I sent Stuck’s article to Steve Quayle this morning and received back a scathing response from Steve. He said that Stuck has a total misunderstanding of Nephilim. Steve has written a book about fallen angels and giants called Genesis 6 Giants and addresses the subject matter in great detail. Below is the Preface to the book and information on ordering it. I have to admit my ignorance with regards to this subject matter, so here is the rebuttal. You can make up your mind based on the arguments presented.

Guest Post by Steve Quayle

Much confusion has arisen over the terms “fallen angels,” “giants” and “demons” in the books of the Old and New Testaments (God’s Holy Word). The Bible, however, draws a clear distinction between fallen angels and giants.

Fallen angels came to earth in their rebellion against God. Jude chapter 1, verse 6 states:

“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”[KJV]

In other words, these fallen angels left their own habitation. They didn’t stay in the heavenly realm or plane of existence, created for them by God. Instead, they came to earth and had sex with human women. From those sexual unions the giants were born, subsequently to become the basis of all worldwide myths and legends about the “mighty men of renown” of both historic and legendary figures.

It is significant to note that the word ‘Nephilim’ is used only two times in the Bible, once in Genesis, chapter 6 and in the Book of Numbers, chapter 13, verses 30-33. This word in the original Hebrew is related to the verb napahl, meaning “to fall” or “the fallen ones.” It was the fallen ones, or the Nephilim, that genetically corrupted hereditary line human beings, and did so both before and after the Great Flood of Noah’s day.

While the word Nephilim is only used twice within the Old Testament, giants are referred to as the Rephaim over 20 times in the Old Testament. They even have a specific valley named after them known as the Valley of the Rephaim as described in the Book of Joshua. It’s clear that the word Rephaim is a very specific reference to the giants born of the union between fallen angels and the daughters of Adam and Eve. This hybrid progeny always possesses supernatural strength and size, and often exhibited cannibalism!

One key point: The word Rephaim never refers to fallen angels—never.

It should be obvious that those who issued from, or were the children of rebellious angels would be different in the words that were used to describe them, just as the father is not the son but the son is the offspring of the father. While it is correct to say the giants were the “issue” or the “offspring” of the Nephilim (fallen angel fathers), the mixing of terms is not. This brings us to a second key point:

Nephilim are not giants. They never were, nor will they ever will be.

Therefore, it is clear that the Nephilim and the Rephaim are two distinct and separate terms for two distinctly different entities.

The confusion in the church world stems from the misunderstanding of the words of Jesus Christ when he stated that in heaven there is no marriage as known on earth. Jesus states in Matthew 22:30:

“For in the resurrection they [human beings who are resurrected] neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” [KJV]

The main point of confusion here is that Jesus was talking about angels in heaven — not fallen angels. He didn’t say all angels didn’t marry or were given in marriage, but rather that heavenly angels are like this. The angels in heaven don’t marry, but that doesn’t mean the same is true of fallen angels.

Fallen angels can and have transformed themselves (and likely will continue to do this) into physical forms with all the appropriate sexual functions and reproductive capabilities that God created for mankind. This doesn’t happen in heaven, but it does on Earth with fallen angels.

To further exacerbate matters, there is also significant confusion regarding the descriptive term “demon” and the entities the term represents. The terms Nephilim or Rephaim are often mistakenly used to describe demons, or are called demons. This is incorrect and the usage of each term must be made universally clear.

A demon is a disembodied spirit (daimon). It arises when a Rephaim, or giant, dies. As I’ll detail later in this book, the giants are only partially human in nature; when their spirits are loosed through death, they often remain on Earth. These spiritual beings still have all the evil appetites and cravings of giants. They still want sexual contact and crave human flesh. To satisfy these passions, demons seek to possess a living creature, using them as vessels to partake of their previous embodied existence. Thus, demons are truly evil spirits, became are behind demonic possession (or daimonizomai in the Greek).

It is my prayer that by clearing up these sometimes confusing terms, a greater revelation will be granted by the Living God to those reading this book. As in the days of Noah, each of us faces a historic evil. Today, it is being held back in part by the grace of God. But today, the gates of hell are truly opening.

The good news is that by reading this book, you will gain an understanding of the past that will arm you for the future. This knowledge will enable you to overcome the coming evil through the power of the Living God.

