear seat did not have one on. I broke my shoulder and forearm. My daughter and I bumped heads and we both suffered a fracture across the face. The kid in back broke his neck vertebrae and lost movement in his legs. I had a purple bruise on my neck, likely from the seat belt, it helped keep my windshield intact.

mike in ga
mike in ga
March 10, 2015 11:33 pm

Another patrolman – I don’t remember which state – made a film about wearing seatbelts several years ago entitled “Room to Live”. It’s floating around the internet today.

It echoes your Uncle’s comments exactly. It convinced me that IF YOU STAY IN THE VEHICLE during an accident, there is ROOM TO LIVE. Ask any emergency first responder and they’ll tell you the same thing…never unbuckled a dead man.

El Coyote
El Coyote
March 10, 2015 11:44 pm

I resemble that pic above, although I didn’t go through the windshield,fucked up as I was, a girl kept asking me details, the kid’s name, his last name, my name, all I wanted was to go to sleep, I felt very tired for some reason. They took me out last because they had to bend the steering column. We could still speak and my daughter said, God, don’t let us die, we’re not ready to die. The EMT reassured her, you won’t die. By the time we got to the hospital our faces were swollen beyond recognition and it was impossible to speak intelligibly. My jaw was broken in two places and my glasses vaporized, the docs told my boss I might lose my sight, I didn’t. heh.