Stucky Question Of The Day #6

Which “hero”  (a person you really admired) in your life let you down the most?

More than one answer is OK … one for politics, one for entertainment, etc.

For me, Billy Cosby ranks way up there.

Wolfgang …  my best friend in high school whom I hated … and I would listen to Cosby’s comedy records so often we’d memorize EVERY skit on both sides, word for word. We flat out had Fat Albert nailed! Later in life, when we had kids, one of the FEW teevee shows we allowed the kids to watch was The Cosby show … family values, and all that shit.  (Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman was another …. but now that I know her brother, Jim Quinn, was arrested for fondling children (according to the 5th Estate) … that’s another huge disappointment.) Sarcasm alert.

All my “heroes” are gone …

They can’t ALL be lying.



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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July 30, 2015 6:25 am

None – as stupid as I was, not being gullible was a blessing.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 30, 2015 6:58 am

If they can’t all be lying then not all the young women who died during the witch trial weren’t witch. Merely, maybe one or two of them were suicidal or had magical privilege guilt and decided to not save themselves from burning or drowning.

I am 100% percent suspicious of these women. For starts, the drug he gave them which “shocked and outraged” everybody were quaaludes which are not the same thing as the date rape drug. Many people around the time were popping ludes to get kinky. Second, they can’t prove these women were unwilling anymore then they can prove they were willing. At the same time they can never prove or disprove any of these women had sexual intercourse willing or unwilling.

When I first heard of these rape allegations I thought Bill Cosby is either the most cunning serial rapists ever or he is the worst case of elder abuse ever. I am leaning towards elder abuse because I can see him having the time to rape all these women. He was very busy throughout his career with stand up, television shows, movies, his wife, and raising five children. I would think actively plotting to lure women, obtain drugs, and to rape 35 women would take a lot of time.


July 30, 2015 7:19 am

Very few of my “heroes” has stood scrutiny.

The first “hero” who was revealed as anything but in my teenage eyes, was the murdered president, John F Kennedy. At the time of his assassination, I was 11 years old, and can still remember the shock that i and others felt when our teacher announced that he had been shot. At that time, Kennedy of a figure of veneration among all the adults I knew, including my parents and grandparents, and those of nearly all my little friends and classmates. It was when I entered high school, and began to read a lot more extensively, that his image as some sort of heroic knight in shining armor, began to tarnish as it became clear that it was he who involved us in the Vietnam quagmire, and who promulgated the blatantly socialistic policies and programs whose destructiveness was becoming obvious by the late 60s. Most of all, though, the depths of his cynicism and ruthlessness became obvious when you consider his dealings with the Cuban community of Miami (a “disposal problem”), and his sordid personal life… and all I have to say about THAT is to counsel your daughter, if she’s pretty enough to be attractive to trophy-hunting powerful men, to stay the hell away from powerful politicians.

Of all the people who were once heroes in my eye, only a dwindling handful stand scrutiny. Albert Einstein and Alvin Weinberg are among them. A few others who come close. Perhaps 5 at the most, and a few others who work and lives I consider admirable, but would not quite call “heroic”.

July 30, 2015 7:20 am

My biggest let down was John “Maverick” McCain, war hero and war prisoner of the commie pinko bastards Vietcong.

In school a few of us had his action figure doll that had the replaceable finger nails we would pull out one by one after we took him off of the electrified bed springs and unhooked the battery cables from his balls.
Try as we might we could never get him to break down, denounce the rebels and embrace the dark side. Now we find out he was the dark side, the circle is now complete.

Third row from the top, woman on the far left, you can tell she was asking for it.

July 30, 2015 7:44 am

I sat across the table from a box of wheaties sporting the image of a man I watched win the olympic decathalon. There are others who disappointed me. But none more.

July 30, 2015 7:50 am

July 30, 2015 7:53 am

Adm…that’s a hoot

July 30, 2015 8:12 am

I’m pretty picky about who I choose as hero’s. In 48 years I’ve only had one hero so far……my father.

I used to like Cosby quite a bit. Had all of his records when I was a kid and wore them out. Now he disgusts me. To be honest, his wife disgusts me even more because there is no way she did not know and despite this 1. she did not speak out and 2. she has stayed by his side all these years.

