More Idiocy From Neocons

Insanity’s definition is sending more U.S. ground troops to Iraq

There seems to be great Republican resistance to the idea that their interventions in Iraq and the Muslim world are the main cause of both the mess in Iraq and the growing and increasingly powerful worldwide Islamist movement. To the extent that Hillary Clinton and other Democratic senators and congressmen joined the Republicans in illegally delegating the war-declaring power to George W. Bush there is a point to the Republicans’ resistance. The correct formulation of the statement is that both parties are equally responsible for the mess in Iraq and for the formidable Islamist foe that now exists. Also a correct statement is that the bulk of both parties now want the United States to become an even stronger motivator of and recruiter for the Islamists by expanding the military re-intervention in Iraq that began in the summer of 2014. Before that occurs it would be best to review a few facts:

–The 2003 invasion of Iraq was approved by both parties and driven by the Neoconservatives in both parties. There was no need for a war in Iraq. Even if Saddam Hussein had WMD he was not a threat to the United States, and because we have none but parasitic allies in the Middle East, we needed to let them fend for themselves. (NB: We need to do this now.)

–Saddam Hussein was our best ally in the war against the Sunni Islamists, an ally that we did not have to cajole, pay, or urge to act against the Sunni militants. That he diddled around with and funded the Palestinian fighters is true, but he was reliably lethal — for his government’s own interests — when it came to killing mujahedin trying to transit or set up shop in Iraq. Without Saddam to hold the center of the Arab world and block the insurgents’ easy east-west movement, we now have a mujahedin theater of operations that extends from Morocco on the Atlantic, to Jakarta in the Pacific, and from the North Caucasus in the north, to Nigeria in the south.

–The U.S. military and its allies were defeated in Iraq. They were all shackled by political constraints and by suicidal rules-of-engagement, but U.S. generals dutifully played the role of toadies by telling the public there was “no military solution” in Iraq. There is always a military solution to war and, if it is not implemented, defeat is certain. (NB: This is equally true of the Afghan War.)

–All U.S. military personnel killed, wounded, or maimed in Iraq were a waste of our most precious assets. They were led to defeat by two presidents, myriad generals, and congresses that clearly never had any intention of winning the wars they started. (NB:(a) This is equally true of the Afghan War; (b) The cost of not winning either war has been the shredding of the 4th Amendment, and will be further constraints on civil liberty in the future.)

–U.S. Iraq policy in the Bush and Obama administrations was made by men and women who either cannot tell the difference between theory and reality, or were cursed with the feckless Ivy League educations that in the last four administrations have marched this country at quick step to the rim of hell. Saddam’s rule was brutal not only because he was brutal but because authoritarian government is the only way to keep Iraq united and the country’s Sunnis and Shias away from each other’s throat. The constant refrain by Obama, Cameron, Hollande, and other NATO leaders that there will be an “inclusive government” in Iraq — that is, Sunnis, Shia, Kurds, and Sufis amiably working together — is witness to either their deceit or stupidity. From March, 2003, until today there was never a chance of creating an inclusive regime in Iraq. It will not happen in the future.

–The now canonized “Surge” achieved a temporary halt in the mujahedin’s progress in Iraq, slowed the pace of U.S. casualties, and — as planned — got the Iraq war minimized on the agenda of the 2008 McCain-Obama presidential debates. But the most important long term result of the surge was that it pushed the mujahedin out of Iraq into Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon and so allowed them to regroup, rearm, and — as we now see in the Levant, Iraq, Libya, and elsewhere — live to fight and win another day. At bottom, the surge was a cynical political scheme and tactical military act concocted by a political general. It was not meant to defeat the enemy, only to buy time for the politicians.

–The current call by most Republicans and many Democrats to return 10,000 or 20,000 U.S. ground troops to Iraq will not change the situation there except to make it worse; what more than 100,000 troops could not do, will not be done by a fifth or tenth of that total, especially when the foe is four times larger than it was a decade ago and the Iraqi regime’s forces will not fight. In addition, the Sunni-Shia bloodletting that has occurred in the last 30 months all but ensures a full-scale and perhaps regional sectarian war. This is the best possible outcome for a bankrupt and militarily worn out United States, and hopefully one that even supreme bumblers like Obama, Kerry, McCain, Graham, and multiple retired U.S. generals cannot prevent.

–The political demand for those troops is driven by U.S. politicians who refuse to recognize that they have warred and spent the United States into something akin to an over-the-hill Madam — John McCain in drag comes to mind — who deludes herself into believing that her now sagging attributes are as powerful as ever. We command no respect among the Islamists who see the U.S. government as afraid to kill them and their supporters; afraid to suffer casualties; and relatively indifferent to the reality that it is a superpower that regularly losses wars to insurgent forces with no air cover and limited heavy weaponry.

–The political demand also comes from the Israel-First-owned Neoconservatives in both parties who caused the 2003 invasion of Iraq believing that it would enhance the security of their country of first allegiance — Israel. They now realize that the Iraq war has likely signed Israel’s death warrant and so are desperate to undo the damage done to Israel for which they alone are responsible. Grasping at straws, for example, Neocon Charles Krauthammer last week said the answer in Iraq was to directly arm the Kurds and Sunni tribes to fight the Islamic State. This sophomoric strategy was applauded by other Neocons, not one of whom asked why the Kurds and Sunni tribes would fight and die to reestablish the power of the Iran-backed Shia tyranny in Baghdad that the U.S. government and its allies knowingly installed and then silently watched persecute Iraq’s Sunnis.

