Donald Trump the Demagogue

Guest Post by Michael Krieger 

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It’s not too interesting to say that Donald Trump is a nationalist and aspiring despot who is manipulating bourgeois resentment, nativism, and ignorance to feed his power lust. It’s uninteresting because it is obviously true. It’s so true that stating it sounds more like an observation than a criticism.

Lovers of freedom need to confront the views of a man with views like this. What’s more, of all the speeches I heard at FreedomFest, I learned more from this one than any other. I heard, for the first time in my life, what a modern iteration of a consistently statist but non-leftist outlook on politics sounds and feels like in our own time. 

What’s distinct about Trumpism, and the tradition of thought it represents, is that it is non-leftist in its cultural and political outlook and yet still totalitarian in the sense that it seeks total control of society and economy and places no limits on state power. The left has long waged war on bourgeois institutions like family, church, and property. In contrast, right fascism has made its peace with all three. It (very wisely) seeks political strategies that call on the organic matter of the social structure and inspire masses of people to rally around the nation as a personified ideal in history, under the leadership of a great and highly accomplished man.

Trump believes himself to be that man.

– From Jeffrey Tucker’s absolutely brilliant, must read, Trumpism: The Ideology

The Huffington Post caused a bit of a media storm earlier today with its announcement that it would be covering Trump’s presidential campaign in the entertainment section. Here’s the announcement:

After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won’t report on Trump’s campaign as part of The Huffington Post’s political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. Our reason is simple: Trump’s campaign is a sideshow. We won’t take the bait. If you are interested in what The Donald has to say, you’ll find it next to our stories on the Kardashians and The Bachelorette.

Unfortunately, I have to disagree with this assessment. Trump may be a “joke” to people who see right through what he’s doing, but he’s no joke to his growing number of supporters. The Huffington Post would do far more good covering him religiously, while discrediting him every step of the way. Mocking him will only reflexively boost his support amongst an increasingly desperate and confused citizenry. As much as I wish he were a joke, he’s not. In fact, he’s very real and very dangerous.

Fortunately, Jeffrey Tucker at has penned a piece on Trump that is at the same time brilliant, incisive and necessary. He wrote the article on Trump I wish I had. If we are to ultimately choose liberty as opposed to Trump’s American brand of right-of-center statism, we much expose him for what he is in the context of history. Mocking him, ignoring him and hoping he just goes away silently into the night will not be enough.

Now here are some excerpts from Mr. Tucker’s excellent article: Trumpism: The Ideology

It’s not too interesting to say that Donald Trump is a nationalist and aspiring despot who is manipulating bourgeois resentment, nativism, and ignorance to feed his power lust. It’s uninteresting because it is obviously true. It’s so true that stating it sounds more like an observation than a criticism.

I just heard Trump speak live. It was an awesome experience, like an interwar séance of once-powerful dictators who inspired multitudes, drove countries into the ground, and died grim deaths.

The ideology is a 21st century version of right fascism — one of the most politically successful ideological strains of 20th century politics. Though hardly anyone talks about it today, we really should. It is still real. It exists. It is distinct. It is not going away. Trump has tapped into it, absorbing unto his own political ambitions every conceivable bourgeois resentment: race, class, sex, religion, economic. You would have to be hopelessly ignorant of modern history not to see the outlines and where they end up.

For now, Trump seems more like comedy than reality. I want to laugh about what he said, like reading a comic-book version of Franco, Mussolini, or Hitler. And truly I did laugh, as when he denounced the existence of tech support in India that serves American companies (“how can it be cheaper to call people there than here?” — as if he still thinks that long-distance charges apply).

Let’s hope this laughter doesn’t turn to tears.

Lovers of freedom need to confront the views of a man with views like this. What’s more, of all the speeches I heard at FreedomFest, I learned more from this one than any other. I heard, for the first time in my life, what a modern iteration of a consistently statist but non-leftist outlook on politics sounds and feels like in our own time. And I watched as most of the audience undulated between delight and disgust — with perhaps only 10% actually cheering his descent into vituperative anti-intellectualism. That was gratifying.

As of this writing, Trump is leading in the polls in the Republican field. He is hated by the media, which is a plus for the hoi polloi in the GOP. He says things he should not, which is also a plus for his supporters. He is brilliant at making belligerent noises rather than having worked out policy plans. He knows that real people don’t care about the details; they only want a strongman who shares their values. He makes fun of the intellectuals, of course, as all populists must do. Along with this penchant, Trump encourages a kind of nihilistic throwing out of rationality in favor of a trust in his own genius. And people respond, as we can see. 

So, what does Trump actually believe? He does have a philosophy, though it takes a bit of insight and historical understanding to discern it. Of course race baiting is essential to the ideology, and there was plenty of that. When a Hispanic man asked a question, Trump interrupted him and asked if he had been sent by the Mexican government. He took it a step further, dividing blacks from Hispanics by inviting a black man to the microphone to tell how his own son was killed by an illegal immigrant.

