As the labor participation rate and employment to population ratio linger near three decade lows, the mouthpieces for the establishment continue to perpetuate the Big Lie this is solely due to the retirement of Boomers. It’s their storyline and they’ll stick to it, no matter what the facts show to be the truth. Even CNBC lackeys, government apparatchiks, and Ivy League educated Keynesian economists should be able to admit that people between the ages of 25 and 54 should be working, unless they are home raising children.

In the year 2000, at the height of the first Federal Reserve induced bubble, there were 120 million Americans between the ages of 25 and 54, with 78 million of them employed full-time. That equated to a 65% full-time employment rate. By the height of the second Federal Reserve induced bubble, there were 80 million full-time employed 25 to 54 year olds out of 126 million, a 63.5% employment rate. The full-time employment rate bottomed at 57% in 2010, and still lingers below 62% as we are at the height of a third Federal Reserve induced bubble.

Chart via econimica

Over the last 16 years the percentage of 25 to 54 full-time employed Americans has fallen from 65% to 62%. I guess people are retiring much younger, if you believe the MSM storyline. Over this same time period the total full-time employment to population ratio has fallen from 53% to 48.8%. The overall labor participation rate peaked in 2000 at 67.1% and stayed steady between 66% and 67% for the next eight years. But this disguised the ongoing decline in the participation rate of men.

In 1970, the labor participation rate of all men was 80%, while the participation rate of women was just below 43%. Then Nixon closed the gold window, setting in motion a further debasing of the currency, unleashing politicians to promise voters goodies without consequences, and giving Wall Street bankers and Madison Avenue free rein to use propaganda to bury Americans in debt, while convincing them trinkets and baubles were actually wealth.

The relentless inflation released by Nixon and the Federal Reserve, and perpetuated by Washington D.C. politicians, forced more women into the workforce over the next 30 years, as families could no longer make ends meet with just the husband working. Over the next 30 years the labor participation rate of women soared to 60%, with the expected negative consequences from having tens of millions of children raised by strangers rather than their mothers. The resultant decline in the family unit and kids being brainwashed by government public school indoctrination has left generations of non-critical thinking zombies, easily manipulated by emotional appeals and false storylines.

As women entered the workforce in great numbers, the participation rate of men gradually declined from 80% to 75% by the 2000. It then began a rapid descent and accelerated after the Federal Reserve created 2008 financial disaster. It now stands at 69.3%, just above its record low in 2015. In the 1950’s when 87% of men participated in the labor market, the country’s economy grew strongly, we produced rather than consumed, we saved before we spent, the family unit was strong, and men’s purpose in life was clear.

When over 30% of working age men aren’t participating in the labor force, trouble is brewing. It’s even worse when you consider the 25 to 54 year old male participation rate has declined from 97% in the 1950’s and 1960’s to below 88% today. Much of the anger building in this country is the result of men in their prime earning years seeing their jobs shipped overseas, outsourced, or taken by HB1 workers. The backlash against illegal immigrants is understandable.

Then there are the young men aged 16 to 24, who have seen their participation rate fall from over 70% in the early 1990’s to below 51% today. The 70% participation rate was consistent from the mid 1970’s through 2000. The precipitous decline is not due to mass enrollment in college, as college students worked when I was their age. There is nothing more volatile than millions of unemployed young men, an imploding economy, growing wealth inequality, and porous borders allowing millions of illegals to invade the country, taking jobs and straining the already bankrupt social welfare net.

The facts obliterate the false storyline of Boomers retiring as the primary cause for the labor participation rate plummeting to three decade low levels. In fact, the number of full-time workers over the age of 55 numbered only 11 million in 2000, representing 18.6% of the over 55 population. Today, over 21 million full-time employed over 55 year olds, represent close to 25% of the rapidly growing over 55 year old category.

Chart via econimica

The overall labor force participation rate of the over 55 population, which had lingered in the 30% range from the mid 1980’s until the mid 1990’s, now stands just above 40% at levels last seen in the early 1960’s. The Boomer retirement meme, peddled by the corporate media, is pure propaganda designed to obscure the fact millions of people, especially men, in their prime working years are not working. The fact is there are 253 million working age Americans and 102 million of them are not working.

