Ramblings About Messicans

Guest Post by Fred Reed

A Surfeit of Bile

I hope the reader will be tolerant of an eruption of pent-up irritation. While I do not think that encouraging mass immigration from Mexico is a good idea, and never have thought it, I weary of seeing Mexicans unreasonably and inaccurately vilified by dweebs, literati, and minor-league thunderers reminiscent of what’s-his-name who drew pictures in Vienna. Mexicans belong in Mexico. They are, however, perfectly good people, or as good as any other–a feeble recommendation, I grant–and in several ways superior to our collapsing Caligula-by-Disney circus-tent of a country. So there

Permit me a searing insight (the only kind this column has.) Hispanics, particularly Mexicans, are and will be a large part of America. The Fat Lady has sung. It might therefore be a good idea to know something about them, what they are and are not, and what they may do. Oddly, I encounter little interest, even–or especially–from those who excoriate them. Instead the web resounds with angry baying at everything Spanish by people who seem to be descended, though not very far, from emotionally retarded pit bulls. I wonder what purpose is served by their hostility and misrepresentation.

Chief among the bayers is John Derbyshire of Taki’s Magazine. Most people have never heard of him (or of me, which I find incomprehensible) but he is a perfect example, probably Plato’s ideal, of a hostile thunderer. John unrelentingly savages Mexicans, expressing himself with the nuanced objectivity of a prom queen who has discovered a rival. For John, there is nothing–nothing—good about any Mexican. They are stupid. They have no family values. Their music is terrible. He cannot conceive of a Mexican’s having an idea.

None of this describes the Mexico I live in. Nor does it describe the Mexicans I have met in the US. The grinding hatred reminds me of an anti-Semite I once knew: “Hey, Fred, how’s it going? Now why do the goddam Jews think they can….” On and on. And on. And on, until I wanted to scream, “Yes! Yes! The Jews poison wells. They sacrifice Christian children. It’s all true. Now can you just shut up about it?”

I question Jonn’s standing in the matter. John, an immigrant from England, now thinks himself an American. He is no more American than I am a Mexican. That is, we are both legally present in someone else’s country. He is certainly less American than those Mexican-Americans whose families have been in the US since 1848.

I worry that he is not assimilating. Well, a little. He has learned pretty fair English. This is to be admired in someone whose native language presumably is Urdu. But…American? It is impossible to imagine him pulling a catfish out of Machodoc Creek with a cane pole on a summer afternoon. Or dancing a fast double-step jitterbug in a rural dive on the Potomac with Little Richard squalling Long Tall Sally. Or getting skinned for quarters at nine-ball in Bradshaw’s Pool Hall at three a.m. on a snowy night. You might as well imagine me trying to be a duke. As someone said, you are not a car just because you are in a garage.

See? I can be unreasoningly anti-immigrant too.

If I were to speak to John, it would be in this wise:

You will be astonished, John, (not to say disappointed) to learn that Mexicans are pretty close to human, and even competent at many things. They dress themselves, brush their teeth, and live in houses. They also run telecommunications and airlines, trouble-shoot routers, and engineer highways and bridges in wicked terrain. (There, there. Sit down. Take a deep breath. Calm yourself. You will be all right in a few minutes.)

They do other things. Let me use medicine as an illustrative thunderclap. Mexican doctors—brace yourself–do not effect cures by sacrificing chickens. They regularly handle dialysis, implant stents, perform surgery. I know somewhat of this. I have myself had locally a fluorescein angiogram, optical-coherence tomography, optical echosonogram, an MRI for a rotator-cuff problem, and the usual dentistry. John, there was not a chicken in evidence.

Puerta de Hierro Hospital, Guadalajara. It is actually an adobe hut, but has been extensively PhotoShopped.

A gringo I know recently had a pacemaker installed.  He reports that the surgeon did not open his chest with an obsidian knife atop a pyramid.

Really. Honest. I swear it.

