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April 15, 2015 12:24 pm

It’s quite conceivable that many leftist Joos in the media will work to defeat her in some way. Either for the Democrat nomination or the Presidency.

This is where I hope a third party splits the Republican vote and she wins with 40% of the vote. Would be higher then 40% of the vote except that many Democrats will be repulsed by that time.

Oh, I did check to see if the editor and chief is Jewish by the way. Surprise Suprise as Gumer Pyle would say.

April 15, 2015 2:57 pm

Mark, you really think the GAWD party -the Get Along With Democrats, sometimes called the GOP too- will run anyone against Hillary that would be any different in anything important?

The GAWD’s are currently focused on how to defeat Cruz and the few other conservative Republican contenders without totally alienating their base again, not opposing Hillary.

April 15, 2015 3:13 pm

@Anon, you amuse me.

The “GAWD” party (btw, switch out Demoncrap with Demon, and you are closer) is going to play the role they have been assigned by their owners.

My fear is they are going embrace Rubio, who made his ultimate beliefs pretty clear by playing Tupac music during his announcement.

Tupac isn’t just a dead “rapper,” he was a shit-stirrer of the highest order that implored his black and Latino fans to rise up and kill Whitey.

My guess is we will be going full retard with this one. The Old War Hag and Elitist, or the Young, Colorful Uniter.

Either way we will ultimately be screwed as, no matter how many of us are left that still believe there is an OUNCE of difference between the two.

Here is my prediction: It doesn’t fucking matter who “wins” and ALL of us, that are still working and/or trying to make something of ourselves, will pay for it. Again. Forever.

Meanwhile, we waste energy and billions pretending there is a fucking choice.

The choice is ass-screwed without lube, or butt-raped sans lube. Maybe you understand the difference but I sure as hell can’t see it.

April 17, 2015 2:42 pm

To the pillory with Hillory!!!

Once again we are given a choice—Hillory or Jeb. Only trouble is, I want different choice. YA, think I’ll get it? Maybe the real choice is not to vote at all. Why support a system that gives you a choice that’s no choice?

“Change you can believe in”