It’s Official: Americans R Stupid

Brain - Public DomainAs Americans, we tend to be pretty full of ourselves, and this is especially true of our young people.  But do we really have reason for such pride?  According to a shocking new report from the Educational Testing Service, Americans between the ages of 20 and 34 are way behind young adults in other industrialized nations when it comes to literacy, mathematics and technological proficiency.  Even though more Americans than ever are going to college, we continue to fall farther and farther behind intellectually.  So what does this say about us?  Sadly, the truth is that Americans are stupid.  Our education system is an abysmal failure, and our young people spend most of their free time staring at the television, their computers or their mobile devices.  And until we are honest with ourselves about this, our intellectual decline is going to get even worse.

According to this new report from the Educational Testing Service, at this point American Millennials that have a four year college degree are essentially on the same intellectual level as young adults in Japan, Finland and the Netherlands that only have a high school degree

Americans born after 1980 are lagging their peers in countries ranging from Australia to Estonia, according to a new report from researchers at the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The study looked at scores for literacy and numeracy from a test called the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, which tested the abilities of people in 22 countries.

The results are sobering, with dire implications for America. It hints that students may be falling behind not only in their early educational years but at the college level. Even though more Americans between the ages of 20 to 34 are achieving higher levels of education, they’re still falling behind their cohorts in other countries. In Japan, Finland and the Netherlands, young adults with only a high school degree scored on par with American Millennials holding four-year college degrees, the report said.

How in the world is that possible?

I can tell you how that is possible – our colleges are a joke.  But more on that in a moment.

Out of 22 countries, the report from the Educational Testing Service found that Americans were dead last in tech proficiency.  We were also dead last in numeracy and only two countries performed worse than us when it came to literacy proficiency

Half of American Millennials score below the minimum standard of literacy proficiency. Only two countries scored worse by that measure: Italy (60 percent) and Spain (59 percent). The results were even worse for numeracy, with almost two-thirds of American Millennials failing to meet the minimum standard for understanding and working with numbers. That placed U.S. Millennials dead last for numeracy among the study’s 22 developed countries.

It is in this type of environment that Coca-Cola can be marketed to Americans as “a healthy snack“.

As I mentioned above, our system of education is one of the biggest culprits.  From the first grade all the way through post-graduate education, the quality of education that our young people are receiving is absolutely pathetic.  In a previous article, I highlighted some statistics from USA Today about the declining state of college education in America…

-“After two years in college, 45% of students showed no significant gains in learning; after four years, 36% showed little change.”

-“Students also spent 50% less time studying compared with students a few decades ago”

-“35% of students report spending five or fewer hours per week studying alone.”

-“50% said they never took a class in a typical semester where they wrote more than 20 pages”

-“32% never took a course in a typical semester where they read more than 40 pages per week.”

I have sat in many of these kinds of college courses.  It doesn’t take much brain power to pass the multiple choice tests that most college professors give these days.  The truth is that if you fail out of college you really, really have to try hard.

In another previous article I shared some examples of real courses that have been taught at U.S. universities in recent years…

-“What If Harry Potter Is Real?

-“Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame

-“Philosophy And Star Trek

-“Learning From YouTube

-“How To Watch Television

-“Oh, Look, a Chicken!

This is a national crisis.  Parents should be screaming bloody murder about the quality of the education that their children are receiving.  But because very few of them actually know what is going on, they just continue to write out huge tuition checks all the time believing that their kids are being prepared for the real world.

To show how “dumbed down” we have become, I want to share with you a copy of an eighth grade exam from 1912 that was donated to the Bullitt County History Museum in Kentucky.

Would eighth grade students be able to pass such an exam today?

Would college students?

As you look over this exam from 1912, ask yourself how you would do on it…


In addition, I find it very interesting that the reading level of the State of the Union addresses delivered by our presidents has steadily declined since the inception of this nation.

And it should be no surprise that Barack Obama’s State of the Union addresses have been some of the dumbest of all.

But could it be possible that I am being too harsh?

After all, scientists are now discovering that our diminishing intellectual capabilities are actually the consequence of natural processes.

For example, a Stanford University biology professor named Gerald R. Crabtree has published two papers in which he detailed his conclusion that humans have been getting dumber for thousands of years

Are humans becoming smarter or more stupid? Comparing our modern lives and technology with that of any preceding generation, one might think we are becoming increasingly smarter. But, in two papers published in Trends in Genetics, Gerald R. Crabtree of Stanford University claims that we are losing mental capacity and have been doing so for 2,000–6,000 years! The reason, Crabtree concludes, is due to genetic mutations—which are the backbone of neo-Darwinian evolution.

Why is this happening?

