Recipe For Civil War – Between The Loathsome & The Unspeakable

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

How reassuring is it to Hillary, exactly, that she won what amounted to a straw poll totaling less than 11,000 votes among the various Nevada hotel employees unions? You could tell from her pained, artificial smile at the victory podium that there is something booby prize-ish about that narrow triumph. And what was with the metallic red outfit that had her looking like a previously-owned Christmas tree ornament? Maybe her handlers put her in Kevlar for the occasion.

She’ll need it as this fretful election campaign moves into the middle innings. That trademark unconvincing smile masks the embarrassing truth that the fix is in for Hillary inside the dark machine that is the Democratic Party hierarchy, hijacked by chairperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s league of crones. The so-called “super-delegates” have all been rounded up and branded with a big smoking “H” on their hindquarters, leaving poor Bernie in the alkali basin of dashed hopes.

Readers have noticed (and complained loudly) lo these many months that I couldn’t get on-board for Bernie. I’m glad that someone opposed Mz It’s-My-Turn, but the Vermonter-from-Brooklyn lacks the juice to drive the necessary wooden stake into her grifter’s heart. The Goldman Sachs speaking fees ($200-K-plus each) should have been enough to send her to the donkey’s graveyard but, like so many awful truths in our over-amped and under-brained world, it got sucked into the TMZ alternative universe of discarded realities.

The latest simpleton’s political theory floating around the ether says that Hillary is guaranteed to get the overwhelming support of black voters. Why is that exactly? And what does it mean? Is she going to re-run the civil rights era? Is she going take up the banner for “safe spaces” on campus? Is she going to join the Oscars boycott? And, honestly, what has Mr. Obama done for black America, besides provide a model for how you can get somewhere in this society by learning how to speak English intelligibly?

So, the simpleton’s theory goes: Hillary wins the black and Hispanic vote and a big majority of womens’ votes. What does that mean? That America is now split into an ethnic-and-womens’ party (Dems) against a white mens’ party (Repubs)? Isn’t that a nice recipe for a multi-dimensional civil war?

Actually, it would be the mere seasoning in a stew of civilizational crisis simmering on the margins of the stupidest election contest in American history that could literally blow the country to pieces. The news media is, for instance, perfectly oblivious to the awful instabilities blossoming on the financial scene. In fact, the banks and markets are behaving in a way that suggests shocking disruptions to everyday life before the general election is even held. How would the Hillary-versus-Trump match-up go in a September of bank bail-ins and empty supermarket shelves due to the inability of businesses to service one another?

Rumblings out of the banking system ought to inform us that trust in mutual obligations is dwindling to the same zero-peg (and under) as world-wide interest rates. Something’s got to give and something will give (perhaps starting with something that has the initials “DB”) and then a whole lot of other things will give — beating a path swiftly to disrupting the normal complex operations of daily life that put food in your microwave and gasoline in the convenience store pumps. At that point, of course, all bets are off. Without being too cute about it, we ought to have reason to worry that America will be too disorderly later this year to even hold the 2016 general election.

As for Mr. Trump, he remains what I said at the campaign’s outset: worse than Hitler, lacking the brains, charm, and savoir faire of the Ol’ Fuhrer, and with his darkness even more plainly visible. Even Adolf could manage to get his necktie on so that it didn’t dangle around his nutsack. I don’t mean to trivialize the difference between these two psychopaths, except to say that America will be very very sorry to follow the tune of the so-far leading Republican candidate’s pied-pipings.

Frankly, if Mr. Trump actually manages to technically snag the party’s nomination, I can imagine several consequences. One, that he will indeed succeed in destroying the party. The other leaders at the dark heart of its hierarchy will never stand for Trump. In that case, they will form a breakaway rump GOP and throw their support to Michael Bloomberg, if he decides to jump in — and he might be enough of a true patriot to do that. The less appetizing alternative consequences involve the apparatus of the runaway Deep State (NSA and the military) either bumping off Trump, or staging a coup d’état against him in the event that he manages to get elected. I’m not advocating for those outcomes, but you ought to be prepared for the possibilities.

Most of all, don’t underestimate the power of events to outrun personalities this year.

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February 22, 2016 5:42 pm

About eight years ago it struck me that elections are fraudulent, particularly on the national level. The local elections are fairly honest, the state elections are bought by the political bosses in many counties. As old as I am and as many times I have exercised my voting I, it struck me that the powers that be did whatever they wished. My point is: “We pretend we vote, and they pretend they represent.” It is going to be chaotic this year, there will be blood!

February 22, 2016 6:19 pm

“As for Mr. Trump, he remains what I said at the campaign’s outset: worse than Hitler, lacking the brains, charm, and savoir faire of the Ol’ Fuhrer, and with his darkness even more plainly visible. Even Adolf could manage to get his necktie on so that it didn’t dangle around his nutsack. I don’t mean to trivialize the difference between these two psychopaths, except to say that America will be very very sorry to follow the tune of the so-far leading Republican candidate’s pied-pipings.”

