Syria is Russia’s Stalingrad

This is one of the very very best articles I’ve read about concerning the reasons for the conflict … and why Russia will win, come hell or high water.


One glance is enough to see that the so-called democracy primarily prevails in the territories, geographically protected from possible adversary. United States of America is geographically located on protected by oceans continent, they have no enemies there. The 70 million Indians who lived there before the coming of the Anglo-Saxon colonists, were successfully destroyed by these same colonists, driving the few survivors to reservations. Got fenced off from the small and geographically cropped Mexico to stop the impoverished population from seeping in. And that’s it. There are no enemies. Can start a new life with a clean slate, with no interference. And they created it. The founding fathers of the USA were not as brilliant for giving birth to the principles laid down in the constitution of the most successful country, as the lucky ones whom no one challenged to implement these principles known since antiquity. Let us envy them.

карта мира

Map 1. The spread of “democracy” in the world.  Circled in blue.

If we look at Europe, it in essence is merely a huge peninsula of Eurasia, from the East bounded by Russia, which can be called a historical enemy only with a very big stretch. And then only to the extent that Europe, due to various kinds of selfish aspirations, will want to. What a good ground for democratic experiments. And once the main European players – Germany, France and England – were reconciled after the WWII, the kingdom of democracy reigned here.

карта европы

Map 2. The spread of “democracy” in Europe. The border is circled in blue.

And that’s it! All other areas of the founding continent called Eurasia have no democracy in the American or European understanding and cannot have. Different cultures, different civilizations, their permanent collisions and interpenetration make such democracy impossible! And any educated person must understand it! But if he starts to repeat the song about democracy in Ukraine, a territory which has historically been a thoroughfare of the great migration of peoples, or in Syria, this center of the global “ethno-religious soup”, then you should know that before you is a rotten bastard executing an order for a very specific interest.

There can be no universal fundamental principles of state and social structure. The clash of civilizations is not a whim from Zhirinovsky, but an objective reality, from which there is no escape. And behind a demand to remove the main Syrian “dictator-villain” Assad, as earlier the Ukrainian monster-usurper, the offender of ‘students’ Yanukovych, and then to establish through “free and fair” elections democracy in a thoroughfare and “ethno-religious pot”, there is a quite specific tangible malicious calculation, cynically and despicably abusing this clash of civilizations.

I don’t know exactly what will Vladimir Putin say in his speech at the session of the UN General Assembly, but I doubt he will dare to speak the truth. There are tactical considerations. There is a big geopolitical game, a struggle for world domination and global resources, and at the UN the major players will push their interests with all possible and impossible means under the guise of big words. The main intrigue is whether Europe has woken up, or will again follow in the footsteps of American politics.

A few years ago the Secretary of State Madeleine Albright rushed to say that Russia unfairly disposes of one-third of the world’s resources. She was echoed that yes, it is true, and, unfortunately, the second global prize called Siberia went to Russia. Without going into details about the first prize, and who got it, I will note what followed. Our homegrown liberal media began to consistently and persistently hammer into the heads of the Russian masses that the main contender for the riches of Siberia is China, which will try to get a hold of them in a weakened Russia. Including through quiet migration expansion of part of its huge population, which is actually not happening for some reason. The West was thus exhibited as a friend and a role model, and somehow forgetting to mention how many times Russia was invaded by Europe in order to destroy Russia as a state. Hitler, Napoleon, the Swedes, the Poles, etc. Some historians say the number nine. I will not go into details, so as not to distract from the main thing – from the territory of China there have been NO invasions, except for the Damansky border incident. That’s it!

History must be known, studied and conclusions drawn. And historical memory must be periodically refreshed.