July 30, 2015 8:25 am

Political – McCain
Entertainment – Cosby
Historical – Lincoln
Organization – Catholic Church

July 30, 2015 8:44 am

Clammy, that scumbag admitted to doing this shit. Fuck him! He needs some “elder abuse” since he never got the abuse he deserved for this shit.

Oh yeah………unless you’ve tried ludes or ludes and alcohol (I have)……… have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.

July 30, 2015 9:12 am

Investment world – Warren Buffett

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 30, 2015 9:03 am

Bill Cosby?? What in the wide , wide world of sports did freckin Bill Cosby ever do to be a hero?

Never found the guy funny even when he was a stand up. Back forty years ago I read a article that basically said he was known to spend three days a time at the Playboy Mansion where he was banging gals day and night while his wife was home with the children. Let’s just say his wife was not good with that nor were most of the white women he manhandled at the mansion. Hero my ass. I knew what he was all about decades ago.

harry p.
harry p.
July 30, 2015 9:03 am

i dont know what to definitively think but the fact that it is 35 women doesnt matter to me. It couldbe 3500 but without what i would consider actual proof it doesnt matter. How many teevee news stations agree on something that is flatout wrong? Only most of them all the time…
i am not even 35 years old or famous and i have met (at least) 35 women that were flatout fucking crazy so i wouldnt put it past them.

The only hero that let me down was Batman, those joel shacher movies in the 90s were atrocious. But the latest trilogy made up for it.
Ive always stayed away from “real” heroes for the most part, they are human and destined to disappoint.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 30, 2015 9:15 am

To answer the question, same as I/S. My father told me at a early age that everything is BS and not to expect too much and that people are sheep. He was right on all counts and I never had to be disappointed with the people others thought were superior human beings.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
July 30, 2015 9:19 am

Buffett, McCain, OJ Simpson, Lincoln, Jimmy Carter, The Public School System.

July 30, 2015 9:22 am

I’ve been thinking more about the question and a better question would be: “Throughout your life, who has NOT let you down?”

I still gotta go with my father.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 30, 2015 9:24 am

Stucky- I can totally believe 35 women slept with Bill Cosby thinking it would advance their careers. Quite a number identified as former actresses or aspiring actresses who looked to Bill Cosby as “their mentor” and later said their mentor took advantage of them.

What difference is it of office sluts that sleep with their boss and later claim sexual harassment when all they are left being a pump and dump?

July 30, 2015 9:27 am

Unfortunately in business, my Dad.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 30, 2015 10:16 am

Stucky- Rent ‘Gone Girl’ and get back to me. You seem to underestimate vindictive female behavior. This movie had the most fucked up female villain ever. I can ony post the actual trailer because anything else would be spoilers.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 30, 2015 10:17 am

If you are not interested in ever seeing this movie, here is the spoiler trailer but it gives everything away.

July 30, 2015 10:19 am

I am no bill Cosby fan going back to I Spy days. He was just a black “hero” used to promote the mongrelization of America. He will avoid punishment even if he did rape some of those womenbecause of statute of limitations.

I suspect that most of the women were groupies who wanted to do drugs and fuck niggers. They later MUCH LATER realized that they could turn that into a big payday. Claims are bullshit.

July 30, 2015 10:25 am

My hero is Al Gore. A man who overcame adversity and was robbed in the election of 2000. He went on to win the Peace Prize for climate work after being passed over for the honor after inventing the internet.

The disappointment is that he has not overcome the Koch brothers and the Denier Conspiracy.

July 30, 2015 10:40 am

Overthecliff- Nice sarc!

At least you did not say it was Lucille Ball who was as RED as you can get. Or maybe, Bob Hope who kept sex slaves like another of our heros, Steven Sigal (cough) who recently got his tail in a crack over keeping sex slaves.

July 30, 2015 11:16 am

Hunter S. Thompson.

He should be alive to see this shit.

July 30, 2015 11:24 am

“What’s in it for them?” – Stucky

and I will steal your shit to tell you:

Give me an A
Give me a T
Give me a T
Give me an E
Give me an N
Give me a T
Give me an I
Give me an O
Give me an N

What’s that spell?

