It’s Official: Over A Trillion Dollars A Year Will Be Added To The Debt During Obama’s Presidency

Guest Post by Michael Snyder

Under Barack Obama, the U.S. national debt has risen from $10,626,877,048,913.08 on January 20th, 2009 to $18,795,033,928,275.59 on December 21st, 2015. 

That means that the debt that we are passing on to future generations has increased by 8.16 trillion dollars since Barack Obama was inaugurated.

There is still a little more than a year to go in Obama’s presidency, and it is already guaranteed that Obama will add more than a trillion dollars a year to the national debt during his presidency.

In fact, when you do the math, we are stealing more than 100 million dollars from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day.

It is a crime of a magnitude that is almost unimaginable, and at this point it is mathematically impossible for the U.S. government to pay off all of this debt.

To say that we are in trouble would be a massive understatement.

America Is Broke

And of course not all of the blame goes to Obama.  The Republicans have had control of the House of Representatives for all but two years while Obama has been in the White House, and they have gone along with all of this reckless spending.  Without the approval of the House, Obama could not spend a single penny, but the Republicans have consistently chosen not to stand up to him.  In fact, the Republicans in Congress just approved another massive 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill that essentially gave the Democrats every single thing that they wanted.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi even admitted that the Republicans “were willing to concede so much” during the negotiations.

So why do we even have a Republican Party?  They always just go along with pretty much whatever the Democrats want anyway.  Why shouldn’t we just disband the Republican Party and let the Democrats completely run things?  How would Washington D.C. be any different if the Republicans didn’t even exist?

At this point, even Rush Limbaugh is completely disgusted with the Republican Party…

I have a headline here from the Washington Times:  “White House Declares Total Victory Over GOP in Budget Battle.” That headline’s a misnomer.  There was never a battle.  None of this was opposed.  The Republican Party didn’t stand up to any of it, and the die has been cast for a long time on this.  I know many of you are dispirited, depressed, angry, combination of all of that. But, folks, there was no other way this could go. Because two years ago when the Republican Party declared they would never do anything that would shut down the government and they would not impeach Obama, there were no obstacles in Obama’s way and there were no obstacles in the way of the Democrat Party.

Do you remember when Republican politicians were running around promising that they would defund Obamacare?

That didn’t happen.

Do you remember when Republican politicians were running around promising that they would defund Planned Parenthood?

That didn’t happen.

Do you remember when Republican politicians were running around promising that they would defund Obama’s refugee program?

That didn’t happen.

In this new spending deal, the Republicans got nothing.  It was a sham, a farce and a total insult to the American people.  Here is more from Rush Limbaugh

It fully funds Planned Parenthood.  That, to me, is unforgivable, with everything now known about what goes on behind closed doors at Planned Parenthood, and that the federal government, led by a Republican Party, sees fit to pay for it.  It is beyond comprehension, and it is a total squandering of moral authority to fully fund the butchery at Planned Parenthood.  This spending bill fully pays for Obama’s refugee plans, fully.  This spending bill, this budget bill quadruples the number of visas Obama wants for foreign workers.  This is even a slap at American union workers.  Not the leaders.  The union leaders seem to be in favor of it, but blue-collar people, known as working people, have been sold down the river along with everybody else here.

This spending bill even fully pays for every dime asked for by Obama on all of this idiocy that’s tied up into climate change.  Everything Obama wanted, everything he asked for, he got.  You go down the list of things, it’s there.

Even after watching all of the undercover Planned Parenthood videos that came out over the past year, the Republicans in Congress still voted to fund the harvesting and sale of body parts from aborted babies.

And surveys have found that the American people support the continued funding of Planned Parenthood by about a 2 to 1 margin.  After everything that we have seen, the vast majority of Americans still want to continue giving those butchers hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars a year.

No wonder so many people are comparing America to Nazi Germany these days.  We truly have become an exceedingly wicked nation.

We like to think that we are an “example” for the rest of the planet, but in reality the only example that we are is a bad one.  Our guilt has been put on display for all the world to see, and yet we just continue to race toward even more evil.

Not only did the Republicans not defund Planned Parenthood, the truth is that not a single pro-life amendment of any sort even got into the bill thanks to Paul Ryan.  The following comes from

“The bill failed to include a single major pro-life policy rider, despite the requests of over 120 members of Congress and the disturbing revelations about Planned Parenthood brought to light this year,” said Congresswoman Diane Black, R-TN, who voted against the bill.

The House Freedom Caucus offered a series of amendments to the bill defunding Planned Parenthood, strengthening conscience protections for pro-life physicians and organizations, and ending all U.S. funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The House Rules Committee rejected these riders earlier this week, as Speaker Paul Ryan said he did not want conservative amendments added to the bill that would drive away his Democratic colleagues.

The committee also rejected an amendment to increase vetting of refugees who enter the United States from the terrorist hotbeds of Syria and Iraq, which had previously passed the House, with 47 Democrats adding strong bipartisan support.

Like I said, the Republicans completely capitulated, just like they always do.