And now back to geography in the light of today’s geopolitical balance. There is a world wanna-be hegemon – USA, aspiring to world domination. It has global leadership, but no domination. For domination it needs to control the world’s resources. It can never control the human resources of China, but China without mineral resources is not a competitor. And the world’s mineral resources are controlled by the USA (think about the prize number one) and Russia (think about the prize number two). Controlling the prize number two, the US gets the coveted world domination. Obvious and clear conclusion. Therefore, the main goal of the United States – is the dismemberment of Russia, the separation of Siberia and the establishment over it of its control in the form of an informal protectorate, as now in Ukraine. It is important to understand that we are talking about dismemberment, and not about the destruction of Russia. Russia should stay in truncated borders to the Urals, as a natural buffer of Europe from the Muslim and Chinese civilizations. European democracy needs to feel comfortable on the European peninsula. Europe needs a truncated Russia with a strong army capable to successfully repel the attacks of the Islamists and take on all the hardships of a frontier state.

The idea of elimination of Russia was not born yesterday. The first stage – the collapse of the USSR was carried out successfully by planting the traitors in the country’s leadership. This, and not the economic difficulties, caused the collapse of the USSR. Today the outright traitors are not visible at the top leadership. And the foreign policy shows that the Russian leadership is well aware and acts accordingly, often ahead of the curve. But all that happened yesterday, as the civil war in Iraq and Syria, the emergence of ISIS, the Ukrainian crisis – were only a prelude. The real fight starts now: follow the speech of the Russian President at the UN General Assembly. 

Second, after the collapse of the USSR, the plan for the dismemberment of historical Russia is already so obvious that it can be confidently described. It seems that the Russian leadership did not want to believe it to the end, but when the realization came its actions were lightning fast and quite effective. If you look at the ethno-confessional map, it becomes clear that the main attack against Russia will target the underbelly, from the South through Central Asia, through the former Central Asian republics by ISIS opening a new front against them. The difficult economic situation in these countries, unemployment and poverty, will bring into the ranks of ISIS hundreds of thousands of angry local men who are able in a short time to sweep away the current regimes of Turkmenbashi-2, Karimov and Rakhmonov, then move the expansion to the relatively safe territory of Kazakhstan, which is beginning to rock in connection with falling prices for raw materials. It is not a guarantee that the situation will be kept under control. Russia is in principle capable of it, but by exceptional exertion of all its resources. In case of failure ISIS will already loom close to Omsk, Tatarstan and Bashkiria will rise up, and the coveted goal of Americans to cut the territory of Russia is very close….

For its implementation they need to do two things. The first is to send the main forces of the Islamic state to Central Asia, and second, to divert the military forces of Russia to the second front, so there will not be enough for the main, Central Asian front. The subsidiary will be obviously the Caucasian direction, where the situation is now under control, but there is no doubt that they will try again. They will fight Russia with the hands of ISIS. And not only with Russia. Ilham Aliyev has understood everything. He is the first on the path of ISIS. Azerbaijan has already started the process of breaking up with the West. This is very important. The Azerbaijani leader was smart enough not to unleash a second Karabakh war, to which he was persistently pushed. Very soon he will have bigger problems then Karabakh. Shiite Azerbaijan will be just swept away by the pseudo-Sunni ISIS. 

распространение ислама.Map 3. The spread of Islam and the possible ISIS offensive

And now about the second front against Russia, which was supposed to be the first. This is Ukraine. The events in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq were almost simultaneous, and provoked by one and the same power – United States of America. According to now completely obvious plan, Russia was supposed to get bogged down in the war with Ukraine, fall under global sanctions and resource depletion on the eve of a decisive blow of ISIS through Central Asia. It didn’t happen. And today we can only stand to applaud the Russian leadership, masterfully responding to the global provocation of the USA in Ukraine. Sanctions against Russia have not, so far at least, took on a global nature, and Russia did not get bogged down in the war in Ukraine, got Crimea back without bloodshed, and created a buffer DPR and LPR with armies comparable to Ukrainian. Tactical successes are exemplary. Obviously, there will be no flushing of DPR and LPR. In the unrecognized form they will “hold down the front” against the Banderites as much as needed, untying Russia’s hands in the Middle East, where the major strategic objective is the destruction of ISIS. With all due respect to the legendary Russian Che Guevara – Igor Strelkov, I must admit that he failed to calculate the game until the end, and his actions and calls for the spread of Russian Spring to the entire territory of Ukraine were premature and even harmful. The time has not come yet.

