Immigrants Aren’t The Problem…

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Bashing immigrants is easy. They’re an easy target and – as is usual with easy targets – they’re the wrong target.

Better to bash Uncle – the federal government.

Because it’s the goateed old goat who’s causing problems.

Rather, creating problems.because Uncle

The problem at the root of the “immigration crisis” isn’t the immigrants, per se. It’s government’s use of them as foils to divide and conquer. To keep us all squabbling amongst ourselves rather than focusing on the source of our collective misery.


A free market/Libertarian question that ought to be asked is: Why is the government involved in this at all? By what right does the government tell employers whom they may hire? At what rate? Demand “papers” be presented in order to be allowed to do an honest day’s work?

Remember what Seinfeld used to say?

Who are these people?   

We’ve allowed Uncle to become the arbiter and micromanager of our lives. To lord it over us as if he owned us. To own something is to be in control of it. Does this not accurately describe our status in relation to the government?

Wasn’t Uncle supposed to be our servant instead? To make sure we refrained from harming one another – but otherwise, to leave us in peace to (cue that old-fashioned saying) pursue happiness?

What happened?

First, Uncle gulled us – citizens and immigrants alike – with the promise of “free” things. In fact, Uncle only distributed the things he took from some of us to give to others among us. This costs Uncle nothing – but costs us a great deal.

And not just in terms of money.

How much is our liberty worth?

Citizens are forced to document their earnings so Uncle can seize whatever portion of them he decides we “owe.” Immigrants are forced to document themselves – in order that Uncle may dole out what decides they are “entitled” to.

Come to think of it, citizens also have to document themselves.

Once again, Uncle wins – power and control.

We are owned.

That’s the real game here – and always has been.

It is interesting – revelatory – to note that some of the greatest opponents of leaving citizens and immigrants free to transact business as they see fit and to be Americans are the same enormously wealthy elites who seem to view the country as their own private fief, its population to be controlled by them.

For example, Cordelia Scaife May.

She was a Mellon – as in Carnegie Mellon – and one of the richest women in the country. Her foundations – Laurel and Colcom – have disbursed  tens of millions to various causes, including the Federation for Immigration Reform (FAIR). Which isn’t so much interested in reforming immigration as in ending it.

FAIR was founded in 1979 by John Tanton, who was previously involved with the radical environmentalist (and arguably, anti-people) group Zero Population Growth and the better-known Sierra Club – which also view humanity as a pox on nature. FAIR’s idea of “reform” is a moratorium on immigration, except for refugees and the spouses/minor children of people who are already U.S. Citizens.    

Reportedly, FAIR gets half its annual budget from Colcolm.

May – who died in 2005 – “had a few cherished passions… and keeping immigrants out (of the country) was one of them,” according to a July 25, 2013 article in The LA Times. May was tight with the infamous Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood – a group that advocated not just eugenics but specifically targeted the black race for “population reduction.” In a 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence J. Gamble of the Birth Control Federation of America, Sanger wrote: “We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” She and Gamble were planning to enlist black “front men” to “sell” abortion and birth control to the black masses.

May also reportedly gave money to the racist Council of Conservative Citizens, a group that once publicly described black people as “a retrograde species of humanity.”

Apparently, people from Central and South America fall into this category as well.

These people are smeared as “taking” jobs from American citizens. But who is holding a gun to anyone’s head? Americans are free to take any job they like.

The right question to ask is : Why should anyone be denied the right to seek any job they like? How is it “unfair” for Smith to accept the job that “Jones” doesn’t want? To compete with “Smith”? Does “Jones” have a right to the job? That is, to force a prospective employer to hire him rather than “Smith”? If conservatives answer in the affirmative to that question, they have a lot in common with the political left.

Which – through outfits like NumbersUSA, another radical environmental group that seeks to reduce immigration to pre-1965 levels – is likewise peddling an anti-human/control freak agenda disguised as immigration “reform.”

NumbersUSA was founded by Rock Beck – who (surprise, surprise) previously worked for John Tanton of Zero Population Growth,

Maybe it’s time for a premise check.

Now, some will argue that  immigrants are straining government services. What they really mean is government entitlements. But – if so – isn’t the real problem the entitlements, not the immigrants? Wouldn’t a conservative (and free market) argument be – reform the welfare state and then immigration “crisis” will take care of itself?   

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April 17, 2016 12:16 pm

Eric, I’ve always thought the line between liberal and libertarian was basically semantic. Thanks for helping prove my theory

April 17, 2016 1:36 pm

If we are to take what Martin Armstrong says is true. Namely, the value of money wether it be paper or gold is the productivity of its citizens.

Then what does that forebode?

You tell me Eric Peters.

April 17, 2016 1:41 pm

I think Eric has gotten into some of that legal Colorado weed. While I agree with his premise that entitlements need reform and this would relinquish some of the flow of government, our tax, money to illegal invaders and invited refugee squatters. The larger point is that while I am watched, papered, taxed, and ticketed, the average illegal pays little in tax, nothing for services, works under the table while his mamacita pushes out multiple anchor babies that we have to teach English, school from pre-K to 12, give free health insurance (CHip), provide a plethora of services that often include WIC, SNAP, Section 8, welfare, and on and on and on.

