Garbage Science – Global Warming

 Guest Post by Dr. Sircus

Western government propaganda is increasing as the weather around the world defies global warming predictions. The latest publication insists that global warming is likely to disrupt a natural cycle of ice ages and contribute to delaying the onset of the next big freeze until about 100,000 years from now is utterly senseless.

In a new explanation for the long-lasting plunges in global temperatures that cause ice ages, scientists pointed to a combination of long-term shifts in the Earth’s orbit around the sun, together with levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They forgot though to mention what every astrophysicist knows is that the sun itself has cycles of higher and lower output (sunspot, solar winds and movement of solar belts on the sun itself) and that these variations cause mini ice ages that occur frequently.

“Humans have the power to change the climate on geological timescales,” said lead author Andrey Ganopolski. The findings suggest human influences “will make the initiation of the next ice age impossible over a time period comparable to the duration of previous glacial cycles.” We are being convinced at great expense in the global warming scenario. We need to be convinced because it simply is not true no matter how many times they tell us it is true.

Not a Soul Debates the Fact that the Sun is Cooling

Though in Obama’s and many others imagination 95 percent of earths scientists think the world is warming, no one, not a soul debates the fact that the sun is cooling and that there is diminished solar wind, less sun spots, and slower conveyer belts on the sun. Less heat is arriving from the sun yet many think that our puny human activities should warm things up nicely. We should hope so because a cooling earth and an arrival of another mini ice age will not be any fun.

Climate change is real and all one has to do is watch the international news to see how violent it is getting out there in terms of extreme weather conditions. That is how things go when things change on the sun, which is the real driver of the weather here on earth.

What they say and What Is

I am going to ask readers to put their thinking caps on and just entertain the general picture and the facts. After all these years of global warming scaremongering and the declaration that these past few years have been the warmest years ever we have record snows again around the world and record cold as well. There was supposed to be no more snow and little or no ice at the poles.

A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers. The research challenges the conclusions of other studies, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2013 report, which says that Antarctica is overall losing land ice. According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed   to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008. In spite of those heart-wrenching stories about melting ice in Antarctica, the truth is something else.

Moreover, how about the North Pole. With record warmth, that they are talking about all the time, how comes we see right in front of our very eyes in the above chart that Arctic ice is at its greatest extent since this period in 2005. Sure politicians, with all their crooked thinking, can believe that the warmer it gets the more ice due to colder conditions happens. The chart from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) Ocean and Ice Services. Whom do you want to believe, this scientific institution or the gale wind hot air from politicians and the mass media, which has no shame or integrity with its responsibilities to the human race.

In measure of the great warmth that is enveloping the globe, we have reports of cold. As residents of Denmark were digging out from another round of snowfall, forecasts for the weekend were calling for temperatures to drop as low as -11C. Sounds somewhat cold for a warm world. One of Poland’s deadliest-ever cold snaps killed at least 21 people, with temperatures falling to -18C (-0.4F), officials say.

How about the news in England? Does not sound like record warmth there either. Britain is on alert for the coldest winter in more than 50 years to unleash widespread heavy snow and -13C temperatures. If the temperatures drop that low it would be one of the worst winters in the UK since 1963 plunged to -20C. At the end of last year, Monterey and the Bay Area in California saw record-low temperatures. Oakland Airport recorded a low of 30 degrees, breaking the 1956 record of 31 degrees.

Global Warming Fanatics Predicted No Snow

“Remember the year 2000?” asks Argiris. “According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said”.

Yet we get reports that an estimated 15,000 mature dairy cows died in Texas and another 20,000 in New Mexico during a huge blizzard. “It was unbelievable,” said Andle van der Ploeg, owner of Mid-Frisian Dairy near Clovis. He says snow drifts on his farm are 14 feet high in spots.

Snow! We have more snow then at any known moment of modern history. It is snowing everywhere but it is not normal snow, it is record-breaking snow. Wouldn’t you know it, but politicians do not comprehend that it needs to be cold to have snow. It does not snow when it is warm it snows when it is cold. Record warmth and record snow are, for all intent and purposes, contradictory. Certainly not coherent.

We have snow on the road to Mecca, a Canadian bridge splitting due to extreme cold. We had a Seahawks/Viking game that started at -6 F (-21 C) at the stadium with a -25 (-31 C) wind chill.It was officially the coldest game inVikings history, the 3rd coldest in NFL history. We have severe cold continues putting the deep freeze on in Finland, with temperatures below -20 degrees Celsius across the country—and a new winter low recorded in Muonio, Lapland. Up there the mercury dipped to -41 degrees at 8 am on Thursday.

