Paris and What Should Be Done


The horrific attacks in Paris on Friday have, predictably, led to much over-reaction and demands that we do more of the exact things that radicalize people and make them want to attack us. The French military wasted no time bombing Syria in retaliation for the attacks, though it is not known where exactly the attackers were from. Thousands of ISIS fighters in Syria are not Syrian, but came to Syria to overthrow the Assad government from a number of foreign countries — including from France and the US.

Ironically, the overthrow of Assad has also been the goal of both the US and France since at least 2011.

Because the US and its allies are essentially on the same side as ISIS and other groups – seeking the overthrow of Assad – many of the weapons they have sent to the more “moderate” factions also seeking Assad’s ouster have ended up in the hands of radicals. Moderate groups have joined more radical factions over and over, taking their US-provided training and weapons with them. Other moderate groups have been captured or killed, their US-provided weapons also going to the radicals. Thus the more radical factions have become better equipped and better trained, while occasionally being attacked by US or allied planes. 

Does anyone not believe this is a recipe for the kind of disaster we have now seen in Paris? The French in particular have been very active in arming even the more radical groups in Syria, as they push for more political influence in the region. Why do they still refuse to believe in the concept of blowback? Is it because the explanation that, “they hate us because we are free,” makes it easier to escalate abroad and crack down at home?

It may not be popular to say this as emotions run high and calls ring out for more bombing in the Middle East, but there is another way to address the problem. There is an alternative to using more military intervention to address a problem that was caused by military intervention in the first place.

That solution is to reject the militarists and isolationists. It is to finally reject the policy of using “regime change” to further perceived US and western foreign policy goals, whether in Iraq, Libya, Syria, or elsewhere. It is to reject the foolish idea that we can ship hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons to “moderates” in the Middle East and expect none of them to fall into the hands of radicals.

More bombs will not solve the problems in the Middle East. But a more promising approach to the Middle East is currently under fire from the isolationists in Washington. The nuclear deal with Iran ends UN sanctions and opens that country to international trade. Just last week the presidents of France and Iran met to discuss a number of trade deals. Other countries have followed. Trade and respect for national sovereignty trumps violence, but Washington still doesn’t seem to get it. Most presidential candidates compete to thump the table loudest against any deal with Iran. They will use this attack to propagandize against approving trade with Iran even though Iran has condemned the attack and is also in the crosshairs of ISIS.

Here is the alternative: Focus on trade and friendly relations, stop shipping weapons, abandon “regime change” and other manipulations, respect national sovereignty, and maintain a strong defense at home including protecting the borders from those who may seek to do us harm.

We should abandon the failed policies of the past, before it’s too late.


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November 16, 2015 8:36 am

Well, Ron Paul may have a point, but how in the world does a focus on friendly relations feed the campaign treasure chests of the political elites with the plunder of the military industrial complex?

November 16, 2015 9:24 am

Ron Paul doest understand that these Moslems are driven by their religion. They are willing to die for it, and no amount of trade and friendly relations will change that. They want to conquer the world with Islam, and you will either submit or die. They have no intentions to assimilate with any culture so why continue with such delusional thoughts that these people will change?

Apparently, Ron Paul hasn’t watched some of the videos that reveal their intent. Diversity and multiculturalism doesnt work and we are witnessing the slow genocide of whites and western culture.

European leaders and the people who support open borders have blood on their hands. The same goes for the US and Canada. These people need to be brought to justice for treason. Kick these people out of office, send the invaders back home, and secure the borders!

November 16, 2015 9:32 am


You can’t. After years of reading Ron Paul, I’m convinced that his goal is to get people to look deeper, lose their cognitive dissonance, and wake up to what’s going on behind the scenes.

November 16, 2015 10:38 am

@Teri… I hope you realize I was being sarcastic? I like Ron Paul and agree with him most of the time, but he must realize that the battle is on two fronts: the violent attacks everyone fears AND the elites who will never give up the reins of power without devastating results.

November 16, 2015 10:43 am

France is actually the #1 or #2 country in the world in terms of per capita middle eastern arms sales.

November 16, 2015 11:30 am

Ron Paul is right of course. But IMO France will never be safe until they deport every Muslim off French soil.

November 16, 2015 12:57 pm

bombs on Raqqa at night are probably useless.
but for much, it just makes us feel better. The idea to bomb the living shit out of those sub-human smelly pukes and to see them burn alive in their bed is priceless.
I would actually pay to be onboard, or just to sign a GBU.
burn motherfuckers!

November 16, 2015 3:16 pm

Iconoclast421 says:
“France is actually the #1 or #2 country in the world in terms of per capita middle eastern arms sales.”

A friend of mine was stationed in Iraq as a civilian contractor and the base he was on was constantly being hit my rocket fire. On occasion the rockets would fail to detonate and EOD would have to send someone out there to defuse the duds. He said they were always french made rockets with a manufacture date less than a year prior to the attacks.

November 16, 2015 5:27 pm

“A friend of mine was stationed in Iraq as a civilian contractor and the base he was on was constantly being hit my rocket fire. On occasion the rockets would fail to detonate and EOD would have to send someone out there to defuse the duds. He said they were always french made rockets with a manufacture date less than a year prior to the attacks.”

LRAC-89-F1 is not made anymore for a long time,
ROQ-84-EXP is not suited for ballistic fire, not exported, no more in production today and impossible to conceal as launcher/ammunition are single use type (no disassembly).
all other types currently in production are Apilas, Hot, Milan and Eryx, wich are all quite pricey specialized missiles, not the kind that are sold to camel jockeys, even less given.
as for the last unguided rocket used in France, the M31, it is made in the USA for the multiple launchers.
given that a French weapon exporter can’t sell abroad if the French army doesn’t already own the system (constitutional law) and given that french language markings can be found on Swizerland and Belgium products, I call bullshit on that.

now, perhaps the “moderate” motherfuckers in Syria were given foreign weapons in 2012 with fresh re-branding, and sold it to iraqi scumbags. who knows. but French “rockets”? wtf?

November 16, 2015 7:14 pm

Ron Paul says We should abandon the failed policies of the past, before it’s too late.

It is to late look at the pictures of Iraq and Syria. All the Refugees that have exited Syria are beyond pissed off. Their homes and towns are demolished not to mention friends and families are dead or will be soon. How in the hell does RP think this will all settle out peacefully if only the west will pulls out. Ron Paul is living in the past saying if we had only done this or only done that. It is to late, it’s definitely NOT, before its to late. I can also inform Mr Paul of this, there’s Zero chance this Global conflict settles out peacefully. It’s time to prepare for war because it’s coming at us at the speed of light. Reflecting on what we should have done is a waste of precious time. Ron Paul needs to read the Fourth Turning then he would realize we are right on schedule and lots of people die in Fourth Turnings and I personally would rather it be them doing the dying and not us.

November 16, 2015 7:24 pm

@Sensetti… in a way I agree, but in a perverse sort of “I would rather be selective given the choice” way? I would like to be on a committee to select the assholes I want to die. Call me a dreamer, but I can’t help but wish 535 jerks in D.C. plus 12 Supreme assholes and one Executive turd would be first on the list.

November 16, 2015 7:33 pm

Maggie well said,

I hold fast to the Fourth Turning and its Analysis, S&H had it right. We are standing at the door step of WW3, the timing is correct and the world situation is moving rapidly in that direction. Now is the time to prepare, I fear it will reach our shores this time. What’s the odds we go through two World Wars and it not reach our shore?

November 16, 2015 7:56 pm

Walker Texas Ranger agrees with me!

Chuck Norris: World War III Started Last Friday In Paris

November 16, 2015 8:45 pm