Worse and worse, John: A while ago we took a ninety-year-old friend, who had fallen and wrecked a vertebra, to the St. Javier Hospital in Guadalajara. The surgeon drilled holes in the bone, inserted balloons which when inflated restored the vertebra to the proper shape, filled the holes with linoleum cement (well, some kind of cement) and, when it had hardened properly, discharged him. Outpatient procedure. Worked fine.

St. Javier Hospital of the Linoleum Cement. The far room is used for chanting and doing things with the heads of goats.

(OK, OK, I concede that we did have to bring chickens, but only as a backup. The surgeons prefer white ones, and light little fires around them.)

A medical chicken, Guadalajara.

A million American expatriates live in Mexico, John. If it were as benighted and awful as you believe, don’t you think they might, like, you know—have noticed?


I suspect that your perturbations and uproars are genetic.  (I said this column was going to ramble.) You are, I think, a believer in genetic determinism. You are also a conservative, and conservatives always growl fearfully at the twisting shadows without, and within, just as liberals squeak and gibber and say “Goo! Goo!” Such perfect consistency must be genetic.

(Since you are something of a biochemist:: In conservatives the gene Ahlim3f codes for the protein 3,5-diphenyl-polywanacrakerase which in the brain acts on the medial gyrunculus to reactivate the ancestral reptilian limbic system. Consider John McCain. Liberals are protected by another protein, associated chiefly with butterflies, which prevents the synthesis.)

Next: Race. I am informed that you are on a crusade, giddyap giddyap Rocinante, to keep America white. I think this would have been a good idea, while feasible. Diversity is usually more trouble than it is worth, and often a catastrophe. Diversity is what we have, though, as a matter of deliberate and continuing American policy, and maybe we should make the best of it. Or decide how bad it really is.

I do think your personal approach to the maintenance of whiteness–you imported  a brown wife to the United States and had a brood of mestizo children—seems a curious one, rather like screwing for virginity. Since I too am a race traitor, and have a brown wife and mestizo stepdaughter, I commend your choice, but it does look an awful lot like hypocrisy.

Anyway: Since there will be lots of Mexicans in America no matter how much we grind our teeth, shriek, or hold our breath and turn blue, a reasonable question might be: How well can Mexicans and gringos get along? Not how well will they get along: this depends on economics, concentrations, schooling, hostility from the indigenes and excited net-hamsters, and whether the immigrants are corrupted by the welfare system. What is the best case? How well can they get along?

Well. Or so I think. I do not have your vast experience with Mexicans, John, and so I am groping in the dark. Fortunately I had some practice  with the technique as a teenager. Mayhap I can provide useful insights.

Everywhere that I am aware of in Mexico, relations are good. Everywhere I have actually been in the United States, relations have also been good. This includes Houston, San Antonio, New York City, Washington, DC and, in Chicago, Berwyn and Pilsen. On the other hand, locals returning from the States report hostility in Arizona and in many towns across the country. Friends in law enforcement tell of young Mexicans adopting the dress and behavior of the black underclass. Bad. Very bad.

I offer for your inspection this thought: It is a question of class, not race. People of different races and cultures seldom get along, unless they are of the middle class, when attachment to refrigerators and monster TVs usually (but not always) provides a commonality precluding warfare. I deal daily with Mexicans of the middle class (many of them we would call lower middle class.) About half the country now fits this description. There is no problem.

Middle classes, everywhere that I know of anyway, have small families, school their children, wash behind their ears, and seldom rob banks or kill the neighbors. (Well, maybe on weekends.) There is nothing in Mexican culture that is inherently immiscible with Americanity. They do not genitally mutilate their daughters or make them wear funny-looking bags, and do send them to university when they can. They don’t do arranged marriages or honor killings. They are slightly Catholic (they ignore the parts about fornication, contraception, and adultery as much as everybody else) and don’t want to convert everybody else. If them pesky Messkins, beaners, and Pedros makes it to middle class, things will probably go tolerably. We had better hope.

