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April 14, 2015 7:29 pm

Good points! This is a smart Female.

April 14, 2015 7:37 pm

I’d be very interested in Stephanie Shepard’s response, as I think many on this blog would. Not to mention T4C, TE, Hope, Pirate Jo and the rest of the ladies who visit here.

Oh, I agree with much of what Lauren Southern said.

Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
April 14, 2015 7:44 pm

I’d hit that.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
April 14, 2015 7:44 pm

I’d hit that.

April 14, 2015 8:43 pm

I agree with her stance and yet as someone probably several decades older who had her life restricted and her body physically assaulted by the “dominate” system – the pendulum swings, as usual, too far in the other direction – but that swinging pendulum implies that those swinging dicks were abusive with impunity and change needed to happen.

When I came home and told my mother what that boy had done to me her response was that I had brought it on myself. SHE needed feminism as much as any male did. Because I fought like hell I was not raped and yet I was still criticized, unsupported and shamed.

IMO the feminist movement was as much about teaching our mothers what was not acceptable.

I’m not embarrassed by the reasons behind the feminist movement – they were real – but fanaticism of any sort is never a good thing.

Abuse is abuse – quotas seem to cause more problems than their worth – and the genders, for the most part, have different needs, goals and desires.

But don’t ever remind me of the time that “no” didn’t actually mean “no” because you’ve had a few drinks. And that is how it was in rural, rust-belt Michigan in 1976.

My mother believed that because I had been drinking I had no recourse and I had only myself to blame – she knew that the local cops would dismiss it in a heartbeat.

If not “feminism” then please elaborate on what would have changed peoples mind-sets towards what is acceptable.

This is interesting for me coming on the heels of the false rape accusation thread. He went unpunished and while I did manage to inflict some wounds and escape he was not called on the carpet.

Perhaps many reading feel this is a whole lot of nothing and hell, no harm, no foul.

I don’t claim to have the answers but your rights ending at the end of my nose is a good start and if feminism managed that to some degree I’m pleased.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
April 14, 2015 9:05 pm

You can’t love a Feminist because they will just “bite you head off” and look for their next victim..

April 14, 2015 9:07 pm

IMHO, feminism that started out with generally noble intentions — as Olga so painfully points out — has morphed into something far different in today’s society. One could liken it to the claims of “racism” today; simply a way to shut down someone with a different viewpoint or opinion, as opposed to correcting a serious problem.

It’s true that feminists should focus on the rapes, longer incarcerations, lack of social services for men and more, if they truly wanted equality. But they’re too hung up on protecting their own tribe, at any expense, to worry about the injustices done to another tribe.

Thus is the state of our society today, and why so many look at injustice done to one group with a “so what” attitude — shootings of unarmed black men as a case in point — without realizing that it’s as much their problem as it is the group that’s being targeted. That’s what The Hangman poem is all about — if we allow an injustice to one group because they’re different from us, then we’re the enablers and no better than those committing the crime.

Same for feminists. Unless they start standing up for anyone who suffers these horrible abuses, then they’re selfishly protecting their own interests at the risk of losing them altogether.

April 14, 2015 9:20 pm

Everything you need to know about women is in this 5min clip. I personally have violated these rules twice and have paid dearly, I learn slow, but I do learn. I now have this presentation committed to memory, being able to recite it word for word to anyone that will listen. Enjoy!!

April 14, 2015 9:44 pm

“IMHO, feminism that started out with generally noble intentions — as Olga so painfully points out — has morphed into something far different in today’s society.”

No on the first part. If you dig into the 19th century roots of feminism you’ll find that its major proponents were horrible people – not just man hating, but torture-a-puppy-to-death type evil people, probably with mental problems in many cases. And variations of that have continued through the 20th century. It sucked in tons of followers who were not evil people, but easily mislead. The evil side of feminism today isn’t significantly different than the evil side from 50, 100 or more years ago. People just have a rosy view of history – greatly assisted by who writes the history.

Captain America
Captain America
April 14, 2015 10:39 pm

If women ever receive equality, 90% of them will starve to death, and 99% will see a vast drop in their net worth. The sense of entitlement, and the allowances for female psychosis (near complete ablation of reality) are aberrations caused by our adoration of pussy.

