Powerful Video Tribute To WWII Veterans ….

… from Russia!

“This is from the Russian group “Skretch”.  Among other things, the video shows some remarkable war monuments from around Russia, really amazing, powerful memorials to mind-boggling heroism.” — Russian Insider

It really is a visually pleasing video, and the words are powerful.  Even you Russian haters might like it.




Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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April 8, 2015 10:29 am

Great vid! Our warmongers better think twice before putting our feminized, faggot infested “military” up against the sons of these tough mofos. Great meteor at 2:56 mark.

April 8, 2015 11:03 am

I’m not a “Russia hater”.

I’ve met Russians before, back when they were still The Evil Empire. The regular people are pretty much just like us. They worry about paying their bills, try to raise families right amidst the insanity of the wider world, want someplace safe to live, etc… which is pretty much what we’re all trying to accomplish. Most were Russian Orthodox christian, which is a flavor of christian a slightly bit different than us… which means, “So what?”… not a sticking point with me.

It’s not the regular Russians I worry about. It’s the “leaders” of our respective governments.

Yes, Communism was an abomination and a complete repressive failure. Most genuine Russians hated Communism right along with us… but “communists” and “russians” are not interchangeable.

In point of fact, Russians are part of the Greater European Brotherhood. The word “Rus” was used to describe the eastern Vikings a thousand years ago. They were, and still are, our cousins.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 8, 2015 11:40 am

@ragman, that wasn’t a meteor. It’s an airplane. The video is speeded up.

April 8, 2015 11:40 am

By the way Admin, great video.

It motivated me to listen to this version of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. The choral version done by the Cincinnati Orchestra, I think it’s one of the very best out there.

At 13:26, when the chorus breaks into “Oh Lord, Save Thy People” (the Troparion of the Cross, Spasi, Gospodi, Iyudi Tvoya) and all the bells of Christendom ring in celebration.. well, I’m not given to sentimentality, but knowing the history behind the music, it could only have been the Hand of Providence – Divine Intervention – that intervened to save Russia from Napoleon…

The Russians are worthy adversaries and fiercely nationalistic (which is as it should be). Much respect.

April 8, 2015 12:23 pm

Russia of late actually sounds reasonable compared to the way things are progressing here in the USSA under the HNIC. If we could dispose of the megalomaniacs in world, it would be a much nicer place. Unfortunately back in the day Patton was right and was most likely killed because he could see the hypocrisy clearly. I see a lot of parallels between Russia back then and Amerika now.

Danny K.
Danny K.
April 8, 2015 12:35 pm

As a conservative Republican with Slavic Orthodox roots educated during the Cold War, I grew up very , very leery of the Russians. Now that I am older, I can truly respect and appreciate the Russian people and what they stand for.

Let’s not forget that for all its warts, the British legal system and form of government (which ours is based on) is still the best in the world. Nevertheless, the Russians weren’t the bad people we were brought up to believe they were.

P.S. For those who don’t know about Orthodox Christianity, I think most agree that it is truest to the Christianity as practiced by the Apostles. It is the Catholic Church (just not Roman Catholic).

April 8, 2015 1:56 pm

Stuck’s new church

April 8, 2015 2:04 pm

Oh dear lord! I said ADMIN instead of STUCKY!

For fucks sake… I make one goddamned mistake and…

Oh fuck it.

I’ll make sure to credit the right people from now on to keep from hurting your widdle, eggshell fragile self esteem from now on, ya Special Snowflake motherfucker…

April 8, 2015 9:32 pm


The Great Patriotic War (WW II) has been a rallying point for Russia since 1945. The Russian people and in particular Russian soldiers suffered greatly. I’ve seen the vast graveyards of the dead in St. Petersburg. It is sobering. I don’t blame them one bit for this video.

April 9, 2015 4:20 pm

Stucky says: “…. go ahead and fuck with people who can make that kind of sacrifice.” Truer words never spoken. Germany tried and they were tough as nails.

I’m hoping that there are a few in power that can see past the dollar signs to be reaped from a war with Russia that maybe it’s not such a good idea to try it.

April 11, 2020 6:40 am

too bad nobody thought to elevate this up their synchophantic asses

P.S. Five year anniversary and the beginning of Passover and Quarantine. seems like even a bereaved, sad and lonely Stucky would contact mags…

Guess who moved into the treehouse? Jeremiah… there’s a sign on the gate now. Jeremiah 7:1-15

Unbelieveable. Adds up to 23.

2019 was a Jubilee year.

Is me this time, not her.