Trump also tosses little bones to the Christian Right, enough to allow them to believe that he represents their interests. Yes, it’s implausible and hilarious. But the crowd who looks for this is easily won with winks and nudges, and those he did give. At the speech I heard, he railed against ISIS and its war against Christians, pointing out further than he is a Presbyterian and thus personally affected every time ISIS beheads a Christian. This entire section of his speech was structured to rally the nationalist Christian strain that was the bulwark of support for the last four Republican presidents.

But as much as racialist and religious resentment is part of his rhetorical apparatus, it is not his core. His core is about business, his own business and his acumen thereof. He is living proof that being a successful capitalist is no predictor of one’s appreciation for an actual free market (stealing not trading is more his style). It only implies a love of money and a longing for the power that comes with it. Trump has both.

In effect, he believes that he is running to be the CEO of the country — not just of the government (as Ross Perot once believed) but of the entire country. In this capacity, he believes that he will make deals with other countries that cause the U.S. to come out on top, whatever that could mean. He conjures up visions of himself or one of his associates sitting across the table from some Indian or Chinese leader and making wild demands that they will buy such and such amount of product else “we” won’t buy their product.

Yes, it’s bizarre. As Nick Gillespie said, he has a tenuous grasp on reality. Trade theory from hundreds of years plays no role in his thinking at all. To him, America is a homogenous unit, no different from his own business enterprise. With his run for president, he is really making a takeover bid, not just for another company to own but for an entire country to manage from the top down, under his proven and brilliant record of business negotiation, acquisition, and management. 

What’s distinct about Trumpism, and the tradition of thought it represents, is that it is non-leftist in its cultural and political outlook and yet still totalitarian in the sense that it seeks total control of society and economy and places no limits on state power. The left has long waged war on bourgeois institutions like family, church, and property. In contrast, right fascism has made its peace with all three. It (very wisely) seeks political strategies that call on the organic matter of the social structure and inspire masses of people to rally around the nation as a personified ideal in history, under the leadership of a great and highly accomplished man.

Trump believes himself to be that man.

He sounds fresh, exciting, even thrilling, like a man with a plan and a complete disregard for the existing establishment and all its weakness and corruption. This is how strongmen take over countries. They say some true things, boldly, and conjure up visions of national greatness under their leadership. They’ve got the flags, the music, the hype, the hysteria, the resources, and they work to extract that thing in many people that seeks heroes and momentous struggles in which they can prove their greatness.

This is a dark history and I seriously doubt that Trump himself is aware of it. Instead, he just makes it up as he goes along, speaking from his gut. This penchant has always served him well. It cannot serve a whole nation well. Indeed, the very prospect is terrifying, and not just for the immigrant groups and imports he has chosen to scapegoat for all the country’s problems. It’s a disaster in waiting for everyone.

The main reason I chose to start this blog in the first place, was rooted is my deep fear of what might emerge after the current paradigm collapses. I have no doubt something very different is coming, I just desperately want that thing to be freedom, free markets and prosperity as opposed to the disaster that a $2 despot like Trump would bring. His ascension in the polls is very troubling, and makes me wonder whether the public will ultimately choose to rally behind some statist-demagogue wrapped in an American flag when things get bad enough, as opposed to something far more difficult: Liberty. I fear they may eventually choose someone like Donald Trump.

For related articles, see:

You’re Fired – Trump Campaign Tweets Photo of Trump’s Head Next to Nazi Soldiers

Meet the Immigrants Building Trump’s International Hotel in Washington D.C.

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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July 18, 2015 3:18 pm

” …moar sophistry.” —— flash

Seems to be your favorite new word. I’m not sure you fully understand it. Sophistry has to do with an argument that contains fallacies. Now .. you might not agree with my opinions, and that’s ok. But, that does not mean there are fallacies. And if there are, you ought to reveal them, and argue your point … rather than just (figuratively) standing on the rooftop shouting “Sophist!!!”. That accomplishes zero in furthering understanding.

“Your bullshit no longer floats” ——- flash

My bullshit?? That’s just great, flash. I’ve been nothing but respectful and cordial in taking the time to explain my views … views I truly believe ….. and you come along and fling insults. Perhaps you’re bored and just want to start a shit-fest. I’m not in the mood. But, it does effectively end the conversation. I’m done with you. Have a nice day.

July 18, 2015 3:19 pm

Admin has just posted (3:05pm) exactly how insignificant Chump’s chance of election are, so why do we keep debating this guy as a viable candidate???

July 18, 2015 3:20 pm

Stuck;s snippet:“Nationalism is typically the patriotic feeling or efforts towards ones national platform or flag, and usually marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.