And now about Syria. Syria is today’s Stalingrad. It can not be surrendered and it will not be. The stakes do not allow it. As the surrender of Stalingrad in the 1942 meant geostrategic catastrophe, the surrender of Assad, with the subsequent collapse in the Syrian army and the state will precede an unallowable geopolitical catastrophe in Central Asia. All the words of Americans about the coalition and the fight against ISIS are a lie and hypocrisy. They will not seriously fight ISIS. And they don’t want Russia in any form in the anti-ISIS coalition. The decision about the transfer to Syria of Russian arms and military advisers only confuses their plans. How the U.S. will try to push Russia out of Syria, we will learn from the discussions at the UN General Assembly. The pressure will be insane, but we will not budge.

In time the Americans will still have to answer how ISIS got a hold of billions of dollars, the oil fields and weapons. The primary objective of ISIS is to overthrow Assad and destroy Syria. The Americans plan to simulate a war with ISIS for years, as already stated at the official level. In order not to interfere with its actions in Central Asia. Giving the whole of Syria into the hands of ISIS. The time will show how the events will develop in Syria. Having slept through a global geopolitical provocation of Americans in the Middle East and Ukraine, the Russian leadership largely nullified America’s success with effective tactical successes . But the overall situation remains extremely difficult. It is necessary to understand without illusions. Our country is going through its 1942.


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 11, 2015 10:20 am

“I don’t know exactly what will Vladimir Putin say in his speech at the session of the UN General Assembly, but I doubt he will dare to speak the truth.”

While he didn’t address all the issues of this article, the transcript of his speech seemed pretty much like “true fact” to me.

What’s omitted from the article above is the economic reason for the ongoing rapport between Putin and Assad. Gazprom, natural gas and Qatar, aside from history.

As far as the fall of the Soviet Union, yes, it was indeed mostly from economical factors. Russia was essentially a third-world country from the standpoint of infrastructure for agriculture and innovations for public consumption–and it was absolute proof that central planning cannot work over the long term.

October 11, 2015 10:35 am

Wars are fought among the strong to determine who is going to be top dog, the leader of the pack, and who beneath him.

Russia is strong.

ISIS and the Islamic movement is strong.

America has chosen Obama as our champion and leader, where does that put us?

October 11, 2015 11:29 am

“Win, lose, what’s the difference?” (Manny in “Runaway Train”).

Great fuckin’ find, Stuck! This article is a splendid analysis in many ways, so long as one does not believe that Putin, like Gorbachev before him, is on board with the globalists and their intricate but very clever plan to feign conflict while consolidating their power. I have my doubts, but if genuine nationalism still exists in “national” political leadership, then yes, Putin could be a game-changer.

Siberia is the jewel in the crown of natural resources yet to be exploited. The polar zones too have potential, but Siberia is more immediately exploitable.

“Russia unfairly disposes of one-third of the world’s resources,” said credentialed-globalist Albright. UNFAIR! Ah-hah-hah-hah! Typical collectivist crap. Life isn’t “fair”, Ms Korbelová (her real name)! That’s the alleged Trotskyite dream, in which a group of elect financiers and their bureaucratic tools determine what is “fair” for the unwashed who don’t have the “smarts” to disagree with their “betters”. The unwashed, however, may have their own ideas and it remains to be seen whose ideas will prevail.

China is the wild card in all this: the name of the nation in its own language is “Central Kingdom” and the Chinese elite almost certainly considers itself as clever or more so than the Western elite with whom it has precious little in common in terms of heritage. If I were a Russian, I’d be a lot more concerned with the Chinese than with others. The fact that the Chinese have yet to attempt an invasion of Russia is by no means sufficient reason to believe that when capable of doing so they won’t; I believe the article is mistaken in assuming the Chinese do not present a near-term danger in this respect. Nevertheless, pressure on the Central Asian “soft underbelly” will prove an effective means of weakening Russian defense of Siberia.

I do not believe for a moment that those in charge of policy making for the deracinated and decadent USA have the interests of its “common folk” at heart, but cannot say whether or not this is true of the leadership of Russia or China. If it is not, the USA is in deep doo-doo unless it goes “America First” and turns out the globalists from power and influence. If it is true that the globalists have captured the leadership of all nations, then the “common folk” of everywhere are well and truly fugged barring a near-miraculous awakening as to the genuine state of affairs.