What a pile of crap. Comparing Trump to Hitler is outrageous in the extreme and shows the hatred that Jews have for anyone who defends the interests of the European peoples who founded, built and sustain the United States of America. Is it any wonder that a growing number of people around the world see Jews as a fifth column working overtime to undermine Christian Western Civilization? There was a time when I wondered why Jews were expelled from over 90 countries over the past 1000 years of so. Well…I don’t wonder about that anymore and it will probably happen again because no sovereign nation can allow itself to be undermined by a hostile minority. The following quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C., Roman Statesman, Philosopher and Orator)
is very appropriate in this case.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

Kunstler was born in New York City to Jewish parents,[1] who divorced when he was eight.[2] His family then moved to the suburbs in Long Island. His father was a middleman in the diamond trade.[1]

February 22, 2016 8:00 pm

Kunstler never met a White, heterosexual, 2nd amendment supporting, conservative person that he didn’t automatically hate. Kunstler is the typical self-important, know-it-all kike who worshiped the ground under ovomit’s feet in 2008. Kunstler despised Bush W, but more importantly he hated and heaped scorn on all the followers of GWB; you know, the White people who enjoy Nascar and country music, guns, their Bibles and the idea of an America for Americans.

Kunstler is a classic two faced jew cocksucker. He likes to push the limits of how much he can trash White people, but then pull back just before he crosses that line of showing his true Jew colors, because some of those goyem buy his books. The only reason he hates niggers is because of the fact that because they exist, they royally fucked up his precious new urbanism plans with all his other pie-in-the-sky liberal douchebags. Kinda hard to make ‘walkable communities’ out of the urban centers with all those pesky cannibals around, killing the new White-Yuppie clientele who are the only ones dumb enough to invest in a pipe dream.

He is full of shit and has made a career of bullshitting people about whatever bandwagon he supported at any time, like the New Urbanist movement, for example. Peak Oil was another one. How that working out Jew-Boy? Gasoline is $1.74 where I live. We were supposed to be dying like flies by now because oil was supposed to go over $200 a barrel over ten years ago.

Now he’s fallen back on the old standby….the doom and gloom club. I don’t think he believes in a doomy future at all. I think he’s like most of the other elitist east coast jews who think they know-it-all, in that he knows he’ll be okay because he’a a jew. The rest of us will die because we are non-jewish idiots and he and his ilk will soon rule the world.

I don’t think so, Skippy. You assholes created a monster and you will not be able to control it. Rotsa ruck hiding out in upper new york state, jew-boy. You’ll get what’s coming to you.

February 22, 2016 8:18 pm

I am short of energy to compose a proper post like lysander did. So I will just say fuck you cuntsler. Have a nice day.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 22, 2016 8:35 pm

wdg, thank you for saving intelligent readers the time required to rebut that blithering Leftist idiot. If he was half as smart as he thinks he is, we would recall his scathing articles about Obama and Harpy.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 22, 2016 8:42 pm

Lysander, Bravo Magnificent Magnifico!

February 22, 2016 9:14 pm

Also, his fantasy of Bloomberg riding into the Republic nomination is the very worst of bad fan-fiction. Bloomberg is the RINO’s RINO, a fascist who never met an oppressive government action he didn’t like. Bloomberg makes Hillary look like a pleasant, down-to-earth commoner from Nebraska. He would probably seem more appealing if he actually had horns growing out of his head. Nothing could give Trump more votes than to have Bloomberg on the ballot.

February 22, 2016 9:15 pm

BTW Jim, while I dislike Kunstler’s recent writing, I still enjoy seeing his stuff posted here, as it’s some of the most fun to tear apart.

February 22, 2016 10:13 pm

Did he honestly plug Bloomberg as a fucking Patriot? His early stuff was decent, but he has long been off the tracks, his own personal ‘Long Emergency’ if you will.
That Bloomberg plug did it for me, brought back all of the Obama plugs, what a joker.

February 22, 2016 11:54 pm

Jon Rappoport has an article today on Trump-the whole ball of wax. Ins and outs.. Check it out

February 23, 2016 6:20 am

Donald Trump = Hitler , Michael Bloomberg = True Patriot…got it!

February 23, 2016 6:24 am

#CucksAndCommiesBeLike [imgcomment image[/img]

February 23, 2016 6:27 am

Lysander +1000 …you understand this POS “village plan” hypocrite better than any here.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 23, 2016 7:01 am

JHK is the epitome of a Stranger in a Strange Land. Like most progressives he loves the benefits of living in a NASCAR nation- running water, electricity, organic snacks, handsome men- but he detests the actual source of those goodies, the people who provide those perks.

A conundrum. And so he becomes increasingly shrill and vituperative. It’s to be expected.

And the Bloomberg as a true patriot line was so over the top I’d bet he struggled with the final edit more than a few moments. Talk about jumping the shark.

February 23, 2016 7:09 am

People who are voting for Trump are “really sick people” and are afraid to reveal their true feeling by break down into a blubbering weepy fool on Youtube …#RockTheBlubberingFoolVote

It’s women like this that makes the future of sex with robots so attractive…sheesh

February 23, 2016 7:13 am

How Israel welcomes diversity.

[imgcomment image[/img]

February 23, 2016 7:21 am

What do we want?

Life, the Universe, and Everything is about bucking the system and surviving to fight another round, and like the Jews, never, never give up. If you sell your birthright to the ruling class for a mess of pottage you will pretty soon be left without pottage.

There is only one sensible answer to the question of what the Trump voters want. If they want anything other than to demand that the government “do nothing with us,” then they are taking a fateful step towards oblivion.

February 23, 2016 7:21 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

February 23, 2016 8:27 am

LOLing about Bloomberg the Patriot riding in on his white horse to save us from Adolph Trump. Good lord man, that is comedy gold right there.

February 23, 2016 8:54 am

Unlike Bernie or Hillary…At least Hitler would make America great again.