The Symbolism Is Stunning

Built in 1780 as the James Bell Tavern, the structure hosted the Stony Ridge Convention on July 3, 1788, a meeting of Anti-Federalists opposed to ratification of U.S. Constitution, which led to amending the document with the Bill of Rights.


Triple Crown Corporation, the property’s owner, legally obtained a permit from the township for the demolition, according to Christine Musser, a member of the township’s Conservation and Preservation Committee.

Musser said she was informed about the stone house’s history by an “outside source.” After “doing some digging” about the matter at the Cumberland County Historical Society, she alerted township officials about the matter.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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January 21, 2016 9:36 am

The same people issuing a permit and destroying the site because they didn’t know its history probably don’t know what the Bill of Rights is either.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
January 21, 2016 9:56 am

i would have to quit, a beautiful building, i could not be a party to it’s destruction, maybe switch sides and become a house hugger. now walmarts, no problem, turn it back into farmland after top soil 5000 years from now recovers.

January 21, 2016 11:07 am

As Stucky’s title says.

January 21, 2016 11:54 am

I would make the CEO of “Triple Crown Corporation” and all his/her cronies rebuild this building.

By hand. Under the watchful eye of historians, masons and armed patriots.

No gloves. No power equipment. I want to see aching backs and bleeding hands.

Till they are finished. No breaks. If they have to go to the can, they can shit themselves or piss their pants. I don’t much care.

And that shit better be EXACTLY the same as it was before. Heaven help you if it ain’t…


January 21, 2016 12:07 pm

NB Might as well make the assholes from the Township who approved this goat screw help them. Get their asses out there slinging rocks and hammering hand-made nails.

This is beyond outrage.

January 21, 2016 2:04 pm

@ Billy
By all means, I agree. (The a forgoing sentence is an abject lie). Triple Crown Corporation should be forced to pay for all repairs to make sure that this particular piece of private property is preserved in accordance to the will of others. Every shrine, monument and vestige of memorials, symbols, images, monoliths, etc. of the forging of (paper) chains that now so lightly rest upon the progeny of those great men who made historical dumps and leakages in their collective knickers, should be preserved. Thank goodness (whatever that is) , that none of the flags of the Confederate States of ‘Murica are included in that auspicious list of preservation.

It seems odd, however, that this building was the place of an event, a gathering of men opposed to the constitution and its ratification. Could it possibly be that they saw that a convention would be a tour de force, a coup d’ etat to the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union?

So, my question should become apparent and simple. Why would you make the CEO ”By hand. Under the watchful eye of historians, masons and armed patriots.”

January 21, 2016 2:55 pm

“The Symbolism is Stunning”

Yes and the most important question of all is can we stop the destruction of the Bill of Rights?

January 21, 2016 8:44 pm

It seems odd, however, that this building was the place of an event, a gathering of men opposed to the constitution and its ratification.

Yep. Anti-federalists. They were opposed to the Constitution on principal because we already had the Articles of Confederation. The Federalists wanted to shit-can those and give way more power to the Feds, which would necessarily weaken the States, Commonwealths and individuals.

Or, using your tactic of taking things out of context, the Federalists were opposed to a Bill of Rights. Vehemently.

If not for the anti-federalists, we wouldn’t HAVE a Bill of Rights (not that it means anything anymore, coz power usurped by the Feds).

Could it possibly be that they saw that a convention would be a tour de force, a coup d’ etat to the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union?

Pure conjecture and throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks… or you framing your argument as a question so that nobody can pin you down to one position.

A fuckbag move. Fuck you, I ain’t falling for it.

So, my question should become apparent and simple. Why would you make the CEO ”By hand. Under the watchful eye of historians, masons and armed patriots.”

Not really a question so much as a statement, given your shit grammar.

Fact of the matter is that I side with the anti-federalists. To engage in my own bit of speculation, If we had retained the Articles of Confederation, we would more resemble Switzerland today rather than the cluster of fucks we currently have… Still, without the efforts of the anti-federalists pushing for a Bill of Rights, we wouldn’t have had one so TPTB can wipe their asses with it. It pretty much staved off complete disaster (1861-65 notwithstanding) since 1789, despite the totalitarians best efforts. That counts for something.

So yeah, I think we owe those guys. And some EvilCorp buys the land and house to destroy it so they can very likely put up some new fucking eyesore Maxi Mini Mall or some shit. As big as this country is, they have to destroy a very nice house that not only is historically significant, but predates the formation of THESE United States as a Republic?

Yeah… fuck them.

Start slinging rocks, Mr. Evil Corp CEO… Your pseudo-libertarian stance aside, I gives a fuck.

Your anti-confederate, anti-Southern not-so-subtle slam was noticed as well. Fuck you more. If you knew a shred of history, you would have understood long ago that the Confederates were in keeping with the highest traditions and pursuit of Liberty demonstrated by the Framers themselves… NOT the fucking Lincoln sycophants and Monsters of Virtuous Pretension that the Yankees were (and are)…

Suck it.

January 22, 2016 7:41 am

O.K. Billy, you have some good points and yeah I screwed up my question at the end. So, let me a bit more clear.

Those decision makers at Triple Crown are most likely morons to have destroyed the building. But, shouldn’t the finger pointed more to the local “governmental authorities”? From the article: “Triple Crown Corporation, the property’s owner, legally obtained a permit from the township for the demolition, according to Christine Musser, a member of the township’s Conservation and Preservation Committee”…. “Triple Crown apparently had no clue of the building’s historical significance,” Musser told The Sentinel. “It was an oversight.”

So, the Corp. is stoopid, but what of the cretinistic gov’t that allowed the permit of destruction? That part you didn’t seem to mention.