Now the U.S. national debt is nearly double the size that it was just before the last financial crisis struck, and our leaders continue to borrow and spend as if there is no tomorrow.

Perhaps they have convinced themselves that there will never be any consequences for acting so foolishly.

Perhaps they believe that in the end everything will turn out okay somehow.

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Perhaps they are able to rationalize the theft of more than a hundred million dollars an hour from future generations of Americans.

But nothing can erase what they have done to us.  The promising future that our children and our grandchildren should have had has been completely wiped out, and the leading edge of the greatest economic crisis that any of us has ever known is now upon us.

If we had done things differently, things wouldn’t have had to turn out this way.  But now the die is cast, and we are all going to pay a very high price for the mistakes that have been made in Washington.

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December 26, 2015 7:25 pm

And it always begs the question: When does that economic crisis arrive? We all KNOW it is looming and have been preparing and expecting it at any time. Yet, it continues to LOOM.

It isn’t that we want to see the destruction of our world as we know it; we just are kind of sick of anticipating it.

Of course, I know that the real answer is that it will arrive too soon once it is here. But, how much more damage can the Obamas and Ryans and Pelosis inflict before it crashes.

December 26, 2015 8:04 pm

I say …Hell yes .Even Rush is waking up to these treasonous politicians.Not that it will matter.

December 26, 2015 8:23 pm

No big deal. We know that since the wheels fell off in 2008, there have only been two choices. Counterfeit a thousand million dollars a year, which we know is what it cost to support all those global niggertowns, or throw in the towel on all in globalization. Everyone knows globalization has failed. The neo-liberal consensus is that it would be a shame to quit now, we have come so far. Ponzi on

December 26, 2015 8:41 pm

When I first began seeking enlightenment one of the things I read indicated that no matter how bad things might look economically, once the politicians realize that running the ship aground cannot be avoided, they will do so while calling for full steam ahead. The important thing at that point is to not be in charge when it happens.

So far that seems to be accurate.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 26, 2015 8:45 pm

Mon Cheri, we cannot call a date because debt is a mirage; it is not a problem for TPTB; it is not a factor in the Collapse Formula. TPTB can make Dollars as easily as the French make wine and Love. TPTB can buy whoever or whatever, pay or rob whoever or whatever…on our side of the Oceans. But TPTB have been standing and grinding on Putin’s Putz and kicking sand into his face; the Bear is brilliantly marshaling the BRICS who will pull the house down on US when they so decide; neither TPTB’s fiat or The Black Mahdi will be able to save Mystery Babylon on That Day.

December 26, 2015 8:55 pm

Snyder has compared our present situation to nazi Germany before. What an asshat. No, buttface, we are weimar Germany, the preface to nazi germany. If hitler had won there would be none of this toxic human sludge raiding Europe. Our culture would not have been debased beyond belief. And the Jewish plague, choking the globe currently, would have been banished to Madagascar. Whites today would not be a cowering minority in the face of the Chinese, Indian, and African mobs, taking our jobs, stealing our technology, raping our women, etc.

The biggest error of the USA was to oppose the man. It is truly unforgivable. “Yeah but he was a nazi OMG! ” And he was fighting the most evil ideology the world has ever seen, communism. I think I am going to slip on the straitjacket in this insane asylum we call the USA. And drink a lot.

December 26, 2015 9:00 pm



December 26, 2015 9:21 pm

Not one politician is telling the truth about this. We passed the point of no return at least 15 years ago. This cannot be fixed short of a Venezuelan collapse. What follows is frightening .

December 26, 2015 11:02 pm

Why does TBP keep publishing garbage like this? Isn’t it stunningly obvious that the Republican/Democrat divide is a fraud? Why pretend it makes or has ever made any real difference? All of the governing systems currently in place throughout the world serve the same fundamental purposes.

December 27, 2015 12:00 am

Archie, you are uninformed at a minimum. The National Socialist Party was fighting the Communists for control of the socialist movement. Ever notice the red in the Nazi flag? It was red for the same reason the Soviet and Chinese flags are red. Because they were just another version of communism!
I doubt you even know any Jews. If you are tired of white men cowering stand your loser ass up and act like a man and quit blaming people you do not know who wish you no harm and may even agree with you about most things.

December 27, 2015 12:03 am

Correction; counterfeit a thousand billion, not a thousand million.

December 27, 2015 12:07 am

A trillion is a million million. So obongo has managed to put us on debt another eight million million dollars.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
December 27, 2015 2:49 am

Seeing as the US National Debt is now just over $18.8T, and the “Spending Bill” authorises a further 1.2T, then it would seem reasonable to expect the “outstanding balance” to be somewhat north of $20T when Mr O hands the keys over to whoever is the next CinC.

So in about 8 years, the current incumbent has just about doubled the owing balance. When you consider the vast heap of unfunded but committed-to-fund liabilities (pensions, healthcare, disability insurance etc), the exact amount of which is variable, ranging from around $127T, to Ben Carson’s widely-publicised $211T, whether or not the “Official” debt is over $20T seems a little irrelevant at this stage.