Here’s what most likely occurred: Cosby was/is a rich, famous, philandering doucebag…use fame, money, drugs and alcohol to bang hot young aspiring actresses. Surprise anyone?

Young aspiring actresses want to bang rich, famous Bill Cosby, especially after some booze and ‘ludes.

Maybe one or two times a “no” was said at some point in the proceedings, yet they occurred anyway. Again, does this surprise anyone?

Years later, one of these aspiring actresses, whose career has completely failed and whose looks have failed, suddenly remembers banging Bill back in the day and looking back she is sure that she said “no” and that he raped her. She comes out. A few more failed actresses remember banging Bill back in the day, but now that the “r” word is out there, they seem to remember it the same way. Sure, the memory is a little hazy, but all the better, because now they can say he drugged them and raped them…and today’s MSM will eat that shit up.

So, who is the victim? As usual in our society…EVERYONE. At least in their own minds.

So, who is the good and righteous hero of the piece? As usual in our society…NO ONE!!!

Again Buffalo Springfield nailed it:

“Nobody’s right, if everybody’s wrong.”

July 30, 2015 11:29 am

Great responses, all. I didn’t think of Lance Armstrong, but he’s a terrific example. Guy we all thought was amazing…heroically fighting cancer, then going on to win one of the most grueling races in the world…seven fucking times. And it was all bullshit…and he is a complete asshole.

Lincoln immediately jumped to mine, however. Makes me wonder if any honorable men have EVER achieved fame??? Fuck, for all I know Oscar Schindler ritually sacrificed virgins and Nelson Mandela regularly ate live human babies for breakfast.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 30, 2015 11:47 am

Stucky- My college roommate cheated on her boyfriend and then accused the guy she cheated with of raping her when her boyfriend found out. Women lie!! And yes, I agree with DRUD these women are attention whores. Washed up wannabe actresses well past their prime looking for attention and to get back at Cosby for boning them on the casting couch.

July 30, 2015 11:47 am


You seem to be looking at this through rational, practical and logical terms.

You do realize we’re talking about women here, right? And not practical, solid women, but failed starlets. Attention is not just a goal in and of itself, but the ONLY goal.

Second, how many women do you think Cosby nailed back in the day? He could have been bangin two or three a day when he was on the road. 35 is a large number, I admit, but it could still represent a tiny fraction of the total.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 30, 2015 11:49 am

Stucky- Their star accuser is JANICE DICKINSON. I believe her last paid job was “Rehab with Dr. Drew”.

July 30, 2015 11:50 am

Also, once the number gets to 3 or 4, a snowball effect takes place. More and more women want in on the spotlight, even if it gains them nothing.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 30, 2015 11:52 am

DRUD- Cosby was a regular at the Playboy Mansion during the drug mania of the 1960s-1980s. I am sure Cosby slept with so many women he lost count which makes him a perfect target for these allegation because he probably doesn’t remember sleeping with any of these women.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 30, 2015 12:18 pm

Clam- It was known that Cosby was manhandling white women at the mansion who DID NOT want to have sex with a knegroe. Hefner knew that the bunny hos did not want him there.

July 30, 2015 12:26 pm

Human beings are such fallible things. There are few, if any, that could 100% stand up to scrutiny, we are all sinners in one way or another.

Reading through this it occurs to me I don’t have any heros, or even celebrities, that I admire, look up to, or follow in anyway whatsoever.

I could not care less about Cosby, drugs and “starlets” that were hoping he would get them a job and now resent him for their own personal failures.

I could not care less about Cait, the Kardashians, or their rap “hero” hub/boys.

I could not care less about George (nobody but my guards needs guns) Clooney and his latest/greatest bullshit meme meant to further enrich the elite and further oppress the Western middle class.

I could not care less and bitchface and her disgusting haircut.

I have no place in my heart for making heros out of humans that will only let me down. Seems when I re-accepted God I lost what little idolatry I had for any man. Well, God and truth, once I found the truth about the World Health Organization, Bill Gates and vaccinations, let alone our food, my outlook on all men dramatically changed.