Chart via econimica

Of the 151 million working Americans, only 123 million are employed full-time (now 35 hours, then 40 hours), 10 million are self-employed, 7 million work multiple jobs, and 21 million produce nothing as they work for the government. The strong and growing job market mantra being sold to the American people is a complete falsehood, and average Americans know it.

We know 10,000 Americans per day are turning 65 and will be for decades to come. Some of them are retiring as they had planned for the last 40 years to do. The fact is very few planned. They were sucked into the easy debt vortex sold by the establishment and lived in the present, never planning for the future. When 50% of all households over the age of 55 have $12,000 or less in retirement savings, they aren’t retiring. When even the over 55 households that did save only have $100,000 of retirement savings, they aren’t retiring. That will last them a couple years at most, when their life expectancy is 20 to 30 years. Very few households can survive on their Social Security pittance, as Yellen and her band of merry men provide 0.25% returns on savings and the cost of food, rent and healthcare surge ever higher.

Boomers aren’t retiring en mass because they can’t afford to retire. The labor participation rate of the younger generations is being negatively impacted by the non-retirement of Boomers. This is called the trickle down effect from unintended consequences. The establishment has strip mined the wealth of the country, leaving a barren wasteland in its wake, creating a seething populace, seeking perpetrators to blame. The populist uprising which propels Trump and Sanders has been spurred by the destruction of the working middle class as the corporate fascists, global elite, and banking cabal have pushed their game of financialization roulette to its limit.

The corporate mainstream media machine, whose job is to keep the establishment in power, scorns Trump when he references a true unemployment rate above 20%, while the BLS reports a beyond laughable rate of 5%. In fact, 24% of all Americans between the ages of 20 and 54 are not working. In fact, 18% of all American men between the ages of 20 and 54 are not working. What are these 13 million men doing on a daily basis? They aren’t retired. A large percentage have been screwed over by a system designed to enrich the few at the expense of the many. Of the 35 million 20 to 54 year old Americans not working, many have found they can suckle more from the welfare and disability systems than they can by working. This generates animosity between the middle and lower classes, to the delight of the ruling class, as it takes the focus off their never ending criminal activities.

The Big Lie can work for longer than rational people might think, but eventually the revelation of its falsehood leads to revolutionary change. The average person in middle America is waking up to the lies of the establishment. They know the unemployment rate is closer to 20% than 5%. They know their own personal inflation rate is 5% to 10%, and not the reported 1% to 2%. They know the banker bailout, TARP, ZIRP, QE, and trillion dollar budget deficits weren’t designed to benefit Main Street USA. They know the media is in the back pocket of the establishment. They are sick and tired of getting screwed by a system designed by a wealthy elitist class to shake them down at every opportunity. They are starting to get up out of their chairs and yelling:

I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!!!

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 4, 2016 9:07 am

My question is this: if 48% of the adult population between the ages of 25 and 54 are not working, what the hell are they doing?

April 4, 2016 9:11 am

HSF, they are mooching or looting.

April 4, 2016 9:13 am


Did you use your Sunday day off to write this? Did you??? Bad boy!!!

j/k …. You’re Da Man!!! Your gift for numbers … AND explaining them in terms even a financial simpleton like me can understand … well, it is simply amazing.

I love this place.

April 4, 2016 9:17 am

So we have more people of working age than we have full time -or even part time- jobs available for.

The answer is shockingly simple: We need more immigrants, especially illegals and Muslims.

Ask any liberal if you need this explained to you, it’s something moderates and conservatives seem to need to have explained to them.

April 4, 2016 9:23 am

BOOM. Big Jim Quinn strikes again. Can’t wait to see the read total on ZH, this one has legs, I’d bet money.

April 4, 2016 9:28 am

Hardscrabble: “My question is this: if 48% of the adult population between the ages of 25 and 54 are not working, what the hell are they doing?”