On the other hand, if large numbers become a permanent, resentful welfare-and-affirmative-action underclass, God help the Republic, if any.The welfare system endeavors exactly that.

If I were a curmudgeonly cynic (which assuredly I am not) I might ask: How, having invited them in and put them on welfare, can the US complain that they are in, and on welfare?

I assume, John, that you, having been brought up in a castle—all Englishmen are brought up in castles, I believe—will look with practiced and well-oiled disdain upon the notion that Mexicans might not be stupid. I grant that it is a gut-wrenching idea. But sometimes we must bear up under vicissitudes. (And please, don’t do your Central-Casting lordliness. It is wearying.) But the lovingly held notion of the 87 IQ of Mexicans just doesn’t square with observation. (Yes, yes, I know, observation has no place in IQ studies.) There are way too many smart Mexicans, doing way too many difficult things (see above) for the theory of 87 to work.

But I wander. Let us talk about crime by Mexicans. I have always had reservations about the crime business. In twelve years in Mexico I have walked without concern in a dozen cities and dozens of towns—all without incident.  I do not doubt that you have had many bad experiences in your extensive travels in Mexico. (You will of course have made such journeys.) But I have not.

Even in the US, the situation doesn’t seem to me to be as stark as you would like. Certainly the cartels are neck-deep in the drug trade, in which no whites are involved. But beyond this? In middle-class regions crime is very low, which might argue for wanting them to enter the middle class as soon as possible. ut that , and thus not in conformity with the national character.

I refer you to a study (which I vey much encourage the reading of) by the best numerical analyst of my acquaintance—Ron Unz: you may know somewhat of him, John—who concluded that Hispanic crime is not much greater than white. There is La Griffe du Lion, probably a renegade math prof at Harvard or MIT, who did an exhaustive analysis and concluded “the data show that violent crime rates for Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites, though a bit higher for Hispanics, are in actual fact quite similar. As for blacks, their crime rate remains by any measure uniquely high.” Excluding the narcos (very low-class) that is the situation where I live.

Ah well. Supper calls and night falls. I will release the guard dogs, double-bolt the doors, electrify the concertina, arm the Claymores, set the alarm systems, and adjourn to the rooftop patio with my AR15 for a few Bloody Marys to ward off the ever-encroaching fear. I hope we will still be around tomorrow.

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April 18, 2015 11:53 am

Fred moves to Mexico. Marries Mexican female.

Fred writes article in defense of Mexicans invading America by the millions.

Ho hum…

Yeah, I guess it would be sorta awkward if he wrote an article that illustrated objectively the multiple problems with this happening… and he completely ignores the whole “we’re invading ’cause AZTLAN BITCHEZ!” aspect…

– The indiginous people ran what was Mexico (before it was actually Mexico).

– Then the Spanish showed up. As soon as they had enough guys and guns, they took over.

– Then they allowed the Americans to move in. As soon as we had enough guys and guns, we took over.

– Then the Americans allowed the Mexicans to move in. Guess what happens next?

Sorry Fred. If you wrote about this honestly, I doubt your better half would be letting you tap dat ass anytime in the near future… so it’s sort of in your best interest to write a glowing article about the cockroaches…


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 18, 2015 12:29 pm

Billy -Truth hurts sometime, you nailed it perfectly. Bea

April 18, 2015 12:59 pm

As founding member of The Non-white Far Right, I will tell you that if you learn some Spanish and not let on, you will learn a lot about them. They don’t like me because I wear U.S.A. on my shirt and hat everyday. They don’t like me because I don’t speak Spanish. They don’t like me because I don’t listen to Spanish Music, drive a car with 20 inch wheels, work in construction, or have a short brown wife and I just don’t claim to be a Mexican. Mexicans are from Mexico! My family has been here for 500+ years. White people and brown people seem to think if you have black hair then you are a Mexican. They are not here to assimilate. They want it for themselves. My advice to them is if you guys are as smart and badass as you make yourselves out to be then arm yourselves and take back your own country!!!! If you are sooooo tuff and smart get off welfare! Welfare is for losers! And if you are on welfare then that makes you a … I have more than twice the the number of children the average family has and I have no degree, mortgage, car loan, credit cards and all without handouts. Now that’s how I rant about Messicans. Ok I feel a little better now.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 18, 2015 1:08 pm

I thought his theme had more to do with the reality of a modern Mexico vs. the popular image of a pre-revolution or even a pre-Columbian Mexico.