Not sure about you guys, but I refuse to cease my adoration, but I have curtailed my subsidization of it. Women, blacks, Jews, Hispanics. Everything you can’t criticize, seems to vote predominately Democrat. I say we shoot them all, except the Russian Tennis Players. Successful men can bid to breed with them. Will make this country tough again. Hell, almost makes our illegal regime change in the Ukraine of some value, let the men kill themselves over there, kill all western women, and import Ukrainians! We may as well knock off Sweden and Norway while we are there, but those women will need some re-educating.

April 14, 2015 11:47 pm


Thanks for the links. Your credentials of anti-feminism are solid.

April 15, 2015 12:30 am

Feminism, a bullshit cause that started with high intentions but was then co-opted by the monied interests that are determined to rid the earth of the rest of us.

Women demand the right to work 24 hours a day, many men bitch and moan but help spend the paychecks, the kids lose as they end up raised by the state, he state-supported and indoctrinated, or the tv.

We all play our parts and yell and scream for our side never realizing that both sides have helped write our destruction.

So it goes…

And until the day these “victims’ rights” activists start teaching truth – self-defense, weapons, and working as hard as the men you want to be paid equal to – they all can kiss my ass.

Besides, this “fight” is all about gifting the Federal,State and Local Unions more pay, more money and more positions in the administration that grows by the legislated minute.

Same as almost all of the “big” arguments going on. Lookee the shiny ball, lookee, lookee. Just DON’T stop arguing, stand back, have a couple conversations and realize you are ALL being screwed hard.

Captain America
Captain America
April 15, 2015 7:24 am

TE, you touched upon a salient point I have missed. Feminism has decreased birth rates. Women marry later, or not at all. Some have a few abortions. Men, abrogate what we once desired and enjoyed, to be providers for a house full of a loving spouse and many children. Birth rates in Japan, Russia and many European countries do not meet the replacement rate. The USA is only positive because of black and Hispanic over-breeding of their resources. That further places heavy financial pressures upon many white families.

In short, the planet is being depopulated by the eugenicist psychopaths that control nearly every country, bank and media outlet of import. The world is being de-racinated, flooded with fiat currency, which is to say, DEBT. The new serfdom is not national or regional, it is worldwide.

How to fix this? I do not know. TPTB have a carefully crafted and highly refined method of singing sweet songs to the easily infantilized. And women, lap it up like warm milk in diamond and gold bowls.

April 15, 2015 9:17 am

This young woman would probably appreciate Wendy McElroy’s iFeminist (individualist feminism.)

Stephanie, you might find things there to like as well.

April 15, 2015 9:25 am

All political movements are about power. Feminism is no different.

Equal representation before the law has always been the ostensible goal, but that was not true even momentarily. Today’s “feminists” are openly misandrist and openly seek to expand the superior position in all political spheres of self-described “women” (now including transsexuals, which is a case of pushing ones advantage beyond sanity.)

Feminism, like anti-slavery, used actual evils as a facade to facilitate Progressive Era social changes in line with Marxist social theory.

It’s like a movement to battle car theft whose actual intent is to benefit the people who own body shops. If you don’t realize the nefarious intentions you simply think the movement’s proponents erred in the process, when it turns out that car thefts were substituted in favor of car vandalism.

April 15, 2015 9:38 am

My bad.

If I’m right, this young woman is a libertarian activist from Canada, and if she’s not already well-acquainted with Wendy’s work I’ll eat my hat.

I don’t necessarily want my granddaughter to grow up to be politically active, but if she turns out to be as articulate, poised and likable as this young lady I’ll be ecstatic. If Lauren is also family-oriented and values her physical self enough to share it only for the most highly valued purposes (i.e., in the expectation of a permanent monogamous relationship), she may be the Almost Ideal Woman (for the record, I’m already married to the Ideal Woman.)

April 15, 2015 10:18 am


We have reached Peak Humans on this earth by calorie and water usage rates and annual availability, so lower birth rates are what we should be pushing for, there simply are not enough resources to continue on this path.

