Question of the Day, Jan 25

I see on the Al Gore thread a couple global warming morons have showed up. How are these morons still out there, and how did they find an actual intellectual website?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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January 25, 2016 11:49 am

Global warming (or the new ice age or climate change or whatever their current phrase is) is a religion, not a science.

January 25, 2016 11:56 am

Where the anthropogenic global warming / climate change / climate fragility premise isn’t being advanced by some party in the perpetration of fraud (defined as an “Act or course of deception, an intentional concealment, omission, or perversion of truth, to (1) gain unlawful or unfair advantage, (2) induce another to part with some valuable item or surrender a legal right, or (3) inflict injury in some manner”), it’s a religious *belief*, accepted on _faith_ and pursued with fanaticism.

The grifter, aware of the fact that “Willful fraud is a criminal offense which calls for severe penalties, and its prosecution and punishment (like that of a murder) is not bound by the statute of limitations,” tends to keep a low profile in public discourse. The warmunist whackjob, on the other hand, patrols the Intertubez obsessively, and commonly communicates with his co-religionists so that they can “swarm” a site with comments supporting their arrant bullshit.

They reliably overlap the subset of humanity characterized as “Social Justice Warriors.”

January 25, 2016 12:21 pm

The IPCC does NOT follow the Scientific Method.
Einstein put out his theory and said to all – prove I’m wrong and he supplied all his data to support the basic science mandate of the Null Hypothesis.

January 25, 2016 4:07 pm

If “global warming” is a hoax, then so is “9/11” and the “war on terror”.

January 25, 2016 5:50 pm


If it isn’t why does data need to be falsified, altered and ignored to support it?

Real things and events stand on their own merit as self evident and don’t need faked data to persuade people they are real.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
January 25, 2016 6:32 pm

Don’t worry WC, Bernie will fix it.

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January 25, 2016 6:46 pm

“The warmunist whackjob, on the other hand, patrols the Intertubez obsessively, and commonly communicates with his co-religionists so that they can “swarm” a site with comments supporting their arrant bullshit.”

1. Tucci78 introduced me to a new word. Arrant = complete, utter. Thanks.

2. I agree with his answer to the QOTD.

January 25, 2016 11:50 pm

GW or CC is another tax scheme.

Let’s have a discussion about the chem spraying.

Outlaw that!