Yeah, I saw that crap. That’s one assholes interpretation, but does he speak for an entire nation. ..prolly thinks that being homosexual make one gay as well…sheesh.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 18, 2015 3:23 pm

“Chances of Trump being president – .00000000000000000000001%

It seems like the same monkeys who actually believed ebola was a threat to the US population are the same ones who believe Trump is really a legitimate candidate for president.”

Hmm, it will be actually VERY fucking easy for him to win. I must be the only one who is noticing he is framing the debate. That is how you win a debate.

When the first GOP primary debates come around what do you expect the topics to be? I assume the biggest issue will be immigration because of Trump’s fanfare over the past few weeks.

July 18, 2015 3:24 pm

admin -So you think Hillary will be a fine president?

You’re kidding right?
No , I think she will be the end to the leftist bullshit that’s damn near destroyed what was once a strong (first world)Christian nation.

She will be the catalyst for national ( ooh, there’s that bad again) divorce from left extremism.

July 18, 2015 3:25 pm

What Trump needs is a uniform that has more gold braid than an Ethiopian Field Marshall.

July 18, 2015 3:25 pm

“You left out the Moremons” —— Zara

I also left out Jehovah Witnesses. I said major religions..Now, Judaism is not a major religion in terms of numbers … but it is a major one in terms of influence, and the fact they’ve been around 5,000 years (regardless of the reason).

July 18, 2015 3:25 pm

Flash- Have you been added to the payroll of the DNC? Both parties are bullshit, this country is turning into bullshit, your thinking is bullshit. WTF

July 18, 2015 3:26 pm

I’m done too Stuck….go soak your butt hurt.It helps.

July 18, 2015 3:27 pm

Jim, quick question. Do you think trump’s collapse is going to happen at the same time people start finding jeb! awesome?

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
July 18, 2015 3:38 pm

@Hardscrabble Farmer & others on Libertarianism

I consider myself a Libertarian, but I absolutely cannot get on board with the “open borders” ideal. I have spent plenty of time on the Reason website trying to explain to those snowflakes that unrestricted immigration will be the end of America and the certain end of the Liberty movement in the US. They simply cannot grasp that the mobilization of immigrant hordes into a voting bloc that will thwart freedom and capitalism in this country is a deliberate Progressive strategy.

Obviously, in the absence of a welfare state, free movement of free peoples is a logical and worthy goal. However, given the prior existence of the Welfare State, unrestricted immigration is stupid beyond belief.

Despite his bluster, Trump has connected with a deep vein of legitimate resentment among Americans. As John Vernon’s character in the Outlaw Josey Wales said: “don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining”. The Progressive establishment has told everyone here that immigration and globalization are great things and that to resist them is backward and racist. Yet the average man/woman on the street has to live with the negative externalities of immigration and the obvious impact on wage levels of globalization.

It’s pretty obvious that we could all cope with and perhaps even prosper from globalization if we didn’t have a giant government strangling our businesses and saddling us with the costs of a Welfare State. And we’d all like smart, motivated immigrants. But as these policies are implemented, as opposed to Libertarian theory, they suck badly. But to oppose them is backward and “rayciss”.

I’m particularly sick of this bullshit because I have plenty of Latinos in my family and they came here (legally) to get away from the same assholes who have followed them here illegally.

July 18, 2015 3:42 pm


Both parties are bullshit, this country is turning into bullshit, your thinking is bullshit. WTF

This would make a great bumper sticker

July 18, 2015 3:44 pm


butt hurt? From YOU??? Don’t flatter yourself. Did you actually say something that wasn’t a cut and paste? I don’t remember.

Shit. I said I was done with you. Oh well, since I’m here …… go fuck yourself, or the horse you rode in on.

July 18, 2015 4:08 pm

I think if Trump fails to get elected the Gov will take/steel/force/tax everything you own into gov sub housing units.We will be forced to drivePolosi cars.There will be empty grocery shelves.No one will be allowed to own anything.Freedom/privacy will be only for Politicians ,bankers big pharma,drug cartels.He is our only hope

July 18, 2015 4:22 pm


There is but one thing that will save this country but I don’t think men can muster the kind of bravery it would take for such an act. Trust me, Donald Trump will never save us ,only we can save ourselves. Never consider any Republicunt, Demoncrat, Joo or Billionaire as our only hope, you poor sheep.

Muck About
Muck About
July 18, 2015 4:23 pm

Those who confuse Libertarianism with establishing a voting block to accomplish anything don’t understand Libertarianism.

There are very, very few rules that go with the term libertarian. The main idea of the philosophy is to be let alone. No welfare, no social rules (i.e. prostitution and gay marriage are none of the governments business) — in fact NOTHING is the Governments’ business except providing for the National Defense, to provide a working police presence to protect normal citizens from predators and a systems of justice to adjudicate disagreements. Additional SMALL duties may include supervising private contracts to protect the Public Properties and common areas, highways, interstate relationships and such. But these accessory Departments must be kept small, spry and closely supervised by the Federal Legislature (whose members are drafted and paid $1.00 a year to serve).