Meanwhile Senoir hardworking born south of the border innocent “immigrant” works under the table with no health insurance, no workman’s comp, paying no Social Security or Medicare that his employer does not have to match, has no withholding, yet still gets an EITC even for children that may or may not exist outside of the country. If Senoir, fuck the hard working tax payer, gets pulled over the worst that may happen is they will impound his 16 year old shit box because the cops hate to be bothered with attempting to process illegals since the federal government always, yes virtually always lets them go Scot free. What usually happens is the driver of a white van full of illegals has the correct papers and if there was a road infraction the owner happily pays the fine and takes it out of the drivers pay. The owner incurs no loss and does not even pay the surcharge because the van has commercial plates. Rinse and repeat.

Eric you do not get it, this serves the elites, and if they put up a little resistance as you pointed out above, it is purely for show. If they wanted a pure libertarian level playing field then every company gaming the system with illegals would be fined into oblivion. Every illegal would be sent back until they entered with in the constraints of the law. On every level where a law is circumvented there would be fines and or jail time drastic enough to prevent this behavior. Level the playing field for the ones playing by the rules. If you want to get rid of workman’s comp, withholding, various insurances and certificates it takes to do business in each individual state and or city I am all for that, but level the playing field. They, the illegal invader, will never, I mean never play by the rules. That is not how they are wired, that is not how they are taught in their own country. They think of us as a milk cow to be milked dry and then they move on. They have reached the point of being locusts, they will eat all of the crops, and the seed if they find it.

I did not ask for life to be fair. In fact it would not be nearly as fun if it were, but if you are asking me to play by the rules than you better damn sure expect people who have invited themselves into my house and sat down at my table to eat without so much as ringing the doorbell to play by these same rules.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 17, 2016 1:48 pm

Christ, this is about as stupid as what passes for an idea in Paul Ryan’s head after he read Atlas Shrugged. Open borders would be fine if we didn’t have public schools, food stamps, section 8, obamaphones, free emergency rooms and EMTALA. But we do.

April 17, 2016 3:51 pm

Eric….put me down for setting immigration levels back to 1965. Why don’t you buy an island and invite all the migrants to your place.

Immigrants do take the place of natural born citizens and it is just what the corporate masters want. It is related to the Not So ‘Free Trade’ laws that ship jobs to other countries. They both fuck our existing citizens.

April 17, 2016 4:33 pm

Our foreign policy is what has turned the peoples of Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, et al into refugees, so to fix that we need to dump the “Wolfowitz doctrine and stop blowing shit up in countries that didn’t invite us in. It’s not our business. Then maybe we should try to undo some of the damage and return the people our actions displaced to their homes.

But on the topic of illegal immigrants, if Uncle Sam just enforced the law regarding hiring illegals, with heavy fines and imprisonment for employers, their jobs would dry up and they would return to their native countries. I surely don’t believe illegals should be getting welfare benefits, nor do I agree with the “anchor baby” meme.

April 17, 2016 6:14 pm

Native populations are being forced (yes, at gunpoint) to support an invading horde of free-shit seekers, who breed like cockroaches and vote for more socialism. Meanwhile, regular Americans can’t afford their own children, because they’re sucked dry, providing for the free-shit army.

Instead of enticing low-IQ invaders, maybe we should support, oh, I dunno, actual Americans. Even invaders who actually work consume government assistance at a much higher rate than us Americans.

Build the wall already. Trump 2016.

April 17, 2016 9:18 pm

Give them Amnesty more will come.

We will have triple the amount of illegals in no time.

Then what?

These people have utter contempt for the people. How dumb do they think we are?

Fred Hayek
Fred Hayek
April 17, 2016 10:50 pm

Iska Waran,
Though he did and said a lot of stupid things (including being the mastermind behind setting up income tax withholding), Milton Friedman got it right on one point. He said, “You can have open borders or you can have a welfare state, but not both.”

April 17, 2016 11:18 pm

Immigrants are one problem. A government that aids and abets them at every opportunity is another.

April 17, 2016 11:56 pm

Jeebus Christ some of you people are dense. Erics point is that the key to getting rid of the illegal immigrant problem is to destroy the welfare state. He isn’t defending people coming over here and mooching off the teet of the taxpayer, he is saying there should be no tit to mooch from. If we stopped handing out free shit all the time, people who only want free shit will stop showing up. It’s that simple. Iska warren, why should we have those things? Why should we be fired to pay for it for anyone else? Most of these things to mention are in terrible shape anyway.

“Build the wall” is a perfect simpleton phrase for you rubes. No wall or most filled with alligators is going to keep people out if there exist huge economic incentives for them to try to get here. The only way to stop this is to dismantle the welfare state, completely. Building a wall without doing this will not solve the problem. Not even close.

And what “serves the elites” is talk like half the comments on here. It’s easy to solely blame immigrants, then you don’t have to blame yourselves for supporting the US govt as it actively destroys this country. You think all NAFTA did was ship US jobs out of the country? You need to study more. It also destroyed much of the farming business in Mexico which turned millions of them into unemployed migrants since they could not compete with the GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED Crops we forced into their market. This immigrant blaming lets the government and those who pill it’s strings off the hook, too. You want to see why we are in this condition? Look in the mirror.

April 18, 2016 2:11 am

what Gator said.

April 18, 2016 9:45 am

Gator: check Israel. The wall works!

April 18, 2016 10:04 am

Oh HELL yeah. What Gator said.

April 19, 2016 12:50 pm

we should bash filthy baby boomers instead, they are the ones that ruined our country