Folks will hang onto pre-conceptions no matter how loudly anybody shouts the truth at them. For example: the South is not populated with rotten tooth, retarded racist yankee-ass rapers but that is the unshakeable popular image.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 18, 2015 1:21 pm


What the hell is a rotten tooth, retarded racist yankee-ass raper? You are right that the south is not populated with said rapers……help me understand your point.

April 18, 2015 2:02 pm

So Fred thinks it’s OK for the Mexicans to come here and help turn our country into a 3rd World craphole. Fred…if Mexicans were all that you perceive then Mexico would be a paradise.

April 18, 2015 3:25 pm

Fred fails to acknowledge the type of Mexicans (south +central Americans) coming here Most coming here illegal are the bottom of society. Most are poor ,uneducated and lack the skills necessary to function in a high tech society. Most of the highly skilled stay in Mexico where they can make a good living. They don’t need or want to come here.

April 18, 2015 4:07 pm

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles . . .

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 18, 2015 4:55 pm

There was a time when foreigners of all sorts came here to become Americans and support America.

That time has passed.

Now they come here to remain foreigners but living in America and supported by it.

April 18, 2015 6:41 pm

Fred is pissed at John Derbyshire, who sounds like a twit, thus the essay.

Southern California is completely bicultural and bilingual now (the north part of the state is not far behind). Many jobs now require bilingual capabilities. Public schools are almost completely brown with some black sprinkled in. It’s a different society than the one I grew up in, but I accept that things change. I like Mexicans. They are hard working, warm, and funny. I hang around with a fair number of them. There is also a criminal and gang-related element that is more of a factor than Fred is willing to admit. California prisons are brown and black too.

What I resent, and I suspect it is a typical response, is that the numbers are overwhelming. It feels like an invasion of sorts. And bb is correct, typical illegals are poor and unskilled and needful of the full range of social services that are available. They like to create big families. They are expensive.
At present, Americans are being asked to welcome and take care of anybody who wants to come here with no assets and probably few skills. How do you think this will work out?

I confess that the way things are going in this country, I often consider moving to Mexico.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 18, 2015 7:54 pm

Gayle says: Southern California is completely bicultural and bilingual now

If NPR is to be believed, there is less racial strife in Cali than elsewhere. They noted it may be due to the multicultural multi-lingual population; Euro, Latin-American, middle-east, Asian and African.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 18, 2015 7:57 pm

Anonymous says: There was a time when foreigners of all sorts came here to become Americans and support America.

Unicorns were abundant back then also.

April 18, 2015 8:11 pm

El Coyote,

Racial strife is only considered as that if it involves whites conflicting with some other race.

All those other races not getting along with each other -frequently evidenced by assorted violent gang and neighborhood conflicts- aren’t counted as racial strife in any official or popular media analysis of it.

April 18, 2015 8:27 pm

Hey fred, send me your mailing address and I’ll send you a case of bush/rubio 2016 t-shirts.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 18, 2015 8:38 pm

It sounds reasonable since we hardly ever hear about Armenian, Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Arab, Russian, Jew or Gay crime. Are they living the good and righteous life or are they simply living under the radar? Yet the news always covers black or Hispanic criminals..

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 18, 2015 8:45 pm
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 18, 2015 9:10 pm

AC, where in LA is that shanty town? The large buildings are nothing like Century City, downtown LA, Northridge or Santa Monica. There are no cluster of high rises anywhere else. Did you pull this pick out of your hindquarters?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 18, 2015 9:48 pm

EC- I seriously doubt that pic was made in LA.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 18, 2015 10:18 pm

T4C- Are you online?