I believe that in the coming days, we face an onslaught of evil. But we must remember that as the Lord Jesus prepares to return to our planet, He has promised to each one who becomes a …..

Click Here to Order Steve’s Book

Here’s a preview:

Genesis 6 Giants

Journey through new worlds of ideas and discovery with Steve Quayle.

The legends, myths, and oral traditions about giants may not be so farfetched as you have been taught.

To ORDER this book please call: (406) 586 – 4842
Table of Contents

Part 1

Chapter 1: Creation
Chapter 2: Pre-Adamic Earth
Chapter 3: The Destruction of Angelic Civilization
Chapter 4: Pre-Adamic Science
Chapter 5: Angels and Giants
Chapter 6: Religions and Giants
Chapter 7: Once There Were Giants
Chapter 8: Giants in the New World
Chapter 9: Giants in Europe

Part 2
Chapter 10: Ancient Giants
Chapter 11: Giants in European Culture
Chapter 12: Early Sightings of Giants
Chapter 13: Of Warriors and Children
Chapter 14
: Royalty and Giants
Chapter 15: Giants & Body Snatchers
Chapter 16: Nothing New Under the Sun

8-1/2″ x 11″, 445 pp; Paperback – 2002, 2015

Preview of Genesis 6 Giants – Master Builders of Prehistoric and Ancient Civilizations

Copyright © 2002,2015 by Stephen Quayle™. All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, no portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the publisher. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of information contained in this book.


I ask you to do only one thing when reading this book: Read it with an open mind. And by open, I mean that you will, for a time, suspend the notions (and — as I will prove to you in this book — propaganda) that you have been taught in school, by news magazines, and the majority of other outlets for the “facts” of science and history.

In doing this, you will discover that you are like the sleepers in the movie Matrix. You have been living a life in a dream world, where things are not as they seem. You are living in a place that has the truth hidden, substituting a series of carefully crafted lies to keep you permanently blinded, with the truth only having a chance to briefly surface from time to time.

This book will be your chance to see the truth, to learn what is going on behind the scenes, and observe the many telling facts that have been carefully hidden from your view. If you will read it with an open mind, you will be able to take the first step toward seeing what is really going on, distinguish the monsters behind the scenes who are attempting to keep the truth from being revealed about them, as well as gain an understanding of the ancient past and the ways it will affect the future.

Why must you keep an open mind as you read this?

Because like most of those reading this book, you have been hoodwinked by the established educational system, which by intent or by accident, has become the prime purveyor of the lies that make up the “party line” that keeps the truth hidden. This schooling has been so deeply ingrained in almost every educated human being that critical responses and objective views are difficult to come by. It is like wearing thick sunglasses that prevent seeing in a dimly lit room. Only by removing those glasses can one can see what’s real, and in the process find the truth.

Because of this conditioning and training through the educational system, as well as the entertainment and news media, those hiding the truth have a very powerful tool: Denial. And often they don’t have to employ it directly; like rats trained by electrical shock, we those indoctrinated by the system jump to attention and deny the truth when it’s presented to them. Years of conditioning with the electric shock of scorn and derision have taught them to do this. Quite often, not only do they unknowingly participate in the work of hiding the truth, but because of their conditioning, they may even humiliate those who speak the truth.

This conditioning has filtered through the educational system for centuries, so that today’s scientists, doctors, and historians are likewise victims of it. As I will document in this book, when confronted with the truth of history, artifacts, or fossils, they have learned to shut out the facts from their minds through their educational conditioning.

If that truth is too strong to ignore, then they may hide it from sight and attempt to forget. If they do not, they will quickly become the object of scorn and derision from their peers, resulting in a quick trip to unemployment as one of the “kooks” or “nut cases”. Such has been the fate of similar men who attempted to have an open mind and register their second thoughts or reservations about the dogma of lies which they had been taught.

Thus, denial is the first tool trotted out. It is the typical “educated response” when a researcher, newsman, or scientist is presented with anomalous evidence and findings that don’t fit neatly into the category of “containment.” Likewise, today’s academia is comprised of individuals living in intellectual boxes of dishonesty.

The Time of Change Is At Hand

For you and each person who will read this book with an open mind, that can change. For over years now, I have been carefully tracing, finding, and sleuthing the truth.