I admire a few men and what they do, but I refuse to believe any flawed human a hero. They may do a heroic act here and there, and deserve my admiration and thanks for that, but, just like Cosby, all men are human and flawed.

Love the man, not the sin. That is working for me.

Hugs Stuck

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 30, 2015 12:39 pm

Stucky- You are nearly there but may I point out something about people who go chasing after Hollywood dreams. Bruce Jenner was a decathlon champion who tucks his junk back and calls himself Caitlyn to get the same amount of attention as the Kardashian women. And you for a second believe these failed starlets are telling the truth. These ain’t normal people on either side. I am not defending Cosby’s cheating on his wife at every opportunity and being a slime ball, but I doubt he is a criminal rapist.

July 30, 2015 12:42 pm

If everyone in bike racing did not cheat, I could feel let down by armstrong. But they do.
I had forgotten oj. And pete rose.
I dont feel let down by politicians like mcccain, because I never expect much from thieves and liars.
Hard to feel let down by parents too. Ya live with them and realize how much they suck .
The more I read into the question the more I realize most everyone lets you down, given enough time.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 30, 2015 1:14 pm

Steph says “These ain’t normal people on either side”.

What does Kim Kartrashian and Jeb Bush have in common? They are distant cousins (true)

July 30, 2015 1:21 pm

He is an actor. I figure most people in Hollywood or Washington. Are a bunch of nuts. Over payed for doing so little so badly.
Cosby and these women and God are the only ones who know the truth on the matter.

July 30, 2015 1:47 pm

Politics – Ronald Reagan. Won the Cold War. Cut taxes and government. Morning in America. My ass. Never exactly admired him, but Rand Paul – he had Ron Paul for a father, for crissake!

History – George Washington. Just a wanna-be general with a justified fear of slave revolts.
Runners-up – Winston Churchill, Father Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, I’m sure I could think of some others.

Literature – Ayn Rand. Way too much cult of personality there, and not nearly as rational as she thought she was.

Sciences – Albert Einstein. For such a bright guy, how could he be a socialist?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 30, 2015 1:56 pm

AnarchoPagan says- “Albert Einstein, For such a bright guy, how could he be a socialist”?

Hee was a Joo, nuff said.

July 30, 2015 2:08 pm

Come on Stuck! Wilt Chamberlin said he banged 20,000 tramps. The world is full of whores who will sell their ass for a few minutes of fame or a few bucks.

July 30, 2015 2:19 pm

My father was always my hero. Then, before he died, he sued me to get my name taken off the deed to the farm when I refused to join the LLC my sister planned to build a museum to honor him and copyright all his photographs.

People suck.

July 30, 2015 3:13 pm

Cosby is the best of Black men.

So what does this say about the rest of them?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 30, 2015 4:32 pm

Stucky- I think you have hurt Flash’s feelings. The cut and paste talent is lacking somehow and well…..I kind of miss him.

Flash……Come back. You are needed more than you know.

July 30, 2015 6:23 pm

the person I admired the most ,that I held in the most esteemed position ,that I would walk thru fire for ,donate a body part for , DIE for , killed all my compassion for others . her name was POPPINS ,just about perfect in every way , her name was sunshine and I miss her terribly even tho I know I was being used ( she never could get past my handicapped children but it is ok I wish her the absolute best in life . whenever you fucks are feeling low , know that it can be infinitly worse . I no longer believe that we are judged at the end of life ….. I think its now and goddammit it I don’t know what I did wrong (

July 30, 2015 7:11 pm

As I scroll through the comments I cannot help but notice none of you, not a single person, singled out George W. Bush and Dick Cheney as your heroes.
Considering that most of the crowd here probably voted for these two, maybe even twice, I find this amazing.
On the Cosby thread, years ago, a friend of my ex was raped at knife point and came to our house right after. One terrible night and she refused to go to the police. Can’t say as I blame her. I find it highly doubtful 35 Women would finger him as a rapist w/o substance. And @I.S. you’re right about ‘Ludes & booze. That combination will result in behavior waaay outside the norm!

July 30, 2015 9:03 pm

you do realize they have a name for women like that. ttps://