April 18, 2015 10:31 pm

I have no real issues with Mexicans in the US.

But the reality is that they are not the types the US really needs. Mexicans are GENERALLY below average IQ, and they as a rule do not value education. So they are, as a group, not going to bring much to the US table.

What groups would I suggest? Well, what groups have high IQs and value education and hard work and family values, etc?

Chinese, Indians, Jews quickly spring to mind. The one problem some of those groups have is a tendency to corruption (hay, carrumba, that really applies to Mexicans, too), which may be a problem.

The US needs lots more high IQ, value education, hard-working, family value types. And less of all other types.

Lots less.

April 18, 2015 11:43 pm

Mexicans come to America, but want (and do) stay Mexican. Fuck gringo culture. That’s why I think they should stay in Mexico.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 18, 2015 11:43 pm

Que te pasa, hombre? Acaso de veras crees que somos mediocres en cuanto el IQ? Bien sabes que la educacion publica en Mejico no es mas que seis años. Aun asi, muchos logran hacer mas con su poca educacion que los de doce años escolares. El programa escolar de los EEUU esta diseñado para disuadir y matar la curiosidad como el empeño natural de los jovenes.

He dicho anteriormente que no estoy en favor de mas immigracion illegal. Que le vamos a hacer? Esta administracion ha deportado millones de latinos de varios paises en centro y sud America incluyendo Mejicanos.

Es un engaño que los democratas son partidiarios de immigrantes y les va a costar a los democratas. Obviamente, los republicanos se estan preparando para aprovechar de este sentimiento.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 18, 2015 11:52 pm

Stucky says: Mexicans come to America, but want (and do) stay Mexican. Fuck gringo culture.

What culture is that, gringo? The super rich are not like the middle or lower classes. The lower classes follow Kanye and Beyoncé. The middle class follows Opfra and Dr Oz. Is there a real American culture or simply a commercial program of monthly shopping themes reinforced by the shallow media?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 18, 2015 11:57 pm
April 18, 2015 11:57 pm

For those who don’t speak Mexican and don’t want to bother with google translate, here’s Voyote’s comments THE Coyote says:

What ‘s the matter, man? Did you really think we are as mediocre IQ? You know that public education in Mexico is not more than six years. Still, many manage to do more with little education than twelve school years. The US school program is designed to deter and kill the curiosity and the natural effort of the young .

I said earlier that I am not in favor of more illegal Immigration . What can we do? This administration has deported million Latinos in several countries in Central and South America including Mexicans .

Is a hoax that the Democrats are proponents of immigrants and it will cost the Democrats . Obviously , Republicans are preparing to take advantage of this feeling .
18th April 2015 at 11:43 pm. And yeah, I gave you a thumbs down for posting in Mexican.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 19, 2015 12:07 am
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 19, 2015 12:12 am

I posted in Spanish, fool. And just so you know, others have posted in French, Arab, Japanese even in Retard such as you, snitch boy.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 19, 2015 12:14 am

Magnifico, tengo un loco dispuesto a traducir gratis y sin costo alguno.

April 19, 2015 12:19 am

“What culture is that, gringo?” ———– EL Coyote

Let’s start with the ENGLISH language. Do you need to press “2” for that?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 19, 2015 12:41 am

I mean please give me a brief synopsis of American culture.

As for ”Press one for English’ the expression ‘pound nails in my head’ must be a teevee expression, my buddy John said he wanted to drive nails in his head when he hears that.

Press One for English is a problem brought about by robot answering machines that make you do the work of a human operator. Why blame non-English speaking Austrian, Chinese, Russian, Latvian, Somali, German, etc. immigrants for that?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 19, 2015 12:46 am
April 19, 2015 3:35 am

Stucky says:

Mexicans come to America, but want (and do) stay Mexican. Fuck gringo culture. That’s why I think they should stay in Mexico.