Yup, I know, the Federalies (oops), Federalists were not for the BOR. It seemed to a concession to the Anti-Federalists to get them on board. Looks like it kinda worked too, well, maybe not so much as every piece of paper that seems to hold so much symbolism and hailed as such enlightened ideas of true freedom, justice, ( yadda yadda yadda) is now just so much shit stained bath tissue. How’d that work out for ya?

The Federalists won, concessions be damned. Want to discuss the Whiskey Rebellion, you know the first tax imposed on a domestic product under the presidency of Geo. Washington? I don’t. Want to talk about the bank of North America (1791) and Alexander Hamilton? Me neither. Get my point yet? As Stucky points out, the symbolism is stunning. Restore the building, I’m all for it (but not out of my pocket). But to honor the building is not to honor the idea. Symbols preserved/ idea dead.

I dunno where you get the anti-Confederate/anti-Southern/yankee/Lincolonoscopy contention. That you have attributed to me. Lincoln was a tyrant, a monster, just ask Clement Vallandigham… excepting that he’s dead.

If we were sitting at a table somewhere havin’ dranks… I’d offer you some of the last touch of Popcorn’s that I have. He’s dead too.

January 22, 2016 7:06 pm

So, the Corp. is stoopid, but what of the cretinistic gov’t that allowed the permit of destruction? That part you didn’t seem to mention.

Actually, yeah, I did.

My 12:07 followup post specifically includes the Township fucktards. Your first post to me was at 2:04 – a full two hours later, so I fail to understand the above statement by you saying I didn’t mention it..

Unless, of course, you skipped clean over it and didn’t read it.

Yup, I know, the Federalies (oops), Federalists were not for the BOR. It seemed to a concession to the Anti-Federalists to get them on board.

Is that your OPINION? Coz it sounds an awful lot like your opinion. If you’re going to argue solely using your own opinions, I’d appreciate it if you predicated your opinions with something obvious, like “I believe” or “it’s my opinion that..” followed by supporting evidence. Just throwing out “they did that to co-opt them” with no supporting evidence doesn’t get any traction…. sorry.

Looks like it kinda worked too, well, maybe not so much as every piece of paper that seems to hold so much symbolism and hailed as such enlightened ideas of true freedom, justice, ( yadda yadda yadda) is now just so much shit stained bath tissue.

Could your derision be any more hilariously campy? You might as well channel King George (Bush) II and just say it – it’s just a goddamned piece of paper.

The Constitution – specifically the BoR – are a list of powers – not “rights”. You need to look at them that way – they make much more sense when you do. Try it. I can point this stuff out, but I can’t understand it for you.

How’d that work out for ya?

Not so good. We tried to go our own way about 150 years ago – wanted nothing but to be left the fuck alone and leave the Federals to their own machinations… didn’t work out so well. I’m guessing if we would have been allowed to go our own way unmolested – or won Mr. Lincoln’s War – we’d be a virtual bastion of liberty when compared to modern day FUSA. And probably a refuge for those who want to be left the fuck alone…

The Federalists won, concessions be damned.

Ya think?

Want to discuss the Whiskey Rebellion, you know the first tax imposed on a domestic product under the presidency of Geo. Washington? I don’t. Want to talk about the bank of North America (1791) and Alexander Hamilton? Me neither. Get my point yet?

You mean your desperate attempt at trying to show me you’re not completely ignorant of US History? Because that’s the point you’re trying to make after I kicked your ass upthread. Stings, doesn’t it?

As Stucky points out, the symbolism is stunning.

It is. EvilCorp – in collusion with the fucking RETARD ‘elected representatives’ and no-accountability Township drones – largely succeeded in destroying the place where the Bill of Rights was born. This excuse of claiming ignorance is just that – a fucking excuse. You live your whole life next to the BUILDING WHERE THE BILL OF RIGHTS WAS BORN AND YOU ARE UNAWARE OF IT’S SIGNIFICANCE?

Uh huh. A person would have to be clinically brain dead or say, a corrupt member of the Township “leadership” getting kickbacks from EvilCorp for approving the construction of the latest eyesore abortion Maxi Mini Mall – to “not know” what that building was or why it was important…

Restore the building, I’m all for it (but not out of my pocket).

I already said to make EvilCorp and the Township fuckbags restore it. The inference is, is that the cost will be born by EvilCorp, with labor provided by the EvilCorp leadership and the Township fuckbags… all non-union, too.

But to honor the building is not to honor the idea. Symbols preserved/ idea dead.

Wait… what?

Using that metric, if we want to preserve the Bill of Rights – and the whole backstory behind it, because the WHY behind it is just as important as the BoR itself – we should bulldoze the building? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

I dunno where you get the anti-Confederate/anti-Southern/yankee/Lincolonoscopy contention. That you have attributed to me.

This —-> “Thank goodness (whatever that is) , that none of the flags of the Confederate States of ‘Murica are included in that auspicious list of preservation.”

You know damn well that “Murica” is a slur around here – meant to describe the non-thinking sheep. For you to hang that pejorative on the CSA shows a breath-taking lack of understanding about what they were doing and why. If it was supposed to be a “joke”, then it was in fantastically poor taste… (<—HINT! HERE'S YOUR "OUT")…

You need to go over to the Abbeville Institute and read Monsters of Virtuous Pretension. You’ll better understand my position. I capitalized it in my earlier post to see how quick you were on the uptake. Maybe you’d notice it and think “Hmm… he wants me to understand that this is important… maybe I should look it up”…

I almost italicized it, too, then decided that would be akin to putting a large, rotating red light on it… way too obvious.

Enjoy your read…