I started by investigating the origins of ancient civilizations: their builders, their myths, and their legends. Little by little, what I discovered prompted and provoked me to seek answers beyond the party line. As Henry Ford, the automotive genius of the last century, so aptly put it, “History is more or less bunk.”

The Romanian-born French philosopher Emil M. Cioran put it even more bluntly when he wrote, “History is nothing but a procession of false absolutes, a series of temples raised to pretexts, a degradation of the mind before the improbable.”

As I will show you, these men are not far off the mark (perhaps because they were often rubbing shoulders with those working behind the scenes to hide the truth). As you’ll see, past civilizations were not the primitive collectives they’ve been portrayed as being in textbooks and in Hollywood. They were truly amazing; yes, even breath-taking. Far from the crude cultures they have been represented as, they held technology not only equal to that of today’, but in many respects advanced beyond modern day technology. In fact, their skills and knowledge often defy “modern man’s” imagination in how they achieved their more remarkable accomplishments.

Modern historians, of course, play a game of deny, deny, deny, coming up with explanations for these accomplishments that are nearly as amazing as the artifacts they try to explain away. As you will see, the explanations and dismissals are full of holes, for there is truth to the many stories that are now denied. What you have been taught to scoff at and dismiss as myth more often than not may be truth.

This is not that hard to prove, either! By simply looking at the ruins of the past, a person quickly discovers that the ancients constructed architecture that was so accurately positioned to “stellar and planetary coordinates” that only recently has modern science and computer technology been able to fathom the relevance of such positioning. (Indeed, some ancient constructions appear to have positioning that modern science does not yet understand.)

How the ancients were able to gain such knowledge with crude tools and the marginal math today’s archeologists claim they had is impossible to explain. When not ignoring and denying, today’s “modern sciences” develop very pathetic explanations and theories. Yet these remain as “facts” because those scientists and researchers seldom dare to suggest otherwise, less they find their careers at an end.

Perhaps the most startling thing about the ancient wisdom and understanding which you’ll learn about throughout this book is that the calculations and knowledge behind them was not, as is the case today, dependent on computers for such computations. Instead, it seems entirely possible (indeed probable since instrumentation that would permit such calculations has never been found) the work was done in the heads of those creating the monuments and machinery.

The conventional view of ancient peoples is that they were dumb brutes. And the farther back in time you go, the dumber they must have been for the simple “reason” that human kind is supposed to be evolving into a better, wiser beast. Yet, as you’ll see, the exact opposite may have taken place. Hidden in the truth is the fact that giants not only existed but most likely ruled and controlled lesser men due to both their physical as well as their mental superiority.

Think about this: The skeletal remains of individuals up to feet in height not only means that giants were big. It also means that they were likely smarter than human beings. With skulls (of which there are examples from South America and elsewhere) with three to six times the cranial mass of modern day humans, those ancient beings must have had mental abilities that would make Einstein’s mind seem underdeveloped by comparison.

However, ancient people and giants aren’t the only ones who created the artifacts and monuments of the past. As I will demonstrate, there is conclusive evidence that many of these ancient artifacts were most likely made by non-human technology and hands. Of course, such things don’t fit neatly into modern thinking — the thinking that today’s culture is the pinnacle of mental prowess, or that today’s technologies are superior to those of the past. Thus, they are denied, and those who consider such possibilities are quickly laughed out of the hall in which they present their facts.

Yet the truth remains: Those legends, myths, and oral traditions may not be so farfetched as you have been taught, and even would prefer to think. In fact, they may have at least nuggets of truth in them. That truth points back to a period of time, in the dateless past, when great civilizations flourished with scientific and engineering achievements (which challenge modern intellects) were then the norm.

I don’t want you to just take my word on this — it is, after all, a hard pill to swallow, especially after the propaganda we have been fed from the popular media as well as the “facts” found in almost any science or historic textbook. Instead, I simply want you to read this book with an open mind. Do that, and I will provide you with enough evidence and background findings so as to challenge the official “scientific party line” and give you a set of mind-boggling exclamation points in place of the question marks you have when approaching these with only the conventional view point.

Grant me this, and then in the next chapters I promise I’ll give you the answers to history’s puzzles instead of the denials and fabrications that you have heard from your youth until you picked up this book (and which you’ll continue to hear — but be able to recognize for the lies they are).

