Via Goodbye America (in a photo)

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August 17, 2015 11:16 am

Those babies look very similar – I wonder if the father is the same man?

August 17, 2015 11:17 am

Dang..those buns have been in the oven for too long !

August 17, 2015 11:27 am

They will probably get want they want.It will ruin their lives but who cares .

August 17, 2015 11:47 am

You guys know those are dolls, right?
Probably from some kind of goofy high school class or something.

August 17, 2015 11:55 am

Oh great. You got Obama care, Obama phones and now Obama kids. I don’t want to know what is next.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 17, 2015 12:03 pm

A common reality these days. For the Black male, babies are usually just a another notch on his putz.

August 17, 2015 12:23 pm

We live in a more affluent neighborhood, and home schooled. One of my daughter’s friends (when they were about 9 or 10) had a black doll. My wife contributes this to the kid being brain washed attending gubmint scrools.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
August 17, 2015 12:32 pm

What difference does it make? It’s a fucking doll.

August 17, 2015 1:10 pm

Normalizing things today that will likely turn out to be self-destructive in the future.

1. Normalizing homos on TV sitcoms. Ask someone you know what percentage of people in the US are gay or lesbian. You know what most will answer? 30%.

30%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W.T.F.?!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, I tried it. My 79 year old IN-LAWS gave answers of 20% and 30%. I then asked them to make a guess at how many people they know (past years at work, church, neighbors, etc.) and suggested they probably know 400-500 people. I then asked HOW MANY ARE GAY/LESBIAN?

Five. (less than 1.5%, which is about the reliable estimate from surveys.)

Why do people VASTLY overestimate the percentage of gays?

TV. TV sitcoms. TV news plastering LGBT bs all over.

2. Interracial marriages. We see it on TV all the time. We see it in this photo, where I guarantee you it was explicitly the intent of whoever handed these girls the dolls to “normalize” half-and-half babies.

Yes, it’s subtle, but so was the gay BS on TV and LOOK AT THE RESULT.

If you think this is No Big Deal, I have a bridge to sell you.

If the wheels ever do come off this 50 year trip into Fantasy Land (via the Credit Bubble Express), people are going to IN-GROUP based on very obvious attributes.

Mixed race people may very well fit into NO GROUP, and be left in the no-man’s-land between groups that are in open warfare. Should that occur, being excluded could absolutely be life-and-death.

This is not to mention that IQ is inherited. As far as I’m concerned, a Caucasian woman who chooses a black male is playing with genetic fire. Instead of doing her damnest to choose the best possible father for her child, she’s buying into the equalitarian Narrative, which is demonstrably an open lie, because it’s fashionable.

There are so many ways for people to destroy their lives these days.

3. Tattoos covering large swaths of one’s body. Don’t get me started on how low-IQ, high-time-preference, behaving like a 4 year old this is.

August 17, 2015 1:14 pm

My wife teaches 4th grade.

It is *astonishing* how many of the kids who show up in her classroom each year have siblings whose last names are all different, and are different from the mother.

Four siblings. Four different last names.

Kids come to school reeking of cigarette smoke, but are on “Free Lunch, Free Everything.”

My wife almost jumps up and down with glee when she notes that a kid is in her class and shares a last name with all his or her siblings and both parents are listed as living at the same address.

It’s become VERY rare.

August 17, 2015 1:16 pm

The kid whose siblings share the same last name, and mom and dad are still married?

99% likelihood that:
– well-behaved and self-controlled.
– top 5% in math
– reading at 2 levels above grade level

The people in the underclass are all there for a reason. “Bad luck” has very little to with it 99% of the time.

August 17, 2015 1:33 pm

I will say at my local Walmart it is the norm that most white girls/women under 30 have mixed race children — my city has a program they advertise to “bring the races closer,” and I keep thinking how could they get any closer than making babies — but apparently we are in desperate need of multicultural tolerance…

August 17, 2015 1:42 pm

@Lulu, everywhere I look I see young white women pushing nappy-headed kids in strollers.

I also see otherwise attractive young women with colorful tattoos covering their arms from wrist to shoulder.

I know it sounds apocalyptic, but I do honestly believe that in 20 years, instead of there being 310,000,000 or so people in the USA, there may very well be 100,000,000 or fewer.

IF this cataclysm comes (no bets either way) then anyone without a VERY cohesive, coherent and capable group identity is going to lose, and lose = die. Being in the right group may well not insure success and survival, but being in no-mans-land will be a death sentence.

People are everywhere digging themselves into holes from which escape will be impossible. They are doing this in the COMPLETE absence of any notion of the future, and how the future might be different from today in critical ways.

For heaven’s sake, these morons can’t even imagine that in 30 years their tattoos will look like a melted crayon drawing from a 2 year old!

Never have so many been set up for such destruction.

August 17, 2015 1:50 pm

The left wants a society of uniformly brown people, all clamoring for more “gibsmedats.”


Because those RUNNING the left intend for their kids and grandkids to still be golfing, sailing, cruising, jet-setting, etc. with each other at the top of society, lording over the masses of brown people while milking society dry.

Just like they are now.

August 17, 2015 4:14 pm


Yes – we all know those are plastic dolls. The girl on the left needs some more practice holding hers. Baby goes right on the hip, not in an awkward cradle pose as if she were showing off her prize winning squash from the 4H Club.

August 17, 2015 8:47 pm

Interestingly, back in the good old antebellum period, the white separatists (IE: Lincoln et al) up in arms about the probability that if the races mingled, that the black man would take their wives and daughters. (They must have seen their schlongs).

Anyway, I guess they were correct after all. Funny that.

August 17, 2015 8:58 pm

Those two young white gals are way too cute and thin to be infecting themselves with the “N” chromosome. Unless they are Trayvon ball or Tree Hockey cheer larders. Then I get it.