But you hit on the salient point (great word, btw), and that is the underclasses of ALL colors continue to reproduce at much higher rates. Idiocracy the movie is a great place to get an idea of where we are headed with the vast majority of IQs currently below the needed for survival IQs.

The “fix” is to replace welfare and government overreach with the ability of the ambitious to start companies and hire people to help.

Which would mean the loss of millions of paid-for-life government, voting, unionists and truth-telling that this country will never believe.

Too many very rich, and very powerful, benefit from the way things are,which is why they continue to get worse, not better, with trillions of fiat spent.

If it didn’t benefit those groups, none of this would be happening.

“Fixing” this country will be a bloody mess, and Strauss and Howe were correct in guessing it can go to the dark side as easily as the light. With the way things are and the myths people believe, I’m guessing the odds of a worse outcome far exceed the odds of a return to our (fictionalized but better than now) illustrious past.

So it goes..

April 15, 2015 10:22 am

and how would women like it if we removed parts of their clitoris before they were even born? (excluding musselman savages of course)

April 15, 2015 10:23 am

obviously i meant just after they were born.

April 15, 2015 10:32 am

@credit, what?

What in the HELL does that have to do with Feminism?

Please explain. Thanks

April 15, 2015 12:09 pm

TE, I think credit is decrying the misandry of male circumcision.

April 15, 2015 12:16 pm

The writers of the movie “As Good As It Gets” nailed it. The Jack Nicholson character was asked how he was able to write so well from the perspective of his female characters. His reply: “I think of a man. Then I take away reason and accountability.”

In my experience, this perspective is 100% true whenever a woman’s personal feelings or personal interests are involved. In all other cases, I see women thinking clearly, rationally and practically. The problem is, women are inclined to take most everything personally!

Bonus Tip: Women prefer the strong, silent types because they don’t want to focus on YOUR feelings, unless it happens to be your feelings about them. Always remember they want to keep focused EXCLUSIVELY on their feelings and what they happen to care about!

April 15, 2015 12:21 pm

TE, forgive me but your comment reads like herd-speak to me.

There is no “fixing” the predicaments you described. There is no possible, central, one-size-fits-all solution that does not embed its own far-worse problems (for example, a government eugenics program to sterilize all people with IQ’s below a certain level, which would empower among the most vicious kinds of totalitarianism imaginable.)

Nature provides the only motive force to reverse the pendulum-swings of trends you rightly decry. Welfarism is an attempt to undo Nature’s vicious and horrible consequences for stupidity, sloth and the embrace of vice by remediating the suffering of the innocent victims of bad individual choices (e.g., “saving” the children of people too oafish, stupid or neglectful to raise their own offspring.) The problem is that NOTHING undoes Nature’s consequences. All that mitigation attempts produce is diversion of the consequences while enabling bad choices even more, amplifying the ultimate costs to real people.

For instance, giving money aid to stupid, neglectful parents so their kids don’t suffer simply enables MORE stupidity and MORE neglect. It is economic axiom that supply will rise for any thing that is demanded in the “market,” and when government throws money at unwed mothers and impoverished children, ironically MORE unwed mothers and MORE impoverished children result. It’s simply about incentives; make poverty less punishing and more people will live in it, raising ever larger generations of poverty-stricken people.

Eventually, modern attempts to thwart Nature’s punishments will yield large-scale catastrophes. We have vast numbers of people now who have been allowed to thrive like wild animals raised in captivity. When (inevitably) our paradigm shifts and these “wild pets” are left to fend for themselves, most will fail…and the consequences will be WORSE than if they had been left “in the wild” in the first place. People in poverty 50 years ago were more likely to be marginally self-sufficient. Now, they can’t work, have no skills, live in urban deadzones where “root, hog or die” leaves only DIE as an alternative.

There is no “we.”
There is no hive.
All such thoughts are pure collectivism, and collectivism concentrates human stupidity like salt in the Great Salt Lake.

Be the remnant.

April 15, 2015 12:25 pm

Jim, no doubt we are each married to the single “Ideal Woman” for each of us.

Was it luck, skill or charm that led each of us to the right gal? I attribute it to luck, but YMMV.