Now… It’s time to commence the journey that will lead to this amazing revelation of the truth.

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March 27, 2016 10:57 am

There were the Elouid, the children of Nephalim and humans.

These and their descendants are likely the giants referred to in the post flood era, not pure Nephalim who were now dead, but genetically corrupted humans still carrying some Nephalim genetics.

They are seemingly referred to in the Book of Enoch (Enoch mentioned in Genesis) and a few other non biblical Jewish and early Christian writings.

FWIW, Martin Luther said that the Book of Enoch was not to be considered an inspired Holy Scripture that that but there was merit in studying it. (It could have been factually based fiction as easily as true scripture, there is no way to determine this.)

March 27, 2016 11:03 am

Arguing about fictional religious stuff, like giants in the bible. You might as well argue about what made dr suess’s eggs and ham green, it makes about as much sense.

March 27, 2016 11:09 am


Except that there are Giants to this day.

Not many, but some famous such as Andre the Giant.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Andre was hardly fictional.

March 27, 2016 11:10 am

Sorry, second try

comment image[/img]

March 27, 2016 11:11 am

” often exhibited cannibalism!”

Can this fucker turn a phrase or what?

My vote is or what.

I hate when they “exhibit cannibalism”, don’t y’all? He managed to restrain himself from doubling the exclamation points, at least. I guess I won’t be buying that book any time soon.

March 27, 2016 12:09 pm

Steve Quayle is interesting to listen to, particularly when

speaking on contemporary subjects. The endless interpretations

re fallen angels and giants seem to point to proving systemic

evil in the world. Mr. Q. suggests that as we are all subject to “evil creep,”

(my words only) it is paramount we implore God through Jesus to

help us recognize and overcome same. SQ is a good person I think.

He is very dedicated to Bible study and write countless books to

share his conclusions.

March 27, 2016 12:30 pm

“But we must remember that as the Lord Jesus prepares to return to our planet”

It would be better if he did not. Organized religion is on the wane, it would be better if just faded away. I believe the management teams are busy planning a viable, believable second coming to breathe new life into their plummeting product.
If there is a second coming, real or staged, who will be the main beneficiaries, Jews or Christians? It’s easy to discern who the losers will be.

March 27, 2016 12:38 pm

Steve Quayle has spent much more time researching his hypothesis about the Nephilim than Stucky, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that his hypothesis is any closer to the truth. Both have interesting takes on what the Nephilim were.

For another interesting take on translation of the bible, especially the Old Testament have a look at the Chronile Project. You may never think of the bible in the same way again.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 27, 2016 2:45 pm

I came to TBP because of Pastor Stuck’s commentary on the bible. I was more on Quayle’s side than I care to admit but have since ventured more into Stuck’s camp.

If you have ever gone through a few earthquakes as we have here in SoCal, you learn to appreciate standing on firm ground.

March 27, 2016 3:23 pm

Just sayin…and this isn’t the only reference I’ve found on the subject:

March 27, 2016 4:45 pm

what a load of shit….”A demon is a disembodied spirit (daimon). It arises when a Rephaim, or giant, dies. As I’ll detail later in this book, the giants are only partially human in nature; when their spirits are loosed through death, they often remain on Earth”….The Bible clearly staes…”All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in She′ol, the place to which you are going” other words when your dead,your dead..nothing more..fucking idiot

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 27, 2016 4:52 pm

Well, he did make a distinction between the giants of yore and mere mortals. Guess you missed it.

March 27, 2016 4:55 pm

which part of dead is dead did you miss you moron

March 27, 2016 5:08 pm

Other anon,
“what a load of shit….”A demon is a disembodied spirit (daimon). ”

Where do you get your information?

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
March 27, 2016 5:08 pm

Steve Quayle is a joke. He isn’t even worthy of tin foil History Channel status, his “Q Alerts” are always outrageous and WRONG, and he has pushed known fraudsters on the low IQ conspiracy crowd. Remember “Drake,” who claimed in March 2011 that the good guys were only weeks away from arresting all the bad guys in government? That was Quayle’s work. All to sell a few silver eagles. Any legitimate discussion of quacks like this seriously undermines the stature of your website.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 27, 2016 5:17 pm

Revolutions don’t die until the nannies come out worrying that your message is undermined by allowing the wrong people to participate.