They are several places: Living in their parents basement. Living in their children’s basement.

Then Obama is very cleaver to ‘hide’ these people in entitlement programs such as SNAP, section 8, assistance, Medicaid, and I believe there are something like 65 of these programs.

Additionally SSDI has been expanded by 33%.

Also, give them student loans (some middle aged fools are going back for masters degrees) – and students are not counted as unemployed.

This is all financed by printing money. We are spending a $Trillion dollars a year, hiding people in these programs.

I call it the phantom bread line.

April 4, 2016 9:32 am

We outsourced a lot of accessible jobs over the last 30 years. These were the jobs that typically went to people without college degrees, but who are still capable of performing without slipping in their own drool.

As the jobs turned to dust stateside the paradigm shifted to college, driving the cost for college higher and higher while the value of the provided degrees went lower and lower.

We eventually reached a tipping point (late 2000s most likely) where the value provided by most degrees was far outstripped by both the upfront and opportunity cost of obtaining it. This will continue until our country has a large change in how it regards education, because thanks to the wonders of easy government money and guaranteed loans, the laws of Supply and Demand have little to no effect on the real cost of college tuition.

Despite what Trumpians will tell you, bringing manufacturing back home to the US will NOT FIX THIS PROBLEM!!!

Why? Because ya’ll motherfuckers are expensive and unreliable as all hell.

The global economy is turning to shit, and the places where we built our factories have gotten more and more expensive as a result of the East’s economic predation upon the people of the West.

Our manufacturing has started coming home, but those factories aren’t hiring degree-less people like they would have 30 years ago. They hire engineers and scientists, programmers and marketers, and then buy a shit-ton of automation to actually produce their products. The engineers and programmers keep the shit running, the scientists produce new products and do quality checks, and the monstrous team of marketers makes sure that your particular version of the Widget is getting noticed.

While we disagree with each other as to the extent of the failure, LLPOH is essentially correct: The Middle Class is a lie.

The dream that anybody who is physically capable of working 40 hours a week can support a family of 4, a 1500 ft2 home with 2 new vehicles and yearly trips to Disneyland was short-lived at best, and it won’t be back for a long time.

Eric Hoffer never spoke about Fourth Turnings, but rather Mass Movements. His takes great pains to examine the peoples of the world from a philosophical standpoint, and comes to the conclusion that “the poor” is a subjective term based only on social status, and has little bearing on who normally rises up to oust the status quo.

Out of all these varieties of “The Poor” that he examines, it is “The New Poor” that provide the majority of rank-and-file people for a Mass Movement.

“It is usually those whose poverty is relatively recent, the ‘new poor,’ who throb with the ferment of frustration. The memory of better things is as fire in their veins. They are the disinherited and dispossessed who respond to every rising mass movement.” – Eric Hoffer, The True Believer, section V. The Poor

Our uneducated and former middle class feels like they are owed something, and it is from this lie that a vicious tide will eventually spring. The truth doesn’t matter. Reality is a hoax. What matters is what they are feeling, and this election cycle is the perfect example.

Trump and Sanders, billionaire and socialist going head-to-head for the hearts and minds of our country. Completely at odds with each other on every topic, both are outside the establishment, both with enough of a following that election of one immediately disenfranchises a full fifth of the US population.

No matter who wins the next election, it is becoming increasingly clear that the next Mass Movement, the next Fourth Turning, is truly upon us.

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 4, 2016 9:40 am

At 67 I’m one of those boomers who is never going to retire. Although I own everything (including a very nice house on a lake) – there are lots of expenses.

Property taxes are over $7,000 yr. Insurance is $3,000. With taxes and utilities (gas, electric, sewer, water) It costs us $1,400 a month to live in a house we own. This does not count health insurance, which I pay $300 a month (a great discount). To top it off – the state and fed tax our SS that we already paid tax on.

New roof $12,000. Eventually new mechanicals . A little nicer car is $30k, minimum.

They call it the American Dream, cause it’s best experienced when you are asleep.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 4, 2016 10:07 am

“Despite what Trumpians will tell you, bringing manufacturing back home to the US will NOT FIX THIS PROBLEM!!!

