Via Feral Irishman

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John Angelo
John Angelo
April 23, 2016 10:25 am

Does anyone think Sanders will have enough pull to be on the ticket as Hillary’s Vice President? I think she’ll bypass Sanders in favor of courting Hispanics and nominate Julian Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio and current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

April 23, 2016 10:25 am

As a research scientist for over 35 years in the field of Earth Science who has studied paleoclimates going back billions of years, knows and interacts with the world-class scientists studying the causal link (if any) between CO2 and global temperature, and has delved into the United Nations Inter-govermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), I have concluded that the AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) model is, based on our current understanding of the climate science (no bona fide scientist would ever say the science is settled), the greatest scientific fraud of the 20th century. The costs of this fraud is estimated at over a trillion dollars. Furthermore, periods of warming were periods of civilizational progress including the Roman Warming (250BC-450AD), Medieval Warming (900AD-1300AD) and Modern Warming (1850AD-present). Furthermore, carbon dioxide is an odourless, non-polluting gas-of-life because of the fundamental and essential role that it plays in photosynthesis. And since atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations at about 400 ppm today are low compared to the thousands of ppm that existed in the geological past, we should be striving to increase CO2 levels to increase organic productivity, thereby helping to feed the peoples of the world.

April 23, 2016 11:08 am

God, let’s hope Bernie Sanders, an honest man, becomes our President. I shutter to think what a Donald Trump or Hitlery Clit-non would do to our liberty and freedom.

April 23, 2016 11:18 am

It’s looking like Hillary may be unindicted this year, sadly, but with enough evidence leaked that anyone with an IQ of 80 can figure out she committed major felonies:


I don’t think Sanders will be on the ticket because despite his massive popular support among white Dems, he isn’t a Wall Street lackey and he won’t turn out the minority vote. Someone like Julian Castro seems more likely. This will put the November election posture with an outrageously evil and white-hating Dem ticket against a likely Trump ticket, which should nicely set things up for a race war around Black Friday, whoever wins.

April 23, 2016 2:00 pm
April 23, 2016 4:05 pm

It’s shudder, not shutter you statist dumbfuck.