Large swathes of central Europe remained paralyzed by ice storms and temperatures as low as 16F (-7C), causing widespread transport chaos and power outages. We have heavy snow in Albania, Turkey, Luxemburg, France, Japan, the Ukraine, Russia, China, Oregon, Chicago and the mother of all snowstorms is hitting the Washington DC area this coming weekend. We even had heavy snow at the very end of 2015 in Peru, south of the equator, where it is summer now.
Sergei Porter / Vedomosti

Since the start of the month 77 centimeters of snow has fallen in the capital — more than twice the average for January, TASS said. More than 18,000 machines and 60,000 people have been deployed in the city to clear snow, according to TASS.

What can we say about the global warming media blitz?

King World News - You Are Being Lied To - The West Is In Bad Shape, Particularly The United States

The media is disgusting. It cannot, does not want, does not care, for instance, to report the vastly increasing sexual terrorism directed at white woman in Europe at the hands of young Moslems. It is not only increasing rape cases that is disturbing, but also it was a gang of a thousand men in one city in Germany waiting outside a train station, directly in front of a church, where these men attacked every woman in sight, even if they were with their menfolk. It is in the news but not in the news, most Americans get to see.

When was the last time you heard a report in the mainstream about the ongoing disaster in Japan at the Fukushima nuclear power plant? How can anyone in their right mind trust the news media? The answer is sadly—most people are not in their right minds though on issues like global warming the majority take it with more than a grain of salt.

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January 25, 2016 8:18 am

“Oceania is the world.”

January 25, 2016 8:30 am

Typical Democrat – I believe Obama (or any Dem politician).

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 25, 2016 8:55 am

There are so many chemtrails blocking the sunshine it has to have an effect; maybe they want to bring on an Ice Age and starve billions of Goy. The Pope just met with the CEO’s of Apple and Google; why, to confer on their spying and hit lists? Why are all the ships at anchor? Are they plotting to cause shortages, inflation and starve Americans? Are they planning a Bank Holiday 19Feb2016 to debase the dollar 30% to take inflation pressure off the other countries who’s currencies have fallen 30% or more (Canada, Russia, Brazil, China, Australia, Venezuela, etc)? Aren’t they purposely printing and spending the dollar into hyperinflation destruction so they can replace it with e-money and The Mark of the Beast? If the ships wait until the dollar is debased 30%, the owners will get 30% more dollars for the cargoes. Why is Walmart closing 269 stores? Because they know half the Goy will soon be broke and FEMA will need lots of processing and holding centers. Why is the BLM so active driving ranchers from their land with Canadian timber wolves, mountain lions, bears, brush fires, rules, laws, and fees, court actions and guns etc? Why is the NYC MSM so loudly anti-Trump but clearly pro-Bush? And so silent on chemtrails, sterilization antigens in GMOs and vaccines, the BLM abuses, the EPA’s land grabbing pro-swamp and mosquito policies, UN Agenda 21, domestic military equipment stockpiles and Obama bringing in Terrorist on secret night flights?

January 25, 2016 9:21 am

Said statement….3th paragraph …. Humans have the power to change climate… What a joke.The pride and arrogance of these knuckleheads knows no bounds.

January 25, 2016 9:31 am

LMAO, this is great. Very predictable, Admin gets snowed in and starts lashing out at Global Warming freaks. Yearly event, life would not seem right without it. Embrace the whiteness

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 25, 2016 10:06 am

I’m posting this again here before Alexan and the other global warming/climate change cultists begin posting here again.

They think they can stop the weather from changing by reversing industrial civilization and taxing the shit out of the productive classes. But the climate has never been static and never will be. We don’t control the weather – it is more complex than just us – the only thing we can control is our own misery and suffering.

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Rise Up
Rise Up
January 25, 2016 11:28 am

Even the doomsday clock “scientists” have lumped climate change in with their factors when calculating how close we are to “doomsday”:

“In January 2015, the Doomsday Clock’s minute hand advanced two minutes, moving from five to three minutes before midnight, the closest it has been to catastrophe since the early days of above-ground hydrogen bomb testing.”

Last year’s dramatic shift towards midnight prompted the group — which counts 16 Nobel Laureates among its members — to pen an open letter to the world’s leaders warning immediate action must be taken to prevent a tragedy of global proportions.

“In 2015, unchecked climate change, global nuclear weapons modernisations, and outsized nuclear weapons arsenals pose extraordinary and undeniable threats to the continued existence of humanity, and world leaders have failed to act with the speed or on the scale required to protect citizens from potential catastrophe,” it wrote.