Why? Because ya’ll motherfuckers are expensive and unreliable as all hell.”

That’s an argument I have heard quite often along with the “doing jobs Americans won’t do” and then we claim that they came here and should be Americans.

The only conclusion I can come to is that unless human subgroups/races/ethnic groups are completely dissimilar, they too will become “expensive and unreliable as hell”, only then we still won’t have the capacity to manufacture. So not only will everyone be broke, but the costs will go up and reliability of the non-“motherfucker” work force will decline as well and we won’t be able to do anything about it.

April 4, 2016 10:13 am

HSF, i’m working on a piece on exactly that subject. Just another lie like the one Jim destroys above. There are real issues, however, with American workers that I was only dimly aware of, llpoh has harped on them for years, I’m getting quite the education on what needs to be done.

April 4, 2016 10:20 am

What we need is a ‘new revolution’.

We had the first industrial revolution, then the second. Each shorter than the first.

Then we had an agricultural revolution, where 5% of the people now produce all our food.

Then came the ‘tech’ revolution – which is even shorter than the other revolutions. We’re at the end of the tech revolution.

We need a new revolution – but I’m not sure it will ever come.

So we are tapped out. There is no huge demand for human labor – there is no growth sector for human talents / knowledge. I myself don’t design software anymore – I maintain huge MRP / ERP systemts. It’s already been done. $Billion dollar companies have hired armies of programmers, and they have built the systems, and then been laid off.

April 4, 2016 10:30 am

@HSF – Hence, automation. Easy jobs with high pay are a thing of the past.

April 4, 2016 10:40 am

“. Easy jobs with high pay are a thing of the past.”

Except in the ever growing “public sector”.

April 4, 2016 10:41 am

“The resultant decline in the family unit”
This seems like a benefit for the establishment. Also, I work with many millennials, and they rock! That is, the ones who have no interest in gaming the system per establishment guidance.
American workers kick ass and have always kicked ass. It seems clear that kicking ass is being purposefully deconstructed.
You get what you pay for.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
April 4, 2016 10:44 am

Another excellent analysis that will be posted later today on SLL. There has been the quantitive deterioration in the labor market, but there has also been massive qualitative deterioration. A lot of higher quality jobs, what David Stockman calls “breadwinner” jobs, have been replaced by lower quality service industry jobs (waiters, bartenders, health care attendants, etc.). Those who want chapter and verse can go to his website. And let’s not forget, our futures have been mortgaged by the government’s explicit and implicit debt (for the grisly details see, so we’re never going to dig our way out of this mess…short of repudiation and revolution.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 4, 2016 10:50 am


I think this is one of your most important articles to date. You call the game that politicians and financiers have played a game of roulette. I believe it is far worse than that. If we have learned anything it is that our marxist/globalist overlords are patient. I believe we have been on a path towards the destruction of the middle class and the family unit for many decades. These aspects of our civilization combined with the rule of law (the Constitution, Magna Carta etc) are the foundation to our success.

We are currently having this foundation literally excavated out from underneath of us. The tools that have been used are the false/dangerous economic models that you list combined with the forced acceptance of the destruction of the family itself; the rise of third wave feminism, transgenderism and the forced integration of dangerous ideologies such as Islam. This combined with the gutting of the rule of law itself where political whores can break the law and be excused (some pigs being more equal than others) spells the end of our civilization. I believe we are being set up for one of two possibilities: slavery or revolution. Time will determine which path we take.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
April 4, 2016 11:05 am


April 4, 2016 11:14 am

HSF said: “The only conclusion I can come to is that unless human subgroups/races/ethnic groups are completely dissimilar, they too will become “expensive and unreliable as hell”, only then we still won’t have the capacity to manufacture. So not only will everyone be broke, but the costs will go up and reliability of the non-“motherfucker” work force will decline as well and we won’t be able to do anything about it.”