What gringo culture?

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 19, 2015 9:00 am

I work (overseas) with some fine Mexican professionals. Decent folks, good sense of humor, not anti-U.S. at all and puzzled by our attitude towards Mexico. Most understand perfectly well the anti-immigrant attitude of many Americans. They have a more nuanced view of it, though, as they know that the globalists are really to blame for the conditions that have driven mass migration. Don’t forget when you read of criminal acts by Mexicans in the U.S. that Mexican society is suffering from the same decay ours is in many place, especially the big cities. We have nobody but our own politicians and greedy businessmen for the immigration disaster. Blame them.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 19, 2015 9:11 am

What is it about the environment of Mexico that compels tens of millions of its inhabitants to flee? Often with nothing more than the shirt on their back? What’s so different on one side of the border than the other?

Human behavior trumps philosophical ponderings.

April 19, 2015 9:59 am

Wake up HSF. there is no membership to the FSA shop till you drop club on the mexican side. No free mercedes, no free weekends at the indian casino, and you might have to feed your own children breakfast and lunch. Who wants to stay in mexico, your TV might not be big enough to cover an entire wall, and you won’t have one in every room. In mexico, you’re going to have to work, and there is no army of dumb white female SJWs making sure you get your share of goodies.

April 19, 2015 11:08 am

You can’t always pick your neighbors, and maybe you would like North Africa on our southern border.
The one percent invited these “Guest Workers” for low pay to do shitty work. We treated the Mexicans only slightly better than American Indians when we took control of the American West.

Yes Fred knows which side his bread is buttered, but his point is that Mexico is not some third world shithole..

April 19, 2015 12:08 pm

We get the lowest class of Mexicans here, and the meanest. While I am nervous around the black gangs and of course do my best to avoid them, the Mexican gangs scare the crap out of me. Because, you see, the black gangs are in it to deal drugs and target each other, and mostly do not bother white people, especially women, and most especially older white women like me. While I have never been offered any problems (yet) by the black gangs, I skitter down another street when I see a latino gang, and I don’t trust them even when they are a male-female couple. It was a very nice-looking “white” hispanic couple, a handsome young man and his pretty girlfriend, who pummeled those two young Irish exchange students with a baseball bat who were exiting a trendy restaurant in a “gentrifying” west side nabe.They were both seriously damaged and will never be the same, one to the extent where she really would be better off dying.

The spic gangs are different. Hispanic gangs will jump a woman in a heartbeat, and the more obviously weak and defenseless she is, the better. One gang of Mexican punks jumped a tiny 50 year old Chinese woman and beat her to a pulp. And watch out for the women, too… Hispanic women are the meanest, nastiest bitches on earth, and you men who fantasize about presumably submissive latina women should keep Lorena Bobbit in mind. I temped as a receptionist at a suburban bank once about 20 years back, between jobs, and the teller supervisor was a tiny Mexican woman who hated me on sight, no doubt because I was tall, slender, and very “anglo” looking with light hair and blue eyes.

I hate the way they pack a family of 6 kids into a 4-room basement apt and then keep on breeding. I hate the way they pack two families with 4 kids each into the formerly elegant old flats in my area, and then fill the places up with the junk that they “salvage” out of dumpsters, bringing insect and roach infestations into the building. I hate the way they trash up their neighborhoods with cars on blocks out the street, and yards full of junk, and punks covered with tattoos glowering at everyone who walks through. And I really hate the way they totally take over downtown on Cinco de Mayo and parade down State with a Mexican flag- try parading down a major drag in Mexico City with an American flag, see what that gets you. Yeah, they work hard, sometimes, but they work under the table, pay no taxes, and sponge welfare benefits whenever they can whether they are needy or not.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 19, 2015 1:21 pm

They work hard when they have to. If they didn’t have to, they wouldn’t. That’s why California has half of the country’s welfare case (and because of stupid white libtards who vote for generous welfare and sanctuary city policies). If Mexicans were so especially hard working, smart and respectful of the concept of rule of law, Mexico wouldn’t be a place to flee. Duh. The neighborhoods of recent Latino immigrants are usually filthy. It ain’t white people driving in to strew garbage around. Duh again.