“These failures of political leadership endanger every person on Earth.”

The recent peace deal between Iran and the United States and progress made at the Paris climate change summit will also be taken into account in the calculations but it’s hard to say how much of a mitigating effect these positive developments will have.

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January 25, 2016 11:53 am

Global cooling was the problem for the dinosaurs.

Wonder what did that caused it?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 25, 2016 12:02 pm

IMO, best response about global warming (yes or nay): Who fucking cares?

January 25, 2016 12:49 pm


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January 25, 2016 1:41 pm

Global warming doomer nuts, like all the great stock pickers, nobody ever looks back on their predictions and calls them out for what they are, worthless ignorant insignificant fucks.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 25, 2016 2:04 pm

Anon, Wiki has an article “Snowball Earth”: some scientist think that prior to 650 million years ago, the Earth oscillated several times between being all warm or all ice. I’m not sure, but the North Pole area may have been ice free most of the time from 650 million years ago until about 2 million years ago when the North American Continent had moved northwest enough to impede ocean flows over the North Pole (which is all ocean, no landmass like Antarctica) so that it froze in the winters and didn’t melt in the summers. Since about 2 million years ago, the Earth has oscillated about twenty times of about 100,000 year long periods each wherein there were 90,000 years of Ice Age and 10,000 years of warmer Interglacial Periods. For a good theory of why, reference Milankovitch Cycles that ties several physical factors of the earth’s orbit to Earth heating and cooling: orbit shape (circle vs oval) around the sun, the Earth’s gyroscopic wobble, Earth’s axis tilt cycle, Earth’s Inclination to it’s average solar orbit (the Earth oscillates to it’s Orbital Equator around the Sun just as the Moon and man made satellites do). We came out of the last Ice Age about 13,000 years ago and are due to enter another. Some scientist have found that at the end of an Interglacial Warm Period, the Earth experiences extra warmth that results in hotter seas and more polar snow fall that squeezes the poles toward the core which spreads fault lines causing more lava, earthquakes, volcanoes and sea heating until Earth stabilizes in the next Ice Age.

January 25, 2016 3:22 pm

The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen , Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.

Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.

Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.

Washington Post – November 2, 1922———————————

Someone bump the record, the needles stuck

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
January 25, 2016 7:21 pm

It was not that many years ago when Nature was running papers and an editorial warning of the coming ice age and oceanic stagnation arising from desalination effects on the Gulf Stream, which was “scheduled” to stop early this century courtesy of the model being employed.

Whilst the “Global Warming” crowd may (or may not) be correct, their credibility was terminally damaged by the UEA email revelations, and clear evidence of suppression of publications / authors where the view didn’t agree with “The Consensus”.

Doing that demonstrated the priority of promoting “An Agenda” over reporting (and examining) real data, in an impartial manner. “Global Warming” has become an avenue for “easy science”, with easy access to grant money from both Governments and Private funding sources. Generally “Easy science” = bad “science”, and we may live to regret the misplaced trust (and wasted funding) we currently see in the Mainstream.

January 25, 2016 11:39 pm

I live in Iowa. This has been the warmest winter I can remember. I am 66. 2015 was the warmest year on record for the world. . 15 of 16 the warmest years on record have been in this century

Those who deny the possibility of global warming aka “climate change” are like religious fundamentalists. There are no facts that you can present to them that will convince them to change their minds. Why is this issue even discussed on this site anymore? Pointless.

January 26, 2016 12:06 am

chem trails, vaccines, poison food, …………

depleted uranium, and radiation/Japan…

they are trying to kill us, or tax us to death…

sincerely, not a religious fundamentalist

(I’m voting with Robert)

January 26, 2016 12:06 am

I’m 70 years of age and I live in South Africa and I must agree with B. This December 2015 and January 2016 have been the hottest I can recall EVER. The drought in this country has been a nightmare with supermarkets collecting WATER for distressed communities.
No scientific numbers needed when I can verify with my own eyes and body that there was an unprecedented heatwave which I hope never to witness again.

January 26, 2016 8:50 am

Those who deny the possibility of global warming aka “climate change” are like religious fundamentalists. There are no facts that you can present to them that will convince them to change their minds. Why is this issue even discussed on this site anymore? Pointless. – B

Nice mis-statement. And then you double down by using that mis-statement as a justification to slander not just one group you don’t like, but two. Being that intellectually dishonest takes talent.