It’s not a racial / ethnic thing, exactly; it’s an individual thing. If you are lazy and can not / will not build, you will not survive the coming Crunch. I’ve been wandering the planet for over 50 years, and seen many “races”, ethnics, tribals even. The Agricultural revolution provided enough food to keep deviant and unproductive (in an absolute sense; I like writers, artists, and philosophers, not so keen on “social justice warriors”, “professional athletes”, and “lawyers”) alive; for hundreds of thousands of years, those who could not provide for themselves (or be provided for, on a family basis) DIED. Often before they reproduced. So for a new force in history, the unproductive have become numerous enough to affect the productive.

We will learn whether or not large numbers of unproductive people can be kept alive at the expense (literally!) of the productive. Atlas will likely Shrug, and then what?

April 4, 2016 11:16 am

The P Chemist says: ” Despite what Trumpians will tell you, bringing manufacturing back home to the US will NOT FIX THIS PROBLEM!!!

Why? Because ya’ll motherfuckers are expensive and unreliable as all hell.”


In this globally connected world, you have to produce more than you consume to have a viable economy. Just look at the Chinese….. producing goods and services cheaper than anywhere else on the planet. Why buy local when you can get the same item more than half the price cheaper AFTER shipping? The Chinese are doing it on cheap labor. The mantra of building a wall around America will only cause more problems down the road, as you have to pay more for goods and services at home, which brings down your standard of living.

Think about it…… imagine raising the minimum wage to $100 per hour…… who could afford the goods or services locally? abroad? The answer is NO ONE!! You have to be competitive!!

So even if you bring back all lost manufacturing to the US…. it won’t do any good if you have no customers to buy your product if your labor is too high.

April 4, 2016 11:39 am

Many jobs have simply moved to China
comment image

April 4, 2016 11:39 am

We have to reduce our standard of living…to survive.
Go local, live the simple life and forget trying to act
rich. Get out of debt!!

I. C.
I. C.
April 4, 2016 11:48 am

HSFarmer sez: “My question is this: if 48% of the adult population between the ages of 25 and 54 are not working, what the hell are they doing?”

I’d like to know if the paid-for protesting is in cash or do those morons get a W-2 for attempting to disturb the peace, violate the rights of others, and incite riots. Some of those hecklers can be identified at many of these far-left congregations/gatherings. Do they pay taxes on their protests? Do they file a 1040? When their sorry asses are bailed out of jail by some organization or unknown entity, is that a benefit to be taxes?

April 4, 2016 11:56 am

Jeffrey Snider over at Stockman’s Contra Corner just eviscerates the BLS employment data. He points out that Friday’s ‘jobs’ report shows retail employment growing twice as fast as it did during the peak of the housing boom during 2004-2006. How many Circuit City, Blockbuster video rental shops and malls have shut down over the last decade and yet the BLS would have you believe job growth in retail sales is soaring! How do the Mark Zandi’s and Steve Liesman’s of CNBC maintain a straight face as they report this garbage.

Then there is the ‘birth/death’ model that is used to increase ‘estimated’ employment by any figure necessary to make the Administration look good. Problem is we KNOW more companies are going out of business than are being created and new start ups who can’t raise millions from Venture Capital firms don’t have a lot of employees. Most are nail and hair salons, lawncare and the like that if they aren’t sole proprietorships have a best a couple of employees.

We have the technology to detect every debit or credit card purchase made almost instantly. That is how banks determine how much money you have in your account and yet, we are to believe the mighty Federal Government cannot determine how many people are depositing or cashing a real paycheck from a real business and must use surveys, models and ‘seasonal adjustments’ to guess at how many people have jobs! The BLS has become a sick joke and yet its monthly jobs report moves global market indexes more than any other single data point.

I. C.
I. C.
April 4, 2016 11:57 am

Dutchman stated, “We need a new revolution – but I’m not sure it will ever come.”

There’s one on the works. Many have opted out of the ‘system’, learning more about self-reliance, living simply, growing some of their own foods, DIY projects, etc.