Professor Crabtree believes that this loss of intellectual capability is due to the accumulation of errors in our genes

Based on data produced by the 1000 Genomes Project Consortium and two recent papers in Nature, Crabtree estimates in the first article that, in the past 3,000 years (approximately 120 generations), about 5,000 new mutations have occurred in the genes governing our intellectual ability. He claims most of these mutations will have no effect, while about 2–5 percent are deleterious and “a vanishingly small fraction will increase fitness.” Crabtree bases his conclusion that humankind is losing mental capacity on the ratio between the deleterious and the beneficial mutations.

Our DNA is mutating, and it has been for thousands of years.  And no, those mutations are not helping us.  Each one of us has tens of thousands of errors in our DNA that we have inherited, and we will add even more errors which we will pass on to future generations.

Given enough time, many scientists believe that humanity would eventually degenerate into a bunch of gibbering idiots incapable of rational thought.

Or could it be possible that a large segment of the population has already arrived at that state?

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March 17, 2015 2:23 pm

It starts with the government schools that are basically baby sitting services. Children are segregated by grade, and everyone learns the same thing from the same text book. Text books written to satisfy every conceivable PC issue: race, ethnicity, queers, handicapped, anti firearm. The indoctrination is to make sure the students don’t offend anyone and to kiss the ass of any kind of fucked up person. After that they are dumbed down into sitting in the same seat all day, and putting up with a boring / half assed teacher who never had a real job. This prepares them for later in life when they can work in some cube farm.

I think the other thing is that we have reached a level where most things have been done: plenty of houses, streets, roads, interstates, communication, utilities, food, water – you name it. There is nothing to struggle for, nothing to build – it’s all there.

So these millennials don’t have the mind / drive to do very much.

March 17, 2015 3:00 pm

Didn’t. George Carlin say ..half of all Americans are stupid , and half are stupider than that…
It was one of those comedians.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 17, 2015 3:16 pm

Beg to differ. Depends on how you define Americans. White Americans do quite well, thank you. The average is pulled down by low IQ non-white minorities. I might add that by being forced to integrate with the low gray matter crowd, white students naturally decline in terms of performance. Instead of studying in a rigorous, disciplined atmosphere, they shuffle through school surrounded by borderline retarded semi-simians. What the hell do you expect? IQ explains many things, including behavior.

March 17, 2015 4:00 pm

Southern Sage – white Americans do not do “quite well”. Better than most of the minorities you mention, but a helluva lot worse than Chinese, Asian Indian, Jews, etc.

By memory US whites are around IQ 98.

March 17, 2015 4:50 pm

Jim….recently I spoke to three young men who had gotten degrees in finance from major universities.I asked some basic econ questions….like what are derivatives, give me 3 schools of economic thought (Austrian,Chicago,Keynesian) . How about a little on Hazlett….or FA Hayek….they never heard of them.What in the hell are they teaching at universities these days!!!!!!

March 17, 2015 5:00 pm

And why do people need to be any smarter than they are now? Much of the new technology being pushed on us is useless crap that people can live without.
The schools are pushing advanced math so our kids can? Compete with people who are paid much less to do the same job. So unless wages or the way we do things is changed. What’s the sense in it? The shipping off of so many manual labor jobs that millions of Americans needed was a bad idea.
I keep meeting people who buy a computer to play games on.For me it is a wonderful library. So are computers really doing much for society?
If anything cell phones are our big new thing. I think they have many negatives going for them.
Lately i find TV to be really horrible. Not much, but one liner jokes about sex, And lots of foul language and its all on shows that are seen in the early evening.
Basically the government controls the information we receive. The same people who are running the country down the crapper. Department of education? What a joke.

March 17, 2015 5:13 pm

all public education should be shut down pronto and all monies confiscated from the productive class as investment in this government sponsored scam masquerading as public education should returned to the victims of the governmental theft, with interest…..and the all administratively involved either horsewhipped or hanged.

Public education is the bane of Western civilization.

“How does the dichotomy between fact and opinion relate to morality? I learned the answer to this question only after I investigated my son’s homework (and other examples of assignments online). Kids are asked to sort facts from opinions and, without fail, every value claim is labeled as an opinion. Here’s a little test devised from questions available on fact vs. opinion worksheets online: are the following facts or opinions?

— Copying homework assignments is wrong.

— Cursing in school is inappropriate behavior.

— All men are created equal.

— It is worth sacrificing some personal liberties to protect our country from terrorism.

— It is wrong for people under the age of 21 to drink alcohol.

— Vegetarians are healthier than people who eat meat.

— Drug dealers belong in prison.

The answer? In each case, the worksheets categorize these claims as opinions. The explanation on offer is that each of these claims is a value claim and value claims are not facts. This is repeated ad nauseum: any claim with good, right, wrong, etc. is not a fact.

In summary, our public schools teach students that all claims are either facts or opinions and that all value and moral claims fall into the latter camp. The punchline: there are no moral facts. And if there are no moral facts, then there are no moral truths.”