April 19, 2015 2:34 pm

The US government (corporate America, Inc.) currently invites anybody into this country from south of the border . There are no requirements other than a heartbeat and a temperature of 98.6. Other countries don’t do business like that. Hello? Therein lies the “problemo”.

Try waltzing into Switzerland, Chile, Panama or even Mexico without something to offer (and a specified amount of residual income/wealth) and your white American ass won’t get pass the welcome center I assure you.

Are there some nice countries to expat to? Take a look at this real estate in southern Chile just for grins:


Kinda nice, huh? A place to live for about 100K US clown-bucks and up? (Not too shabby.)

Great comments, guys. Funny, gritty and insightful.

P.S. My best friend is Hispanic and lives on a farm near San Antonio. I still like the guy though, even if he’s light-years smarter that I am and a “beaner”.

April 19, 2015 2:45 pm

Alright I guess I’m just going to have to admit to the fact that my younger sister is married to a Mexican. So what does your imagination tell you? Do you see the 62 Chevy lowered to the ground bouncing down the street to the shack with the corrugated sheet metal roof in the middle of gang banger town?

Well that’s not quite the way it is. Actually he drives a new BMW and they live in a gated country club community. They’re both retired and He plays golf on a regular bases. Oh and she drives a new Buick of some kind.

Are they struggling to get by on their welfare payments? Well no, I’m not sure exactly but I know their income is well into the 6 figures which is why they can travel as much as they do. After all they do have the condo in Hawaii. And of course that and their house they paid cash.

And what is it like at their house on the holidays when the place is packed with relatives, half of them from his (Mexican) side of the family? Is it wall to wall gang bangers with their UZIs and knifes? Not quite. Actually the last time I was there I had a long talk with a young Attorney (Mexican) about some of his cases, he had some fascinating stories to tell. Clearly an intelligent young man.

My brother-in-law is quite conservative; He is opposed to this open border immigration policy. The whole welfare situation pisses him off. He will tell you his grandparents came to this county and worked their asses off and never took a penny in welfare (none of his relatives did) and that’s the way it should be. His attitude is that anyone that wants to come here legally and work, fine.

Illegally sneak in and go on welfare, hell no!!

April 19, 2015 2:58 pm

There were a number of nice Mexican people in my St Louis nabe when I was a teen, and these people acted like, and were accepted, as “white people”. Their ethnicity was never remarked upon, and they worked hard, maintained their properties nicely, and governed their children well. My sister dated a very cute Mexican guy as a teen and my mother found nothing amiss about that. Neither did anyone else.

The PC crowd is so obsessed with race and ethnicity, that its members do not get that it’s not about your skin color or other racial characteristics. It’s about the way you behave and present yourself, and about the way you run your lives and communities. I never understood prejudices against, say, Jewish people or Chinese, because their communities are beautiful even when they are not affluent; their kids are well-conducted, and they have a very high level of intelligence and achievement. What is not to love?

But when every time a particular race or group of people enter an area in large numbers, the place becomes violent, dirty and violent, people get, uh, biased. You have to understand that there just might be a little residual “prejudice” against people who roast their pigs in the bathtub, fill their houses with filth and unkempt, neglected children, who are always setting their houses on fire, and who produce crime and welfare dependency way out of proportion with their representation in the population.

April 19, 2015 3:09 pm

I just love these “Oh, I work with a beaner and he’s degreed, intelligent, funny, slurp, slurp, slurp…”

Think about what you’re saying people… jeezus, for some of the smartest folks on the interwebz, sometimes folks can be downright DERPY…

TBP attracts folks who are, for the most part, fiercely independent, hard working, self-made folks. That also means that they/we are intelligent enough to recognize how fucked this country is, and still able to make it…

Which means, by default, the people you associate with are – more likely than not – atypical of the general population – illegals and beanbags included.