These are the sort of thing that keeps one awake at night . . . . . .

December 27, 2015 4:55 am

Numbers in the trillions are tossed around so easily nowadays without any context. Most people have no idea of the magnitude represented by 1 trillion of anything.

To put it in perspective:

one million seconds equals 11.6 days
one billion seconds equals 31.7 years
one trillion seconds equals 31,709 years
18.79 trillion seconds equals 595,431 years

Truly mind boggling !

December 27, 2015 7:30 am

Obama and his puppet masters are looting the US and taxpayers.No bid gov contracts is easy for them to skim and line pockets.Then hand the bill to taxpayers have IRS do the same aka Lois Lerner style,then no accountability.Easy to see why they want our right to bear arms.Next bank Holiday.

December 27, 2015 8:03 am

Con artists Hillary and Bill are carpet baggers.Con artists Michelle and Obama with Jarret are looters.Ready to collapse the US by Cloward and Piven.Latest $$$ $cam is global warming,Obamacare, military aged M Syrian immigrants.

December 27, 2015 11:21 am

Im glad snyder does call out the republicans in this, but still comes up a little short IMO. I blame the Weeping Cheeto as much as i blame obama. Without boehner, this couldn’t have happened. And now paul ryan is looking like he will be even worse. The first two years of obama, not much the Rs could do. But the past 5 years have proven that when it comes to issues that matter, there is no difference between them. The constant arguments over trivial issues like gay marriage and abortion are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, just issues used to distract people. There is no dem/rep divide or red/blue. You are either authoritarian or libertarian.

December 27, 2015 11:57 am

I though it appropriate to end the year with a list of un natural banker suicide list-another banker suicide added to the list of 72 dead by un ……/another-banker-suicide-added-to-the-list-of-…
An investment banker jumped to his death from a luxury apartment building in Manhattan. … ANOTHER BANKER SUICIDE ADDED TO THE LIST OF 72 DEAD BY ….. This entry was posted on May 30, 2015 by Volubrjotr in Bank, Crime, …

December 27, 2015 12:48 pm

Jake ,do yourself a favor and Google.. The Evil of Central Banking…. and you will see who owns the Federal Reserve. Out of the top 10 there is only one Anglo Saxon family.(Rockefellers ) the rest are Jewish. Same with the World Bank ,International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements. The modern Jewish Bolsheviks have this world by the balls.

Hitler finally took back control of the currency from these Jewish bankers. He then issued the currencydebt free and as value .In less the a decade Germany became a super power.
Read your history Meathead.

December 27, 2015 6:59 pm

Jackie boy, I would normally not respond to such rubbish, which was your asinine post, but I’m in a bad mood. Look Jackie boy, I grew up on the east coast, and lived in a major city for 15 years. Don’t tell me I don’t know Jews. A jew boy was my realtor when I was looking to buy there. He dicked me over. I switched to another realtor, a jewess. She was nice enough. But another jewess managed my property, that is until they stopped sending me my rent checks. Then I spent 4 days preparing a law suit. When I got my day in court, I got a phone call from their Jew lawyer, saying oh so Solly, we’ll send the check right over.

Yeah, when I broke my pinkie toe, the Jew doctor tried to fleece me by telling me I had to have surgery for $2 grand, my deductible. I wanted a second opinion. The gentile doc told me rubbish, just put some god damn tape on it, and you’ll be fine. That cost me $150. A buddy of mine does business in that city, which shall remain nameless. He is a banker and was trying to get one of their properties off their books. The listing was for $5 million. A Jew realtor offered 3, an insult. When higher offers came in from other groups, after a day or two the offers were quietly withdrawn. Then the Jews came back with their lowball figure. When it was clear that they had to pony up the full amount, they then refused to pay the city transfer tax. So, the Jew realtor called up a city official and strong armed him into saying ok. You want more Jew stories Jackie boy. I got a dozen in my back pocket just for you. Trust me, you won’t like them.

As far as your puerile claim is concerned, I don’t give a goddamn about what color the nazi flag was. You have to be dumber than a bag of hammers to think that hitler was just a different flavor of communist, which was jewish in nature. Yes, true, he borrowed from Marx. Marx, a Jew, was in possession of a good critique of capitalism, which viewed labor as commodities to be exploited. But National socialism was vehemently opposed to communism. Read the speeches of goebbels for fucks sake. Do you think that hitler was not aware of the barbarity of what had been going on in soviet Russia? For that matter, do you not think the USA didn’t either? This makes the USA all the more stupid, if not evil, to not only do nothing when tens of millions of Russian peasants were being butchered, but to fund and supply the bastards in the aftermath. If anything, WE are a different flavor of communism.

Listen Jackie boy, buttplug, all I was really saying was Europe would be in far better shape today had hitler prevailed. I believe this to be beyond dispute. Europe is a basket case economically, politically, and culturally, due in no small part to the venomous influence of the Jews. Care to argue with me, and I will welcome it. I’ll rip your balls off, then go to work on you. (Though I am with family tonight, and I may have to respond to your mooing tomorrow.) Nighty night Jackie boy.