As much as possible is to be handed to the States to handle and —- DAMN – when you get right down to it, Libertarianism sounds an awful lot like the Constitutional Republic we started out with, doesn’t it!


July 18, 2015 4:59 pm

Jim, do I believe we are on a course that is inevitable, and only ends badly? No. Do I know exactly how change will occur? No. Do I know change will happen, and it will be positive? No. Do I know for a fact that trump, if given the chance, would course correct? No

July 18, 2015 5:02 pm

But I do believe he has the mindset and the wherewithall to do it. We will see

July 18, 2015 5:12 pm

Trump is in the race to text the waters for TPTB. They want to identify the opposition. What they learned has scared the crap out of them.

July 18, 2015 5:14 pm

Stuck..go fuck yourself, or the horse you rode in on.

LOL…now that’s the TBP spirit. All this hand holding is making me queasy.

July 18, 2015 5:16 pm

Nice post Muck.

The ONLY thing I want government to do is secure and defend our borders and our people within. EVERYTHING else would be up to the states to handle…………….does that make me a Libertarian? Anarchist? What do you think?

July 18, 2015 5:18 pm

Stuck- Did you actually say something that wasn’t a cut and paste? I don’t remember.

Sez’ the man who C&Ped the longest bit on nonsense on this thread. Howls of laughter…

July 18, 2015 5:22 pm

I’ll vote Trump as a Repuke spoiler , but I’m really down with saving the whale.

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 18, 2015 5:28 pm

any interested in understanding what a mass invasion of America by third world immigrant will look like , check out Camp of the Saint here:

You can download calibre which will convert .pdf formats to kindel , epub and various other here:

July 18, 2015 5:29 pm

good advice.

“Whatever our religion and our private convictions, we are the collective inheritors of things both excellent and rare, and political life, for us, ought to have one overriding goal, which is to hold fast to those things, in order to pass them on to our children.”
― Roger Scruton, How to be a conservative

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 18, 2015 5:46 pm

OK, friends. I will take my licks from Admin and Stucky, but let me say this. Admin has every right to publish what he wants. As a loyal reader, don’t I have the right to ask why space was wasted in printing pseudo-Marxist twaddle? I do indeed know the difference between a libertarian and a Marxist. Krieger is a Marxist. I know the difference between nationalism and patriotism. I am totally opposed to our world policeman role and all that comes with it. I happen to believe that God bestowed his blessing on us only as long as we obeyed His law, which we forgot about a long time ago.
As for my KKK meeting, I am sure Admin will be there next to me, reciting his ever popular 30 Blocks of Squalor to rapt attention and wild applause.. As for my Jew oven, I am still tinkering with it so it will eject those Jews who are sincere Americans, who do not believe the Chosen people nonsense, who do not work night and day to involve us in their tribal wars in the Middle East and who abide by the G olden Rule in their business lives. I will be the first to admit that Trump is not my ideal candidate and I will accept that our votes count for little or nothing. I still say that a vote for him still equals throwing a steaming turd in the face of the Mainstream media, the Beltway crowd and the cultural Marxists who run this sinking country. I do not see Trump as a realistic candidate, hero or a cornpone Fuhrer. I do see him as a guy who can throw the presidential race into total chaos and that is the best we can hope for at this point.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 18, 2015 5:52 pm

El Coyote, Southerners do not need to “assimilate” into American culture. Southern culture is one of the foundation stones of this country, as is New England culture. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Patrick Henry, Henry Laurens, Charles Carroll. Any of them ring a bell?

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 18, 2015 5:54 pm

Ah, Westcoaster is back! Somebody blow an awful fart over at Salon? You waiting for the air to clear before going back? OK. I admit it. I dumped a load in their server.

July 18, 2015 6:06 pm

damn nationalist…I hate ’em!

“Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens,) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove, that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government. But that jealousy, to be useful, must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defence against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation, and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.”

George Washington

July 18, 2015 7:20 pm

Southern Sage

That was one of the best Mea Culpas of all time.

July 18, 2015 7:27 pm

Stucky is just admin blow hard.That’s all but he’s a sweet, loyal blowhard.

July 18, 2015 8:15 pm

No shit stuck, southern sage got game.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 18, 2015 8:58 pm

I will take a bow! Now I am off to a town hall meeting to demand more Section 8 housing in my neighborhood.

July 18, 2015 9:18 pm

Southern don’t forget to ask for the new abortion clinic . Got to have a new jail to.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 18, 2015 9:50 pm

Southerners have balls and game. Bravo Sage.