Much as I’d like to believe the former, I fear the latter is more probable, although from my vantage point far, far from the madding crowd, I gather, shell and steam my fava beans and keep a weather eye peeled as to what will happen next.

October 11, 2015 12:21 pm

This is what I’ve been saying about why Muslims don’t belong in the US. Every belief of Islam-rule by theocracy, women as chattel property, convert or die-is antithetical to the values in the US-separation of church and state, individual freedom and freedom of religion.

October 11, 2015 12:38 pm

The Russians will not lose in Syria. They have always wanted a warm water port in the middle east now they are building one in Syria. The Russians intend to stay for a long time.They also want more oil and gas pipelines so they can sell more to the rest of the world.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
October 11, 2015 1:05 pm

Simply outstanding. Send it to your Congressperson, if they can read. Obama is an ignorant fool, but he has some degree of street smarts. He has no intention of trying to face down Putin over Syria.

October 11, 2015 1:16 pm

Add this to the destruction inflicted on ISIS:

If there was any needed proof to the notion that ISIS is a creation of the US, it’s the fact that Russia has inflicted more damage in the past week or two than the vaunted US military has in the past two years.

October 11, 2015 1:44 pm


With the USA playing the part of the German 6th Army and Obama as General Paulus.

The Russian’s playing themselves.

The Russian plan in Syria will succeed because of near national interest to them and a common sense approach, with the famous “Russian Resolve” to getter dun!

America was just playing in the “sandbox” at the behest of the corporate fascist pigs.
Now the Russians are not only kicking their ass out of the sandbox, but are in the process of taking over that complete corner of the playground.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 11, 2015 2:40 pm

I think there is far more going on geopolitically than meets the eye. Too many things do not make sense – are not connective in the official narrative. I believe that far from being ‘the good guys’ the Russians too are a pawn in a globalist plan – whether they are in the right or not as far as the ME is concerned.

The west has being systematically weakened over a period of decades. The mission from within and from the outside appears to be to destroy us.

– We have been spread thin militarily
– In doing so we are grossly over indebted and hated by much of the rest of the world
– We have been socially and morally corrupted by our own institutions internally at the same time
– Our highest offices are populated by people like Obama who weaken us as nation states by doing the following:
– Make treaties with people who hate us (Iran)
– Attempt to disarm us domestically
– Flood us with third world immigrants who are hostile toward the very foundations of what gave us a liberal (traditional sense) and free civilization to begin with
– Make it a crime to speak freely – ostracize those you cannot officially jail.

Many web sites throughout the west now express mostly contempt for our ruling class (rightfully so I would add) but this has the result of fuelling the collapse of things here domestically. It’s like someone is trying to level the playing field economically and socially for the entire planet by reducing the wealthiest and freest nations to the status of banana republic. They are trying very hard to start a fight here – to corner what is left of the good parts of western civilization and to force them into a fight at home.

I am convinced we are partaking in what one might call “The Great Levelling”. Soon we will all be China or Syria or Russia or some bastardized version of the three – slaves on the greater plantation. Through debt, war and political/moral degradation we are being led down the path towards civil war in the west. This is not going to end well for any of us as I suspect what comes out the other end of this will not be pretty. Of course the UN will be there to help mop up the mess afterwards – that’s what the blue helmets are for. Except this time they won’t be worn by western heads.

Just my .02 cents.

October 11, 2015 2:47 pm

Shits about to get real. What have I been saying? The U.S. will fight before they let Russia control the Middle East and watch the collapse of the petrodollar.