The bottom line in all of this is the uncontestable fact that there would be no ISIS today if there had not been a U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. There is no question that the Neocons’ Iraq war afforded the Islamists opportunities to successfully internationalize their movement, expand their manpower and financial resources, and seize and hold large tracts of territory. None of these achievements would have been even remotely possible for the mujahedin if Saddam’s regime still governed Iraq. The voices now calling for more U.S. troops in Iraq are not American voices; they are the voices of panic-stricken agents of a foreign power who have no qualms about driving the United States deeper into debt and wasting the lives and limbs of more of America’s soldier-children. Though oracular sounding, these are alien, anti-American voices that must not be heeded.

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June 10, 2015 8:35 am

A story from the past shows why neocons are dangerous for the global peace and security

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
June 10, 2015 8:50 am

I do not know who Mike is but I can tell you that he is 100 percent spot on, clearly has access to excellent information, and has made a perfect analysis of the situation. We are trapped in a nightmare in the Middle East, entirely the making of Neo-Con, Israel-First traitors. The Iraq War was not about oil (though of course there was the hope for big profits among some). It was about one thing: Israel’s insane geopolitical ambition to destroy every strong, nationalist Arab regime. Syria is the last man standing at this point. Feith, Wolfowitz, Pearle, McCain, Kristol and all the other Zionist scum cooked this up for us and they deserve the death penalty for treason. Saadam Hussein was never a threat to the U.S., no matter how nasty he was to his own people. The WMD crap was a pure canard, as everybody in the know knows. The vile creature who peddled this stuff at the working level is well known to me – a useless toady who would have sold his butt on the street corner for a promotion. God damn this human filth to hell.

June 10, 2015 8:56 am

Oh, come on, not one mention that it is our fight for freedom. How can the writer have left that out? He or she must be an anti-freedite!

June 10, 2015 10:28 am

I donno, but I can almost understand our involvement in the Middle East–its all about oil. However the empire days of this country are over. The neocons just don’t get it yet. We have no strategic interest in Ukraine yet the politicos think for some reason its our coountry. We can push around the tiny countries of the Middel East–but we are so out of our league when it comes to Ukraine. I hope cooler heads prevail.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
June 10, 2015 11:17 am

But what’s this nonsense about not “winning” because of pussified “rules of engagement”.
There is NO WINNING a counter-insurgency. You’d have to kill virtually the entire population. And if you call that “winning” well, maybe you better check your morality index.

June 10, 2015 11:30 am

Mike, that is the way war is, the alternative to winning is losing. That means the enemy kills your side.

We still do not recognize the enemy. It is not ISIS not the Shias and not the Sunnis. The enemy is Mohammedanism. Until we recognize that the west has no chance of winning.

June 10, 2015 11:31 am

I’ll go out on a limb here and say from my anecdotal observations, most readers of this site tend Republican in overall opinions– but there is a total disconnect with the neocon international warmongering view point. The neocons are alienating their base by focusing on the likes of Ukraine, etc. The Dems, as much as I dislike them are going to clean their clocks in the upcoming presidential election.

June 10, 2015 2:39 pm

But what’s this nonsense about not “winning” because of pussified “rules of engagement”.
There is NO WINNING a counter-insurgency. You’d have to kill virtually the entire population. And if you call that “winning” well, maybe you better check your morality index.
– Mike

During WWII – the “good” war and all our guys were of unimpeachable moral character, etc – our guys would roll up to a small town. They would announce to the town that if they were harboring any Nazis, they had one hour to turn them over or force them out. If they didn’t, our guys would flatten the town.

First couple towns called our bluff. We wrecked their shit and flattened the town.

Word spread fast. Folks didn’t want their shit wrecked and houses flattened, so they ejected the Nazis hanging out…

Then, if you care to go back to the late, great 19th century, Black Jack Pershing had his soldiers dip their bullet tips in pigs blood before executing the barbarian muslim slime and then burying them in pig offal and yet more pig’s blood… they’d keep one guy alive, so he could go back to his buddies and tell the tale… their fuckery stopped overnight…

You don’t have to kill every motherfucker in a country to “pacify” it… but saddling our Joes with insane, suicidal ROE’s and then expecting them to “win” is just bullshit…

Why try to reinvent the fucking wheel every time you fight the same assholes? They’re basically 7th century barbarians. So, treat them like 7th century barbarians.

You capture some of these assholes? Do the pig’s blood thing – and have one guy – preferably their leader – witness the whole thing from harvesting pig blood and offal to dipping bullets into it to the firing squad to burying them soaked in pigs’ blood… then send him back to tell the rest of his fucking friends that no, there ain’t gonna be no 72 virgins or any of that shit… that they’re fighting some fuckers who don’t fucking play around and yes, we WILL wreck your shit if you fuck with us…

Break their will. It’s not about killing motherfuckers… it’s about breaking their will… and all that takes is US having the greater will… to do what needs done.

Bumble-fucking around with the ROE’s we’ve had is worse than fucking stupid… it’s criminal.

June 10, 2015 3:08 pm

Great post, billy. Jim, hate to tell you, not a very republican site. I can think of two, off hand. Plenty of libertarians, a few conservatives, and some old school libs. But almost no neocon/neolib anything. Freeloaders pop up and disappear once in a while. Dems don’t have a shot in 2016, no candidate

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
June 10, 2015 5:19 pm

Turning the other cheek to a Muslim would be like taking your girlfriend ti Alaska to befriend the bears and get some great videos.

June 10, 2015 6:21 pm

S. Sage, the filth you are speaking of sounds a lot like Dick Cheney! What do I win?

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
June 10, 2015 11:01 pm

“Insanity’s definition is sending more U.S. ground troops to Iraq”

I keep getting this image of all these neocon-inspired wars & proxy wars as being nothing but a gigantic MEAT GRINDER into which the gullibly brainwashed youths of Amerika zestfully throw themselves into, thinking that they’re “defending the nation” when even a common rhesus monkey understands what’s REALLY going on.