March 17, 2015 7:10 pm

You guys have it all wrong. This was the plan all along.

The dumbing down of America has been going on since progressives got control of the schools in the late 1960s and it is totally on purpose.

Why the hell would the want students with critical thinking ability, a grounding of history and logic, economic sense and independent thinking???

Hell no!

They want fat, stupid, compliant, low IQ people debt slaves and cannon fodder.

Which is exactly what we have.

March 17, 2015 7:22 pm

Llpoh – “…white Americans do not do “quite well”. Better than most of the minorities you mention, but a helluva lot worse than Chinese, Asian Indian, Jews, etc.”

A ton of tutors for the Asians! That’s the way they roll. Read a very good essay on who was getting into Harvard. Lots and lots of Jews, and yet their marks were not what they used to be. In fact, they were no better than your average whitey, but they had connections, lots of them. They also had a disproportionate number of seats for their share of the population, and it wasn’t due to good grades.

Had a relative who got a sports scholarship to one of the eastern universities. Said a lot of the American kids were having trouble with math that he said was equivalent to what he took in high school. Could be they’ve dumbed down the system because of others.

yahsure – “And why do people need to be any smarter than they are now? Much of the new technology being pushed on us is useless crap that people can live without. The schools are pushing advanced math so our kids can?” Got to agree with you there. We need more creative people who are pretty damn decent at math, not more math nerds who will never create anything in their entire lives.

March 17, 2015 8:19 pm

Hope you might be right but I “hope” not. I’ve seen that Bullitt County 1912 test before and I’ll admit if I took it my grade would probably be pretty low. Hurts my head to read it.

March 17, 2015 8:25 pm

What is intelligence? I know folks who are masters of classical music, while others can quote
classical literature or poetry, and some, who even like Shakespeare, but struggle changing a light bulb.

I prefer problem solvers. Give me a cross-word puzzle geek, who when stymied, decides to try another direction.

Let’s teach/foster creativity.

March 17, 2015 9:49 pm

My son is eligible to attend school in Germany. University as well.

To hell with the American system…

March 18, 2015 7:10 am

So the movie, Idiocracy, is not made up fiction?

Mike in CT
Mike in CT
March 18, 2015 8:05 am

Buchead Wrote: Jim….recently I spoke to three young men who had gotten degrees in finance from major universities.I asked some basic econ questions….like what are derivatives, give me 3 schools of economic thought (Austrian,Chicago,Keynesian) . How about a little on Hazlett….or FA Hayek….they never heard of them.What in the hell are they teaching at universities these days!!!!!! ……………Same here in Ct University…I asked a recent Economics Graduate to Explain if he was in the austrian or the kensian camp of economic theory…Wha? Huh? Duh? Seriously.???..4 years 160K in debt & I know more than this “Graduate” about his field of study…Mike in Ct..PS he is a nice kid, fairly bright in my humble opinion…I told him to get a teaching certificate…

March 18, 2015 12:50 pm

I was talking with a friend of mine yesterday. Her doctor recommended she go on Zoloft to help with a traumatic brain injury she suffered (concussion). He told her it will “help her make more serotonin”. Zoloft does NOT help your body “make” more serotonin. It’s a Selective Serotonin Re-uptake INHIBITOR. This is a man with a medical degree.
I hear stuff like this all the time in every field. People think because someone has a PhD at the end of their name they are a genius. Wrong. Anyone can crack open a medical text and read. Only surgeons really need the training. Most MD’s are just script writers anyway, and have not one clue how to actually treat anyone.
This holds true for most people. It’s experience that makes a person knowledgeable, as most people will learn through what NOT to do rather than what to do.
Which would you rather have, the guy or gal freshly minted out of whatever school they come from or the person with years of experience?
This is the problem. These jack-ass kids think that they should be sashaying out of college and immediately be making 6 figures a year. Doesn’t work that way.
And this is because we have told little Johnny and little Susie “everyone is a winner!” Everybody gets a trophy. No body fails, so why try harder? Mediocre is the new success. Sigh.

March 19, 2015 4:58 pm

Between Unions, Academic Idolization, Government Idolization, and the FACT that mega-corporations OWN it all, it is no wonder.

Now throw in fluoride, of which we are the most fluoridated on earth, and figure it out.

INTENTIONAL. Do you think a nation chock full – majority even – of creative, out of the box, problem solvers (in other words, “thinkers” and “educated”), would stand back and allow the insanity we find ourselves in to continue?

NO, they would not.

We, my fellow TBP visitors, are abnormal. And becoming more abnormal, by the day.

Well, here, that is.

Gramps used to always say you can’t fix stupid, I’ll add you can’t make it smarter either, no matter how many “smart” guys make billions trying.