Hat tip Boston Bob

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September 14, 2015 3:10 pm

Funny but not scientifically accurate. You may “feel” smarter but if you take any sort of actual intelligence test after a few beers, you’re not going to do better. Speaking strictly from experience….

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 14, 2015 4:53 pm

Supporting Norm’s Theory of higher IQs, Asians have higher IQ’s because their race evolved from people of the far north where the dumb genes had been frozen out. Not withstanding misunderstanding of the obvious, SAT scores are not declining because of the increasing percentage of low IQ Black and Hispanic genes in our government school populations; everyone knows those scores reflect the adverse effects of White Privilege. Shortly, the positive effects of illegal drugs and sex, increasing numbers of LGBTs, and Liberal educational and social policies will resoundingly destroy the Bourgeoisie’s blind faith in the efficaciousness of higher IQs, good behavior and study habits, stable self responsible heterosexual Christian families and competent teachers. This statement of facts is supported by the UN, NEA, FEA, AFT, MSM, NAACP, the CPUSA. All requests for quotations are tentatively denied and all requests for reconsideration must be submitted in triplicate prior to final disapproval.

September 14, 2015 6:36 pm

Lighten up people. It’s supposed to be funny.

“I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they get up in the morning that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day”. -Frank Sinatra

September 14, 2015 11:02 pm

I have never felt “smarter” after drinking alcohol. Maybe that’s because all it takes is one and a half glasses of wine for me to start knocking flatware off the table, and tripping over the cat. Unlike many folks, I tend to be fully aware that I’m half in the bag, and well- aware that my skills are impaired, to say the least. I wouldn’t even try to operate my kitchen stove under the influence, let alone a car, because I’m usually challenged enough just making it to the sofa without falling over a piece of furniture.