I think there is a subset of people in the class of the ‘unemployed’ who are actually unplugged — not wanting to be part of the rat race, not wanting to pay-the-beast. I know some of them and they aren’t dreamers or slackers, they’re actually living low and doing well. Best of all, they appear happy.

I do think that many people became disillusioned with our complex and interconnected ‘tech grid’ and wanted to be off of the systemic toxin that all of this interconnectedness caused. Too much complexity can cause chaos and immense dissatisfaction. Some of the 25-54 year olds may be unplugging intentionally which, in and of itself, is revolutionary.

harry p.
harry p.
April 4, 2016 12:03 pm

regarding 16-24 yo males:
“There is nothing more volatile than millions of unemployed young men, an imploding economy…”

some prime prerequisites for a large scale war and instituting the draft
high unemployment= enter the army, earn a paycheck
no training= enter the army and learn “skills”
economy imploding= war to distract
illegal aliens/invaders= enemies in war

a large worldwide conflict is coming people, whether it will be just, unjust or not is irrelevant.

April 4, 2016 12:07 pm

The less expensive made-in-China crap is rarely the ‘better deal’ when you consider that you have to keep buying the same product over and over again. Remember when a countertop appliance or a window fan would last for decades. I do. Now you have to chuck ’em every few years and get a new one.

I have an uncle who ran a small town hardware store in the 60’s and 70’s. He told me at a recent family reunion that he would have been embarrassed and ashamed to sell the kind of shit that currently gets peddled. You just didn’t take people’s money for a product that went to the dump in a year or three.

April 4, 2016 12:12 pm

There is such a thing as moving to where the jobs are. Why do people simply exist in upstate New York when they could move 100 miles or so south and work the oil patch in Pennsylvania? Even with oil at historic lows the unemployment rate is half what it is north of the border. Its also time to shed the “jobs American’s won’t do” label. If you’re one of the 4 in the 18 to 24 year old unemployed bracket, get your ass on a bus to Arizona and pick grapes. The few native borns willing to do this work are making over $20 an hour. You won’t get rich but you will survive and its better than hanging around the Social Security office waiting for your disability check. Sure Wall Street, the government , and the media are are collusive a-holes, but at some point you have to take responsibility for your own situation.

PS: As Quinny knows full well, I am trapped in the slowly dissolving retail world so its only a matter of time before I will working on a fracking rig (Yeah! $100 a barrel oil) or saying “no habla Espanol” to my coworkers on the back 40.

April 4, 2016 12:16 pm

Oh yeah. This thing is almost at 30,000 reads on ZH in an hour or two. And their keeping it up top. Monster

April 4, 2016 12:19 pm

Auto correct fucks me AGAIN. Better than orkney, I suppose

April 4, 2016 12:19 pm

Fortunately I have been busy .Business is good at FedEx .Trucking companies are hiring for just about every kind of job you can imagine. UPS has benefits that would match any of the top 500 corporations. I know the economy is in a jam but there are bright spots for people would really want opportunity.Especially young people between 18 to 24.Maybe a lot are to lazy .

April 4, 2016 12:20 pm

More opportunity: Baltimore

April 4, 2016 12:22 pm

Great article and speaks a lot of the truth. But not all of it. The REAL truth is that the explanation of why men are not in the workforce is pretty easy. The Establishment – Gov and Crooked Companies are in cahoots … we all know this. So the Crooked Companies have the backs of the enemies of the Crooked Gov – they are on the same time. So … who makes up the enemies of Gov ? Can you say anyone who has been arrested and forced into prison. Once out THEY MAKE SURE YOU WILL NEVER GET HIRED AGAIN. Read that and understand … there is a reason why companies perform Background checks … legally or illegally. Its to ensure that people arrested are excluded from participation in the system. ONCE ARRESTED YOU ARE UNEMPLOYABLE FOR LIFE.