March 27, 2016 5:17 pm

other anon.. iv’e read the bible..get it from there

read james 2:19

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 27, 2016 5:26 pm

If anonymous is divided against himself, surely his end has come

March 27, 2016 5:34 pm

I have listened to Steve Quayle on much more than one occasion. He’s forceful in his rhetoric and give his opinion most decisively.

I, however, keep an open mind and wait for more evidence. I find it interesting, but is it real.

Inquiring minds want to know.

March 27, 2016 6:01 pm

Other anon.

Jas 2:19 “*Thou* believest that God is one. Thou doest well. The demons even believe, and tremble.” -Darby (My preferred translation, FWIW)

That doesn’t seem to explain all you wrote, not really any of it actually as far as I can tell. Maybe you cold elucidate?

March 27, 2016 6:06 pm


I’ve listened to Steve on and off for years. Used to be acquainted with him quite a while back but lost touch a long time ago.

He’s always been this way, his biggest fault IMO is the absolute urgency that permeates all he predicts as if it is going to happen in the next few days.

But he’s always been that way, helps to make a living if you’re selling metals and survival stuff and such if you are.

No matter, take it for what it’s worth but he’s always interesting to listen to and read as long as you temper it with other sources as well.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 27, 2016 6:33 pm

Suzanna says: SQ is a good person I think. He is very dedicated to Bible study

It’s sad to see somebody get so wrapped up in demonology that he forgets to spread the gospel. If you recall those knocking at heaven’s door had been so busy casting out demons that they forgot about God.

March 27, 2016 7:16 pm

I would rather get my teeth and fingernails pulled with pliers than read this stuff.

March 27, 2016 8:04 pm

I personally do not consider Steve Quayle to be a flake. He has called many things right through the years even against great odds. There is a difference between those called to be Evangelists and those who are called to be Watchmen on the Wall. Isaiah 62:6
The body has many parts and the spirit is like the wind. “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” – John 3:8
Deuteronomy 19:15 and Corinthians 13:1 also says “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” Steve Quayle is not the only one who speaks of Giants, The UFO delusion, etc (Thessalonians 2:11?) . Consider L.A Marzulli the author of “Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural” and the “Nephilim Trilogy as well as Douglas Hamp, author of “Corrupting the Image: Angels, Aliens and the Antichrist” and many more other “Watchmen”.
It may seem spooky and bizarre to most. However, even Jesus said “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” The Nephilim were in the days of Noah. Jesus also warned many times not to be deceived. This is why I appreciate people like Steve Quayle who are willing to warn people. Even if they are proven wrong, we will discern accordingly.
However, if Giants do show up in the near future walking off spaceships, at least we won’t be caught off guard, because we were warned.

March 27, 2016 9:16 pm

Watcher- Will they be real giants coming off real spaceships or will they merely be GMO black budget man made clones coming of Gen 5 privatized NASA unlimited budget low earth orbit craft? Will they be able to use advanced technology to send messages right into our heads, heralding the Second Coming? Trumpets n shit.
For any so well versed, chapter and verse, who have commented thus far, what will happen to the relationship between Jews and Christians and Muslims when the Second Coming occurs?

Will you all be joined in One new faith, a new faith that starts 1000 years of divine rule on earth? Jewistianlims?

March 27, 2016 9:40 pm

The Nephilim are the Annunaki, and the Annunaki are the Nephalim

March 27, 2016 9:48 pm

Otto – The Muslims are probably fucked because they believe in a false moon God and a pedofile messiah. The Jews and Christians will probably be persecuted. Aliens? Or Area 51 government bullshit? Who the hell knows? The only thing I do know is that Noah did not have an AR-15. I do and I can’t wait to spill some mutant, green blood if necessary. Red or green. Doesn’t matter to me. Like Carol on the Walking Dead. I’m ready

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
March 27, 2016 9:51 pm

So god exists and bible is fact because Andre the Giant lived. I think I have heard the dumbest proof for believers in the sky daddy yet.

Well played anon well played…..

March 27, 2016 11:24 pm

Sure, you can read crap written by man or, you can read what actually happened. There is a catch though, you have to be able to discern truth from fiction… and for most that is a tough thing to do.

That’s why so many are susceptible to the nonsense written by this Quayle character, who, by the way, has got nothing right.