In point of fact, we do NOT “deny the possibility” of globull warming. It is most certainly possible. We’re saying the data does not support the thesis. In fact, the data indicates the exact opposite is occurring.

Rather like how “global warming” morphed into “climate change”. The frauds couldn’t say “global warming” and keep a straight face, so they had to come up with something else to justify their almost-religious-zealotry and devotion to a fraudulent theory (see what I did there?).

In point of fact, the Earth’s climate is most CERTAINLY “changing”. It is ALWAYS changing. It has from Day 1 about a eleventy-billion years ago.

The only points of contention is whether that change is caused by the activities of a certain group of hairless apes or not, and whether those activities can mitigate that change. As far as I’m concerned, the answer to that is “Very likely not with a 99% certainty, but the Jury is still out”.

And it certainly doesn’t involve “Carbon Credit” shakedowns or payoffs to 3rd world countries via brokers like Soros and Gore in order to have an effect.

In essence: “Pay off 3rd world countries (who are, ironically, the worst polluters but still regarded as being in a morally superior position by virtue of the fact that they’re ‘not white’ and poor), we’ll take our huge cut as ‘brokers’ and you can continue to do whatever you were doing before the payoff… this will “help” the “climate change” that’s happening… coz money”.

@ Dave

As much respect as I have for the white SA holdouts who didn’t bolt at the first opportunity (thanks to the right cluster-fuck that SA has turned into, coz “RAAYCISSMS!” and do-gooder assholes handing over the reins of power to a bunch of corrupt communist barbarians), you really need to rethink your position.

January 26, 2016 9:00 am

Hey you “Climate Change” globull warming people!

I’ve posted this before, but it bears repeating…

Check out Dr. Carter completely DEMOLISHING the hoax that is “climate change” and “globull warming”…

Part 1 of 4…

January 26, 2016 9:18 am

Got an appointment..

But, I leave you all with this Blast from the Past.. good shit.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 26, 2016 9:55 am

“15 of the hottest years one record…” How do you know? Because you trust that thermometer readings have been perfectly adjusted for heat island effect? Do you compare satellite data from the 2000’s to satellite data from the 1930’s & ’40’s? Data from the Argo array, perhaps – despite it having only been deployed in 2007 with ocean currents moving the buoys around so there’s no apples-to-apples comparison? This year is a mild winter. Two years ago it was ball-freezing cold. When the weather is warm, the warmists point to the weather. When the weather’s cold, they say “weather isn’t climate”. Such warming as may have happened so far is supposedly in the 1C range and you report having personally perceived that? People tend to add insulation as they age. My fingers used to get cold when I shoveled snow as a kid, but I was scrawny and my hand-knitted mittens were inadequate compared to the gloves I have now.

Why am I arguing this? Who fucking cares about global warming? If it’s true, so fucking what? I hate the Maldives anyway.

Alexan der Ac
Alexan der Ac
January 26, 2016 4:11 pm

Well ok.

Global warming is not a problem like debt is not a problem
Global warming is not a problem like corruption is not a problem
Global warming is not a problem like racism is not a problem
Global warming is not a problem like propaganda is not a problem
Global warming is not a problem like biodiversity decline is not a problem

And the list goes on an on. That some writes global warming is not a problem, does mean exactly nothing.

How aboout you TBPers reading actual peer-reviewed scientific papers? Too hard for you?


January 26, 2016 5:06 pm

Billy nails it once again-the climate IS always changing. That said, Fairbanks winters are DEFINITELY warmer than they were 20 years ago.

January 26, 2016 5:42 pm

How aboout you TBPers reading actual peer-reviewed scientific papers? Too hard for you? – Tool

Science is not consensus.

And I have little faith in “peer-reviewed (so called) scientific papers”….


Remember James Watson?

He said this back in 2007–> “I am inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa because all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really.” He went on to say that despite the desire that all human beings should be equal, “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true.”

Imagine that… he basically says what the rest of us mere mortals (at least the non-leftist, non-PC, non-egalitarian-fucktard ones) have known for damn near ever, and they crucified him for it.

Do you REALLY think that if Watson had published a paper saying as much and backing it up with hard proof, his “peers” would have all nodded sagely, called a press conference and given him another Nobel Prize?


Hot-button political topics like “climate change” and race being directly related to genetics and evolution don’t get “peer reviewed”. If you speak up against the status quo, you are crushed. That’s the way it is and NOTHING you can say will convince me otherwise…

By the way, did you watch the series of videos of Dr. Carter’s lectures?

No? Not surprising. Because he’s arguing the data – you’re advocating for a popularity contest.

Now fuck off.