Why men ? Men are put in prison at a ratio of 12-1 versus women. Women get probation .. men get prison. And most are for drug offenses. Do your homework … look at the math behind the numbers. Wikipedia is your friend:

April 4, 2016 12:27 pm

Did Jim Quinn really write this? Because the last time I came here to read any article he wrote he was basically blaming us Baby Boomers for everything that was wrong in the US. Now I admit us Boomers are at fault for not rightly checking the power of the criminal psychopathic elites the way we should have, but it seemed to me he was blaming us for everything, and I was thinking, “right, typical Gen X’er”. So thanks, Mr. Quinn, for not blaming us Boomers for this, but the criminal psychopathic elites who really are to blame for this.

April 4, 2016 12:29 pm


Boomers eat shit.

That is all you need to know.

April 4, 2016 12:34 pm


Not true.

Car sales. Insurance sales. Life Alert sales. Solar Panel sales. Mortgage sales. Cemetery plot sales. Carpet sales. Stockbroker sales.

See the general meme? Since “selling” is basically an exercise in lying and bullshit … criminals are more than welcome.

April 4, 2016 1:19 pm

East Coast residents…glance at the Baltimore video…

sorry, off topic? still, get out, get out,………..

April 4, 2016 1:22 pm

Be prepared for the next big “War” to garner everyone’s attention.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 4, 2016 1:42 pm

bb says: “…Business is good at FedEx .Trucking companies are hiring for just about every kind of job you can imagine. UPS has benefits that would match any of the top 500 corporations.”
What accounts for the increased volume of FedEx and UPS when general retail is in a slump? Is it because online retailers are overtaking brick/mortar stores?

Brendan Guy McMahan
Brendan Guy McMahan
April 4, 2016 2:11 pm

Re: Health Care Cost, too late to talk, except talk in a certain way.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
April 4, 2016 3:25 pm


That’s the term for the job world.

If you have a decent job (i.e., it pays the bills plus some) and you lose it, you must either try to get back in or, if that fails, you have no choice but to go to….

…minimum wage hell.

Anyone who thinks age discrimination does not exist should come to my door…where I’ll happily demonstrate two things:

1. I can’t get a job doing what I did before, and

2. I’m almost certainly still big enough and strong enough to beat that person into a bloody pulp for pissing me off.

April 4, 2016 4:07 pm

it’s opening day for baseball. until these stadiums have trouble filling the seats almost everyday for 9 months, it’s hard to believe that things are really as bad as this article makes them out to be.

we are still living in good times. sure it may be winding down but these are still good times.

April 4, 2016 5:22 pm

“The Big Lie can work for longer than rational people might think, but eventually the revelation of its falsehood leads to revolutionary change.” ~Jim Quinn

One can only hope sir, one can only hope. Historically, governments have been able to maintain the Big Lie for extended periods of time. Sadly, with the dumbing down of today’s Americans I sometimes wonder just how long they truly can perpetuate the deceit. I’d prefer to think sooner than later that the revelation of the deceptions will lead to change, but TPTB seem primed to defend the Big Lie(s) for the foreseeable future.

Hitler spoke of the Big Lie in Mein Kampf calling it ” a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” Goebbels later claimed “The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.” Both quotes seemingly speak of what we are confronted with today. Still, people accuse me of being crazier than a fruit bat when I tell them we live in a fascist system. Perhaps they are right.

April 4, 2016 6:41 pm

The obvious way to correct this supply/demand imbalance in the labor market is of course to raise the artificial price floor, right?

April 4, 2016 7:10 pm

All of the comments here are very concise. We do have a hurdle to overcome, if it can be at all. But, before anything else the Government that lied us into this mess must be disposed of, as well as those worthless sub humans that make up said government.

April 4, 2016 7:54 pm

Same shit just another day! Cheap fuckers that post here are fucking brain dead! Embarrassing a drunk fucker like me has given Admin 600 of what’s he’s got. Go fuck yourselves you no life fucks. My dream is admin charges 500 a year for access. That would drop most of you dumb bastards out, while my brilliance is in demand. Who fuckin donated the the most today? Was it you HS or you Stucky ? Cheap motherfuckers. Tap my Ass

April 4, 2016 7:56 pm

Wow Admin I’m a thinkin that did not come across as intended. But a bunch of sorry cheap fucks post here

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