Status, Evolution, and Human Nature

Status, Evolution, and Human Nature


As we move into a new year, I’d like to post something that I feel has fundamental importance. I hope you can take the time to read it carefully.


Status is generally defined as a person’s condition, position, or standing relative to that of others.

Please read that definition again and consider this:

Status automatically creates division and conflict.

Status forces us to think in terms of position, hierarchy, and dominance, and can’t possibly do otherwise; it is built solely upon our standing relative to others.

In other words, status is a poison. It causes us to think of others as adversaries and to compulsively compare positions.

To be very blunt about it, status is a primate model of seeing other beings. But it’s even worse than that: Not only does status poison our inter-relationships, it poisons our self-image. After all, it requires us to think of ourselves as above or below every other person.

Here are the two central problems with status:

  1. Status is plainly irrational. We are massively complex beings, at the same time better and worse than the next person in a dozen ways.
  2. Status forces us to see each other as adversarial. Status seeds hate, malice, and war.


Status stands before us as an evolutionary hurdle. If humanity is to rise as a species, it absolutely must transcend status. Until we do, humans will continue to think primate thoughts, and human history will remain centered on conflict.

Status is a continuous, pervasive, and internalized culture of man versus man. And most human minds do hold this as a central concept. How many people like to see themselves as richer, prettier, taller, or more powerful than others? By so thinking, they build the foundations of envy, abuse, and violence.

Our present world is dominated by status-based structures. Whether kingdom, democracy, theocracy, or whatever, status-based structures set one man or group of men above all others. These people of a “higher” position-relative-to-others collect the production of the “lower” people, issue edicts they are forced to obey, and punish those who do not.

In other words, the ruling systems of the present world are incarnations of status… they are “status made flesh,” to paraphrase a famous scripture. This is a primary reason why the world is perpetually at war. The very model on which our society is built sets man against man and group against group, automatically and unavoidably.

Human Nature

Status is not “us.” It may be something we’ve been trained in for dozens of generations; it may be something that has influenced us all our lives; but it is not “us.” It is, rather, a dirty and old habit.

Individual humans tend to transcend status fairly well when they exert effort on it. They usually learn, for example, to drop the concept among people they love. And therein lies the proof that it is not truly “us.” We are better than status.

The truth is that humans can and do demonstrate non-oppositional thinking and living. And in this we see that human nature has been sold short.

Humans, even while immersed in the poisonous and persistent mindscape of status, still demonstrate love and charity.

That fact speaks extremely well of us. Human nature is better than we thought it was.

It’s time to start stripping status from our minds and lives.

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
December 30, 2015 8:02 am

I am most definitely of a higher status than a feral negro and I look down (rightly so) upon white trash, anyone who wears their pants hanging off their ass, & neckbeards. This article is bullshit.

December 30, 2015 8:58 am

Kinda hard to do when you are looking at the latest Walmart people post.

December 30, 2015 9:03 am

Status is associated with reproduction. Getting more Genes into the next generation.

As a general rule. What philosophers through the ages have never been able to convey. I will do so succinctly.

You are as an organism are better off in survival mode as opposed to reproductive mode. What and how you eat and the things that will be most salient to you are in this mode. Your body and brain cares about you and wants to keep you around to reproduce at a later time.

When you are in reproductive mode. Your body doesn’t waste resources on you . It only cares what will get the most genes into the next generation.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 30, 2015 9:15 am

Two major flaws in that analysis-

#1: “To be very blunt about it, status is a primate model of seeing other beings.”

Human beings are primates.

#2: “Status is plainly irrational. We are massively complex beings, at the same time better and worse than the next person in a dozen ways.”

As “massively complex beings” we are able to discern the dozens of ways others are better or worse than us. That is how we determine status. I can easily sense when I am “outranked” by someone intellectually, for example. I don’t have a problem with that, nor do I think that such determinations would imply that such a person outranks me in any other number of ways which are not readily observable.

It would be irrational to enter a room with an even mix of adults and children and not be able to discern the difference, for example.

December 30, 2015 9:49 am

“Status is not “us.” It may be something we’ve been trained in for dozens of generations; it may be something that has influenced us all our lives; but it is not “us.” It is, rather, a dirty and old habit.”

Since it is universal throughout human history -even prehistoric history leaves evidence of it- I’d argue that it is human nature to have a status stratified society.

It is us, it isn’t an acquired habit we get from our ancestors.

It is also nature throughout the entire animal kingdom since every social animal on earth displays it in their social order (like the “pecking order” displayed by chickens).

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 30, 2015 9:58 am

I find it curious that as a society drifts further from it’s former religious beliefs, the more it mimics the lost forms. We’re not created by God, for example, but as a random product of natural selection, however we are different than all the other animals, i.e. “a primate model of seeing other beings”.

I’m reading Michio Kaku’s The Future of the Mind and the whole thing reads like parts of the Bible, “through a glass darkly”.

We do everything we can to remove God from our lives, but want to be like gods.

Weird, huh?

December 30, 2015 10:32 am


Without knowledge of God mankind perishes at his own hand.

History has shown this, every nation that has turned against the knowledge that there is a god who has rules they must live by -even if they don’t follow the true creator- perishes in short order and is replaced by one that does.

It won’t be any different for us.

December 30, 2015 11:18 am

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress says:

I am most definitely of a higher status than a feral negro and I look down (rightly so) upon white trash, anyone who wears their pants hanging off their ass, & neckbeards. This article is bullshit.

I concur
I absolutely concur

Hard Head
Hard Head
December 30, 2015 11:23 am

Sounds like you are discussing “Christianity” or at least a form of it. But, we can not become the creatures that you wish, unless we become more “Christ-like”

Unfortunately, it would appear that we are heading the opposite way!! I see a pretty bad ending to all this.

December 30, 2015 5:45 pm

Moon , maybe you white trash ? In the eyes of most white liberals you’re the scum of the earth.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I am both physically and mentally a superior quality of human being compared to you Suzanna .Whites like you are repulsive . So there.

God dear Lord Jesus Christ I am so thankful you made me superior to all this low class white shit.Thank You Lord ,Thank You Jesus.

December 30, 2015 7:21 pm

Paul Rosenberg is clearly an underachieving wimp. Status, or power, if you will, is mostly achieved by taking on responsibility. Wimps always want power, but not the responsibility that goes with it. If Paul Rosenberg fucks up, he pays the price, and maybe so does his husband. If I fuck up, or llpoh fucks up, hundreds of people suffer. So every payday, we’d better have our shit together. People with status really don’t think about it much. People who don’t have it are obsessed with it. Terrible article. I’d bet Paul Rosenberg has shelves full of participation trophies. Attaboy, loser