Moscow Demands Britain Explain “Green Light To Shoot Down Russian Jets”

The chances of escalation from a proxy war to outright war just went to 11 on the Spinal Tap amplifier of sabre-rattling. A day after British and NATO pilots were reportedly given the green light to take drastic action against Russian fighter jets if they come under threat during missions over Iraq, Interfax reports that the Russian Defense Ministry has demanded clarification. Senior defence sources say it is just a matter of time before our fighters are involved in a deadly confrontation with Russian jets.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 11, 2015 3:32 pm

Is the defeat of Assad worth a war between the US and Allies vs Russia, China, Syria, Iran, Iraq, etc? No, then do not give Allied pilots a green light to engage Russian pilots in combat. “Senior defense sources say it is just a matter of time before our fighters are involved in a deadly confrontation with Russian jets.” This clearly exposes the agenda of NEOCON Zionist Wolfowitz, Victoria Nuland, Samantha Powers, Obama, Biden, NATO etc. We should not silently follow these moronic Zionist Pied Pipers into the WWIII they have been conspiring to cause!

October 11, 2015 5:06 pm

[imgcomment image?w=640[/img]

Odin's Raven
Odin's Raven
October 11, 2015 6:55 pm

Mightier than Allah is Putin!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 11, 2015 7:15 pm

Once we elect another pussified peace prize plutocrat puppet president, Putin’s punked.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 11, 2015 7:32 pm


As an outside observer I am predicting Hilary will get elected. It is who the moneyed globalists want because she will fill finish the job of destabilizing the US internally that Obama started. She will make things so unbearable for anyone who is not a raging feminazai muslim loving globalist that the whole country will simply implode. It will be a disaster of epic proportions as the US follows the EU into the dustbins of history. Canada and Australia will follow suit very soon after – if not simultaneously.

Of course you could always get Trump…..

Personally – i’m moving to Iceland. They don’t like bankers there and its too damn cold and isolated for anyone to care too much about.


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 11, 2015 7:36 pm

What’s In Siberia that we would want? That’s not a rhetorical question. It’s a real question.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 11, 2015 7:43 pm

Francis, Iceland isn’t cold enough. The Muslims tried attacking it once before. Not sure cold can ward off Muslims, from what I can see in Minneapolis. Hell it doesn’t even keep out Messicans. Truth be told, it hit 85F today and I went swimming, so we may not be cold enough.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
October 11, 2015 7:48 pm

this is such a great site, yet i am slowly reaching information overload, putin’s cat says it all. look forward to hearing how it went down in nyc.

mike in ga
mike in ga
October 11, 2015 7:54 pm

I quit reading at “70,000,000 Indians”. Please. There were never that many Indians, ever.

October 11, 2015 9:15 pm

Uh, this article is a bit what-if and conspiratorial.

There is ONE strategic reason for Russia’s involvement in Syria. Just one. In a word, Tartus. That’s the Syrian coastal city where Russia has its only naval base on the Med.

Only two people mentioned this factor in the thread, Stucky and bb.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 11, 2015 9:51 pm

@ Stucky…

Shitty… guess I’m moving on to plan B. Is your basement rented out???

October 11, 2015 10:09 pm

SSS said:
“There is ONE strategic reason for Russia’s involvement in Syria. Just one.”

Two actually. Naval base and LNG pipeline. Anything he can do to prevent that pipeline from delivering ME gas to Europe helps Russia strategically and economically.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 11, 2015 11:20 pm

Francis, my granpa used an expression which described a condition of having drool in the mouth. He used that to describe folks submitting to deception. Our excellent government teacher in high school said they way to read the paper (remember those?) is to read the headline and maybe the first paragraph. I know women who read the entire fucking paper, even the personals.

These same types sit in front of the set watching CNN with drool in their mouth as the newsreader spoon feeds them each ‘new’ development they have been repeating all day.

What will it matter then, who we get as president? The news will always be dribbled out in small chunks so that viewers focus on new developments without an ounce of understanding. They will never know what difference another president would have made. The wars in Eastasia or Eurasia will go on, unquestioned.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 12, 2015 12:26 am


You had a smart grandpa.

October 12, 2015 4:22 am

What a load of crap! ISIS attacking Russia through Iran? ISIS is just a CIA created comic book villain.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 12, 2015 4:49 am

mike in ga says: I quit reading at “70,000,000 Indians”. Please. There were never that many Indians, ever.

Mike, It wasn’t 70 Million, wow, what a relief.
Damn Indians should get over 1492.

October 12, 2015 8:57 pm

One mistake or errant missle away from ww3. stay tuned to Fox tonight for our show, ” whistling past the graveyard”