Via Lonely Libertarian

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September 9, 2015 11:39 am

My hub has two flags up around our home. The problem, as I and a few neighbors see it, is that he doesn’t keep them fresh looking very long.

Just a few minutes ago I was assaulted with the sound of ripping fabric, I jumped up and looked around and what do you know, the squirrel that lives in the tree one flag hangs from is tearing off pieces and taking them back to his nest. Sadly, before I could grab my phone to commemorate his fat butt sitting on my fence with the flag tatter hanging from his cheeks, he disappeared up the tree.

Thanks for the laugh.

September 9, 2015 11:43 am

Male or female squirrel in the photo? Or have squirrels escaped the chains of gender too?

September 9, 2015 12:14 pm

Great caption.

Why do husbands die before their wives? – they want to.

September 9, 2015 12:29 pm

I love squirrels as rodents go they are tops and have personality. Just use too much stimulants evidently surmising from their jerky mannerisms. Hey trump has jerky mannerisms too figuratively speaking. Please no more road kill porn unless its politicians…

September 9, 2015 12:31 pm

Ps i also love being married i drank koolaid decades ago. Course i did it the old fashioned way choosing a human of the opposite sex…

Norman Orwell Body
Norman Orwell Body
September 9, 2015 12:40 pm

I love squirrels too, although my uncle says they are just rats with good pr agents

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 9, 2015 1:00 pm

My dog gets excited when I pick up my shotgun because she loves to hunt squirrels with me. I have acres of fruit and nut trees needing protection. She can see them much better than me when they stop running and try to hide; when she starts focused barking, I look through my binoculars where she is looking and then bag the greedy tree rat. She then takes them to her stash where she uses them for snacks. My son is red-green deficient like his grandfather who was a spotter in WW2 (after about three hours from cutting foliage, it turned color to him) and my son can get 3:1 more than me because they are not the same color as tree bark to him; also snake camouflage doesn’t fool him. Country life is wonderful.

September 9, 2015 1:36 pm

Marriage is like a deck of cards: You start with two hearts and a diamond and in the end you want a club and spade.

September 9, 2015 2:48 pm

omg nice laugh ty needed one

September 9, 2015 3:18 pm

I hate these furry rat MFers. I shoot them whenever I can. They eat my deer food, any part of the deer feeder that is not metal, gnaw on my fruit trees, eat my telephone lines, the list goes on and on.

One day I got so mad I got my Henry GoldBoy rifle out and shot about 25 of them, DEAD!.

Of course, I totally obliterated my bird feeder they were sitting on, but collateral damage hey-ho.

Whenever I see them on the road, I speed up and run them over.

Hate, hate, hate them.

September 9, 2015 4:27 pm

You and me Hopey,

Squirrels are just rats in nice uniforms. A squirrel can eat 200 pounds of almond in a year. .

September 9, 2015 4:51 pm

I like watching them play/raid the bird feeder. Sometimes the little bastards chew on my front porch. Some white vinegar usually teaches the young culprit to pick a different target.

Also, they go great in stew.

September 9, 2015 6:43 pm

Love squirrels. Here in Chicago, we have a few scattered families of black squirrels, which are quite beautiful.

Unfortunately, the City of Chicago regards these pretty little creatures as “pests”, so I can’t sit in the park as once I did, holding out a nut for one to take out of my hand. If I sit still long enough, they will walk right up my leg, and they have better table manners than most people I’ve seen, taking the nut out of my hand with a delicate, tentative gesture, then sitting on their hind quarters staring up at me while they hold the nut like a sandwich and chomp on it.

My mother and her neighbors used to be vexed with them. Mom got annoyed by the way they would take over her bird feeder , while her neighbor was furious at the way they would take ONE bite out of her tomatoes and leave the rest to rot. The easy solution for the tomato-chomping was to put a pot of water out for them, because they only went after the tomatoes for the moisture, and the solution for the bird feeder was an inverted metal cone high on the pole to prevent them from climbing to the tray.

September 10, 2015 4:03 am

I like squirrels too. Years ago, when I was married, our old house in Portland had walnut trees lining the street. The squirrels of course got them every year. They used the power lines as a highway. We had a male cat that had overdosed on testosterone and they would tease him. They would go down on a lower limb and chatter at him until he was pissed off enough to jump into the tree after them. Then they would chatter at him at his foolishness. It was funny to watch.

September 11, 2015 12:05 am

Easiest way to hunt the little rat bastards is with two people.

One stands on one side of a tree with a .22… squirrels circle around the opposite side.

Hunter No. 2 goes around the other side of the tree.

Stupid fuckin’ squirrel circles back to the side with Hunter No. 1 and his .22….


Right through the coconut.

Lather, rinse, repeat.