Which means you associate with atypical beaners – their version of “the talented tenth”. And so, in no way can you use them as an example for the majority. It’s like attending an Ivy League school and befriending a black guy who is currently in his senior year and shooting for an MBA, then claiming that “Hey! ALL blacks aren’t like that!” based on your association with one fucking guy who happens to be on the right side of the bell curve.

These talented tenth types would succeed in Mexico or the US, regardless. It’s just a bit easier here, is all.

So this “They’re not ALL like that!” bullshit is just that – bullshit.

I know we’ve butted heads and I’ve bashed her before, but Chigago comes closest this time in describing the vast majority of the fucking scumbag cockroaches invading our country… +1 to her.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 19, 2015 4:02 pm

It takes all kinds, I will always have to read about Billy’s suspicions, always have to prove something to him. Or not. There are self-appointed guardians of Americanism that they themselves define. All it does is spoil their enjoyment of life. I have done the same once ot twice and found that the only one suffering was me, snarling, hating, suspecting, noting, comparing, evaluating, and being downright miserable. No one can live their life while watching somebody else’s.
There are low life people everywhere. And there are assholes to point them out continually as Fred says. Every major city has a section of poor, they are uncultured, filthy, ignorant, dishonest..We have read of the tenements in old New York where immigrants lived in the worst conditions, where disease and death, alcoholism and abuse were commonplace. From such have modern day Americans burst forth into comfort and gentility only to cluck cluck at modern urban poor.
What has race to do with poverty? Captain Larsen said, nothing whitens the skin like money. A Kanye or a Barack is never looked down on for his race because success makes him above reproach, no matter what his crimes may be. A poor beaner or nigger can never overcome the opprobrium of a racist even if he were a church minister.
A wise man once said, the poor will always be with you. We shall also have those who hate them. In time, the whole nation may fall into poverty, then we will see the same attacks happening in South Africa on immigrants and people of different color or characteristics. On that day, the haters will finally be free to laugh and smile and enjoy their life and perhaps empty their bowels with ease.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 19, 2015 4:13 pm

The same3 niggers thumbed down my song links, If you Calibans can’t appreciate good music, you could at least have some respect for Woody.

April 19, 2015 4:27 pm

EC, always interesting to watch and read you on these kinds of posts. Not to put you on the spot, what do you think we ought to do? (As a country, re mexico) I have some outside the box thoughts on this myself, see what you can start.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
April 19, 2015 4:34 pm

I think we need to cut off all them beaners testiculas and make a big pot uh beaner beans stew, cuz them dirty poop colored brown dipshits spit out uh little baby beaner ever 6 months (they reproduce like chimpanzees) and without peckers, that BULLSHIT WOULD STOP!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 19, 2015 4:50 pm

BW, your a treasure. I admire your creative juices – if only you would use them for good. At least you aren’t abusing the reputation of my good buddy Billy.
You are like a modern day Sancho Panza, who was said to speak wisely and foolishly at the same time (during his governorship).

April 19, 2015 5:22 pm

Mexicans will not improve the US. They come here because the US is richer. Mexicans will recreate Mexico if there are enough of them. And that is not a good thing. Mexico sucks, in case anyone has not noticed.

To repeat, Mexicans are not blessed with a high IQ, they do not value education, nor hard work, and they are as a group massively corrupt.

What could possibly go wrong?

April 19, 2015 5:28 pm


I’ll give you the number one most important first step.

Change the “Anchor Baby”/citizenship laws. Right now any baby born on US soil is automatically entitled to US citizenship without regard to the citizenship of the parents. That needs to change. It needs to be where the citizenship of a child follows the citizenship of the parents. This is the law in the vast majority of countries. The reasons for this should be obvious.