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June 20, 2016 10:44 pm

I don’t know the details but support Brexit on principle.

June 20, 2016 10:47 pm

Can only take 1 minute of Oliver.
UK should leave EU – no advantage to stay in; none at all.

June 20, 2016 11:13 pm

Funny, liberal stooges like Oliver say Britain should stay. Sanders and Clinton say the same. As does soros, as does Obama. I gotta say, that’s really all I need to hear about it, don’t even need any details. When was the last time any of the above did ANYTHING that actually benefited regular working people? I can’t think of a single time. Every thing those people listed above have done has been to gain more government control over the people, and enrich vested interests at the expense of regular people.

Regardless of how the Brit vote goes, the EU is a failure and will crumble in the not too distant future. Either one of the PIIGS gets out due to debt once they get tired of being the troika’s bitch, or enough people somewhere like Hungary figure out that taking in limitless amounts of third worlders at the EUs behest is tantamount to national suicide. Either way, once one leaves it will cause a another, then a couple more, and then it crumbles. Probably pretty quickly, too.

June 21, 2016 10:33 am

Well said Gator

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 20, 2016 11:15 pm

I could only make it through four minutes. He’s simultaneously painfully unfunny and totally full of shit. Norway and Switzerland do just fine not being in the EU. The U.K. buys more from the EU than they sell to it. The EU won’t make trade with the U.K. difficult since they would lose out. What kind dickless wonders would allow the majority of their laws to be crafted by bureaucrats from OTHER COUNTRIES? They might as well cut off their own balls and mail them to Brussels. If the UK stays in the EU, all of Merkel’s young, male Muslim refugees – after having eventually obtained German passports- will be able to migrate to the UK, and the UK won’t be able to do a goddamned thing about it. The argument in favor of “remain” comes down to money. A little bit of lousy money. So they’ll give up their culture, their safety, their self-determination all for some fucking shekels? If the Brits don’t vote to leave, they deserve to be raped in the ass and beheaded by their welfare-sponging Pakistani immigrants.

  Iska Waran
June 21, 2016 10:56 am

Well said Iska,
the “stay in” group is using the race card.
Brussels is the unelected, unaccountable, highly
compensated, tax free income dictatorship that rules the
EU. I do not know all about the details either…but am
going with the few facts I do have and my lack of
respect for the proponents for Britain remaining in
the EU.

June 21, 2016 12:08 am

John Oliver needs to go the way of Piers Morgan.

If I were POTUS I would ban all Brits — ALL !!! — from American TV. Those fuckers are fucking up our already fucked up minds even more.

June 21, 2016 3:24 am


What a terribly pathetic hit piece. John Oliver can lick my balls.

June 21, 2016 8:07 am

Ahhh, the parallels, the parallels…

June 21, 2016 11:03 am

Monty Python rides again…love it.

June 21, 2016 10:52 am

This program simply demonstrates that literally everything that murkins see on television is propaganda. One might argue that it couldn’t all be propaganda. There has to be a few people in the industry with integrity, but I was in the industry for close to 25 years and I can tell you that nobody has any integrity. It is all state sponsored propaganda.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 21, 2016 3:41 pm

You Brits got yourselves in the EU NWO dog house so now cut your chains while you have the chance and taste freedom and prosperity.

June 21, 2016 6:01 pm

I don’t really give a rat’s ass about the Brits, so I won’t watch this.

But, for those who want to learn more —Brexit, The Movie

n 1776 the US colonies began their disengagement from British rule. Now, 340 years later, Britain appears to be ready to exit from European rule. The British exit from the ECU, commonly referred to as “Brexit,” is up for a vote and expected to succeed. Some think the future of the EU hinges on the outcome of the British voters. However, Brexit may ultimately be looked at as the new “shot heard round the world.”

Brexit is merely the latest example of how the myth of government is no longer credible. This myth, self-serving that is is, was that among other things, government was necessary (some small amount likely is useful), a fair referee managed by disinterested public servants (it certainly is not), that it was efficient, and that it was caring.

These bedrock assumptions are dubious and always were. The ideal of government has clashed with the reality of government. Experience voids the assumptions upon which the myth rested. Big governments only seem to produce big wars and bigger problems. Much of the world recognizes the reality of government is very different from the myth. Most government is plunder and theft designed to enhance those in power while pretending to help the needy. Whatever one might think about Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump, both became possible because the myth, nay the fraud, of government has become obvious.

England, at least its citizens, mostly agree and are expected to vote against the unelected tyranny that the EU imposes on them. To understand the problems with government in general and the EU in particular watch this movie. It explodes the myth of the EU and with it the myth of government in general.

June 21, 2016 10:41 pm

The vote doesn’t matter, if the Parliament…err PTB ignores the referendum or the vote counters make the stay choice.