It’s really very simple if you’re sincerely committed to discovering truth… putting the power truth on your side is a guarantee of success… you’ll enlist all the help you need.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 28, 2016 9:53 am

Gator says: Arguing about fictional religious stuff, like giants in the bible.
As Watcher points out, check the work of LA Marzulli, who has traveled to S.American and researched the elongated skulls and skeletons of giants. There was one found on Catalina Island off the coast of California. I plan to read Marzulli’s “Cosmic Chess Match” soon.

As for Steve Q., he is a bit of a sensationalist, true. Tom Horn appears more reasoned.

Demons, jinn, and archons are real.

March 28, 2016 10:31 am

I know nothing about Steve Qualye …. but, regarding this issue, he is fucking nuts in the head. I read this thread late last night, and was prepared for a long rebuttal to his rebuttal. But, this morning, I say to myself — “what’s the point?”. This thread is dead. And, really, who gives a shit? Nevertheless, I do want to point out just a few things, just for the record.


SQ quotes this verse;

“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”

From that, he concludes ….

“In other words, these fallen angels left their own habitation. They didn’t stay in the heavenly realm or plane of existence, created for them by God. Instead, they came to earth and had sex with human women.”

WTF?? Talk about reading into a verse something it does not say!! From (rebellious) angels being forced to leave heaven — to meaning they came to earth to fuck our women! No further proof necessary. A leap of logic across a thousand mile long chasm. It takes a special kind of stupid to come up with that.


“Fallen angels can and have transformed themselves (and likely will continue to do this) into physical forms with all the appropriate sexual functions and reproductive capabilities that God created for mankind. This doesn’t happen in heaven, but it does on Earth with fallen angels.” — SQ

1. Holy shit.

2. People who accept this sort of logic never REALLY think about what is required of the angel. First, it has to be a “he” angel. He needs to somehow “transform” himself into having a fully functional sexual organ. What makes a penis hard? Blood. So, the angel needs blood. How does the blood get to the penis? Via the heart. So, the angel needs to give himself a heart. And so it does down the line. At the end of the line what do you have? A human!!

3. HOW do ONLY fallen angels acquire this enormous power to “transform” themselves into whatever the fuck they want? That type of creative power can only come from God. So, we are to believe that God kicked the bad angels out of heaven, but first gave them special powers to become human … so that they can rape earth women. WTF??

4. I’m guessing SQ has no answer — or, a fucked up one — that Jesus Christ himself told us that spirits (which angels are) DO NOT HAVE FLESH AND BLOOD.

March 28, 2016 11:02 am

“I ask you to do only one thing when reading this book: Read it with an open mind. And by open, I mean that you will, for a time, suspend the notions blah blah blah” ——– SQ

What does it mean when an author starts out his book with the very first line asking you to keep an “open” mind? It usually means a massive amount of bullshit is about to follow. SQ does not disappoint.

I had to take a course called Systematic Theology. The textbook was, iirc, over 600 pages. I actually wondered back then, as I do now, how in the heck did the simple and relatively FEW words of Jesus Christ become such a massive affair of laws, rules, and confusion? How did a few thousand words spoken by Jesus become millions and millions of words of blah blah blah?

Let SQ serve as an example of that. He takes the TWO Nephelim references in all of the Bible, and turns it into a hundred plus page book. Wow. Now ya know …

His front cover shows a giant that must be 30 feet tall. Just imagine how big that giant’s dick must be. Even bigger than mine! Really. How can a three foot dick rape an earth woman?

His back cover states —– “As in the days of Noah: The Return of the Giants.”. Too bad that the days of Noah have NOTHING to do with giants! Jesus tells us exactly what the days of Noah were like;

“For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.” ————- Matthew 24:38-41

Do you see anything about giants? No, of course you don’t! Only SQ does.

The “days of Noah” refers to NORMALCY … just before disaster strikes. People doing normal every day stuff; eating, drinking, and getting married. Jesus even gives two examples of this normalcy … two men working in a field and two women grinding grain … normal stuff … but one is ready, and the other not. That’s all the days of Noah means.

I would love to get a free copy of his book. It’s been a while since I’ve read good science fiction.

I’m done. Out.

March 28, 2016 11:04 am

I feel like I’m reading really shitty D&D fanfic.